SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1960 Gibson. Will Speak At Protestant Chapel Faculty Luncheon Club tiorshbarger . The first, meeting of the Faculty . ' !Luncheon Club will be held 12i I 1 tnoen Monday in dining room A! 0 Si-Mk of the Hetzel Union Building. i 1 Chauncey P. Lang, professor emeritus of agricultural exten- The Reverend Samuel N. Gibson, executive director of At Schwab sion, will speak on "The First World Agricultural Fair," which the University Christian Association, will speak at the first Dr. Luther H. Harshharger. was held at New Delhi, India. Protestant worship service at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Helen University Chaplain and Coordi- __- Eakin Eisenhower Chapel. His topic will be "Good Luck,,nator of Religious Affairs, will .speak at 10:55 a.m. tomorrow in Have Fun, Take It Easy!" Schwab at the first Chapel serv- Music for the service will be provided by the Meditation ice. The subject of his sermon • Chapel Choir under the direction K will be "The Worth of Know! edge. e • of :James Beach, instructor of ma-, Thespians Need Harshbarger, a graduate of Mc-.' sic and assistant director of the College, received a B.D. _ Chapel: Choir. - degree; from Yale Divinity School Runyon Types { ln observance of Rosh-Hasha-' !nah, worship services will be con 1942 and a D.D. degree from. Juniata College in 1955. In 1953 he was awarded the Officer's !ducted at the Hillel Foundation, , For Fall Show 224 Locust Lane, by Rabbi Nor- Cross of Merit by the Federal Republic of Germany for service man' T. Goldberg. Evening service, toprisoners of war in' .Great-Brit The Penn State Thespians are.will be held at 8 p.m. Wedn e b s e - , ain and the Continent. looking for gangsters, confidence day andmo a r t n a in 3 g o z a ezic o e n s wilt Thul„ In addition to teaching a course, men and ;411 types of Damon Run- conduc ted in religion entitled "Basic Ideas day and Friday, yon characters for their fall pro- . - of Western Religion," Harshbar-, Masses for Roman Catholics • . duction of "The Big One." ger is a Post Doctoral Fellow of, will be held at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. the National Council of Religion. Tryouts for the musical comedy: tomorrow and at 4:30 p.m. in Our, Higher Education; a member of i will be held from 7-9 p.m. tomor -. Lady of • Victory Church. Mass the Committee on Education and row, Monday and Tuesday in 100 will also be said at 9 a.m. tomor- . Carnegie. The show will be pre- row Religion of the American Coun in Schwab. cil in Education; and a member seated Oct. 27, 28 and 29 in The Newman Club will sponsor of the Board of Trustees of the Schwab. a mixer at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Church Society for College Work. Be "Th t e Big , dir One," tor written by Gil d HUB ballroom for all Roman Last year, while spending a Abergec television productions for the De- Catholic freshmen. sabbatical leave in study and re part ment of Public Information, is' Services will be held at 9:15 and search at Cambridge University a play which concerns a confi- 10:45 a.m. tomorrow in the State in England. Harshbarger also Bence gang that sets up a fic- . College Presbyterian Church. , visited universities in England. titious college on Long Island There will be a breakfast for all and Germany and participated in, where it carries on "business" Presbyterian freshmen at 9 , :15 a.m , consultations on "The Meaning of undercover. .tomorrow at the Presbyterian , Secularism" sponsored by the church. A Sunday evening fellow- World Council of Churches. In The' male and female leading ship meeting will be held at 6:20 Strasbourg, he was program co roles of the play are those of Leo p.m. tomorrow in the Presbyterian.ordinator for the World Student , and Lilly. Leo is the "brain" be- .University Center, adjacent to the Christian Federation Conference. hind the whole college idea. and church. Mr. James Beach. instruc- i is a little above the rest of the tor in music and assistant director; —One doesn't need a garage group in 'intelligence and charac-.of the Chapel Choir, will speak to for those little foreign cars—just ter. the group on "Values and,Goals." the box they came in. Lilly becomes the dean of worn- The Lutheran Student Associa- , en at the college, and She sings Lion will sponsor a breakfast for several solos in the show. all Lutheran freshmen at 2 a.m, , Another important role in the tomorrow in the Lutheran Stu- 1 play is that of the Jewish rabbi:dent Center. At 6:30 p.m. there who is a confidence man. All the , will be a panel discussion in the; ' members of the gang receive ad — center. The topic to be discussed ministrative positions in the col- is "What's It All About?" lege, and the rabbi becomes an.- i instructor of Christian ethics. i CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS There are parts of the play foil 50c BUYS 'l7 WORDS singers, dancers and actors. i the ALPHA EPSILON P 1 West Side Story Party music by the 4 JACKS TONIGHT 409 E. Hamilton HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOUR COPY OF THE PENN STATE SONGS IF NOT STOP IN AND GET ONE OTHER STANDOUTS AT THE MUSIC ROOM RECORDS - - The Latest and Greatest CARDS - - Contemporary and Everyday GIFTS - - From All Over the World ,tll ll / .t. 4elt - /AC MUSIC ROOM 910 v. 143 S. ALLEN ST CONVENIENT STATE COLLEGE Open 9 'til 5:30 Mon. thru Sat. Monda Night 'til 9:00 RUMBLE! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Off-campus students: Enjoy telephone service in your room! One of the comforts of home is the handy telephone. Telephone service can also be yours while you are a student at the uni versity. With a telephone of your own you can . • Quickly contact your friends to make plans for extra-cur ricular activities • Easily handle matters concerning your studies—e.g., determine the whereabouts of a hard-to-get-hold-of book • Keep in touch with folks back home—and they in turn will find it so convenient to reach you direct So whether you're living in a private home or apartment, you'll find that your personal telephone service will pay off in many ways. And it's so easy to order. To make arrangements, just call ADAMS 7-4911 or stop in at our Business Office, 116 E. College Ave. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVAHA Your neighbors enlarging your world through service and science • Welcome to PSU and to CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH 112 W. Hamilton Ave._ 9:30 a.m. Young Adult Class 10:45 a.m. Worship 7:45 p.m. Bibleffou'r Cars for CPC leave HUB at 9:20 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Meet Mr. Spudnut Enjoy Fresh Spuddies "a , ID 1 : 0 With Consistently t t- V 4101. - • Ori .4, - - Quick Service - - 111 S. Pugh St. (Across from the "Skeliar") Parking Area to Close Parking Area No. 5, near I Mechanieal Engineering buildi will be closed to cars front no today until tomorrow night permit workmen to paint the co, ing tower next to the buildir Since spray painting proces. will be used, ears parked near would be in danger of rece•ivi an unwanted refinishing. Good Coffee Taste-Tempting Breakfasts and Snacks PAGE tEV AD 8-6184
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