PAGE EIGHI Debate Squad Wins Certificate Members of the m•gati‘e team of the Penn State Men's debatr squad tecetved a certifieite of excellence and .1 ec , n ded five wins and one loss in weekend compe tition at the Eastern Foien , ..ic De bate Tournament rn Flushing, N Y. The af In mat ive team wa , , rep re,,etited by Da% Goodhart miphomore in busnne•c mllllllll , - 11 at ion from flu thei foi d, N J , and WI non Hai gem, senior in engi neering i,eionce fiom Cuiillvville Their mecomd wa, two wins at& Eton' The /legal] learn included Ahn Elm:, winor in p-.yeholog.. orn La Centel, Ky., and Pete. Galle, tunun in labor manage ment rrlaionS horn Comhohoek en Goodhait iceeived an honor able mention in the extempora neous speaking rontc,t Elms and Gahe placed lost in one of three tounds in the pets.uasive speak ing conto,f Johnstone Gets Fulbright DI (kn y W Johnstone Jr, associate pt ufessor of philosophy, will lecture and conduct semi nars at Trinity Conege in Dub)m, Ireland ,dut mg the next academ ic year under a Fullnight Award, EUROPE Wel) gee the usual PLUN, You're not herded around. A college tour that's different. EUROPE SUMMER TOURS 2 5 6 Sehma , Box C, Pasadena, Cant IMEN!!2M When things get too close for comfort By land or by sea—you need this Social Security! Schlow Library Holds Sale Senior Board Applications Used and surplus books are on Applications for positions on ale until tomorrow at the Bella the Senior Class Advisory Board ;S. Sehlow Memorial Library, 222, will be available until tomorrow I W. College Ave. at the Betzel Union desk. 00,ice STICK DEODORANT Co7W /0 - /k,, xeleue, .644. • Old Spice Stick Deodorant brings you safe, sure, al!-day protection ! • Better than roll-ons that skip S Better than sprays that dnp • Better than creams that are greasy and messy Get Your Old Spice Stick Deodorant at REA & 121 SOUTH ALLEN STREET THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA NEW PLASTIC CASE PRESET FOR INSTANT USE 1.00 pl. Ma DERICK gis c fpite 'NI Di 014.40 TGIF. PARTY Sponsored by ASME Friday, May-6 8:30 to 12:00 P.M. at the V.F.W. Home (Opposite the Bus Station) MUSIC • DANCING REFRESHMENTS Stag or Couples Everyone Welcome Over 15,000 Readers See These . . . + CLASSIFIEDS + TOR SALE '11\"13 TICKETS for Saturilay'a Players show in Schwab. Row Q. center section. Call AD 'I-032. abk for Denny MOW', Schick Eitetric Razor f 9 95. AD 'i-2939 after NEARLY 1300 seats sold for THE SLEEP ING PRINCE Schwab and this weekend :00 pm. rernail ing tickets 111311 desk NEW NAN Cho, rolet, your choice , sl style, color Sine Inb If no trade-m. AD 7- 29:39 utter 6 p m. MAN'S EIipLISM racer, completely egUippell. B4pecd, hand pump and light Facellerkt, condition, rarely liked, Call Ray AD 7-ZGVi 'OR SALE—Eleetro.stkt-3 Tweeter 20 00 8 ohm rrossorer network a 00 16" mid range epeoker 14.00. Can AD 7-3812, Don Fiet natonib. YOUR Cl - 1010E of LP horn collection or 160, good tondition, many recent-- $1.60; also Ro7al Portable Typewriter ,virtually brand new-146, large floures cent Desk Lamp-116; 3-niece )41.41 Set. `Win sell as unit or erstrutel.e. 'Mike AD 7-2196, 137 N. A thetton, 3rd floor. 41 FT. MARLETTE, 2 bedroom Trailer with patio, located on large, beautifully landscaped lot. Interior furnishings in cluded-17" TV, easy chair, large rug. , AD 14241 BARGAINS IN BOOK At Belle S. Sallow Memorial Library, 222 West College Aye. Book tale, May 2-7. MOBILE HOME. 27 it. American, one bedroom, complete bath, kitchen and !Bing room, Excellent condition. Must sell. lAD P-1229. ENGLISH RACER, excellent condition, fully equipped $35 Call Arthur Brandon UN 6-5901 after 5:30. 1069 MANUHRIN motor retx)ter. 16-Inch vk , heels, nutomatie tranonission, 134 m n•e., uood condition, windshield. $2OO. UN 3.6120. flf Ff—graduating senior wishea to sell his set. Feature,: VNI automatic changer with 'diamond. 10 Watt Crommes Amp, large mahogany floor model speaker set. Will give good price. Call At) 7.1086. COMPLETE gET of golf efu6s. good con dition. Inquire at Golf Shop. NEED TROPHIES? You name R-1 have it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts. Quick service. Phone AD 7-7551 after 6. Catalogs available. Sa in Troutman's Trophy-Novelty Shot) la BUICK Skylark converbble, loaded, excellent condition. Call AD 7-3608 after GISO. MISCELLANEOUS OVERNIGHT May 7, R--Tionesta camp. out. Field and Stream. Cabin and Trail Div. of P. 5.0.0 'macs members and non member.. Departure a P rn. Fri. Sign tip at 11111 HOUSE MANAGER: Why buy a new ,acuum definer when )our meacut one can be made to run like new? We repair. ha%e putt, and replacement bags for all make , snit model , , For a free e-timate call Lainv't. Vacuum Cleaner Service, A D 8,6253. NITTANY GROTTO—special program to. night et S p.m. in 121 Kr. Slide show by (.01don Curly N,S,S, 770. SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: There still are revel 1/(H)Ii eN111)6 , at tillable for Senior• Ball Weekend. Contest Hub L:asarra AD 7-270 A FLOCK of them flew tiler that twne— oecohules fot THE SLEEPING PRINCE that i, This weekend. GRAD STUDENTS, Faculty—don't forget the annual spring dance this Friday, May 6. Contact that "one end only" and make a night of it. HUD ballroom. Musk by the Campurcers and refreohments tool MOTHER'S DAY breakfast Sunday Bth, 9:48-11.00 a.m. Simmons Lounge. Every one welenme MEET ME at the POW WOW, Beaver Avenue. WILL WATCH child in my hone; prefer age 3 to 6. Call AD 841,57. