41 'TWELVE '4W-7;* —Collegian photo by Jim Mutt THIS GROWTH CHAMBER is used to test the properties of vat Jou% plant life Jean Snow, graduate student in pathology, is running a test on grim to sue the effect of plant nutrition in disea , .e developnwnt. NSF Project Plants in Darkness Grow Down in the basement of Buckhout Laboratory in a room hidden away in a dark corner are plants that have never seen the light of day. The plants are part of a research project conducted by the Department of Botany, sponsored by the National Science Founda tion Five people work on the project and are (Elected by Dr. Richard D Schein, assistant pi o fofor of plant pathology Schein explained that a regu lai greenhouse is enough for or (final v growth of plants but he said it 144 not sufficient for fine experiments Heat in a greenhouse can be controlled but the light can not, due to changing weather conditions, he Saul The growth chambers are arti ficially constructed chambers where light and temperature are controlled. In this way, plants are grown without ever having seen the light of day, Schein said. The chambers etc built by the Agi a uhutal Expel iment Station at the Univel city. There ale three ot them in the ~ ante room, and they arr about six feet high, of lath gi ay metal and resemble refrigerator:, The chambers are lighted by rows of limn eseent lights At inlet t'als bt I.‘‘. een the flumeseent lights are led lights. These pi o vule the light necessary for photo synthe,A,,. A fan inside the chamber keeps the air circulating and the chamber also contains a sensi tive instrument to measure the amount of humidity inside. Arti• facial light comes through clear plastic covering on the top of the chamber. A ttraph on the side of the chamber record , . the temperature and humidity although the cham ber ik; Controlled_ manually. The Debts go on automatically at 6 A in, and off at 6 n.m., Schein !,.141 Schein said he designed the t hainhei , ;, and they were e.mn ploted in September He said the woi k curl catty hying done with the chamber in volves plant diseases Se"ate A pproves Special Ed Group The Senate Committee on Stu dent Affairs approved the char ter of the Penn State Special Ed ucation Association last week The group will bring together those interested in the teaching of special children and will try to help them understand then• pro fession better President of the association is Carole Signerino, senior in ele mentary education from Pitts burgh. By EMILY NISSLEY Rule Change-- (Continued from page eight) dropped, the Committee on Rules said the lapse of time be tween a student's disappear ance from campus and report ing his absence in class is too large to provide effective in formation in dealing with rush cases. KAPPA SIGMA WELCOMES FRESHMEN TO ITS 'CRAZY HAT PARTY' Tonight 9:00 P.M. ii l-11 i 11111111111111 T 1111111 1 1 111111111111111 - 111 - 111 - 111 - 111 - 111 - 111 - 1111ilililliiIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111101111111110. Plant Management (Production) Research and Development Central Engineering Division Central Industrial Engineering 5111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111E THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA "The rung of a ladder was never meant to zest upon, but only to hold a man's ' foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher."—Thomas Huxley PROCTER & GAMBLE* .s.aps A Successful Company Offers You The Best Opportunity For A Successful Management Career GRADUATING SENIORS: Procter & Gamble will visit Penn State next week on Tuesday, March 1 Wednesday, March 2 to discuss your future in a challenging organization. *Selected for eight consecutive years by American Institute of Management as one of the country's 10 best-managed companies. TIM May Buy Rope Ladders The Town Independent Men's Council is considering supplying all town independent men with rope ladders to be used as fire esespeF. The council has requested Rob ert Kadis to price rope ladders at ; the Stale College fire company, so that they may be used for fire' escapes in those residences that lack this fire protection. Although the residences are re-' quired to have fire escapes, many! do not. Kadis said that many', homeowners feel that installing' a fire escape would be too coi-Aly.l If rope• ladders cost too much, for the council to buy in quantity,) the council will act as a purchas-; Ong agent for the town men who; wish to buy them. LINCOLN* (*Abernathy Lincoln, a windy barber from Gales- burg, Illinois.) WAS RIGHT! "IT IS EASIER TO TRIM A MAN WHEN HE TAKES OFF HIS HAT" •• • • HOWARD SMITH BARBER SHOP 210 S. Allen St. The Friendliest Clip Joint in Town Circulatory Guide To Be Developed A guide for high school teach ers on the heart and circulatory' system will be developed at the University Dr. Arthur L. Harnett Jr., pro fessor of physical education, will direct the program which is sup ported by a $3OO research grant from the Pennsylvania Heart As- Wartik to Speak sociation, Harrisburg. Dr Thomas Wartik, associate The guide, or teaching unit. professor and head of the Depart- Harnett said, will make readily ment of Chemistry, will lecture on available to teachers information ' The Boron Subhalides—a Unique on the heart and circulatory sys- Class of Substances" before local tern to help them in presenting sections of the American Chem this material to their high school ical Society during a 10-day lee students, tore tour. + CLASS FOB SALE FOOD SERVICE equipmeot of esetv type nru, used ail t t built for result], ant' trate, oldies, churches, hotels nod schools Stainles- .reel dtstm ashti misers. peelers ref: rate rutin., r tinge t, dishes, ails eras ore and chin:mare eniensloo, Mal inter at Equipment M tut s. Inc It 457 Igoe Street Williamsport. Pa 61521. NFW --- AN]) used office desksllo 00 tip Sri Is el chair from $7611. Special lint in used steel locket a. Steel storage cab]. mt., steel files and t most( files $.l nn up Near and used 4-drawer e mentions a aloes. Adding machines. safes. etc Steel she's tog, fur stores, homes and of films Equipment Mfg) Inc R 457 }'rne St , Williamsport. Pa. 61621. LLOYD vir,o German sedan. 