PAGE EIGHT 9 From Research Lab Attend ME Conference Nine persons from the Ordnance Research Laboratory are attend ing the 1960 Design Engineering Conference and Show, sponsored by the American Society of Me chanical Engineers, in New York, N Y., through tomorrow. They are Daniel L. Di Giannan tom, Henry D. Eng, Melvin C. Grissinger, Robert E. Kershaw, Charles E. Mothersbaugh, Jr., F. D. Ott, David 11. Patterson, Jr., Richard F. Trufant, and Charles H. Wediake. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE YAtilill'A-MAT Reflex Camera purchased fieptentlar Ltaht meter, tripod $10:1, now only $l)5 Call Larry Al) 11-14122. MA STEW A Wl' Mobile iloim. 35 - ft; ;;e. 11411 04/111 , hill sire bath, knotty pine kitchen, Ling Haan with rug, patio and a lot of extt aa Al) 8-1667. ONE. GU ITA It, Ilke new 320. Catll Al) 7-3260 nnk for kill hIWA h Vo.rpra. Camera cpapieri range findi r Ilmlei wood Standard Typewriter ( all Al) 7-2916 after 6 p.m. TWO.TON ED DODGE Cot onel, 1954, 31,000 miien, V-ri, automatic trartrimis. nom lull AI) 7-2510, Ittriluetn. UNDERCLASSMEN-1111Y 191)0 LH Vle ill huff price Oil) Al) h-2212 after 6 p rn, ENGLISH !MCI. It practically - new. C ell Dori.: UN 1;-' _ . MI lir) HOITER Mobile Home, 37'01', boot nod rem bedroom, e xtrllent ron dilloo . mane r‘i toa See ill Ililltoo 'frillier I'm k lo tall Al) a-1457a, BRANIL NEV , 10 1 olmne met a ChM ch all'm w..a 1, HISTORY OF' ENI,LISII Sl'l. AK IN‘, PN,OPLES and SECI)NI) V, Olt1,1) V, AU Hl HII $l.O Drite `g 16. Call All S-111i 1101' , ,I; IiAILF It 10.55 fslitstititt 35 ft, one• 1.11110,11 plet. hunk nlwrr R<reilent coedit em, thtel, it let, retmenttble price A 1) t 4-1,017 Al. Mgl'lNl I IItI.IMLAS3 -18ftber-T) 4110114 I'Bl hod) mid Ce(OlfilPy 01111 molm , Elly 1 iir ii, good rontiitiOrl, l'hil4il9 hat. been notAhh.l to itecommoilate body ah.ll Will 4111 10.1) or chn,sis. Call Al) ,41-0311 _ EIBL'S BICYCLE, y,,,,1 tondition, retteon ',bk. ( all Jit, kir. UN 6-2009. It,: TRAILER, 'it - ft. I + - Y 7s-it condition, two bedrooms patio. large fenced )411,1. Mont t , ell. Call AD 8421 A. 19511 SINtl'A 4-De. Deluxe, 110-plux M P , radio, beak]. 11,000 iniltta, ex cellent condition. Jerry, Al) 8-0223. V PRY NICE House Tinder .n Branch Hand .r. Rik) PRI k ti its, private owner. $1350 or bent offer Jainea Null, RD 1, Box 424 vir.ti PACEMAKER, one bedroom, toll bath, large yard. Call AD 7-2514 or AD 7-7137 after 6 COMPLETE SET of golf clubs, good con dition Inquire at Colt Shop _ Don't Miss FIGHT T • THE END . ELTA ZETA 6 p.m. TODAY ON GAZA STRIP (Forbidden sector of Pollpck Rd. adjacent to For Collegian Bicycle Derby Championship Schwab Auditorium and Carnegie Building) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA FOR SALE 1952 • OYAL 110USF. Trailer, good eon ditson, adjacrnt roorn available, price reanunable. 21 Woodndale Park. CAR RADIO—S 6. For MCA, one month obi. Plug $5O State College gales tax, total $55 Will a bargain). Contact Bony AD 7-4928. VERY MODERN 40 ft. Houle Trailer Eye level oven built in range, large G.E magnetic refrigerator, etc. AD 8-1958. ENGLISH RACER In terrible condition. $15.00 or else to highest bidder. Help me get rid of it. Call Buddy UN 6-5961. ARE YOU out of State? Alfa Romeo with only 6000 kilometers, illegal In Penn eyhania, 40% oft. Cal l between 8 and 6, AD 7-2801. W • NTE P TO BU WANTED TO buy or get piano, cheap Call AD 7-3262 USED SPORTS ear, preferably T-bird or Corvette. Call Howie UN 6-5563. PLEASE