SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1959 • 1 . Watusis Fl ee B a h u t us . ; Castro Hits iv4-s- I 1 Red n • • • 1 i• T a k e R e f uge in m issions ,U.S. Policy , Doasi , , WASHINGTON keP)—The top U.S. intelligence specialist 'Allen W. Dulles, downrated yesterday as propaganda dis- URUNDI OP)—Hundreds of Watusis, a tribe of giants,On Cuba 'tortions some of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev's boasts were fleeing yesterday from the all-out attack of their former! HAVANA (W) In li brusque, of giant economic strides. slaves, the smaller but more numerous Bahutus in this African counterattack, the Castro regime! , What's more, Dulles told a Senate-House economic sub iyesterday told the United States to , trust territory. , committee evidence indicates, - ------ I"reconsider and revise its policy' -. indicates "reconsider forces said some had taken refuge with their' - Khrushchev's first-hand look at, u and its attitude toward the gov- erter Clarafies the United States shattered his 11 I; F -1 'wives and children in towns and ernment and people of Cuba." lusions about overtaking U S. in-' Roman Catholic missions, andl The government's note to Wash- Speech Statement dustrial production in the next that others had crossed into Ugan- ington dealt tartly and irectly' 10 seat, ; ry da, a British trust territory to:with the worsening of Cuban- WASHINGTON (4'l—Secreta of State Christian A Herter yes tr But Dulles, director of the Cen-, the north. i l American relations, a subject ' terday adder "wholly abhorrent" al Intelligence Agency, testiftedito his atter-thoughT statement of Fearing a famine because so largely avoided by Prime Minister many farmers are leaving their 'Fidel Castro in a tired and visibly; the Soviet economic drive must Thursday that Red hina was burned-out huts, the Belgian haggard Thursday night TV a" tbe taken seriously. He said the "wholly in the wrong,"in using commander had thousands of !U .S. lead, while still substantial, force against India. ipearance. 1— ' leaflets scattered , calling on I 1 'll b e narrowed dangerouslyb I y In a further effort to clear up everybody to remain at work i The note again accused the tam. misunderstandings, Herter in the fields. Ruanda, scene of ;United States of harboring so- 1970 unless this country pushesi , called Indian Minister D. N. Chat most of the trouble, has had 'called Cuban war criminals and:ahead its industrial expansion at 'teriee to his office and assured rejected U S. charges that delib- a faster pace. famines and near-famines in I ,him that }lertei's statements at a !crate and concerted efforts are be Dulles past because the poor land , Dulles gave the assessment in news conference Thursday "were img made here to damage friend is overpopulated. ,a statement prepared for his first not meant to imply any condone fly relations. All Ruanda has been placed un- ;public appearance before a con-,ment by the 'U.S. government of der military control, but there: An 18-page document handed to,gressional committee. Noimally- l 'the use of ofrce by the Chinese was little that the 1500 exhaustedj-T Ambassador Philip Bonsai re-,he testifies in private for Seal- COMMUMAS " troops flown in from Congo and l POct.lie27 and Novirity reasons. 1 Herter also told Chatterjee that I d to notes of Oct two companies of Belgian para-' 9 in which the United States; While there is a considerable the United States "strongly svm troopers could do to check the' charged the Cuban government gap between the ox er-all U.S.lpathizes with India's attempt to bands of Bahutus. , was attempting to replace tradi—and Soviet economics, Dulles said, , resolve the present issues with They roamed the hills, setting , ; tional friendship with distrust and - - then• military effort, in terms ofiCommunist China peacefully." fire to Watsin huts, slashing their hostility, , value, is roughly comparable to! At Thursday's news conference, , cattle, chopping down banana, "The revolutionary government , our _own—a little less in terms of,Herter said the United States had trees and coffee plants and thenidefinitely rejects" the charge that:hardwate produced but substan-(taken no position on the relative disappearing into the forests. Of-(such an effort exists, the note i tially more in terms of manpowermerits el the border dispute be ten old folks are left in the huts said.__ _ underl arms." tween India and Red China. toburn. i ------ ---------- ----------------- Rockefeller Has Busy Schedule On Campaign SAN FRANCISCO (P) Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York flew into San Francisco yes terday, held two news confer ences, made a luncheon speech and attended a series of recep tions, all the while firmly reiter ating that he has not yet decided whether to seek the Republican presidential nomination. Arriving from Los Angeles on a swing through the Far West, Rockefeller was asked at a tele vision-radio conference about a comment by Vice President Rich ard M. Nixon that Nixon expects him to run for the nomination. "That's his opinion," the New York governor replied. "I haven't made up my mind." At another conference for news paper reporters immediately aft erward, Rockefeller repeated