• RING. r Take one outdoors and enjoy the air while enjoying a de lightful taste sensation . . . a ELL'S PIZZA Piasal uperbl very 8.12 versity Creamery Sales Room Dairy Products earn Brick Cheese urized Milk Cheddar Cheese late Milk Cottage Cheese milk Trappist Cheese ery Butter Grade A Large Eggs 1151 1 RON 104 oT ARC You? r~ (~ THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA ground beef onion rings frankfurters pepperoni hot sausage mushrooms AD 8-8381 TEST YOURSELF! /(z ) lEMEM! THESIS MUL TILITHING FAST .. ECONOMICAL MKRCIAL PRINTINE MM= CLASSIFIEDS CASH-17 WORDS or lens CHARGE-12 WORDS or lees 50 cents one Insertion 75 cents two insertions $l.OO three ,insertions Additional words-3 for 5 tents for each day of insertion FOR SALE ONE BEDROOM Trailer, good condition, porch with roof. Ideal for couple with limited budget. August graduate. AD 8-0088. 36 LB. BEAR Kodiak Special, tournament grade target bow. Used one year. Price $46. 1968 FORD,. white convertible, 800 h.p , overdrive for economy-61550. AD 7.3159. Andy Europe bound. GOLF CLUBS—three MacGregor Chief tian woods. Good condition. Call John AD 1.2161. 1929 "MODEL A" coupe. Good condition AD 8-8033 after 7:30 Lea. 1960 FORD Starliner, 200 miles, $6OO off. Call &v le AD 7.3498. 1960 CHEVROLET Corvair $l9OO. Call Jake AD 7-3412. HOUSE TRAILER, extra bedroom built on. Ideal for young married couple with children. Call AD 8-1863. Price 3500. HOUSE TRAILER 1965 Nashua 35-ft. one bedroom, plus bunk space. Excel lent condition. Reasonable price. Phone AD 8-1807. ARE YOU out of State? Alfa Romeo with only 8000 kilometers, Illegal In Penn sylvania 1, ,f, off. Call between 8 and 8, AD 7-2801. COMPLETE SET of golf clubs. good con dition. Inquire at Golf Shop. • 4 • ( I • Take a look at this ink blot. Dehibit yourself. What do you see? If you see your last blind date in it, we sympathize. Because it looks like a lobster to us. Of course we're crazy about lobsters, but we don't like to take them out. What we do like to take out are LIM filter cigarettes. They're the ones with flavor. Fact is, L&M has found the secret that unlocks flavor in a filter cigarette. So fine tobaccos can be blended not to suit a filter but to suit your taste : We just mention this. If we didn't, who would? 1 FOR SALE tMOI3ILE HOME, 27 ft. American, one bedroom, complete bath, kitchen and ' l ivingl room. Excellent condition. Mort cell. Al) E-1229. 1 1059 MANUHRIN motor scooter, 16-inch v% heels, automatic transmission, 134 !m.p.g., good condition, windshield. $2OO. UN 6.6120. AD 847,4 ENGLISH RACER, excellent condition, fully equipped $35. Call Arthur Brandon UN 5-5961 after 4:30. NEED TROPHIES? You name it--1 have it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts. Quick service. Phone AD 748E1 after O. Catalog!, available. Sam Troutman'a Trophy-Nob elty Shop '63 BUICK Skylark convertible, loaded, excellent condition. Call AD 7.3808 after 6:30. TAN RAINCOAT, striped lining-1% weeks ago, S. Pugh. Reward. Elizabeth Farrell, UN 5-6200, UN 5-6190. BULOVA WATCH, black face. Would person who found in Rec Hall please call Al) 8-9044. WRIST WATCH—lntramural Field, Fri day evening around 8 :00. Reward. Call Alcorn AD 7.2651. RED JACKET, reversible. Reward. 'Please call Nick at AD 8-8868. BLACK LEATHER billfold, keep money, need other contents urgently. Call Jim Craig. AD 7-7E51. FOUND: BLACK and tan female mongrel dog, vicinity of Rec Hall. Owner call 'Rick UN 5-4984. SUMMER APARTMENT, fui n hated-4-5 students 5 blocks from main gate. Air conditioned. AD 8-0705. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate ac commodations with private bath or run ning water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave., State College. AD 7-9850 or All 7-7792. Reach for flavor, ... Reach for 8 11. 0 let* Liggett • Myer' Tobacco Girh FOUND FOR RENT THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1960 FOB RENT ROOM RESERVATIONS for mato etu denta. Single and double for WI *mew. ter aleo bummer rental $4.00 per week. Parking available. Call AD 94303. ONE BEDROOM Apartment available I June Ist —s77 33 7 also a one bedroom apartment available July let-4,78.00 at The Vaughn Nittany Apts.. corner of Pugh and Bradley. Call AD 7-401 for appoietment. FURNISHED APARTMENT—beII, !Malt room, kitchen, private bath: 2 blocLa from campus. Call AD 74792, AD 5.6727; after 8 p.m. AD 8-6254. MALE OR female wish to ha.e Finale room close to campus for summer ses sions. First