FRIDAY. MAY 13. 19 HUB Sh Features Student About 500 original art by students in ar cation and home ar are now on display i lery of the Hetzel U ing and in t h building The exhibition incl rugs in abstract desig jewelry and furniture an eye to the future paintings, drawings George Pappas, assis ant profes sor of art education, who is charge of the exhibition said that the general purpose of the display is to show what stui ents do in the various art courses. All styles of art from realism to the abstract are re presented in the exhibit, and Pap as said this is indicative of what is happen ing in painting today: The pieces exhibited represent an individual search for a creative statement. Pappas also said that works in the design area are not to be viewed as finished creations. De signs are basically exercises and experiments which students do to become sensitive to certain ma terials before they move into oth er areas, he said. The variety of art works in the, exhibit show the wide range of materials with which art students may work. The majority of paint ings are oils and water colors and collages which make use of near ly any material are also included. Students have sculptured works from plaster, stone, wood and metal, and the drawings exhibited are done in pencil, charcoal and Ink. When things get too close for comfort ''' • I &Ake STICK DEODORANT C 0 1102 41 fb t/12/le4Cue-yladt 5:V , , , t4 :: vaA,,.,415 • , ROTC Units Continue _Meet The seventh annual Inter-Serv ice Drill Competition for the Milton S. Eisenhower Trophy will be completed at 5:45 p.m. today on the lawn in front of Old Main. Scheduled for last Sunday afternoon on Beaver Field, the competition was changed to the ice skating rink when heavy rains made it impossible to hold the event on Beaver Field. The standard routine was com pleted, but because of the wet floor surface the trick routine was not attempted. works of , art edu s courses the gal ion build ! lemporary Teams entered in the meet are the Army, Navy and Air Force ROTC units and the drill team of Company B-5, Pershing Rifles. • es hooked s, metallic made with as well as nd sculp- Wesley Foundation SUNDAY, MAY 15 9:30 A.M. DISCUSSION CLASSES "THE NEW CLASS" Rev. Joseph Faulkner, Leader Department of Sociology "RELIGION AS CREATIVE INSECURITY" Dr. Elwood Olver, Leader Department of Security SUNDAY NIGHT 6:30 P.M. REPORT From AFRICA Part II A movie which shows the people of Ethiopia, Egypt, Al giers, and Sudan striving for freedom. our best friends won't tell you... but your opponents will! Old Spice Stick Deodorant brings you safe, sure, all•day protection. Better than roll-ons that skip, Better than sprays that drip, Better than wrestling with creams that are greasy and messy. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Chem-Phys Council To Establish Grant The Chemistry-Physics Student Council has set aside $3OO to be used for a scholarship program. Robert Harrison, sophomore from Shamokin, as chairman of the council's scholarship commit tee, will discuss the possibilities of a Chemistry-Physics Council Sholarship with the administra tion scholarship office. In other action, the council em powered an executive committee to investigate the most conve nient method of gathering and evaluating data for a course eval uation program within the Chem istry-Physics College. The Allegheny, Monongahela and Ohio Rivers meet at Pittsburgh. .112. MASTIC CASE PRESET FOR INSTANT USE LOO ow aig lianiii 7-s - v es (*Spice fti oviiosot Math Society Exam Pi Mu Epsilon, mathematics honorary society, will give its annual competitive spring mathe matics exam at 7 p.m. on Monday in 121 Sparks. This contest, which is open to anyone who wants to participate, has no entrance fee. About 00 in prizes will be awarded. "Who owns the electric company 7" mite____, i 1 l A lot of our own customers can't answer that one. But there's certainly no secret about it. The electric company is owned by people. Thousands of people, like you, who invest their money and help the company to grow. Your electric company is not owned or run by the city. Not by the state either. Not by any kind of government. It is an inde pendent business. That's an important reason why you get the best possible electric service at such a low price. WEST PENN POWER 04 ‘, e owned by people, not by gOvernment Haverford Prof to Talk The Russian Area Committee will sponsor a lecture at 8 tonight in the Mineral Industries audi torium by Dr. Holland Hunter, Haverford College, on "Lessons of Soviet Transportation for Underdeveloped Areas." CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS PAGE FIVE
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