pag: two Sdisiisb \Tickets Available Revised For For Muller Lecture rfa | |fl ff | ' Ticket distribution for the fourth lecture in the series on jyg G&U ‘'The Oiigin and Development of Man and His Culture,” to WW VVI%^ )e presented by Dr. Herman J. Muller, will begin at 9 a.m today at the Hetzel Union desk. Muller, professor of zoology at By PAT DYER The Intorfiateimty Counetl-1 Panhellemc Council Greek ; Week committee announced! the linn! schedule for this year’s events last night. i Gieek Wt»k will last from April 3 to April 11. Working under a theme of "Cheek-; Together," the' 23 .‘.(iioi ities and about 34 fra ternities on campus will compete in six events to determine an all oxer Gieek Week winner. Cheek Sundav, the women's IFC Min pielnmnaiies, and the Quar tet preliminaries will open the week April It The sing and quar-' tot pielimmane.s will-be held at 8 p in. in 121 Sparks. Men's sing prelims and the Quartet finals will be held at ; 8 p.m. Monday, April 4 in 121 Sparks. Jainev Jnnirro, graduate stu-. dent from Beta Theta Pi, will be master of tereinoiue-s for the sing finals which Will be held at 8, pm Tuerday. April 5, in Schxx’ab, Auditorium The winning quar tets xx’ill enteitain the sing finals,' according to Ronald Roth, sing! co-chairman i Exchange dinners are scheduled' for 5.20 p.m. Wednesday, April 6J Soiontv and fraternity members 1 will meet in the lobbies rather, than in the suites as in previous! years Sororities xvill still enter tain men in their suites following, the dinners, howevei. j The outstanding sorority and i fraternity pledge will be an- 1 nounced at the pledge banquet, ’ scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Thurs- i day, April 7 in the Helzel Union 1 Dining Room A. The trophy for | the fraternity with the highest ! pledge class average will also 1 be presented at this time. | The bridge tournament is setj for 7 p.m. Friday, April 8 in War-! ing lounge Nearly 100 per centi .sorority and 50 per cent fraternity pm ticipation is expected, accord-! mg to Sue Gtossman, tournament co-< han man. Work projects will he organized all due April !) and Cheek Week will close with the IFC-Panliel Banquet at 6 pm Monday, April It, m the Nittanv Lion Inn mam dining loom. Coeds to Hear WSGA Rules The new women's rules, sign out system and the system for recording late minutes will be ex plained in all women's residence halt, tonight after sign-in- hours. Membeis of the Women’s Stu dent Association Senate and Judi cial Board will pass out copies ol the new rules and amxx-er questions about them at unit meetings. A sheet explaining the new sign-out system in a step bv step process will also be distributed.' After Mondav women in most residence hail units will sign in on a bulletin board on their floor Those in Simmons. McF.lwain, li vin and McKee Halls will sign out on the ground floor. Student checkers will record late minutes on a special card and will inform a girl if she has ex ceeded her 15 minutes grace period for that month. WRA Forms Available Applications for Women’s Rec reation Association positions will be available until 5 p m. today in the mam office of White Hall or in 105 Old Main. MARRIAGE SERIES NM DKOIUION lONITE 2(4 BOUCKE 7:30 P.M. DR. FRANCIS WHALEY Prof. C. R. Mos* Married Versus Dr. D. G. Thevao* Graduate Students THE DAILY LUHEGIAN. oiAlt CUUtGE. PENNSYLVANIA BENNO MOISEIWITSCH. win ner of the Rubmstein prize at the Imperial Academy of Music at the age of nine, performed last night in Schwab Audi torium as part of the Artist Senes program. Hughley to Talk At UCA Forum “The Christian Faith and the Capitalist Socialist Controversy’’.T rt U.IJ Swill be the subject of a lectuie fftOIQ ClfeCllOllS 'by Dr. J. Neal Hughley, professor. The Education Student Council jof economics at North Carolinawill hold elections for next se ! College, at 815 p.m. Saturday in mester's council on March 28 and ;the Eisenhower Memorial Chapel 29. |lounge. 