TAKE me home to A lentoxn; minimum luggage; June 2. Will pay well. Call (IN 5-1720. WANTED STUDENT to share (Re-room apartment with two male graduate stu dents or will rent entire apartment to three men. Summer only. Call AD t-8575 or AD 7-2665. WANTED RIDE to California after June 11. Call UN 5-5710 ask for Carol. ROOMMATE WANTED for bummer in Ocean City. N J Call Carole UN 5-6R15. I female) t, Alaska WANTED RIDERS Driver expeuencevl in Alaska highway tra,el. Canipout—share expense, Leaving after June 10th. Call Helen AD 7-2h32. RIDERS To Eastern Oregon and Wneh ington, leaving Julie N. Call Robert Winteretteen Al) H-8014. SMALL UNFURNISHED efficiency apart ment for - single male senior. MINE be available in September. Call Al) 74296. ROOM for parents Milling overnight, June V) Cull Jack, UN 13-7,184. CLOTHES AND SHOES for WRA Charity Drive, Maly 23 to June 2. Boxeb in dorm lobbies WANTED VETERAN or grad student to abate comfortable apartment for sum mer. Comenient to campus. Cell AD 8-1513 PASSENGER TO Sacramento. Calif. or alp m: route. Cull AD 84228. COOK FOR fraternity for full semester. Call eatery' AD 7-4057. PHOTOGRAPHER FOR Summer Colle• Klan. Dark room expel ience necessary. Work Monday and Thursday evenings June 13 to September 1. Remuneration. Apply to Editor. Collegian office, Carnegie, UN 6.2531 after 4 p m daily. RIDE WANTED to Los Angcles—leaving June 13 Cull Rich AD 8-1363. THESIS MULTILITHING and typing duplimats for sale. Reasonable. Call AD 8-0771 after 6 run. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday evenings Call enterer at AD 7-4332. ROOMS FO ' R NT ROOMS AVAI for Commencement. Call Mrs Cox, AD 7-4860. JUST ONE EVENT (SUDDEN DEATH)-A DARING RELAY RACE The thunder of battle of Saturday's Derby shook even the heavens. Since the rains came, the playoff for the first place trophy was delayed until today. These two sorority giants will tangle tonight for the cham pionship runoff of their tie in Saturday's competition. GREEN TRENCHCOAT, printed lining, Phi En Senior Ball Weekend. Reward. Call UN 15-78110. GIRL'S ENGLISH bicyele, blue, wire bucket, chrome fenders, whitewalls, '67 licence 896 . 86 reward. Call UN 6-7968. REWARD—MAWS TAN "Fabrini" rain coat, tan plaid lining., lost last week on campus. Call Stan UN 6-2650. DIAMOND RlNG—last Saturday, May 21. Sentimental value. Reward. Please call Linda UN .1-541511, LARGE TRENCH COAT n Rh plain lining Small rem.ard. Call UN 6-2200. DODGE KEYS in small leather key case hetueen Phi Delt and State College T.V. Call Ken, ITN 6.4)06. GOLD NAME plate necklace saying Bar bara—last Thursday, May 12. Senti. mental value. Please call Barbara UN 6-6829. SATURDAY May 9th tparenta weekend) a 1 1 / 2 inch gold link bracelet. sentimental value. Renard. Please return to BUB office. A mother, ONE COLD charm bracelet, keys of uni versity organizations. Initiated either Lit U or D. M. A. Call UN 5-6339. Re ward. DID YOU FIND a K & E Slide Rule in 315 Willard between 2 and 4:00. If CO, call Charlet; Booth UN 6-523 K D[ETZEN SLIDE RULE in HUB. Re ward. Call AD 8.6679, Stan. FOR RE THREE ROOMS and , at ormahe apartment, available Sept. 1. Grad men only. Phone AD 7-2666. ROOMS FOR summer session—singles and doubles $4.00. $5.00 week. Location block from rampun. AD 8-1612. FURNISHED THREE Room Apartment for 3 students for sdmmer 2 blocks from campus, $6O/month. Call UN 6-6666. FURNISHED APARTMENT for summer above Spuilnut Shop for three' to five students, kitchen