WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1960 Frosh Testing Now in Schwab Several groups of freshman stu dents scheduled for special test ing tomorrow and Friday have been reassigned to a new location which is Schwab. No changes have been made in the time and dates of the testing. The following groups have been re assigned to Schwab: Thur., 3-10 a.m.. Lyn- Melt; Thur., 3-10 n.m., Miu.Mio; Thur., 1-3 p.m., Peu-Reh ; Thur., 1-3 p.m., Saz-Sch; Thur. 2-5 Swa-Tha: Thur., 3-5 p.m., Wati-Wen ; Fri., 3-10 a.m.. lino-lire; Fri., 8-10 a.m.. lied-Ber; Fri., 8-10 a.m., Bud- Cal; Fri.. 10 a.m.-mom, Dro-Eeo; Fri., 10 a.m.-noon, Fpa-Ful ; Fri., 3-5 p.m., Gid llok, and Fri.. 3-5 p.m., Joz-Kea. Open a charge account in either of our two stores . . The Dress /it/ft , 404 E. College and 124 S. Allen Theatre Arts Prof Touring Germany Dr. Walter H. Walters, professor and head of the Department of Theatre 'Arts, is one of seven Americans invited to take a four week tour of Germany. The seven, all professionally in terested in the theatre and cul tural life, are guests of the gov ernment of the Federal Republic. The tour, which will continue through Oct. 4, is a part of an exchange program with the Unit ed States inaugurated in 1952. The major objective is to give Ameri cans an opportunity to become acquainted with present-day life and institutions in Germany. 1e,,,5, ~,..: .4. i , ~..., . 11\\\3:\:: • . .4!. - ,i 1 , ,35 !t , . f.,,.,•„, ~,. , , 0 . . .- : , : , i• 3 , 3. , ~ x 47 e' ~~,~ia . , ..17.95 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Pizza, Coke Cho Chas-- All at HUB .:The air is smokey, the lighting dim, the area entirely filled. Fast (and slow) music engulfs everything and the people are dancing. Yet, there is something unique about take a good look around; for this. familiar scene. All of the dancers. the smokers, and the 'talkers have blue heads! this is your building. This Now don't panic! The Univer:, million structure of glass,: has not been invaded by the F rosh Talent 'inhabitants of some unknown brick and stone belongs to you planet; these puzzling blueheaded and to every other student; t 7 i ° , i V e di l l i k .e s J o u f s f t i ( f .i i ; j e l s h h , m f o c i l . l tW e 'a f r i i r n s t who matriculates at the Uni- time at the Dink Debut to be held eeded For Freshmen, when you enter .the Hetzel Union building, from 8:30 to 11 p.m. Friday at versity.e the skating pavilion. - The plans for a student union , building w event at the University, spon-, ere approved by the The Dink Debut is an annual ass Night All-University Cabinet in 1950 sore d by the Association of Incle ii a,eni ranging from bands and President Milton Eisenhower. -! , r pendent Mcn and Leonides, which , broke ground for the building a rainy day in 1953. on marks the beginning of freshman co dramatic readings, skits to customs.' sword swallowers is needed The HUB, as it is known to stu- To be admitted to the Dink for th e freshman class night dents, was officially opened dur- Debut ing the University's centennial , all freshmen must wear their dinks and namecards into at 8 p.m. Saturday in Recre celebration in 1955, and for the duration of the ' A small portion of each under- dance. The Duke Morris band : ition Hall, Sue Grossman, graduate's general fee is set will provide the music for the c•llairman, said yesterday. aside for maintenance of the dance which will be the last Auditions will be held from 2 HUB and for payment on the "freshmen only" event for the to 4:30 p.m. today and Friday in bond which provided funds for Class of 1964. the Iletzel Union ballroom. Froth the building's construction. Customs is the one period of . men 'men may practice their fic t s there You'll be seeing a lot of this time during a class s four x i years from 1 to 2 p.m. today'and Friday. building during your years here stay HUB is the social and rec- at the University when the After the freshman talent show, for the class is banded together with the ~,„„e will . c u dancimt Id an or reational center of the campus main purpose of learning and „ ) `2 : ,,,„ „,„,„ , 2 p.m., M i:i.; Gross- . Here a student can play a game' building the traditions of their ' n ',: a 7 la " dd " e ` i. `i . ‘" of ping pong, eat a full course school. meal or dance a quick cha-cha- Debut, Hummel Fishburri, head of the • Beginning with the Dink cha. The HUB has -facilities for Department of Music, and his as . . the BRIO - wads will begin their almost everything, career of joining the u pp e r e ia s s_ sistant, Frank Gullri, .isociate_ - •" 'men in every phase of campus life Professor at the University. of music, will be there The Lion's Den, a cafeteria op to lead the freshmen in songs and erated by Food Service on the - cheers. They served in a :,imilar ground floor, is one of the most. miacity Monday night at Recre popular meeting places on cam-Mourant Granted Leave ation Hall: pus. The Lion's Den is open from! Dr. John A. Mourant, professor Fver g o ne is invited to the tal -7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and provides of philosophy, has been granted ti ' •- rut program. including upper atmosphere as well as pizza, cokes leave of absence from Feb. 1 to - - ' . and soft ice cream. !June 30, 1961, to conduct research classwomen, Miss Grossman said, The Assembly hall in which; movies are shown to students is located on the first floor and the large ballroom in the opposite; —Don't critteize the work of wing provides a place to dance or others unless you want to do the study between classes. work of 01 hers. '‘) l CLASS of 1964 at The Convenient Corner Register for a gift in the Chamber of Commerce Welcome Program qtte Qu)il2:l Fine Foods Since 1926 WELCOME STUDENTS PENN STATE DINER Blueheads Will Bob At Friday's Debut on medieval philosophy and write a text on logic. Welcome New and Old 130 WEST COLLEGE AVENUE "Eat at tht.3 sign of the Lion." Pick up your COLLEGIANS daily at our friendly counter. from-the Oral Language Tests For Grads Will Begin Oral tests given preliminary to the graduate Mudcnts' written foreign language examinatum will be given tomorrow. Ft iday and Saturday. The Gentian tests Will he givcn in 227 Sparks and French and Spanish in 300 Sparks. ' The written ‘ , xaminatians will he given Nov. 7. Students wish ing to take these tc:ds should reg ister no later than Sept. AO in 247 Sparks for English, 227 Sparks for German and 300 Spark's fnr French and Spanish. —Before you criticize the old folks. remember that eV(.II though a clock is run down. it's right twice a day. BLOCK 'S' CLUB Meeting Wed. Night 1-TUB Assembly !loom Exec. Comm. Standing Comm. Row Capt. -- Sect. Capt. PAGE THREE
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