WEDNESDAY. MAY SGA V May Hi The SGA prop' days and thus ret. practical stumblin of the Senate Con said yesterday. In a special !lecommend to the University !Senate that Christmas vacation Bellefonte :!:ank !be shortened to provide 15 full weeks of classes and a Thanks- Donates $llOO Gift ! giving vacation. ! According to Whisler, who For BusAd A : ward computed all seven possible oc currences of the days on which A $lOOO scholarship to aid stu- Christmas and New Year's Day dents enrolled in tl e College of, would fall, students would have Business Administr.tion or who!to return from vacation on Jan. are interested in th field of fi- 2, in five of these seven cases. He also noted that Christmas nance has been esta.lished by the; recess would begin only one or First Bellefonte Ba and Trust two days before the holiday it- Co, self in six of the possibilities. The scholarship viii become According to the SGA proposal, effective in Septem ser, when the classes would end at noon of the Wednesday preceding Thnaks- 1 first award will b; made to a giving. In the year that Christmas freshman who is a graduate of falls on Wednesday, students either the Bellefonte Area Joint might be required to make up High School or the Bald Eagle • , Wednesday afternoon on the Sat- Aiea Joint High School. urday afternoon before Christ- Themas vacation. award will then be made Whisler will be presenting annually so that by 1963 four ; the proposal to eliminate scholarships will be in effect. Thanksgiving vacation to the Provision has been made to pay Senate meeting tomorrow. This $250 per year to each of the re-1 is the only one of four original cioients, with each scholarship, proposals, all of which were de- ; continuing for four years pro-, signed to provide 15 full weeks i vided the student continues to do' of classes, which the Senate satisfactory scholastic work. , tentatively approved at their The student will be chosen by last meeting, April 7. the Senate Committee on Sehol- Whisler said last week that he arships on the basis of need, po-' would be presenting this proposal! tential achievement, extracurri-,without the recommendation of cular activities and character. ,the committee A study conducted last week by —The ghost bat is regarded Harold J. Read, a member of the with superstition by the Austra- Senate committee, showed that Ear) aborigines because its wings possibly 9000 students could be and fur are white and it feeds on,affected by the irregularity in other bats. scheduling as it now exists. ATTENTION 1960 SUMMER GRADS not in 1960 La Vie STUDENT TEACHERS Ist 8 weeks of 1960 Fall Semester PRE-VETERINARIANS HAVE PICTURES TAKEN FOR 1961 LA VIE at the PENN STATE PHOTO SHOP BETWEEN 9 A.M. and 4 P.M. THIS IS THE LAST WEEK. GIRLS—WEAR WHITE BLOUSES OR WHITE SWEATERS PIVOTSPECIAL 10th ANNIVERSARY NUMBER Published by the Poetry Workshop "A basic responsibility of the University is the develop• ment of the whole individual . .. PIVOT has materially aided the University in carrying out this responsibility." ERIC A. WALKER, President "PIVOT is a self-sustaining, independent and audacious journal that publishes the best poetry within its reach." JOSN'H L. GRUCCI, Director Poet Workshop (English Co, position 13) On sale , • IWSGA Judicid • P cation Proposal lion s Paw Pamplets lip t i s / ; Gives Penalties (Continued from Page One) ;and edited in oppo'ition to Lion's s I Six penalties were given by, could itsJdiilMeekly uca at I could be any truth in the pam-,p aw t , ; phlets' allegations, Dean of IVlen' r H aw l ey sa id t h at any contact meeting yesterday afternoon. ,Flank J. Simes said, "Oh, I don't made by members of the Lion's A freshman girl who failed to:know , possibly, I suppose." `Paw with the administration was sign in or out and did not return One part of the pamphlet ma d e on l y a, individuals by vir to her residence hall until 11:40charged that Lion s Paw mflu- tue of their position on campus. pin. was given a strict weekend ence had caused Sines to call at t Examples of the pamphlet's !campus. A girl who accompanied:special meeting after the attempt-t _,_ __, cnaiges against the recent under ther into her residence hall was t ed election fix was revealed and, giaduate members of Lion's Paw !given two 1 a.m. removals to be ask that party chairmen resign t include: the appointment of Vie 'taken this weekend. Simes said "calling that eeting'cent Mai mo as Elections Commit- Threel gir l s , one w ith 35 lat e was strictly my own idea." tee Chairman: the party switch minutes and two with 30 late min-- As to the validity of the Lion's of Jack Crosby and Wafter Dar !utes were given two 1 a in. ie-'Paw minutes enclosed in the' ,ran; and the attempted election 'movals, effective this weekend. ,pamphlet, Bernreuter said heo - i x. In another case, judicial recom-'didn't know about the minutes 'mended that a girl who had been except that some - minutes had' warned previously about exces- been stolen five or six years ago.; sive drinking be given counseling.' Jay Hawley. former SGA Rules! Committee chairman and anothei i —San Antonio, Tex , was estab-,member of the accused group said! lished as a city in 1731 by King the minutes printed in the 1 pam- Philip V of Spain. phlet were "extremely distorted' By MEG TEICHHOLTZ sal to shorten Christmas vacation by two in the Thanksgiving recess "may run into blocks." Benjamin A. Whisler, chairman mittee on Calendar and Class Scheduling, eeting Alonday night, SGA had voted to is week at the Mall and in the BUB THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA The Pennsylvania State University requests the pleasure of your attendance at EVERY MONDAY * TUESDAY * WEDNESDAY MOMS Love ROSES BILL McMULLEN FLORIST 130 E. College Avenue The Senior Class of Senior Class Day Saturday, the seventh of May nineteen hundred and sixty at two o'clock Schwab Auditorium Tickets available at HUB desk May 1-7 c:ta Pelt -etrtine . . . HAIR STYLING SALON "YOUR DOORWAY TO LOVELINESS" MAY SPECIAL ! 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