1 The council did not decide This will be the second lecture whether to have decentralized in the current forum series onjvoting or not. This will be dis-i “The Christian and the Problems cussed at the next meeting. j of Contemporary Culture” spon-, The council also has voted to: .sored by the faculty coinmitteccancel Us Big-Little-Sister tea of the University Christian Asso-, which was scheduled for Wednes ciation. (day. j Hughley did undergraduate’ work at Morehouse College and the Union Theological Seminary. He holds a master of arts degree and a doctor ot philosophv degree from Columbia University. j As an active leader in Christian' social action agencies in the South, he is the author of “Trends in Protestant Social Idealism” and the co-author of "The Chris tian Way in Race Relations.” Counseling Posts Available for Men Men who are interested in po sitions as counselors in the resi-i idence halls next fall may obtain] application forms in 102 Waring.] Applicants must be over 21! years old with at least two years; of college. A 2.2 All-University : average and previous experience; m group living are also required. It is also recommended that ap-! plicants have previous experience' .in group leadership or supervi-! sion. ( Counselors receive room and! iboard in return for their services.! Non-resident fees are remitted for, graduate students selected from outside Pennsylvania. I THESIS MUITIIITHING INI KA S 1 ECONOMICAL WMWmi PRINTIMf' 3~,2 E. COLLEGE AD 8-B7Sl| Indiana University, Bloomington, and winner of the 1946 Nobel prize in physiology and medicine, will speak on “The Fu ture Physical Development of Man” at 8 p.m. Sunday in Schwab Auditorium. A native of New York, Muller completed his undergraduate woik at Columbia University. He con tinued his graduate work there paper |and received master of arts and Dr. Joseph Grosslight, profes-, ! doctor of philosophy degrees in { psycho i o g y , an d Dr. David [zoologv, Physiology, andl biochem- R as y ciate fessor of phys- 1 a H OC ' ‘cs, will act as discussants who 1 , TT«iwprcUv eSree Edna- W in ra j se g ues tions about the pa-j I lgh Universitj. 'per and present a critical evalua-i i Muller is now engaged in teach- tion of it. The floor will also be, ;ing and research in genetics at opened for general comment and] jlndiana University. His work is'questioiis ' i supported by the Rockefeller, chairman of the meeting will be' ‘ h n e . Atomic Energy Dr Robert Q Bernreuter, dean of,' ■ mV, and tbe US ‘ Publlc admissions and registrar, ! u . , { Williams received his bachelor: I, now investigating prob- o{ and master o£ arls degrees jlems of mutation with particular f Washington and Jefferson-, ircference to the effects of rad;a- :Colleg the bachelor of divinity; t on. He has also done major degre V from Johnso n C. Smith Istudies on evolution, gene and Un B lversjt and th STM from! ichromosome theory, speejatton'y , Tjniversitv [and human genetics. i [ Muller holds many honors in his! field, in addition to the Nobeli Prize, including membership in' the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and winner of the 1927- r award of the American Associ-! ation for the Advancement ofi I Science. Education Council Chaplin to Give Paper Tonight At UCA Series The Rev. Preston Williams, i acting University chaplain, Will present the second paper, [in the University Christian Association’s current series on “Is Christianity Intellectually! Defensible?” at 8 tonight in the small lounge of the Eisen .hovver Chapel. ' “The Problem of Religious Knowledge: Revelation and Rea son” will be the topic of the LOBSTER HOUSE j LOBSTEft TAIL with Draw/i Butter end Creme-De-Mint for Oessert TAXI RETURN GRATIS WMAJ BRINGS YOU the Morning Show GLENN SHEFfER 6:30 to 11A.M. Music, News, Weather and Sports 1456 THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 1960 * CATHAUM Now: 1:10. 3:16, 5:22, 7:28, 3:34 —tFtJHJIOVE AND MURDBRit— i M-e-M pteanfc GLEfIIT DEBBIE FORD^REVnOLDS ] ( W *M »V 0" MOOUCIIM | Jf?]F GAZEBO CARL REINER* t» cutai*scoP£ 1 Tiffir TONITE: DOORS OPEN 6:45 SB.I-- MRKDOUGIAS y”"®ha mm lUHffidbnpfc IsfSIF muiw LIVE MUSIC EVERY NIGH? at LA GALLERIA LAST TIME TONIGHT DU?? POTTER With FREIOA LEE STARTING TOMORROW AT 4:15 P.M. FOR ONE WEEK RICHIE KING QUINTET WE FEATURE T.G.I.F. and Saturday Afternoon Sessions DANCING Mon.-Thurs. 7 P.M. -11 P.M. Fri. and Sat. 8:30 - 12:30 P.M. STOP IN AT . . . LA GALLERIA 221 E. Beaver Ave.
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