floor; front porch to campue. Inquire 310 E. College Me. THREE ROOM apartment in modern building—furnished. Laundry facilities and parking available. June 1 thru Sept. 1. Call AD 8-1009 in the evening. METZGER APARTMENT-3 rooms 1111 d bath—furnlebeil. Make summer school exciting. Call AD 8-2392. MODERN APARTMENT available foe summer, close to campus. Couples, prude, others. Completely furnished. Reductd rates. Ca)) AD 11-13b28. LARGE FIRST floor apartment in new home. Excellent fur 8 etudente. Summer and permanent if desired. Benner Pike. $7O/month. AD 8-0810. FOR RENT for glimmer two %ery nice apartments 1' blocks from campus. Pr& vate bath, kitchen, phone. Room for five in each. Reasonable rent. 230 S. Frazier St. AD 7-2966. FOR ROMM ER—reaeona hie. ti, e room apartment close to eampue. 1Iva:01f:illy furnished; phone, T.V:, parking. Call AD 8-0267. APARTMENT—one bedroom, unfurnished. Apt. M, 228 Bradley Ave. Tel AD 8-2190. Includes stove, refrigerator, hot water. trash and garbage. 177.33 per month. Available July I. LARGE ROOM suitable for married couple for light housekeeping. Call FL 9-2800 evenings, daytime AD 7-2207. ONE OF the nicest rooming houses for summer rental. Singles and doubles, free parking-56.00 per week. Mr. Mecken dorn AD 8-6772 day; evenings HO 64620. FULLY FURNISHED summer apartment for 3 or 4. Guaranteed to stay cool all summer. Close to campus. Call AD 84388 after 7 p m. FURNISHED APARTMENT for mummer. Complete privacy, centrally located. Call AD 8-1035 after 5 pm. ROOMS AVAILABLE for Commencement. Call Mra. Cox, AD 7-4850. ROOMS FOR summer sessions. 207 E. Park Ave. Call AD 8-1330. MODERN APARTMENT for married grad student or faculty; sub-let for summer. May be seen by appointment. AD 7.3296. FOR RENT—two double rooms for male students: private bath, own telephone, private entrance, free parking three blocks from campus. June September. Call AD 8-0308. ROOM & BOARD MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall semester at Marilyn Hall, 817 E. Beaver. Reserve. Dons also being taken for all summer iessions. Board or room and board to fill vacancies for balance of semester. Rooms without board Available, 20011 S. Allen St. Aak for Mrs. retriskey at 817 E. Beaver. WANTED RIDE TO Florida June 2. Call Don, AD 7-2489. THESIS MULTILITHING and typing auplimata for aide. Resaonhble. Cail AD 8-0774. RIDE TO Seattle or nearby point after June 6. Call AD 7-4022 or AD 8-0651, ask for Sam. TO BUY set of left-handed golf flubs, Contact 818 Al) 8-8388. MALE STUDENTS to live In frnternite house for all summer sessions. On cam pus fraternity—good location. Free park. Ing. Call AD 8-9332. WANTED—KITCHEN help. Call AD 8-2 05 4 ask for caterer. RIDERS TO capitol district N.Y. state with luggage: leaving 4th June. Contact Alan Mates AD 7-4256. RIDE TO Chestnut HID (Fort Washington or Norristown Interchange) Sunday, May 16. Call Rick UN 8.4984. THESIS 7AULTILITHING and typing duplimata for sale. Reasonable. Call AD 8-0774 after 6 p.m RIDER TO Las Angeles, Calif.; leave' Juno 8. Call Jim Al) 8-2363. ONE ROOM for two male students. North campus. Sept. to June 1060-61. Call UN 5-5600 after 7:00 p.m. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday evenings. Call caterer at AD 7-4332. MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION CLASSIFIED Ad Staff. Thera will be a meeting for !MAL and junior Boarders tonight at 1:00. Attend ance Is compulsory or you will be dropped from staff. VIE REPAIR and have cords, heads and supplies for all make shavers See our line of rebuilt 'havers 13.00 to 16.00, guar anteell. Electric Supply Company, 216 5.. Allen. Phone AD 7-2062. OVERNIGHT to be held by winter sports division of PSOC on May 14 and 35. Why? Take down ski tow. Sign np at HUB desk now. JUST RELEASED 1960 State College cross indexed dircetory $3.00 plus tax. Call Mrs. G. Wagner AD 7-33/18. MEET ME at the POW iiiiiv, Beaver Ave. TUTORING IN German and Freneb for courses and graduate language require. manta. Call AD 8-1254 between 12 p.m.. 2 P.m. and 5 p.m.-7 p.m. WE REPAIR and hate cords—heads - and supplies for all make shavers. See our line of rebuilt shavers $3 00 to $6.00 guar anteed. Electric Supply Company, 216 S. Allen St. Phone AI) 7-2062. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 514 E. Heaver Ave. after 6 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, to to or acrobatie m00. . i Professional
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers