PAGE lEN Gen. Engle Plans for Invasion By SANDY PADWE •Someone got his historical dates mixed up yesterday on Beaver Field. Instead of Pearl Harbor, they re-enflcted Val ley Forge, complete with frig id blasts, snow and frozen grounds. Field General Engle, his white hair blending with the snow on the ground, watched intently as his Lieutenants put the troops through some heavy drills. All of a sudden a young war rior broke from a maze of blue jerseys. It was ihe leader of the troops, Patrick Henry Boiula. "Give me liberty or give me death." he shouted at the top of his lungs. “You’ve already got Libertv, Cagers Lose to Purdue, DuMars Stars with 23 Just what happens to Penn Paul Sweetland and State s basketball team when phe Lions played Purdue on Mark DuMars gets some help f wn „ teim s Hie rest of the half, ° but Ray Eddy s boys never lost from his teammates is the big their halftime lead. "Overall we played belter against Purdue than North Carolina State. Our big boys im- In a losing cause Satuidnv night proved but Wally (Colender) nt Purdue, the little magician had an off night. With a week's tallied 23 points even though the work I think we'll be ready to Lions dropped their second give West Virginia a battle," straight game, 63-54. Esli said. DuMars' performance before A The Lions play the top-ranked 8500 in the Purdue Field House Mountaineers with All-Amencan lifted his scoring total to 45 in J<’ ir y ( Wesl thls weekend in two games, an average of 22.5 Morgantown. ... , , points per game. E Pli emphasized that to beat .... . • the Mounties it would take an u A , nd J h f l rem leS of all-out perfoimance by everyone. season thus fiir 11 s “Once we get everybody working all DuMais. togethei, we’ll win our share of Saturday, DuMars got moi e r. ar , lPS ” he said, help from*the front courtmen but "One thing is certain though, captain Wally Colender slipped West Virginia can't be any to four points, 12 below his aver- louqher than those other two age. clubs we've faced. question in coach John Egli's mind. DuMars managed lo keep the “Purdue really had a strong Lions in the running for the outfit. That Dischinger is some first few minutes Saturday and ballplaver. He seemed to do' then Purdue's Terry Dischinger everything right and he’s only a 1 began to hit from all over and .sophomore. gave the Boilermakers a solid “The difference again was-their| eight point lead which they -strength of the boards. They were! carried into the halftime infer- iust too big for us.” mission. „ 'Purdue's lineup averaged 6-5 j It was a little different in the per man while Penn Stale's was second half. DuMars hit regularly far below that, and got a little support fiom Jon Disehinger was the whole show ORGANIZATIONAL MEETING American Nuclear Society Election of Officers All Welcome Monday, December 14, 1959 106 Osmond 7:30 p.m. f YOUR I I CHRISTMAS | G|FT I 4th Annual Student Dinner For Only $l.OO <r Your gift from us is a delicious turkey dinner for 44 1r only $l.OO Tuesday. Dec. 15. at the Auloporl. Our 4( jp fourth annual student Christmas dinner is complete V J from appetizer to dessert. Make up your parties now x ft and call for reservations to avoid waiting ... AD 8-2333. f Airtopoti t jyou fool,,” snapped General En gle, "and if we don’t get inside we’ll all be close to the other.” So with a whoop and a holler, the troops ran to their humble headquarters located within the shelter of war-torn Beaver Field. General Engle 1 1 lowed the iung heroes ith his staff ficers and they mmediate - went into con irence in the irner of the irraeks Doc Medlar dminister - !d first aid to se wounde d with such old. Bgt. i.ur«« out-dated equip ment as diathermy machines, THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA whirlpool baths, and hydiocola tofs. In the corner of the