he didn't know whether he would enter the California presidential primary in June because he hadn't made up his mind wheth er to run. He added that he didn't think he was in any way causing a split in Republican ranks because, "vitality of both parties is im portantly enhanced by active in terest. "I think Dick Nixon feels the same way." He said his Western trip had "broader imphcations" than a political venture, but did not ex plain. Government Seizes More Cranberries WASHINGTON (/P The gov ernment moved yesterday to seize another shipment of tainted Ore gon cranberries turned up in Cali fornia. Early testing in other areas across the country turned up no suspect berries. Secretary of Welfare Arthur S. Flemming said his department has recommended formal seizure of the shipment to the Justice De partment Flemming also told reporters that so far no evidence has been found to indicate that berries grown 'ln other states other than Oregon and Washington may have been contaminated with a weed killer which has produced cancer in rats in research tests. The secretary said the shipment involved in yesterday's announce ment contains 311 bags of 44 pounds each of fresh cranberries. He said the berries were shipped about Oct. 20 from Coquille, Ore., to Modesto, Calif. PRINTING letterpress 0 Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. College AD 8-6794 Hundreds of huts and villages have been burned and many acres of plantations damaged. About 600 Africans have been arrested for arson in the last three days. Among those arrest. ed were seven tribal chiefs. Fatalities now total more than , 200. No major clashes have been reported since the troops inter vened three weeks ago, but au thorities feared the proud Watu isis would go on the warpath in ; revenge the moment the troops !are withdrawn. Steel Workers HARRISBURG (Al Less than half the workers idled as an in direct result of the steel strike have been drawing unemployment compensation, the Labor and In dustry Dept. disclosed yesterday. a Swingline Stapler no bigger than a k Millions now in use. Uncondi tionally guaranteed. Makes book covers, fastens papers, arts and crafts, mends, tacks, etc. Avail able at your college bookstore. SWINGLINE 'CA" Stapler $1.29 ar g il • INC. 40N0 ssiANo CITY, NEW YORE, N. Y THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA GRAND . Full plant tours will be held Monday and Tuesday . . . see actual processing of black & white and color films. ... A FREE 5x7 enlargement or 5 Christmas cards from the negative of your choice. .. . Bell & Howell movie cameras reduced from $39.95 to $31.95. . . . Kodak Starflash camera outfit, reduced from $10.95 to $8.65. ... Kodak Starmatic (electric eye camera) reduced to a new low of $27.50. ... 3 rolls of Ansco All-Weather Pan black & white film only 99c ... 12 No. 5 flashbulbs, reduced from $l.BO to $1.39 . . . save more than 3c per bulb, STOCK UP ... this special ends when the supply is gone. ... Buy 1 300-watt or 500-watt projection bulb, pay 1 more penny and get an extra bulb. That's a lc sale on projector bulbs. ... That's just scratching the surface . HURRY HURRY to the NEW FILM LAB, and save on items . . . November 16-21. CENTRE COUNTY FILM LAB WEEK Simply ... and so, with a dignity and quiet due an academic atmosphere we shall proceed to inform those interested of our opening; its subtle meanings and economic conse quences. First, there's going to be a wing•ding of a sale, with ALMOST (and we mean almost, few have been spared) EVERYTHING in the store (including clerks) on sale at a 20% DISCOUNT. See how subtle that is? Just about anything photo graphic for 20% off list price. Check elsewhere in this advertisement (like below) for several specific examples. Also, there will be tours of th laboratory on Monday and Tuesday ... where you can actually see black and white AND color films being processed (it's really fascinating, if you can see in the dark). There will be gifts (that aren't at ANY opening). Bring in your favorite negative and get a 5x7 enlargement made FREE, or if you would rather, have 5 Christmas cards made FREE . . . that's not all. but it will do until you catch your breath .. . I strongly suggest that you come down to the NEW Film Lab Building, 331 West Beaver Avenue anytime from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. We do have a parking lot, so you can leave your silver dollars and twenty-dollar gold pieces at home, you won't need them for meters. "Come on down to the NEW Fim Lab" ... If you can't find it, almost nobody can give you directions ... but, it's right around the corner from the Electric Diner, on West Beaver Avenue ... just off Atherton Street (route 322). See you there. HERE'S SOME OF THE SPECIALS and BARGAINS YOU SHOULD TAKE ADVANTAGE OF . 1 Ansco slide viewer will be'given away with every 3 tools of Anscochrome film purchased. . A complete color wedding will be taken FREE for the first girl to make an appointment. : Ai6 --•-•'"!** ... ... €_24 ‘, ~,, rim Lao S. ......- _ ~:a. 46... .....; IMP.. CIA Specialist Downrates Red Boasts as Propaganda means we're having a OPENING SALE 331 and 106 West Beaver Avenue PAGE THREE
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