PAGE EIGHT Economy May Cause Center To Shut Down (cmittnned from page one) The Department of Security amending the hill to give us ad- will be dissolved and its functions ditional funds" 'will be handled by other depart- W;dl“ , r said that some of the Name for the low appropriation ments, Albert E. Diem, vice ores lir s in the political conflict be- ident for business administration, tween the urban and iin al legs- said yesterday hams and also in the fact that, Diem said the organizational a new governor, who wasn't fain- change will be carried out grad dial' with the Univel'AtY's alms,'ually between now and July. v. , :r, inaugurated "There are two ways of se- under the direction of he security curing funds through gentle &pat tment. will be established persuasion or high pressure lac- or a departmental basis and op tics," Walker said, and the Urn• (•rated cinder the threct supervi versity follows the former. sion of his office, Diem explained llc also outlined the areas in safety inspection and coordina- IA inch an effort has been made lion will be handled by the De to improve Ihe quality of the partment of Physical Plant Plan staff and faculty as well as im r iling and Construction under the provi menk wha h ate in the pi oc- •,zealignment plan. eu of being made These included' The security department's the super an teaching award, the health physics function, which vi'"l"pu'ivc‘A" cries,the 14 " 1- deals with radiation safety, will e r a) education coni-,e , ,, the year l ;nonfat operation of the faellitie , , be ' transferred to the Health Cen and the dpproval of honors pro- ter vi ;too, Workman's compensation claims "The balance sheet', look good," will he handled by the Depart ,aid in appial , ing the ment of Personnel Services thnviersny'L, Pt ogre's Diem said more economic and has hien made and more ping- efficient operation was the prl res., Is expected to improve roe mare tea:ion rot the changes. Univer , ,m" , -; quality as an in,ditu- lam, he said. "Penn State is a Only about 50 per cent of Penn Pleatlvelsdy and I am con- State's 15,000 students are homed ()dent that it can he a distin- cn Umvetsity facilities on the pul;,hcCl onc," campus CAMP COUNSELLOR OPENINGS FOR FACULTY, STUDENTS AND GRADUATES THE ASSOCIATION OF PRIVATE CAMPS . . . comprising 350 outstanding Boys, Girls, Brother-Sister and Co-Ed Camps, located throughout the New England, Mid dle Atlantic States and Canada. ... INVITES YOUR INQUIRIES concerning summer employ ment as Counsellors, Instructors or Administrators. ... POSITIONS in children's camps, in all areas of activities, are available. it', tte, Phone, or Coll in Person Association of Private Camps Dept. C 55 West 42nd Street, OX 5-2656, New York 36, N. Y YOU cloy sugGf.AH LAD A't et kr ‘ . 7 4 o'S -k:, Department Of Security To Be Dropped The Cammis Patrol, formerly THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ..,,.. ••aosemslii =M:=111 PISTOL GRIP for Rol!Ritz Camera Also ride Feb, 16, Greenville, Pat. by Route 321 Call Al) b-1146 CONTINENTAL HOUSE Trailer, 30 feet, une bedruom, desk. cid). washer. 102 Hilltop 'nailer Park. Al) 0-100 REERICERATOR—quietest in town. .10 , 1 the thing for sour room or apartment Will accept roost reasonable offer. Call AD N-1924, ACCOUNTING 1 eupplies. TV lecture guide, ti and 14 column enal)eiS pods. Complete for IA UN 6-7024 1959 81 MI.,A A ronde, 4 (loot. reclining seats. 