PAGE EIGHT Elections Group Delays Decision Elections Committee has post poned its decision on a Campus Party charge that University Party misused University prop erty by placing stickers on build ings. Sharon Hoffman, co-chairman of the committee, said the de ciion has been put off because Otto E. Mueller, director of hous ing, was not on campus. The committee is seeking Muel ler's opinion as to the University's feelings concerning stickers. Miss Hoffman said a decision would be made soon. Chess Match A simultaneous chess match, will he held at 7 tonight in Waring lounge. Chess Master Eliot Hearst will play from 25 to 30 games at the same time. His opponents will be members of the Chess Club. Hearst, present District of Columbia champion, was fourth in the United States Open Tour nament this year. Never too strong. =EI Get satisfying friondjy to your taste! Outstanding... and they are Mild! MA Grid-- (Continued from page seven) fired a 40-yard pas to Bob Elder i for a second score. John Gander added the extra point and SAE led 9-0. Phi Mu's Ron Blend then took; to the airways as he led his team: on a sustained drive with Bob: Luff as his chief target Mike Ha-i der took a 4-yard TD pass for' Phi Mu's only tally and Rick: Blend tacked on the extra point. SAE again nailed Ron Blend in his end zone to conclude the scoring. Down 7-0, Delta Upsilon charged back in the final min utes of play to beat Phi Delta Theta, 14-7. Larry Beighty's brilliant catches of Jack Melchior passes for 47 and 61 yards furnished Delta Up silon w'th its two touchdowns !Marty Hlay booted two perfect placements. Catherman's BARBER SHOP basement of The Corner Room Daily 8-5:30 - Sat. 8.12 1 You get Pall Mall's Pall Mall's famous famous length of the length travels and finest tobaccos gentles the smoke money cen buy. naturally ... OA T. Cli Pn4lia of A Aliiiit&ri, aatearey247 , 47 % oACßO. is pia Haat Nome THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA North Halls Spirit -- (Continued from page four) bringing up these facts at such a late date but there have been letters, concerning school spir it in the Collegian every day for the past week. We are not bragging about our school spir it, we realize this should be displayed by every student, but we feel that "credit should be given where credit is due." —Jim Rauch, '63 Dick Corotheis, '62 Ed Wilson, '62 •Jack Davis, '63 1 Jim Craft, '63 OUTING CLUB Rock Climbing Div. Beginners Trip Sun., Nov. 15, 10 a.m. HUB Parking Lot 1111ffi . 4. -N4,0.... zr. s i • , .5.,, , ,,1k v ,44. ...." : „.:,..7;i 4- •)•,; P•c.:?.s'e:a -.-•:‘ , ;31 • - ,, ,Te;:›Ysi W " - -•,.-(311:.6.5 '." • s ‘• 10,: , , 0 , 5 ' ",.0 ...:A 't•M•;• ‘ 's , t.`,-I.*Zg.'.,-; -' •§`,. '•,: . • V:i ' ',ie' : '&! 3‘. kk. '• W .4V 4 ••,s s lr - %.,i', - • s • - : •s ' t.'> • -W% ''•<••§% Z.4.N4 ' ' „ ' ,g l . %k l ; '''' ‘% : q I,‘ .• C ; ,• . 5 .....k • • ) 4,1,11': . 1 -: ' -, •'? 4' • 1 ....1,:t1; ; ;;; ; c• .`; , : , ,i;44,, ,,,, tV "7.,,, , ,:r ; ~„: ''• 1, .; • . s .; ‘) 5 . i . ..; " •!•••• '> Z • ) 1" . • .: q Pi s e • ,". • x •••••• ` • - • .,?;t5k '<;' . * k e •':-,,, •••• s ~ - — : 4 ;•'• • • •• ,..1:•.- • . %•'-: I: .." .' . •'.. •' > •., W • a' • , * A l • --;:-;' , . } • •• -• - -i--,Z , ' -, ; -- -0„ - - - 4 •,- • ' ''' 'F• .'• ' ;'):• t k " At'o. l ~.- „,..,..--:- / Y, . a : : ? ‹ , ..,.i.. , •• -;, s 1• •• • *., -„'„. k-- ••-••••`...'!•':„ `;-;..0..."1,;'-'34 • .-4 s .r ....44 '• '4 \ ‘,,.i:;::? 1 4 <:: . :i ':,:,:i 4: • 1 4 l ft • . s ... A• i • .t,. ~...,:, . P . I t '..,' ' t 4' 4 , ,V ~1 . 35; 5 :1 \ 34 . -ei• 'q 4 'lv :,- 7 too weak. Pall Mall's famous length of fine, rich ing tobacco travels and footles the smoke t mild—but does not filter out that satisfying flavor! ~. , . , - ..., ... .-.. t.. .... . . ,illllll_ •• • -,./sir...-.--:-•,:-.,,:.--..-,,-.,,, Ilit . . • . . ....•.. .. VELED' THROUGH FINE TOBACCO TASTES BEST Never =ME Always just right! r 1df&74.4 3 Travels it over, under. around and through Pall Mall's fine tobcos ... and makes it rad! Bowling-- (Continued from page six) but it wasn't enough against Tri-, angle's superior team power. Alpha Kappa Lambda stung, Lambda Phi, 3-1; and Kappa Delta Rho and Sigma Tau Gamma had. to go home satisfied with a 2-2 deadlock in the final match of: the night. + CLASS CASH-17 words or teas CHARGE-12 words or leas L5O one Insertion $.75 two insertions $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-3 for $.lll for each day of Insertion ADS MUST BE IN R 7 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY LOST 'WILL FINDER of 'CO State Cla<: Ring, initial ft.A.B., be kind enough to call Bob AD 7-7857. Re'.ard BROWN WALLET If found plae,e eetu!n to HUB desk Driver's licen,e inllde. Name Gordon Kahle. SLIDE RULE Fruln.). running be' aren Osmond and Pattel hon. Call Bill Jame - 6 UN ENGLISH STYLE Bicycle at HUB Sat night. Call UN 64045. Reward r end! 41111 . 