TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1960 MORE FIREWOOD—DonaId Coble, the University tree surgeon, cuts up a tree that fell under heavy snow Thursday night. Crews Announced For Thespian Show Thespians' spring show, "Kiss Me Kate," will be presented March 31, April 1 and 2 in Schwab Auditorium. Crews for the show are the following: Program, Eugene Chaiken, chairman; Martin Leshner, Jay Epstein, Steve Klein, Barbara Oliver and Judith Exler. Make-up, Mimi Funk, chairman, Barbara Gomber, Mar-, lene Neff, Brenda Vogel, Barbara Kiess, Judy Harris, David Cooper Klampt, Harriet Shapiro and and Stephan Colebotta; construe- Lynne Cerefice. ;lion, James Bull, chaiman; Rich- , , , Publicity, Carmella LaSpada, 'ard Kroll, Judith Gordon and Di chairman; Ba r bar a Yatsko, !ane Derrickson. Katherine Sweeney, - Sus a n I Props, Sally Leight, chairman; Mong, Robert Miller, Ben Lu- Mary Webb, Marcie Speizman, rie, Stephen Green, Mary Lou IJanet Runzer, Jane Prutzman, Jo Gehman and Barbara Engel- (Ann Mintmier, Geraldine Lindner, hard. Catherine Leeson, Lynne Engel ! Lights, Dean Eayre, chairman; 'bach and Carol Coombs. - James Kridel, Thomas Parkinson,' Eldon Reed and Robert Mille r; West Halls Council scenic artists, Charlotte Ford, chairman; Linda Weiner, Alice Von Suck, Arline Maugel, Lois sects President London, Elizabeth Larkin, Carole i i West Halls Council last night Greenert, Lois Dontizig and Bren-selected David Garland, sopho da Arsenberg. more in speech from Harrisburg, Costumes, Carol IVlcLaughlin.,as council president to replace chairman; Janet Monroe, Patri-Duane Johnson who resigned the cia Ainsworth, Ginger Walker.'position at the beginning of the Nancy Barnhart, Nell Garrison,! semester. Jeanne Bicking, Virginia Ricker, A plan for establishing Satur- Patricia Munafo and Constance,day night dancing in the Hamil- Adler. 'ton Hall game room was adopted House, Bryan Pokras, chair- !on a trial basis by the council. man; Barbara Watchorn. Jean 111 the plan proves successful after Van Tassel, Susan Sherman, la three-week trial period, it will Helen Mullineaux, Gay Mack, ; be established on a permanent Evelyn Koeblin, Barbara Ir- basis. win. Janice Hewlett, Janet i Members of the council aLso Goodman, Edline Chun, Lois i approved a proposal by North Berry. Sandy Berner and Ellen :Halls that the two living areas Barufkin.combine in entering a joint proj -1 Stage crew, James Anderson,' ect in Spring Week. chairman; Steve Sulzbacher, El-1 CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS len Sulkis, Walter Smucker, Dean 50c BUYS 17 WORDS LAST DAY To Get The February Issue Of The Penn State Engineer • HUB . • Mall • Sackett • Waring • Warnock —GM Firebird 111 —Master's Degree In Biz Ad ---"Peace—it's terrible' (War and Economics) THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Kane to Address Brotherhoodßanquet The seventh annual Brotherhood Banquet will be held at 6 p.m. tomorrow in the Hetzel Union ballroom. Dr. John J. Kane, head of the Department of Sociology at Notre Dame University, will speak on the topic "Promoting Harmony in Interreligious Affairs." He will be introduced by the Rev. Preston N. Williams, acting University Chaplain and Nature Theme coordinator ; of Religious Affairs. Toastmistress far the occasion Shown in Cote , will be Dr. Dorothy Houghton, assistant dean in charge of resi dent instruction in the College 'of Home Economics. The invoca- Photo Display t.zon will be given by Clifford A. Nelson, acting director of the The underlying unity inHillel Foundation and chairman nature is the theme of the on Interreligious Affairs. Following the dinner, the photographs in the Harvey group will be led in singing Cote' collection currently on' by James W. Beach, assistant ; director of the Chapel Choirs. display in Gallery 105, Tern -1 Greetings from the Student porary Building. Government