PAGE EIGHT Alaska Convention Picks LA Student as Princess By ANN PALMER Ann Ghiglione, sophomore in liberal aits from Arlington, Va, was recently chosen as Alaska’s ‘piincess’ for the an nual Cherry Blossom Festival held in Washington, D.C. Miss Ghiglione was nominated for this honor along with a group o! other contestants and was ANNE GHIGLIONE < . . Cherry Blossom Queen chosen as the winner by Alaska's state comention Their selection was bused on her exceptional qualities of poise, charm and abil ity as a hostess. The Chetry Blossom festivities Factor? Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sales— Pa rta— Service New ’6O Deluxe Sedan . . .11625. WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E Third St Williamsport. P». Phone J-48M <5, W V ( t 5 ESCAPED! No sweat, chief, Charlie'll be back. Get the clue, chief, and lake the day off your self, You can meet Charlie . , . and everyone else, at Delta Sig's SAILOR'S BALL. The Pink Elephant will be jumping with sounds by the DeEljays, chief. Don't miss it. SAILOR'S BALL Sat., March 12 Everyone Welcome Open 2 to 5 Closed ’till 11:00 Della Sigma Phi 508 Locust will take place from April 4 un til April 10, Included in the week’s program will be a float parade, a pageant and finally a ball at which the Cherry Blossom Queen will be chosen from the array of princesses. Miss Ghiglione is originally from Anchorage, Alaska, and has been in the eastern United States for only three years. She is a member of the Debate Team, plays the clarinet in the Concert Band, is an alternate rep resentative to the Sophomore Ad visory Board and is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority After graduation. Miss Ghigli-I one plans to teach mathematics in one of the Scandinavian countries. 2 Spotlights Installed On Ends of Pollock Rd. Two 150-watt spotlights have been installed on trees at either end of the Pollock Rd. dead-end area. The erection of the lights, which are connected to street lamps neaiby, completes the road closing project. The spotlights have been placed so their beam will illuminate the road block at either end, aiding night-time travellers. Lucky Strike’s Dr . Frood to the rescue: Foolproof Formula Simplifies Chemistry Dear Dr. Frood: I am having a difficult time in chemistry. We are studying the chemical properties of acids, and I have become utterly confused. Can you help me understand acids? Dear Bunsen: Take two parts of hydro chloric acid and three parts nitric acid. Pour into saucer. Stir mixture with finger. Note how much shorter the finger be comes. That is due to the chemical action of the acid. *o» tO> *o> Dear Dr. Frood: I was amazed at the recent survey which proved that the poorest students were students with cars. Would you comment, please? Dear Dean: I was amazed, too. In my day only the rich students had cars. lO> ipi Dear Dr. Frood: On the level,do you smoke Luckies? Dear Tom: On the level,l do smoke Luckies. 1 also smoke Luckies on inclines. And once enjoyed one while scaling the vertical face of Mt. Everest. I F. Cm. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ~FOlf "sale for" bent miscellaneous iUtAND^Kir^uh.Co"<rnr~ty[7 e wHto. ONE DOUBLE front room, twin beds. INVESTIGATE SUMMER employment op os„l-*P6. AD 8-2416. Call after very Quiet home. Ueaßonable rent. Free at campe am! lerorle. t 6, aekJor Darryb parking available. AD 7-4329. "CETTiNU TO KNOW YOU” loniuht in jSMITH-rOKONA Portable Typewriter, ROOM IN ne.ghboihood, near , - 11 B ” u , cl ' c - Dr ‘ Aaron " pc “ k » I new *6O. AD 8-2416 after 6, ask for with p.ivate bath. All linena fur ar -' lUj| Eclles - ‘ |Darr>l. furnished. 705 McKee ht Call AD 7-7248 OF all kinds by experienced .NEED TROPHIES? You name it— I have I tock '' , ' a ! ‘VP I * 4 - K«»"nab]e rate.. Call it, plain or emiraye.l BiP diacounta. inclu(lc( ,_ p nvRU , entrance, hath, linen, i Quick rhone AD 7-7861 »fte. B towels f urn i s hed. 17.00 per week. AD 8- TIHID OF rock V roll? Try the Jack Uatalm-a available. Sam Troutman a Trophy 968# . , Q Udrtet Dame music. Contact iVTrTo'M'r’iVr ,„i u r- ( NICELY FURNISHED aingle room and' Pju L.A Vu ■’! J-! N rii in !iiifi Bood Bhnpe, best olfer. l double for male students, near campus,'MEET ME at the Pow Wow. Beaver .. . . reasonabJe,__park«ng privilege*. Call