room, Gen eral Engle had his slate and chalk out and was talking over the situ ation with Colonel Paterno and the rest of his staff. "I hear they plan to attack soon,” he said to Paterno. "Yes, but from where," Paterno replied. "Pathfinder told me yester day they will come from Ala bama," Engle said. "From Ala bama," exclaimed Paterno. “Yes, Yes. That sly fox Dudley Hale gave them the route. A fel low by the name of Bear Bryant is their leader ” "So they think they can take Philadelphia, do they?” Paterno said "We'll show them.” “How?” replied Engle. Said Paterno: "Eve sent Kerrigan to survey the scene at the tip of I for the Boilermakers with 25 'points on 9 field goals and 7 !fouls. Guard Bob Mitchell took 'runnerup honors with 11 points. .■ Harris, Penn State’s highly re garded sophomore center, scored 'nine points while Musser and jSweetland each had five for the Eglimen. { THE SUMMARY PENN STATE PIRDUE ! l it F FI Tl F£ F FI Tl Cokmler 2 0 14 Carwill 1 1 2 3 DuMnrt S 7 823 McQuiUy 301 k Hums <ll9 l>ieohingcr 9 7 12 25 JTnu*Uood 1 0 l 2 Om'll 1 1 1 .SueetlM 2 1 4 6 Mitckrll 6 1 311 <Muhß*»r 2 13 5 Kehnt 10 0 2 , ilrmk’w 0 0 0 0 Herkshir« 0 0 0 0 Wilson 1 0 0 2 Motfinger 12 3 4 Shfa 1 0 0 2 K»hmnn 10 0 2 Fhillipe 1 0 0 2 Wills 2 2 2 fi 1 I.awiis 0 0 0 0 i Emerick 0 0 0 0 i I’cwif 11 0 12 1 Totals 22 10 19 B 4 Total* 24 IB 26 63 Halftime score: Purdue 31, Penn State Redskins Sign St. Clair ! SANTA BARBARA, Calif. UP) I —Jim St. Clair, No. 2 collegiate | passer in 1959, has signed with | the professional Washington Red skins of the National Football .League his coach said yesterday. TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (/PI Bill Peterson, 39-year-old offen sive line coach rft Louisiana State University, was named head foot ball coach at Florida State Uni versity yesterday. South Philadelphia where they plan to attack. He's come back with an ingenious plan for an am- bush.” “He says to_ take some men and station them within the huge fortress at the tip of S. Broad St.” ‘‘But who will I send?” said Engle, "I don’t ■ know who can do the best job • in what position, E M But I’m sure of T Sgt. Lucas and , g jdifferent groups jfore making a'*' Paterno said. “Excellent Colonel, Cus D'Amato to Contest NY Commission Action NEW YORK </P) Cus D'Ama to, whose manager's license was revoked by the state athletic com mission, yesterday moved in state Supieme Court for a review and annulment of the commission's decision. A hearing on his motion was set for Dec. 15. D’Amato is the manager of for mer heavyweight champion Floyd Patterson. OUTIN6 CLUB Overnight Christmas Party Sat. & Sun., Dec. 12, 13 At the CE Cabin TICKETS $1 on sale at the HUB desk leave from HUB parking tot 7 p.m. Sat. ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY —Sandy Padwe decision,** Captain Botula TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 Excellent Colonel,” shouted En gle. "If we can get a break in the weather we should be able to practice the maneuvers tor the historic meeting." “I also hope that Sgt. Lucas will return soon, Engle said. He’s been in New York receiving some med als and honors for his perfor mances in the first ten battles. He made the All-Continental Army team, I think. But he’s due back today and can get down to the problems of directing the at tack of the first platoon.” Lions' Grid Record Penn State’s all-time football recoid is 374 wins, 203 defeats, and 35 ties. The 1959 campaign (8-2) was State’s 73id. The first [year Penn'State played football 'was 1887. The Sweetest Woy to Soy Merry Christmas Steves ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 1 lb. box *1.40 2 lb. box 2.70 3 lb. box 4.00 6 lb. box 6.75 l»ilutlv»ly •<lit Criggs Pharmacy 120 E. College Ave. STATE COLLEGE, Pa.
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