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt Service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service s 614 E. Beaver Aye. after 6 P.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap toe or acrobatic lessons. Professional' School of Dance. AD 2-1078, I WORK WANTED ITypilva TO do M my home on electric types% riter. Reasonable rates, dependable sel vice. Phone AD 8-tlb2. PERSON n STOP ME if you've beard this one. THE SLEEPING PRINCE. Schwab tonight and tomorrow by The Phwers. FRIDAY. MAY 6. 1960 i . • • vs FOB BENT DOUBLE ROOMS with board fur fall semester, 243 s rusch Street. ROOMS AVAILABLE for Commencement Coil fdra, 'Cox, AD 7.4850, ONE BEDROOM furnished tignitnient let summer and next year. Free In :Jiang, Laundry Lnige yard. AD 84193 A SWING THIS SUMMER. Lite In the heart of action in 32 Melzgerx Siert, in a cool ero9B ventilated room or ',on bathe in 2 large wintlown. Tno or three guys or gals. Call AD 84795 now. IDEAL FURNISHED apartment for couple —sBo_ including parking. Four lilm4a from efunpun, Available In June. Can AD 0-1743 after 6 weekdays only. 4-MAN House-type Aoartment for rent; completely furnished. A%siluble in Jime, Apply 310 W. Beaver Ave. BASEMENT APAUTMENT—eitabIe tot three male atulenta, one hlinh from campus. Extremely low lent. Phone AD 8-8745 after five or inquire at rear el 124 S. Pugh St. ROOM .FOR four other lucky Ru n to share an air conditioned trungalow during aumnier. Call AD 411-0705, Lorry. - - FURNISHER APARTMENT --3 rooms, bath, garage; next to Col COlate, 3734)0. Call AD 2-0285 after 8.30 p.m. FIRST FLOOR, seven room furnished apartment, half block from four or Ma students. AvailsLle June. AD 8-9628. ROOMS FOR mummer sealskin& 207 E. Park Ave. Call AD 84:3943. LIVING QUARTERS suitable for one or two In Metzger Bunning offering spa cious view of State College pith enllpheeia on Corner .}loom and Dunne Barber Shop. Available for all summer 4 , rtsions. Call AD 84681. APARTMENT FOR. RENT: Immishet) 3 rooms, 6hower-bath, It asiber and drier, Married student cauPla only. $65/taa. Can AD 7-3659. MODERN APARTMENT for mauled g r ad student or faculty; sub-let for rummer,. May be seen by appointment. AD 7-3201. ----- ROOMS AVAILABLE Mother's Day. Cali Mrs. Cox AD 7-480. FOR RENT—two double rooms for male students; private bath, own telephone, private entrance, free parking; three blocks from campus. June • September. Cm?? AD 8-0308. WANTED TYPIST TO type term ippm t. UM pay 20c per page. Will base 'tau ueeke to complete. Phone AD E-2063. STUDENTS TO reside in fraternity house for all summer sessions. Parkma eluded. Contact Steve at AD RIDERS WANTED from Grernstaila to State College, Senior Ball workk rid. Call UN 6-5329 ask for Pat. RIDERS TO Maesnehuaetta (Northampton). Connecticut, and vicinity Ft i<hty nth. Call Stu or Larry AD 7-42C2. OUTING CLUB requests that all ski equionient be turned in at the Club off ice I water-tower) . _ RIDE WEST; tieatiVation Cle) en r;e, 411174, niing after June 4 . Call Art UN 15-4227, TO BUY—Small set of lifting rkoights (Barbell and weights). Call G. Dotnko 'ON 5-01:1. WANTED OLD D.S. Come Indian Pen hies, Liberty Rend PlitkelB, etc.). Cell AD 14702, TUTORING IN German and French for courses ante graduate 18;11:nage recuire ments. Cull Al) 8-1264 between 72 pm.- ' 2 p.m. and S p.m.-7 pm. WANTED RIDERS from Pit tsburgh to PS U. Pi iday May 13 ; regal n Sunday May 15. Call Roger Battle 11N 141,022. ONE. ROOM for two male atmlenta. Korth canvas. Sent, to June 1960-61. Call WY 5-5600 after 7:00 p.m. DISHWASHER FOR. lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday evenings. Call enterer at AD 7..4332.. LOST BETA SIGMA RHO fraternity, pin. Thong. day April 2.%. Reward. COI 'ON 1;41127. GIRL'S BLACK and white Nerd coat at AEPI WC weekend. 1 ha'e yours, Call UN 6-066, HAMILTON WATCH near Crate Hall. If found call lON b-70/37. DARK BROWN ginsten, Theta Xi sat, night. May be in your cent. porktt. Please look and call Kim ON 6.-2260. HOT BlKE—Stolen biercle—man's black English ."Rudge" aerial no.. 157647-01. (left aid• of frame beneath *addle). $6.09 reward for return or tnformation leading to return. Call Bob Thornley UN 64909. BLACK LEATHER billfold, keep money meta other contents urgently. eta) dip Craig. AD 7-786/.
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