AD; Avenue W AlvjTFn "" "" " " 7-7906 or EL 6-4302. , , - - ■ IrIKIEVITsCHOOL Day tensions: eat. YVAI'I ILLf dunk, and be merry at the College LOST Lunch located in the old V.F.W, 149 N. ENGAGED OR nearly engaged couples Atherton for ovei night retreat Saturday. Dr Aaron Rutledge Maniaye Series. See HUB desk. KHAKI LINED Raincoat at La Galleria THE NEWMAN CLUB pieaents the an -"7,;-—?.: ■; —, ——-—7- March 4th. Robeck wutten on collar. I 1 nnal Marriage Forum Series. March 15— IWO MKN to share apartment in Metzger have yours and checkbook AD 7-7851. Topic Mivod Marriage, Speaker: Msgr. _ Huildin K _Cn" ADJM6O4. "mi ~ j Tho.n,,, O'Shea HUB Assembly Rm 7 SINGING GROUTS for uppeu.ance at Hoyt Hall Sat. night. I’lease call Janet, R ,n -, M * r f k .. !6— 7°. p ' c: ,- n . lllh u , C ,£ nt « n * Record Hop. If interentej call Joe at ttm 6-8200 spanker* I .ither John Ziegler. HUB As- UN 6-5125 : 'sembly Room, 7 p.m. March 29—Topic! —: BARACUTA GOLF jacket at Sigma P»,>R.u->ing a Family, Speaker: M«;gr. Vincent THE I’ENN STATE Outin* Clubs Toboir- S(lt .. nBI)le on übe |. Call AD 7-2602. jCoßello, HUB Assembly 1t00r,,. 7 pm. Kan retuined to the Water Tower. No -r r.~ 7 outhtions will be if returned within BROWN WALLET—vicinity of Rec HaII,'ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, throe da>s containing important papers need ui-l tap, toe or acrobatic lessons. Profei- DE.SPKKATE~¥.DE -wanted ITpinSdri. Colle^ 53 ” Schuol of Dance AD 8-1078. 5 Phin son,mime Frl. Cull Carol at UN KH X Kr)t7rN^OAT 1 , h ,-Y a p7r"Tl¥:s' RIDE WANTED v , —-—r Feb. 27. K. Noll vviitt.n on collar. 1 r , , , . . . _ ALL Ui.LY MKN to nerve a*» contestants have vniirK fall UN 6-7120. in AFhiO’s Ugly Man Contest. Apply x j j rrr r r f frx IRIsH COLKEN wants ride to New York* HUB desk. ...« New Jersey aiea for St. Patrick's Day. — WORK WANTED Will leave Mat. 16-17 or 18. Call UN HELP WANTED Mamwn. TUTORING IN German and French for iDISH WASHERS needetl immediately. courses and prndunte language require- FOUND Call AD 7-2941. ments. Call AD 8-1264 after 6 pm. j- - COLLEGIAN HAS paid positions open r j jj\ve YOURS. Claim nt Marriage for proof readers. See Editor in Col- ROOM & BOARD Series—7 *'lo p.m. Finlay night. Dr. leginn Office j_, j jjx j jrr rr rrr j-rxr A<u<»rv Rutledge CLEAR TOOL CAMP, Carmel. New York, RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for, FOUND: PAIR OF rose-tinted in will interview men for ail type positions room & board for spring semester at; ladies Ist floor rest room. Mineral March 16 A 17. Salaries beginning $3OO. 817 "E. Bearer Ave. A 220 S. Allen St. I Sciences Building. May be claimed In 220 Sign up in advance for appointment, 112 For complete information ask for MralMineial Sciences Bldg, by paying for Old Main. Petrlsky at 317 E. Beaver Ave. ithn ad J. Bunsen Burner Doubting Tom COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS Dear Dr. Frood: Exactly what is the difference between adult westerns and what I suppose you would call juvenile westerns? Dear Channel: It’s the horses. The hero on juvenile westerns rides a pure white horse or a palomino. In adult westerns, the hero’s horse is brown, sincere, ma ture-looking. fi o* Dear Dr. Frood: I am going out for the college play and have become interested in the “Method” school of acting. Could you tell me how this differs from ordi nary acting? COLLEGE STUDENTS SMOKE MORE LUCKIES THAN ANY OTHER REGULAR! When it comes to choosing their regular smoke, college students head right for fine tobacco. Result: Lucky Strike tops every other regular sold. Lucky's taste beats all the rest because L.S./M.F.T.—Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. TOBACCO AND TASTE TOO FINE TO FILTER! Product of </& J’drwucew (Jot Channel Selector Thespis FRIDAY. MARCH 11, 1960 Dear Thetp: It is all a matter of horv you throw j ourself into your part. For Instance, when playing “Peter Pan” the ordinary actor flies through the air on guide wires. When the “Method” actor plays the role, wires are unnecessary. <Ol <o* (09 Dear Dr. Frood: I am friendly, out going, tolerant, athletic, well to do and a good conversationalist. Why doesevery body hate me? Dear Hurt: Idon’t know why—-we just do. CiGARCTTe* is cur middle name
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