PAGE EIGHT Low Bid Entered For Ed Building C, M. McCrossin Inc of Belle fonte was the unofficial low bid der on two contracts involving a special education budding on campus, the General State Au thoi ity said today. ThcMeCrossin bid amounted to $14,477 lot heating and $9747 for plumbing. If these huh au•e accepted, the total coq of the building would be $99,974 Of the University's 60,000 living graduates, an estimated 40,000 live and vim k in Pennsylvania. 1 kEttoza.zi, SIKIATIIING HECLA PARK 15 Mi. E. of State College on At. 64 Every Wednesday, Friday & Sun. Nites 8 to 10:30 Sunday Afternoon Try our nen plattir floor him h eliminate+ ilakt, but pro. den grlnkd tinttion and n m.rror-likr glinting mrfoo e for effortir , s and +lifer elmlitm ltinlk ninilahle for partly,. Phone lion I I 1-23 IN ~_ r , , l'-hx,, :tSA ill - , 0 7 .1 4 kq W. 4 T r i/ .'' ;l4t 0 4 ! 1 %;` A 7 %Wi: IP , I - A' . Nl.kl t, 43 ; c 4„, 4 .q . 2 re,..'4w' I , :i t - gA WIZ, . .PW PiV,'‘.l:!-.3i1 I . itohi ' ail ;;,i , t( l *l - , OA ® .....tmit TV Courses Accepted— (Continued from page one) chance to ask questions and 13 said it was more difficult to concentrate in a television sec tion. Twelve listed closer con tact between teacher and stu dents as the reason for their preference. Students in another study pre ferred television instruction be cause they could see and hear better and because there was less distraction. A few listed more repetition of important data given over television as a reason for their preference. Riding Club Meeting TODAY 217 Willard 7 P.M. Election of president, vice president, and secretary All members urged to attend PENS Si Pos. - Engineer Wayne Cole lstonding) storied with a western company in 1950. He Ores working with top engineers such as his cello"'' alumnus, frank Chapin lseatedl, class of 19. fronk is General is E n gineer in g , of the company. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA HORT VIVIESTERN '5l William Cress, Staff Engineer in one of our western compa nies, likes the outdoor life in Pennsylvania. Bill often hunts or fishes before coming 11 to work in the morn ing• t-le bagged this six -pound turkey wlth d Ogle shot. massevi isceill& What do you look for in your career? Professional development? A chance to work with top men in your field? Job security? The enjoyment of outdoor living? Write for information to Pennsylvania Electric Association, State New Lecture Series-- (Continued from page one) ries has been granted $2OO to plan additional lecture programs, The committee for the new group will be composed of the present Artists Series committee plus two members of the Lecture Series Committee, Mary Jane Wy- Iland, professor emeritus of edu (cation, and Sherry Parkin, senior lin arts and letters from State College. Next semester the combination of the two groups will be com pleted and student representa tives will be the SGA president, ISGA cultural chairman and four 'appointed students. ARIZONA STATE '57 Carlyle Frund majored In Math; now studies Engineering at Pitt under his com pany's Tuition Refund Program. Carl, who sandwiches his college work in with his job, is enthusiastic about his opportunities for professional development. OHIO U. '5B Attractive Lee Kindle tries out a new recipe in her company's Test Kitchen. A Home Service represen- Ntive, she enjoys Gaily contact with schools, women's groups,and house wives. Lee likes the security of an electric company career. =SVMIUM 13MMMJSO Dey Elected Chairman Lanny Dey, senior in business administration from Canfield, Ohio, was elected chairman of the Council of Disciplinary Courts Sunday night. Members of the council consist of Traffic Court chairman, Judi cial Court chairman, Off-Campus Tribunal chairman and one chair -- from the on-campus tribu nals. Nave a WORLD of FUN A ----../,--- ..._, SEE On h i .n, Orient :1 d SPEND LESS 43-65 Days fr. from $998 call.g. ~.d.," ' Also low-coil trip' to Mexico $169 vp, South Americo 3699 vp, Hawaii Stud, To $591 up and Around the World $lB9O up 2Ttk Yes; Ad Your !mufti Arent SI 'WM IS lotted,Oft Plus Nev Vert a, WORLD TRAVEL co.s-rVa WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 13, 1960 Factory Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Salsa—Parta—Seriice Deluxe Sedan $1625. WYNO SALES CO. 1660 E. Third St. Williamsport, Pa Phone 11-16.33 CLASSIFIEDS CASE-17 words or I. CSARGE-12 words or less 1.50 ono Insertion 1.75 two Insertions 11.00 three Insertions Additional words—S for LII for each das of ineertiOn ADS MUST BE IN BY WOO A.M. THE PRECEDING DAT FOR SALE I RACCOON COAT, fine condition. Need money, sell cheap. Call UN 5-2628 TIRED OF WALKING (Mod serviceahlf; 1950 Plymouth; heater and radio. Make an offer, Contact W. Felix, AD 7-7563. FOR SALE 845; Williamsontype amid: tier, Welinter 3-speed changer; Alice 400-B speaker 7"; cabinet to hold chamfer amplifier 75-100, 12" rec4rili. UN 5-7111. FRESH CIDER for sale No preservative added. Al) 7-7510. 