PAGE EIGHT New Pollock Area Glistens As Nittany Gets Improvements By JERRIE MARKOS Irnpiovement of the Nittany Living Area I Change and conformity seem to be the has been progressing at a steady pace for by-words of the new Pollock Residence Halls. several weeks. j The change is manifest in the difference Workmen are busy putting the old dress- i f between these and all other residence halls s 4in 2 x 4's and nailing the combination to on campus. Each hall is built about a living- the wall. The built-in motif is being calm d out in the desks uho , e lev, or at least some of limn, hay ( been sawed off Above the bolted desks ate SECUItd thief Honing boatels One locker for itook , he It et 17 in. Yu s wide. To Entertain each room will provide addition al storage space. Mil I OIN oily set all \ ethe dies • • ' Students' rooms flanking the its and a , belt has been placed Administrators , center core will be dominated by e t i new hanging i ods in aced, h three pale gray walls and, ac cf the'lost Is A'. purl of the $132 A host of administiatms ands rented by a fourth brown one. 000 protect (lacked and fallen fatuity In( mho_•i are expected to colorschemeis The carried out D . C. pi escnt ot the Natany AI "! in beige andwhite vinyl floor plus It i I , be ng tchnislicd and opc n house tomorrow afternoon I mg. Blue draperies andblu disfigured Nom Isles are being Dr Eric A. Walker, Unie•et site and white woven bedspreads president,D. R G Beimeuterd preside over the accessories. iep laced special assistant to the president Nittany 41, the unit which has f(1 student atfans Dean Flank J The furnitme in the rooms is undergone the greatest trans- 'emus Dian of Men, Dean Doio- finished with an oak stain and the formation to this time, is tak- thy J Lipp, Dean of Women, Wil- desk chairs, with rust upholstered m seats for men and pet winkle blue'g on new interior colors. Not ham B Ciafts, Assistant to thel Cut- coverings for women, are white only the walls but also all the Dean of Men and Dr. H A. lc ,t Assistant to the vice IN esi _ maple Bookcases,desks and furniture, woodwork, fixtures dent for academic affairs w•ill be diesseis span the entire length of and ceiling are being splatter pit sent one teal) painted the same color. Also• Ossian MacKenzie, Dean The single smooth line is broken Protect Natant imp) oe i mutt of the Business Administration only in the eeomen's rooms with College• and Dean Ben Eueeema.the added height of of an extra loer t 5 ii does not include anti' of the Liberal Ai is College along dirteeet plus isions for increasing closet with 'clues& ntatn cs (tom the oth- Rising up from the desks are space DI ti , ( te n sing the tiaras-et• colleges will be on hand at the! cork bulletin boards ending in I to greet'a line of lamplight which tray- ' T111 , .1011 of ,wise Nittany Union building and talk with parents, els the length of the units. The i Out of (11 " s niterd""halls s list The le , idence will be, open new halls will notrovid st v. age. ‘tor m drainage,and the to visitors dutmg the day on Su n- I dividual desk lamp p s. Stoeragne addition of •Idt V 4111(‘ and 0111/13- d , IN At 3 . 30 p.m.parents and °-1/- space in the overhanging back hi tl dents will meet at the Nittany rests above each bed make it Albert E. Diem, vice president Union for introductions of a d- virtually impossible to rear munsti atie e and faculty guests l for business administration, said Batty Rein, president of the Nit- 1 The new look prevails in dooms range the rooms. or that, as yet, no arrangements tone, Area Council, ~, i ll ac t a ,, host Re he shin( nts ‘N ill then be Which have no knobshandles have been made for the future but push plates of the Nittany Union building. "-i" nice dining rooms, a snack bat ________ The NUB will no! be used in its . with pi ot i; ions for dancing, a present capacity as a dining Booth Receives Award recreation room, a post office, hall next fall when the Nitta- At Ceramic Conference mailboxes and a lounge reception rides will be eating in Pollock room IA ill be housed in the new dining hell. Diem said he Charles Booth, senior in (Nam- Dining Hall is technology (tom West Haile- thought the building should be W lk a ways from the residence ton, won the Student Speaking razed. Award at the annual American halls to the dining hall will be The Nittany face lifting should Ceramic Society meeting in Phil- covered but not enclosed. Out pi i pal•e the atea for 10 mote years actophia door recreation in the Pollock of active sue Re Next e eat the In his speech "Crystal Cnicnta- area will take place in two I Tomorrow is the kickoff bat tacks in the shadows of the tion and Its Relationship to Plat- basketball courts, two volley- lax for the DARE fund drive, P‘,110(1{ ,lo, , ,ciapei \kill be used mum Nucleation," Booth de-t ball courts and backstops for I C - iis a staging area from which scithed the findings of a teseatch tennis and handball. Part of the which has been organized to men w ill e mve d cl'• \ cancu , roof of the women's halls will occur in Nborth, moved and o Pollock protect on physical properties oft ,l I be enclosed and furnished with raise money for students in asses v. hich he conducted ex ith Halls. The administration hopes 1- Di Guy Rmdone assistant pro pingpong tables and shuffle- the South involved in non eventually to convert all the ' ' board. 