WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1960 Parkinson Comments On 'Commitology' "Commitology", a with the life cycle o committee is not a str C. Northcote Parkinso this semester's Lectur Parkinson kept h nearly an hour with his morous comments on bureaucracy, committee cocktail party. He desc effect of his theories, no ai "Parkinson's Laws," parable to "finding a chovie in strawberry icz i thing of a surprise. Parkinson said he ideas for his first theor administrators make v each other, and that v pands to fill the time —during World War he served as major in ish army. lie presented these t leories in a paper distinguished by many mathematical formulae (mathe matics is a status symbol he said— it shows the subject is a serious and scientific work and equations break up the page) which was published by the London Econ omist He then turned his attention to further observations of bureauc racy. An administrator has two duties, he said. He spends his mornings push ing paper around (from an in basket to an out-basket with a possible detour through a LBW, let the blighter wait, basket); his afternoons he spends in commit tee A committee starts out with 5 members (only 3 are needed to elect a chairman and a sec retary, but one must start with 5) and grows until it reaches the "co-efficient of inefficiency" =---between 23 and 90 members, he said. Another problem he investi gated, Parkinson added, was that of the cocktail party. A cocktail party, scientifically considered, he said, is an opportunity for dis covering who is important, sig nificant, dynamic, and vital. WEL KROSSWORD ACROSS 5. What 2 Down may be (pi.) 1. Breakfast-table eye catcher 6. Half a pack of Kools I'. Llama's cousin 7. It's curvacious 13. She sounds anti 8. "Take me to 14. Mental process your 15. Naturally he's 9. Trim gull-ible 10. Thin Man's dog 16. What to buy Kools by 11. What Menthol 17. Gush, In a Magic is hurry 12. Blyth, Arbor, 18. Buys a car etc. 19. Shrunken con- 21. As they say in tinent N. Africa: "--..anyone?" 20 Canes Canyon 22. Start of Ws -24. Raison d' tentialism 26 Latin wife 27 Mr. K's team 28. It's nothing 29 Man with a burning desire 81. A Kool so refreshing 83. What Diamond Jim turned on in his sink? 86. Snake that's almost a dance 41. Lacks a code 43. Full of fun 44. Names (Latin) 43. Band on hip, elbow out 46. Builds 47. Time for a change DOWN 1. Drains 2. Gag man $. Leaves unpro• 'meted d. Roman road of Ka) By PAT DYER new biological "science" which deals the committee, has revealed that a cture, but an organic growth, quipped last night in the first presentation of • Series. apacity audience amused for s near- dry, hu modern and the ibed the known as COM arp an '—some- Three Students 'Get Fellowshipsi Three University students have' been granted Woodrow Wilson National Fellowships to begin study toward advanced degrees in their fields next year. The students are Alan C. Elms, senior in psychology from La Cen ter, Kentucky; Joseph C. Flay, senior in philosophy from Read ing; and Everett A. Van Dorn of Stow, Ohio, who was graduated in arts and letters in 1958. gigot Ms es—that ork for ork ex vailable i 1 when he Brit- Because of the serious shortage of college teachers, the fellow ships are designed to recognize and assist outstanding students who wish to enter college teach ing They are supported during their first year of graduate study at universities of their choice. In some cases, such as that of Van Dorn, support may be extended for an additional year. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY, SELL, TRADE, TELL CHESS TOURNAMENT i Anyone Can Enter I 7 TONIGHT HUB Cardroom 23. ___-face (ro vers_' of opin• ton) 24. Period in ceramics 25. Difficult to dig 80. Swimming 82. Willie's shib boleth: ICooler 33. Temple (archaic) 84. What Latin lovers like 85. "_____ up to the Menthol Magic of ICoola" 87. Tel 88. Little Miriam 89. Little Barbara 40. Plant that Bounds like Cockney greet ing 42. Vegas 43. Storage place for cookies YOU NEE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA OHM. WoxnAc Williamson Tobssco GAP. TIM to Lead Spring Week Float Parade Town Independent Men's Council has decided to spon sor and build the lead float for the Spring Week parade. The float will not be eli gible for a prize, but will serve as transportation for the Spring Week Queen finalists. Leonides will be asked to help with the float. Alpha Phi Omega, men's serv ice fraternity, reported to TIM that they are taking a survey of townspeople in order to find streets suitable for TIM weekend parking. In other business, TIM voted to hold their Spring Dance at 9 p m. March 12 in the Hetzel Union ball ,room. The AIM band will play for the dance, and free dance tickets will be distributed by TIM starting next week. Frank Burkett was appointed by the council to be TIM'S can didate for Alpha Phi Omega's Ugly Man Contest on March 23. All members volunteered for office duty so that now the TIM office will be open from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. WRA intramurals Begin Women's Recreation Association intramurals in bowling and bask etball begin this week. Schedules for these tourna ments, which will continue for the next month were distributed yes terday at the WRA meeting. Not 6 is hge, KGD I • a a ,an A CIGARMTTBS No Student Tickets Left For Tonight's Concert No student tickets remain for the Benno Moiseiwitsch Artists Series concert at 8:30 tonight in Schwab Auditorium. However, 12 non-student tickets are left. Moiseiwitsch will open the program with "Impromptu in A Flat Major" by Schubert and "Carnaval, Opus 9" by Schumann. Following intermission he will play "Prelude in B Minor," "Pre lude in G Major" and "Moment Musicale," all by Rachmaninoff. He will also play 'West Finnish Dance" by Palmgren, "Fairy Tale in E Minor" by Medtner and "Etude in F Sharp Major" by Stravinsky. The program will close with three Chopin selections: "Barcar olle," "Nocturne G Major" and "Scherzo B Flat Minor." Although born in Odessa ,where he won the Rubinstein Prize at the Imperial Academy of Music when he was nine years old, Moi seiwitsch has made his home in England for more than 50 years. He has been awarded British music's highest honor, a Certifi cate of Honary Life Membership in the Royal Philharmonic So ciety. Collegian Candidates Candidates on the Daily Col legian news staff will meet at 6'30 tonight in 2 Carnegie. McLANAHAN'S SELF-SERVICE rmil r ein the air... c pßiKe everywhere *TI-) But you WILL be able to spring at these bargains . . . • Choice of 16 Subjects o Beautiful Natural Colors • Natural Oak Frame • Large 18" x 22" Size s t y 4,ix. :,i; ,4~• G-E Electric Alarm Luminous Dial Was NOW $4.95 $317 Campus Shopping Center Delta Chi to Entertain Deans at Annual Dinner Delta Chi fraternity's annual Deans' Dinner will be held tomor row at Delta Chi .-.11 the Univer sity deans are invited to the din ner, the theme of which is to "promote good administration fraternity relations." PAINTINGS 1 / 2 off only 90c CHIC Ha ir PAGE FIVE I:I3PASNV 73M1 o. ;4:, Dryer Was NOW $4.95 $3.99
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