PAGE TWO Soviet elegation Thre. to r, s Walkout UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. UP)—The Soviet Union threat ened yesterday to. walk out on UN disarmament debate. The United States replied that it refused to be intimidated by such threats. and challenged the USSR to join in a work- Jack Kennedy Parades Thru New York City NEW YORK (if't Democratic presidential candidate John F. Kennedy and• his wife rode through a mass of humanity and a paper snowstorm on _Broadway yesterday bidding for the crucial New York electoral vote. The day was devoted to a maxi mum effort to he seen with a minimum of speaking. Repeatedly crowds su rg e d around the Kennedy cam van. pressing forward for handshakes. Before starting, Kennedy got in another dig at his Republican op ponent's refusal for the second time to extend their television debate series. He said the American people will have to decide why Vice President Richard 111.1 Nixon will not meet him in a fifth debate on the- issues. Penn - Stale Players present ROMANOFF and DIE A Satire - by Peter Ustinov at Center Stage Weekends through Nov. 19 F'cr. Reservations Dial 13N 5-2563 WESLEY HAYRIDE Friday, Oct. 21, 7:30 p.m. Meet at Foundation Sign up- on the list in the lobby at the foundation in advance of both events. • WESLEY CABIN RETREAT Oct. 22 - 23, Watts' Lodge Topic: "What Price Freedom?" Meet at Foundation at 1:30 p.m. Hear the ILLINOIS GAME WMAJ arm-UP Time 2;10 p.m. erne Time 2:20 p.m. 1450 on your radio dial 'Able' disarmament program. Soviet Deputy Forergn Minis ter Valerian A. Zorin told the UN Political Committee that if the United States and its allies insist upon pressing their dis armament, proposals, the com mittee's work will become im possible. "The Soviet Union will not par ticipate in such a waste of time,r "Let no one have any doubt on this account, let all illusions be dispelled if somebody holds them." Chief U.S. Delegate James J. Wadsworth gave this reply, "We will not walk out of this committee in any circumstances, and we will not be intimidated by a Soviet threat to do so." He expressed hope that tactics of the Russians in the committee Tuesday in opposing lump dis cussion of ail disarmament items "was not a preliminary step to ward walking out of this com mittee, as Chairman Khrushchev said they might -do." • • - Starke Drive-hi Theatre Benner Pike Between State College & Bellefonte WED., OCT. 19 - SAT., OCT. 22 "Bells Are Ringing" In cinemascope & Color Judy Holliday - Dean Martin Feature at 7:30 also "The Little Hut" In Color Ava Gardner David Niven Stewart Granger Feature at 9 :50 ' -1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 PROCTER & GAMBLE* FALL GRADUATING SENIORS: Procter & Gamble will visit Penn State next week on Tuesday, October 25 Wednesday, October 25 to discuss your future in a challenging organization. Plant Management (Production) Research and Development Central Engineeiing Division Central Industrial Engineering A1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111677i THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Nixon Attacks Kennedy Views NEW YORK (/P) Vice Presi dent Richard M. Nixon declared last night the nation has made more progress in civil rights un der President Eisenhower than it had since the Civil War. Nixon accused Sen, John F. Kennedy, his Democratic oppo nent for the presidency, of gross "misstatements and distortions." The Republican presidential candidate, in a "White Paper" on the Kennedy campaign, said the Massachusetts senator's farm pro gram would boost the average retail price of a pound of beef from 82 cents to 98 cents. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111P:i A Su c cessful Company Offers You The Best Opportunity - For A Successful Management Career *Selected for nine consecutive years by American Institute of Management as one of the country's 10 best-managed companies. Friday Night is South Halls Night at the WEST HALLS RECORD HOP All Girls With Redifer Dining Hall Cards • Admitted Free Everyone else 25c Friday Night Waring Lounge 8:30 < 12:30 4 Hours of ROCK and ROLL Seven Airmen Die I LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va. RI) A huge Air Force jet tanker carrying seven crewmen crashed and . burned at the edge of an island bombing range near here Tuesday night. The Air Force said there were no survi vors. The K 850,1 tanker, designed to refuel as many as thiTe jet fight ers, came down about 6:30 p.m. shortly after takeoff from this [sprawling Tactical Air Command base in eastern Virginia. It burst A - . :1.74 e. 77,414..7"ge" C Now: 1:30, 3:33. 5:36. 7:39, 9:42 . 11'S • ' 1 ;:i COMIC k, MASH PIECE. ;1 • Slarrni, PETER SEWS lAN CARNIHAEL itE4MMAS Hem gots PAM tale PtlittS :•••.:Sge':l.4l';:aVigOlii PLUS "THE GOLDEN FISH" DELIGHTFUL NOVELTY VMMMINW . if'c'4k - ritaar`rd t lITTANY NOW: DOORS OPEN 6:45 ThE CROWDED SKYstif•-eDANA RHONDA ANDREWS.FLEMING EFREM JOHN ANNt ZIMBALIST,R..KERR•FRANCIS KEENAN TROYPreie,tm WYNNeDONAHU E wiz ; E N R , cao= NWEIMIIMIBEIW ... • ChE, EE lE, ME, Eng Sci (BS, MS) . . . e ChE, Chem (BS, MS, PhD) • EE, ME (BS, MS) CC ...• lE, Math, Eng Sci (BS, MS) THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20. 1960 AF Jet Crash into towering flames on impact. Two hours after the crash, state police had' removed three bodies from the smoldering wreckage and sent them to Langley AFB by helicopter. Langley officials said the air craft lay half on the island, half in the waters of Back River. They said the plane had been on a night training mission. 9 Food Products • Soaps O Synthetic Detergents is Toilet Goods • Paper Products
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