46 mpg, hit- cooled. fi ont-m. heel (it lye. Any eaqe.n able Wei Waeor tape recorder 870. Lai r} AD 5A724. TWO MATCHED stereo Fpeaker cabinet', base teller type, fibertrlnsi thaulated 12 inch ,peaket, not included. Size 11 1 1 liver) by 2' by tiOc,. Very hen% y construe don ttl'i 00 John 11 illiantgon, AD 1017% [CF: SKATES--men' , hockey, mice 11— $2.50: men's regular, sire 10-43 00 Women's regular, size o—s 3 00. Call AD 7-2215. 1959 CHEVROLET 210 model, six cvlin (lei, radio & heater, standard shift, less than 25,000 miles. Price $1195. Call AD 7.3322. ARVIN CLOCK RADIO, one year old, excellent condition. Call Abbey AD 7- 4979. Good value. low price. 1951 CHAMPION Trailer 36', excellent condition; one bedroom, automatic washer, Jai ge Irving room, patio, large lawn. Phone AD 84149. MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED WATCH & Clock Remit! years experience Sam Diaz, opposite school Pine Grove Hilts. AD 8.8047. EUROPE THIS summer? You'll get more out of the experience If you learn a language chile 3ou're there! For lnfor• motion call Lolli UN 6-2G31. SPECIAL. REDUCED student short-term rate, for TIME. LIFE, SPORTS ILLUS. TR ATM NEWSWEEK Mail your (mid now or write College Mag.i/ine Bars ice, Pox 137 Stale College, Perms! , I% Bola TYPING reaconable, prompt, electl le t% pewriter. AI) 7-705. rii,..'ELY FURNISHED single room and ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing I tap, toe or acrobatic lessons Profesl double for male students, near campus, sional School of Dance. AD 8.1078. . r PaY)ll able, packing privileges. Call AD 17-7000 or EL 5.1302. ; ri COMFORTABLE. MODERATE rate e cornmodatoms with pHs ate bath or INTERMEDIATE RUSSIAN and liegini running water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. '..glttany e„ State College. AD 7-4850 or ning German textbook. Urgently needed Call AD 7-4d48 SAD 7-7702 ANYONE FINDING pair of taped glasses lost Fridae call Bob UN 15-5213. SCARAB BRACELET lost last week.I RF.SERVATIONS NOW being taken for Sentimental value. Reward offered. Calif room & board for spring semester at UN 5-2656. 1317 E. Bearer Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. LARGE GOLD Pin engraxed A.J F. If ; For complete information ask for Mrs. found, plitese call Andrea UN 54610.1 Petrisky at 317 E Beaver Me. • ChE, EE, lE, ME, Eng Sci (BS, MS) s EE, ME (BS, MS) TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1960 Intorre to Attend Meeting On Occupational Safety Joseph Intorre, associate in charge of• driver training in the University's Institute of Public Safety, has been invited to the President's Conference on Occu pational Safety to be held March 1 to 3 in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the conference is to devise and apply means of reduc ing on-the-job accidents. IFIEDS + COLLEGE STUDENTS—students looking to- pmt-tune o.ork 2 ei.coinga a week .11 , i a half day sat. Call Mr. Lichtenfels i.. 2.011 10 a m-2 p In. Salary $45 per htudent only. ANYONE INTERESTED m ft summer camp job „rate to • Mr Jerry Stein. 114. limper Rona, Havel tom. n, fur in tea len% Intel sews held on conlynn, Feb. 27. Calm, one hour from Philadrlpbm. K ITCH r.:‘: HELP at hate' nifty house. ark for meals. Ask for caterer. AD 7-102 KITCHEN HELP wanted for fraternity. Call Dm e, AD 7-1953. • BON‘ LERS. DATES, open allele. erg night anytime 6:30 p.m. to ts .00 p.m. ‘l,O 9 to 12 p m liken 32e No waiting. Phone AD 5.1148 Downtonw Dux Ciub, S Pueh Sheet. GI'ITARIST DESIRES position vit h area ,Pinc, band Experienced, dependable. Phone AD S-' 14x. Downtown Dux' Chub, after 6 p RI[,ERS }ROM York to State and re turn--,A eelsendA Call Bob Handley. 8-9125 after 1 p m. %V XNTEI) NIALE student to share mod. tun efficiency. apartment. 126 E. Fair. mount Phone AD 8-2063. TWO MEN to share apartment in Malaga, Building. Call AD 8-1604. "OM ONEzHALF LARGE living and eleenfng room, kitchen pinileves: also largo room, quiet, New clean. P,y blotka from tamptia South Frazier Street. ONE. LARGE single room on first floor floor close to the campus, low rate. AD 7.7,48 S APARTMENT FOR 3 male atudenta near Rolf cour.e. Call AD 7-7296 after 6 p m. I ROOM NEAR volt cnurbe: lady Drefernd. Cull AD 7-7295 after 6 p.m. SINGLE ROOM, hot owl cold running ..•ete,. Parking ; eentrul; quiet. CAM AD 7-7792 SINGLE OR double room with or without hoard 243 South Pugh St • Food Products • Synthetic. Detergents • Toilet Goods • Paper Products s ChE, Chem (BS; MS, PhD) • lE, Math, Eng Sci (BS, MS) HELP WANTED WANTED FOR RENT ROOM & BOARD
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