PAGE IWO Senate Asks Study Of Testing ethods The University Senate last week approved a recommen dation to investigate examination techniques to improve the composing and grading of tests because of the increasing classroom enrollment. Presented by the Senate Committee on Educational Pol- TIM Elects Haines As President By KAY MILLS Philip Haines was re-elected president of the Town Inde pendent Men's Council at their meeting last night. Fred Phanco, Amor in elec trical engineering from Wesley ville, was elected vice president. lie defeated Ralph Levy, outgo ing TIM secretary. Elected secretary was MAO - lard Ache, junior in metallurgy from Philadelphia He was opposed by Ron Lyon Fiank Burkett, sophomore in electrical engineering from Som erset, whas chosen treasurer. He was uturp - posed . These officers will be installed! at the TIM Council banquet 7 Saturday at the State Col lege Elks Club. In other business, the parlia-1 mentarian was authorized to study,! the TIM constitution regarding changes to enable the council function effectively throughout the entire year. The constitution with incorporated changes will be presented at the next TIM Coun cil meeting Lloyd Bobb, Arthur Given and Joseph Ciofft were admitted to council mernhership by a unani mous vote Frank Janko,lty, outgoing, vice president, was appomted parlia mentarian for the fall semester. Jankosky 15 currently a seventh semester student Indian Embassy Attache To Give Talk in HUB N B Merlon• first secretary of the Incitzin Embassy In Washing ton and acting cultural attiche, tviil speak on "India's Outlook on the Contemporatv World Crisis" at 8 tonight in the Hetzel Union a,sembly room Melton's talk is sponsored by the International Relations Club and the History Round Table. He has been invited under the aus pices of the internatiotial under standing course and hopes to speak in these classes tomorrow He also hopes to talk to the Indian students Starlife Drive-In Theatre ROUTE. Edii BETWEEN STATL cOLLEGE a nd BELLEFONTE THURSDAY 8:40 "Separate Tables" Deborah Kerr • David Nivea —Also-- "Cast a Long Shadow" Audio Murphy • Terry Moore Plu. Cart Jon FINAL WEEK TO SEE Inge's THE DARK AT THE TOP OF THe ST AIRS Center Stage Tickets on Sale at HUB Desk LAST CHANCE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA icy, the recommendation asks the Division of Academic Research and Services to study available literature on this subject. It also specifies that considera tion be given to the creation of a permanent "Measurement and Evaluation Center" to aid depart ment., in improving their testing Procedure;. C. R. Carpenter. head of Aca demic Research and Services, who had not yet been informed of the Senate's actions, said yes terday that the big problem lies in getting information to the faculty on the types and forms of examinations available. According to Carpenter, inves tigation of testing could take two forms: Problems in composing and administering widely used standardized tests with a reliabil ity coefficient, such as aptitude and achievement tests, and course related examinations and quizzes. "In the latter instance especial ly, a testing center, similar to one at Ohio . State University. could be a great help to faculty," he said. At Ohio State, testing division writes and grades some of the examinations, thereby eliminat ing part of the faculty burden. Results of the tests are also re• corded to help in improving the quality of examinations. Carpenter added that the prob lem .of constructing a "good test" is difficult. The constructor must know the skill and art of drawing up a fair examination, he said. "All types of tests have a place in academic examination. To get a fair opinion of a student's achievement a battery of tests should be administered,' he said. —A new hydro-electric power plant, scheduled to go into opera tion near Niagara Falls in 1961, will be capable of lighting 22 mil lion 100-watt light bulbs at the same time. Seniors ... This (May 9-14) Is SENIOR WEEK Join Your Alumni Association When Your Class Agent Contacts You PENN STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 104 OLD MAIN VOGUE BEAUTY SALON haircolorists feature the new ULTRA-BLUE LADY CLAIROL, for the most comfortable blonding in the world. PHONE AD 7-2286 FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT BEFOR SENIOR BALL 0 A -A _ _----__ r - . , _ --.,------ - R --: - V V BEAUTY SALON Classified Ad gaff Meefing Thursday Night 1 p.m. Business Office Attendance Compulsory for Sophomore and Junior Boarders MI Will Hold Meeting On Honesty Program !Prof to Retire College, is in effect in two of the An orientation meeting for college's curriculums. They are After 14 Years freshmen and sophomores partici pating in the academic honest geo-chemistry geo-physics and Y mineral preparation As Head ®f r program in the College of Min eral Industries will he held at 7 Norman R. Sparks. professor' tonight in 229 MI. and head of the Department of: The honor system which has Mechanical Engineering, will re-:been accepted only by the MI tire on July 1. He has served on the faculty 'since 1924 and since 1946 has been 'head of the department. Sparks attended Clarkson Col lege of Technology in Potsdam, N.Y., where he received his bach elor of science degree in mech janical engineering in 1923 and the degree of mechanical engineer in 1926 In 1923, he accepted a position as a mechanical engineer in the Motive Power Department of the New York Central Railroad. The following year, he was named instructor in mechanical engin eering at the University and he has continued on the faculty since that time. On leave from the University' during World War 11, he served ! as a lieutenant commander and commander in the U.S. Navy. His Naval assignments included duty ; as the first engineer in charge of ' the Diesel Training program at, the University and later he held a similar assignment at Cornell University. Sparks has published many ar ticles and has written a textbook dealing with mechanical refriger ation. Sigma Tau Gamma -BEAT PARTY and ART EXHIBIT Authentic Greenwich Village Reproduction Saturday Mayl4 Open from E.- r 4 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. -_ TATE N°W-. Feat: 1:30, 3:29, 5:29, 7:29, 9:29 THE UPROARIOUS MOVIE FROM THE BEST-SELLER! ~1 12 DOINDOPAVIDNIVES A irrun PRODUCTOII% COUR :PLE itSt l. DON* Or 40 4.ik • TOE. _ • . • os~aUSK Ste= ?Of "DELIGHTFUL" —James Whalen "ONE Or THE BEST" —Charlotte Lecky "TRULY 'CREATED" —Sue Markley "EXCELLENT" —William Langan "STUNNING . . . EXCITING" —Mary Katz Louis Armstrong • Mahalia Jackson • Gerry Mulligan Dinah Washington • George Shearing • Chico Hamilton Anita O'Day • Jack Teagarden • Thelonius Monk TICKETS NOW ON SALE • ONLY SEATING CAPACITY SOLD • 0 ASME Field Trip to American Viscose Corp. Thur., May 12 at 6:00 p.m. Meet behind M.E. Bldg. Transportation will be provided U.S. Citizens Only Spotlight Picks This Week at The Music Room . Willow Chip 'n Dip Willow basket with Swedish stainless cup and colorful doily. Adds a fresh flair to casual serving. Straw Hats Don't let the sun burn you this summer Arabesque Jewelry For the style conscious person this is a must. Bobby Pin Up Brings bobby pins up to your fingertips. Aprons Keep clean while serving those "in-between-meal" snacks. Don't Forget . . . MAY IS GIFT MONTH WIN THE MAGNAVOX at (See Us for Details) THE MUSIC ROOM 716‘ MUSIC ROOM f\v-- 143 S. Allen St. State College Open tol S Mon. - FrL til 6:311 THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1960 CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS 50c BUYS 17 WORDS * NITTANY NOW: DOORS OPEN 6:45 Courtesy of NEWPORT, R.I. JAZZ FESTIVAL ON A SUMMER'S DAY TODAY and FRIDAY rz#l,-,14,1A.101 AT 2:15 and 8:15 JAll COLOR by DE LUXE
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