5 good tires and ran battery. Call AI) 7-2748 after 11 SILVERTONE l-1 , 1 tape recorder. foot controls and tapes, excellent condition ('all All 7-1087. LLOYD ALEXANDER TS aethin, Getman, two Winder economy uu, MO model, 45 mpg. 51,200. to minally 51,505, (illy etinliMed Tape Recorder Welicor originally 5150 —575 Larry AI) 8-0724 bLIW'; RHIA. - $l5 RI; drawing rnuttamrnto 55.110. Jim Furdell AD S-9029 INCOME PROPERTY. DPit nicht e English shine house 071 con ner of Hamilton and S. Allen Don nsi a in; chestnut panelled M. ingnoom, and dmingloom. large atone fireplace, kitchen. tau bed roonm, bath Upturn three bedroorna, kitchen. bath 1184cfnent and go' age All furnishing tot "Indent rooming included income from up. stair. , 5190 pet month. AD 9.0114 1957 C l' lON Tiailer,3s',e‘cellent condition, one bedroom. automatic washer, Inrge 11, ing room, patio, large lawn Phone AD 9-6145 COMPLETE DRAWING equipment EN- I 01011 t Conti It RM. Call All 8-0358 ii6k %CAITLIN AND Dishwashers iturnediateli Call Les at AD 7-2911. KaC/lEN HELP fot epring semester In f 1 Kt( 1 n ity. Call AD 7-2014. TYPING TO do in home 85r per Page Alpo drafting, pencil or ink. Phone AD 7-7877 after 6 MALE STUDFNT to snare furnished apart- meat m Metiger Bldg. ('all AD 8-1344 LOOKING FOR gil le who plan to uorlc in Ocean Car, NJ. this summer in terested in shin ing Leing expenses. Call Linda l'N 5-2925. CULTURED PEARL on gold chain last Feb. 4 between McElwain and Rec Hall ('all Ferne UN 5-6937. 'BLACK iJbI6RELLA utth cured handle I In black ease—liefoie finals. Sentimental; aloe fts.sarfl. 1.11 , 1 5-7214. with T PENN POWER 4 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE WANTED NN POWER COMPANY Cabin Hill • Greensburg, Penna. 12Et!Cl!El=111 FOR RENT DOUBLE, ROOM ,firNt floor, tuin beds. private outside entrance. 251 S. Allen St. Phone AD 7-47b1. PLEASANT DOUBLE room, half double zoom , ;eesuld flow Ft ee parking, SIM) week. AD 1,-8.`,3,1 FURNISHED TWO-ROOM apartment, tv.o blorks !loin eampug. Paildnir available. $7O per month. Al) 7-.1054 after 5 p in. HEATF.D CARAGF. at Ave. and Atherton St. $lO yer month. Call AL) 7-4344. ONE DOUBLE front room. twin bed, quiet home, prolong available. AD 7-442.'1 APARTMENT SPACE for four Furnkhed Foul blocks Dorn Lumpily. }lee parking $3O each per month. Dick AD 8-noa2. ONE-HALF DOUBLE room, 412 W. Foster Qmat, %ery clean—s 6 00. Call AD 7-7837 MALE STUDENT wanted to share apart ment. quiet. congenial surrounding -4 Call AD 7-21145. HALF DOUBLE room one block from campus, 224 S. Pugh St. Phone AD 7-.M52. ONE SINGLE room one block from Cam pu4. nsailnlde immediately. 230 S. Pugh St. Phom. AD 7-3052. 110081 111 eNchansze for irimtp: * *l Bel , I , e Wa,,on lamirance Agency, 418 %Veit College A% roue, State College. ROOM FOR trio qtntlentq in large triple room within Vi rinsing distance to cant pll4. FI ee pat king Call AD 1-4461 NEWLY FURNISHED single room for mule: four block , from eamms. Fi ee pinking 416 S. Allen. AD 8..1h7.5. NICELY FURNISHED single room and 1 double for male student., near eampu-,, reasonable, milking privilegea. Call AD 7-790il or EL 5-4302. DOUBLE ROOM in Marilyn Hall boat d ing house at 917 E. Hoax er Axe Ex/ el lent location with atmosphere for fine study habits. Meals seised if desired. Con tact Gio. Zei be at AD 7-4928. ROOM and 'or Board Menlo planned b) students. No need to contract for entire Semester, Contact: Itob Gordon, Penn Ha. en Club. 815 S. Allen. AD 1-4258 ONE SINGLE, one double room, one block from campus. Reasonable rates. Phone AD 7-1056. HALF OF double man Immediately in fraternity section Phone AD 74852 SINGLE AND double room with or a Ith out board. 