Association will be delivered by the presiden, Leon- The sequence of photographs and Julius. Dr. Robert G. Bern entitled "Forms in Nature" dem-: reuter, dean of admissions, will onstrates the design qualities to, bring greetings from the Uni be found in natural objects and, versify. Ithe use of photography in adver-, The closing benediction will be tising. Also in the exhibit are ex - ,given by the Rev Richard W. amples of advertising art, includ -, Nutt. director of the Wesley Foun ing,book jackets, letterheads and'd a ti on. folios ' Kane took his undergraduate Cote is a graduate of the Mu- work at St. Joseph's College. re seum of Fine Arts, Boston. and of ceived his master s degree at Tern- Tufts College. He studies with l ple University and was awarded Gyorgy Kepes at the Massachu—his doctorate at the University of setts Institute of Technology. iPennsylvania Gallery 105 is the scene of st.u-' His speciality lies in the field dent art displays and displays of; of the family. race and ethnic work of outside artists relating, group relationships and inter to various areas of study at the, religious tensions. Recognized University. Students in fields, as a counselor on family ;mob other than art, especially thosei lems. in advertising and journalism and! He has formerly served as presi those interested in photography,' dent of the American Catholic should find the exhibits interest- Sociology Society and as execu ing and useful and it is hopedltive director of the South Bend they will take advantage of them Mishawaka Roundtable of the William Hanson, instructor of art:National Conference of Christians said. and Jews. The current showing will be on view to the public from 9 a.m. to! 5 pm. Monday through Friday,! until Feb. 26 Veterans' Representative; Will Visit Wednesday A contact representative of the; Veterans Administration will vis-; it the University tomorrow to assist veterans and their depen-; dents in applying for any benefits; currently being administered by the Administration. The representatwe will be in 3B Old Main between 10 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. ENGINEERING for Seniors and Graduates in P NTaRVI giPirg • tt, '• foremost dirsignier inufJpoikilt.o. en Jo n i • „ - • ` of flistio!'44,4llreFlt • , • • ••• ..• , . , , .... • , , • , , . .., ~, • . AppaintiTiiiits, should bit iiossiivl'enNotio, iithivalr your Croitege fisiietnetit Mix • , , , ~ , . nArr WHIMEY AIRCRAFT t,v, • • :.:J to 4 . (,) • •A ---- CENTRE THRIFT CORP. -- CASH ADVANCED $25 to $6OO FRIENDLY CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE • 143 WEST BEAVER AVENUE • AD 7-2212 • PHYSICS APPLIED MATHEMATICS ENGINEERING, MECHANICS ENGINEERING PHYSICS AND AERONAUTICAL, CHEMICAL, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL, METALLURGICAL, and NUCLEAR ENGINEERING THURSDAY, MARCH 3 FRIDAY, MARCH 4 Meeting for Farm Work To Be Held Wednesday A meeting for students interest ed in employment opportunities at the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau will be held at 7 pm tomorrow in 210 Armsby. Personal interviews will be held starting at 8 a m. Thursday and Friday in 117 Tyson. Students unable to attend the Wednesday meeting may make an appointment by going to 117 Tyson. If thoughts of financial planning leave you feeling this way, you should do something about it now, You may be surprised how little money you need to begin your lifetime financial program. Life Insurance is the perfect founda tion because it offers protection end savings features. See your Provident Mutual campus representative for more information now—while you can gain by lower premiums. George A. Borosque 103 E. Beaver Ave. Stale College, Penna. Office ADams 8-0544 Residence AD 8-1364 PROVIDENT MUTUAL Life Insurance Company of Philadelphia PAGE FIVE
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