1 fc , ,sot of ceramic technology violent anti-segregation demon rooms in Natant• to singles - A kitchinette divides this area strations 1 'I from the remainder of the roof DARE, which stands for "Direct which is intended to be an open Action for Racial Equality," isl sundeck, the anti-segregation group of State College. Nr Calendar Chang e -- The fund drive Neill be spon-1 sed by the Student Chnsturni (Continued from Page One) , sired i Association, kith eight other' ogy, debating the recommenda tion, said that "this is an in- 'groups on campus lending their, fringement of the instructor's ' endorsement. right to teach in the manner he -! These are: Emerson Society, chooses." f 'lends Meeting, Lutheran Stu dent Association, Westminster "Sento' ity in the profession does not guarantee that a person Pi Tau Sigma Initiates is either a good teacher or a good judge of teachers," he added. Twelve New Members Law i ence E. Dennis, vice Twelve new members were mi dent for academic affans an- piest- fiated into Pi Tau Sigma, nation- al mechanical engineering fra , Isweied Lattman by saying that teindy Thursday at a banquet this plan would be in the best in- at the'Eutaw House Merest of the students in the The initiates are:Gerard Faeth, classes of new professors. Charles Hurst, James Colman, I Lattman then moved that James Fitzpatrick, Raymon di such a training course be insti- Kombau, Tho m a s A. Phillips, tuted at the request of the in- George Snyder, Theodore Tarone, structor, This motion was de- Robert A. Taylor, George Wash tented, and the entire recom- ko, Michael Yanochko and Bur mendafion was passed, ton Zeldin IMPROVEMENTS CONTINUE in the Nittany Area as workmen ore busy repairing a ceiling in one Nittany unit. Worship Mother's God at CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH WOODMAN HALL 112 W. Hamilton Ave. 9:30 a.m. Young Adult Class 10:45 a.m. Communion Sermon: "Beauty in the Heights" 7:45 p.m. Studies in Phillipians "Phony Christians" Close Family Week in God's House THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Nittany Area center-type core which includes on every floor above the first a laundiy, work and locker rooms. The laundries will contain two automatic washers, a dryer and Special Meeting to Start Alum Membership Drive A special meeting at 7:45 tomorrow evening in the State College Hotel will kick off the annual membership drive for the Penn State Alumni Association, according to Theodore Haller, senior class president. The purpose of the drix senior class join the Alumni Asso ciation before they leave school, he said. Special reduced rates have been set up for the seniors who join on or before graduation. This fund drive is being held now as a part of Senior Week which begins this afternoon with Senior Class Day, Haller said. The solicitation for members has been divided among 150 class agents, which should en able each worker to contact 10 seniors, he said. Nine chairmen, one from each college, have been chosen by Jessie Jangi qian, chairman for class agents. These chairmen then selected students in their Colleges to carry out the drive, he said. The chairmen in each, college are Lawrence Byers, College of Business Administration; Cath erine Fleck, College of the Liber al Arts: Helen Skade, College of Home Economics; James Hawley. College of Agi icultui e; Gary Gentzler, College of Engineering and Architecture; Dorothy New man, College of Education; John Bonestell, College of Mineral In dustries; Walter Davis, College of Chemistry and Physics. "All funds collected will be turned in to the Alumni Associa tion office on a daily basis," Hal ler said. "In this way, we can tab ulate the number of new mem bers collected each day." The drive will be officially underway Monday morning and wil run until next Saturday, May 14, Haller said. "We are hoping for a high turn out, among seniors, especially due to the reduced rates for this alum ni drive," he said. DARE to Beg For Anti-Segregationalists SATURDAY. MAY 7. 1960 e is to have members of the Singing Groups To End Tour Tomorrow at 3 The Penn State Glee Club and the Varsity Quartet will wind up their tour at 3 p m tomorrow in Schwab. The Glee Club, under the di rection of Frank Catlin, associate professor of music, will present then• regular program, featuring the Varsity Quartet and songs by the Hi-Lo's. The Varsity Quartet will sing a variety of popular numbers, in cluding "What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?" "Your Eyes Have Told Me So," "My Bonnie," "The Way You Look Tonight," and "Sweet Georgia Brown." The Hi-Lo's, a comedy group of 16 men, will sing, "Lullaby of Broadway," "Marry a Woman Uglier Than You," "Laughing," "The Musical Trust" and the tra ditional Hi-Lo song, "Johnny Schmoker." There will be no admission ;charge. Tyler to Sneak Monday Dr. Ralph W. Tyler, executive director of the Center for Ad vanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, at Stanford, Calif., will speak on "Present Trends in the Behavioral Sciences" at 8 p.m. Monday. in 121 Sparks. n Fund Drive Fellowship, the Protestant Staff of the United Christian Asso ciation, Hillel Foundation, Unit ed Student Fellowship and the Cosmopolitan Club. Booths for the collection of funds will be set up at the inter section of the Mall and Pollack Road. and at the Hetzel Union Building. "Some of the current uses of money are for the legal defense of students arrested during non violent demonstrations, payment of fines and programs and con ferences to co-ordinate student activities in the movement for desegregation in the South," Sue Day, chairman for the drive, said. RALPH FLANAGAN SENIOR BALL :i Friday, May 13th 9- I Semiformal ; $5 per Couple Vocalist Kay Golden REC HALL
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