facilities. Call Harpo AD 8-6925. MODERN FURNISHED Apartment 3 rooms and bath, beautiful view from i top floor of Metzger bldg. Available for summer plug fall option. AD 8-9684. COOL FIRST FLOOR apartment: 4 large rooms completely flu nished Parking. laundry facilities. Children allowed. $75 month. AD 8-851.2. FURNISHED TWO ROOM efficiency apartment available June 16th. Ideal for young people. Located on Branch Road near Penn ili-Boy. Call AD 8-6727 eve nings AD 8.1641. BEAUTIFUL NEW Modern Studio Apart ment for summer or pert. Private en trance, large picture window, 10 blocks Iron campus. AD 8-0334. TWO ROOM apartment in private home. Reduced rate for summer' occupancy only._Call AI) 8-0481 for details. TWO BEDROOM 42 ft. Mobile Home, equipped with automatic washer, patio, smiting, TV antenna. Call AD 74767. DOUBLE ROOM with board for fall. Single and double rooms for summer sessions. 243 S. Pugh. FURNISHED HOUSE Including automatic diltiwaoher ; for the summer. Perfect for four students. Call AD 8-141.7. VS. FOR RENT • • • R OMS - OR rummer and tall. one sing e, one double. Call AD h-2353 COMFORTABLE BASEMENT room with bathroom suitable for atudents or work ing people. Mailable now. Convenient location. AD P-fifirifi. HAVE SUMMER APT. uill rent 2-man modern effieitno. Call AD 0-1798 now. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE and double rooms available fur summer sessions. quiet study environment as,ured. Convenient location. Call AD 8-1330. RENT FREE for 1 year-5 room hunter's cabin on estate adjoining University farm. No conveniences—you'll have to fix it up. That's w•hy the free rent. Call AD 8-6660. METZGER APARTMENT for summer, 3- man utility apartment (furnished). Make summer school exciting. Call AD 8-2392. 1956 37 FT. TRAILER for summer months $46 monthly. Hilltop Trailer Park, Lot No. 17. CLEARFIELD COUNTY school employee wishes to rent two bedroom housetrailer for the three summer months to be parked at Williamsport. Pa. Please contact R. S. Ashy, 109 N. 3rd St.. Philipsburg or call Dickens 2-0361 or Dave Gregal at UN 6-2896. TWO BEDROOM summer apartment, fur nished at 215 W. Foster. Call Dave Ruppert AD 7-4957 Mon. Om Frl. 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment above Lobster House. Available June 15 or July 1 until Sept. 1, 1960. Suitable for 3 or 4 students. $lOO per month. Call AD 8-8600. ONE BEDROOM apartment available July 1. Vaughn Nittany apartments, Corner of Pugh and Bradley. Includes large stove, refrigerator, heat, water, trash and gar bage. $80.33 per month. Call AD '14768. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate ac- commedationa with private bath or run ning water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave., State College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792. MODERN APARTMENT for married grad student or faculty: sub-let for summer. Mny be seen by appointment. AD 7-3296. FOR RENT—two double rooms for malt students: private bath. own telephone, private entrance, free parking; three blocks from campus. June - September. Call Al) 8-0308. ROOMS AVAILABLE for Commencement. Call. Mrs, Cox AD 7-9850. ROOM & BOARD IDEAL STUDY rooms in very nice resi dent's' neighborhood for summer ses sions students, teachers or post-grads of good character. Rates include use of ground floor, recreational room which is degrees cooler, kitchenette, and a nice parking area. Just five 'blocks from main gate. Make reservations