111 L'‘\ \\*.i.ko SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1959 MIL BALL TICKETS on sale MONDAY For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 IFIEDS + FOR SALE A'TTENTION FRATERNITY Wert ra t dispenser like new for calf. Sava on milk and refrigeration cont. Call AD 8-4133. SLIDE RULES: 10 in. Log-Log Dup lex Deutrig $14.00 plus $6O tax postpaid, Add s3r)o for leather case. $ oil refund if not satisfied. Send eit , h, cheek or money order to Jerber Eng. Co, 2334 Secant. 12,1„ Secane, Pa. Soph. or Junior Eng. student wanted as agent. Write for details. 1955 DESOTO 2-door imidtop, purr steering, in good condition, Coll AU 7-1232. 1959 RCA Portahle TV, practically Taw. Call AD 8-0345 alter 5 p to 1952 WILLYS JEEP:- 1963 Buick Road. master 4-door sedan; 1964 Rtnek Century 4-door sedan; 1958 Choy Bel Aire 4-4100? hardtop• One of these cars must be eOld. Call Bill AD R 4554. 1921) MODEL T Ford Touring, fair con. dition, num) , spews. $3OO f irm. Call Alpehltein UN 6-5051 or AD 1,019 tve. rangs. SLIDE RULE Friday morning 14 tv.tert Osmond and l'attei son. Call Bill Jtmes 'UN 54:451. .1.013 JAGUAR XX 120 ronilmter, csecllcnt inechonical condition, 1.1195.00. Call AD 7-2b02 Torn Williamson. THESIS—MULTILITHING and t‘ping. Duplimats for sale. Phone AD E. 0774. MISCELLANEOUS SOCIAL CHAIRMEN: Need a (tinily for weekend entertainment? Several good groups available. Contact Bob Navarra Al) 7-2760. ANY UPPERCLASSMEN interested In fraternities should sign up at HOB &tit. NOV. 19 Evolution and the cathoire Church. Sneaker: Father Edward Wren strop, St. Vincent's College, 111 Bourke, 7 p.m. FREE EUROPEAN TOUR! Orirnniaeis for low cost student trai el wanted. Faculty membera or senior student.. Free tour and other benefits. Opportunity for permanent association. Contact Y.T C. Travel, /166 Fifth Ave., New York. Maris. ing 4.4323. STUDENTS! BRING your hmacs after Thanksgivina. New box stalls. Horse trailer service. Excellent trails nearby. Reasonable Pick up for freshmen nithout cars. 3 miles from campus—no detours. AD 8.4263. AM INTERESTED in joining ear twol from Bellefonte. Call ELgin f , -4leig after 6. CALL US for DeMoo , of foot-long Etenks and Pepsi. Morriell'n AD 84:041. NEWMAN CLUB Fornm Series will pre. sent on Nov. 12th: Will We Outgrow the World? Speaker: Dr. Clement Mihanovich, St. Louis University; HUB Assembly Room 7 P.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancinz tap, too or acrobatic lessons. l'rofeis. !Ilona' School of Dance. AD 8-1078. WANTED READ QUESTIONNAIRES to chem. and eng. students. $l.OO per interview. Each interview takes about 20 minutes. . Call AD 8-1412 or conic. to 201 High Street I corner Beaver). ROOM ANTED • " ~14 WANTED: Married Remoi woman desires room in re:meet:ll.le home at 35 00 a week for eight weeks. Will use four nights a week. Supply own linen, if necessary. Call Walt Miller UN 5-6460. USED BARITONE Uke, reasonably priced: Cull Mary Ann UN 6-7003. A DATE for Walter Foeger. Ski moles, Nov. 18, 8:00 p.m., Schwab Auditorium. W.F. will personally narrate both films. BABY-SITTING assignments for 46 es- Perienced sitters. A sitter to fit the temperament of each bal,y. Available most afternoons, evenings, and weekends. All proceeds from jobs go to charity. Call Phi Sigma Sigma sorority UN 5-7753. RIDE TO Levittown or Phila. area Thurs• day Nov. 19, return Sunday Nov. 29. Call Judy UN 11-7758, LIVE DATE for Pitt game. Call any night after 11. Aak for Carol UN 15-6294. FOR RENT TWO ROOMS, ohmie and double, dean, veal m, comfortable; just, renovated. Located across from campus. Call AD 1 . -24 4 6. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom modations with private bath or running water. Colonial Rotel, 123 W. Nittany ANe., State College. AD 7-4t60 or AD 7-7192. 1 1 DOUBLE ROOM on E. College next -to Tasty Spot. Available immediately. Call Ron }loch AD 7.4951. DOUBLE ROOM, mingle beds, excellent for two roommates, one block from the campus. 230 S. Pugh St. AD 74052. 31 FT. ROUSE Trailer,-.2 bedroom, winter. ized, all conveniences, $6O per month including tax at Potters Mills., Call ENE 4-1144. HELP WANTED MEN, WOMEN: Learn about summer lobs on ships, $lOO weekly, no experience is necessary for beginners. Details write Captain Wohlenberg P.O. Box 192, Bowling Green Station, New York 4, N.Y. WAITERS TO work tor meals at Ag Hill Club. Call Mrs. Isenberg AD P-1330. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS
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