243 South Pugh St COMFORTABLE, MODERATE rate ac commodation+ with private bath or running watei. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittanv Ave., State College. AD 7-4850 or Al) 7-7712 \ • f t i k , 4 Tr: ~ fa it.: 'lnf.': SIGN UP TODAY WITH YOUR PLACEMENT OFFICER FOR AN INTERVIEW WITH A GROWING COMPANY THAT OFFERS YOU A CAREER, NOT e B lO JUST A JOB! THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1960 I1alEZ1=1:1:1 DOUBLE ROOM, centreßy located. Free parhing. Phone UN 5-051 or AD 7-4013„ I 1111 FE SINGLE rooms, prhate entrance; `Aidklnie distance. 611 E. Beaver. Gan 3 ,.D 7-0113 after 4 p.m. ROOM FOR three—iurnmhed, ornate en trance. Call Al) 8-902. ONE_HA U.' quiet, warm pine-panneDed room Pri% ate bath., miiate entrance. 242 Nimitz Aye AD 7-3309. ROOM WITH 'studio fur rent Wu!Ulna di-tance from campus. Ali 8-608 E. MISCELLANEOUS SP FND TIIIS mummer with tihrttumna abroad m France. Spain. Germany. At. tend lanuiruage class, hie with nhti. e Fur information call Lolh, UN i• 2 )3 ' THE POPULATION EXPLOSION" will be the topte of the next Inlet net oal M o nday A p m. at home of Mr, end 34 Ts. Sam Gibson, 712 McKee St. Discussion leader will he Pr. George Thoodoi son Ti minim Lotion from HUB ,le,k at 7 45 SEWING 601 , 11.::-(Iresarnaking. alteration% slip LOS or+. at low cost , , flood jolt Mra. 0 . .. a 4a . A I) fl 4923. TOWN INDEPENDENT MEN—looking fin a good place to eat inexptlifnelv Sociable ntenosphele 7 These are >unrr with nnion expenditio e of tune 1111,11 e ffort. ('ell or stop in College CO-op, 244 F.. Nit. taw, 7-254:t Fisk tin .l lllle MEET ME at the Pow Wow, Rymer Ave WILL C\ RE f or child to my koine— liwilsbut g. Pleasant spri ounilings. Com. poem rart.. $ll weekly, Call 110 1,-6607._ MIKE RAYMOND — and his All-Stars—the band that cased a sensation. Frt-shrnan Night at line Hall—are non a% ailable fur ft ate! nut parties Call UN 6-601.6. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing. tap, toe or acrobatic tenons Profea. atonal School of Dance. AD 8-1078. TM) MEN for part-time work in elee- tlonic cha,kns wiring—COMlTlCllltil glade. Salary enntmen , orate with i.pencnce. 11 in SIMI ra 25 how a per week. Plinne AD `i•0111 for aPPaintrmnt. Expcurnird car- COLLFGE --- STUDENTS— atudentc hwiting for pact-time work 2 ecemngs a week and a half day Sat, call Mr. Lichtenfcla g..? 051 10 aln -2 p.m. Salary t 45 per week. RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for i room & board for spring semester at 1317 "E. Beaver Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete information ask for Mrs. Petrisks , at 317 E. Beaver Ave. ",'vr' ,;,,. ti. ing how fast a young engineer surges an engineering -minded executive-type jobs at West Penn Power led by engineers. They talk your language. appreciate the vital contribution an engineer They invite you to join them In a nging industry. owe it to yourself to look into a company e a young engineer is given a chance to advance when positions ahead open up ... where a young engineer is more than a slide rule expert. We'd like to talk to you if you're about to receive a degree In electrical, mechanical or Industrial engineering. Our representative will be on campus FEBRUARY 16; 1960 FOR RENT HELP WANTED ROOM & BOARD company)
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