now as we filled up Quickly last summer. No reservations taken without $21.00 payment for first three weeks. AD 8-8142. ROOM AND BOARD at Alpha Zeta fra ternity. inter-session and Main Session. Board on five day week basis. For Informa tion call Mis. Alice Crandall, phone AD 7-i621. MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall semester at Marilyn Hall. 317 E. Beaver. Reser vations also being taken for all summer (sessions. Rooms without board available, 1 220-B S. Allen Sheet. Ask for Mrs. Petrie key at 317 E. Beaver. WEDNESDAY. MAY 25. 1960 MISCELLANEOUS . . . , " PORTU ITY for mus lovers. Board In, tome and go atmosphere with social and setreational facilities Mix with elite of campus. Dial AD 7-4444 ask for lt.ith or P.,rry. TIIRF:E ROOMS for Commeneernent: pri vate kith, a-iitrance, parking. Call AD 7-7056. SUMMER STORAGE special. Leave your bicycles, trunks and personal effects with us. Sh • Oennaker Bros. Jut. AD PAUL PHILA. STUDENTS Send your heavy luggage home by Noerr Motor Freight. You can ship 130 pounds for 33.81. We will pick it up In State College one day I and deliver it in Pbila the next. Please mark each piece according to declination and bring them to the door of your fra ternity or dorm. We can alto take_ Pa. shipments for anywhere within 36 miles of Phila. Call AD 7-4723. YOU ASKED FOR 1T Friday, May 13, I watched from top floor Willard while • guy swiped my bike. You can return it to HUB rack or explain it to Campus Cope next time I spot you on eampue. MEN—Summer job; excellent opportunity selling service. Holland Furnace Co. of Lewistown seeks 6 men for Centre County area. Undergraduates have earned up to $2OOO. in three months period. Call Lewis town 8-2852 or come to 125 Spruce St. for interview. PENN STATE Sparta Car Club rally Sat. May 21, at 6:30 In the HUB parking lot. ______ PENN STATE Sports Car Club Gymkhana Sunday May 22 at 1:30 p m. on the Erie Technical Ceramics parking lot, 1 mil• west of State College on Rt. 46. ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE groomed Bring your bride home to "A Cantle" (1957 32 ft, Mobile Home). Price rut. Call AD 8-1707 FRESHMAN MEN In NORTH HALLS watch for announcement of fine armor. tunity Chia week. BALLET TAUGHT by Professional dancer, former soloist with well known Ballet Company. Private lessons evenings. Classes thru summer. Call AD 7-2411. FOR A SIZZLING Steak and your favorite beeerage try The College Lunch errors from the bus depot at 149 N. Atherton St. Telephone reservations appreciated but not necessary. AD 8-0031. COME TO the Newman Club 'Picnic! Sun. day May 22, 1:30 p.m. Meet at the 111113 parking lot. Transportation and refresh ments-50e. JUST RELEASED 10G0 State College cross indexed directory $3.00 plus tam Call Mrs. G. Wagner AD 7-33M1. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut.. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. .University Tennis Service, 514 E. Beaver 'Ave. after 5 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tagt toe or acrobatic lessons. Professional School of Dance. AD 8.4078. 1955 NEW MOON 410. Fully equipped. College U Trailer Park. AD 2-2026. Leaving •tune 25. MAR (.0 1P - wit no tti ren to help in private home. Separate furnished apartment provided In addition to meals and salary wife to help with housework. Opportunity for additional income for hus band in spare time. AD 74103. BETA PHI KELP W
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