1957 CHEVROLET 210 model. Pike $1196. Less than 25 00) miles. Call AD 7-3322. 1963 OLDSMOBILE ' , llan, a atlio and heater. snov. tit e. , hvd,amatic power braes. Cheap. AD 7-3116 or AD 7-3250. 26-FOOT ELCAR Ifoutt Traitei, excel. lent coralltion, Must yell by Feb. Call All ti-231.10 after TRIUMPH TWA Ito,liter like new eon. Prkate ov Ii r. Call AD 7-2252. 1953 BUICK 4-tiont apecial. Nerd so ma transrnisflen %%oils A.!71 AD ti-1522. LADY'S 131{AND NE\% Waltham elect! ic dry ,haver. Reasonable Puce. Call EL 5-9anS. 953 M.G. TD. Best offer. Cad! AD 8-1000 MA: A 1958 conNettible, R&D, \sire uhetle. supercharger—'t Mo. Call AD F-1924, A 120 BASS Noble Accordion, 22 switch. Excellent condition. Phone AD 8-1958. LOST BEICE COAT taken frmii AG 15 Dec 5, lime yours. Phone Marilt n UN 5-4329, PENN STATE Wflllll- , 113 Juliet 1n Librmy about 1 p.m. Friday I hate yours. Call UN 5-891z8. WILL PERSON m IF, aeddently took wrong camel-hair coat Irmo near Lab 11:45 Jan. 7 phone AD 7.4072 GREY FUR-LINED Glove., 10 Spaika. about 4 p.m. If found call Bill UN 64924. FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM. Quiet with parking. 132 E. Fairmount me. AD 7-2930. LATE MODEL bowie hailer: 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen and loom. Located On route 322 at Potter's Mk, near Eutaw House & 'awes. AA.iiiable now. $93 per month. Call EM 4-1144. SINGLE AND double , nest semester East College Ave. AP 7-4374. UNFURNISHED SECOND floor, 4 room apartment IBoalsburgo, store, refriger ator. HO 6.6332, morn ing‘. In ening& ATTRACTIVE DOUBLE 10131119 for nude etudentx next semester: new furniture. 416 S. Allen St. Call AD 8-1875. UNPURNISHED SECOND floor apart- ment, 8 rooms and bath, heat, hot water, electricity and laundry facilities. Furnished. Bellefonte EL 5-9672. pOUBLE ROOM fur rent. Very colse to campus. Call AD ATTRACTIVE 4-ROOM Apartment. Car necessary: suitable for 3 or 4 atudenta. AD 7-7312 after 6 :00. DOUBLE ROOM with hoard: two bloats from campus. 243 S. Push St. APARTMENT FOR Rent, 870 per month; 2 persons. 428 College Axe., 2 blocks from campus. Call Al) 7-8084. DOUBLE ROOMS available at Cody Manor for next semester. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom. modations with private bath or running water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittenr Ave., State College. AD 74830 or AD 7-7792. ==l WANTED URGENT—Need ride to Bellefonte 6 o'clock Thursday (tomorrow; morning, Jan. 14. Please contact Chuck at AD 7-4862 after 4:30. - STATE COLLEGE to Boston after 3.30 Jan. 26, return before noon Feb,- 6. Phone UN 6-4117, Rob Brady. GIRL TO share apartment with 2 seere. turies, one block from campus. Call AD 8-6494 after 5.00. LEHIGH HOUSE wishes to get together with Thompson Hall Object: Postoffiee, etc. It interested call UN 5-4860. FURNISHED APARTMENT for two seniors. Will take over lease until June. Call Mark or Frank AD 8-2029. HELP WANTED TWO MEN for part time work in elec. Ironic 61115815 wiring—commercial grade. Salary commensurate with expei knee. Minimum 26 hours per week, Phone AD 8-0641 for appointment. Expel ienced only. MISCELLANEOUS MEET ME At the Pow Wow, Beaver Ave. TERM PAPERS, Compositions, Book Re ports typed. 30c/pg.; 5c each carbon. Edited and typed 45c/pg. Call Al) 7.3264. Swartz Thursday or Friday, e‘eninys. GUARANTEED WATCH and clock re. pair; 30 years experience. Stun Diaz, opposite school, Pine Grove Mills, Al) 8-8047. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe or acrobatic lessons. Protest. 'llona' School of Dance. AD 8-1078. ROOM & BOARD RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for room• & board for spring .entester at 817 E. Beaver Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete information salt for Mrs. ?elvish; at, 317 B. Beaver Ave.
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