PAQ TWO UNITED NATIONS WEEKEND Hisako Matsubari, graduate studr.nt in th, atte alts ftom Japan, pat ticipated in the show' "Getting to Know You" Saturday night in Schwab Auditorium. She did to "Kabuki" dance. Seniors May Vote For Gift by Mail The Senior Class Advisory Board has tentatively dec_ led to conduct voting on the class gift by post card ballots mailed to the individual students who contributed to the fund. In a meeting held Sunday, the board discussed the pro blems of voting which have arisen because not all of the class has contributed toward the gift.' Formerly, voting was conducted when the LaVie's were distrib uted, h 0 ,.% ever, everyone had con-i trihuted through his fees. Pat ti( 'nation of the 2950-mem ber senior class was about 50 per cent. The overall University pat limpid ion was 65 per cent. The class has collected $1269 in cash and has $1503 in pled ges. The University will con tribute to the fund at a rate of two to one. The average class gift in the past had been ' approrimately 510,000. but this was on the basis of 100 per cent participation through fees. The hornd decided to revise the m iginal plan of collecting at least $1 trom each student at each registration to collection only at fall registration. However, a letter will be sent to those s% ho were out student, teaching during the fall registra tion period to give them an op portunity to contribute. The. pledge card will be included in' the registration material. The board will take 5 or 10 suggestions to the Board of Trustees for approval before submitting them to a vote so that the gift will be assured of acceptance. It was decided that the January! geacluates will have an opportu- 1 nitv to vote before graduation. Theodore Haller, president of the class, suggested extending the; program of collection to the cen ters. Debaters' Car Struck By Train By Betsy Clark Five members of the Men's: Debate team escaped injury' and possible death Saturday when the station wagon in which they were riding was, struck by a freight tiain near Foxburg. David Stang, junior in ruts and letters from Bremigsvdle, Jack Bergstein, junior in arts and let-I ter, from Monessen, Tlooer t Bitch-y, senior in business ad-' ministration from Currvville, Da-! yid Garland, freshman in arts and; letters from Harrishurg, and Carl,' Kline. 'graduate student in speech' from Warrensburg, Mo, were en d route to the drove City Debate; Tournament. Kline, driver of the University's 1953 Plymouth, station. wagon,j slowed down at a railroad cross in:; in Foxburg at about 11 . 25 a.M, Having stalled, the vehicle came to a halt on the tracks. Kline made repeated attempts to re-' start the car but after two min.', tiles wag unguccessful. Th.' freight train, traveling* at' about 45 m p h., came around al bend and was quite close before! either the engineer or the occu pants of the car were aware of the situation. The five men jumped out and were less than 10 feet away when the train clashed into the station wagon, sending it flying into the air The gasoline ignited and burned the) wrecked ykricle, The train re ceived only minor damages. According to Stang, Kline re mained until the last minute and, tried to clear the car off the', tracks. The debatori, a little shaken, but unhurt, were unable; to participate in the tournament., FRATERNITY NEWS LETTERS Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing IS2 R. COI.I.IIGR AD 2-1721 By BARB YUNK For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 • . . , adrtise S A'T,Mtr.CM PlittV.V`Omt ! OPth_7 ! .O.NY'S IT-0011' I 1 . 2 TO P.M. Flying Home? See . UNIVERSITY TRAVEL A ' V1 1: 1 BUREAU Your Headquarters for Reservations State College AD 8-6779 Above the Hotel "Corner" THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Leonides Council last night endorsed the Town Indepen dent Men's plan for opening men's boarding houses to coeds for weekend parties. The plan will apply to only approved boarding houses and is not to be confused with apartments, said Phillip Haines TIM president. The plan would ! piovide that a TIM Board of Con-: trol would investigate houses ap pioved for the evening. All pal ticipatmg units would piovide a suitable chaperone and operate under rule, similar to the IFC regulations prilf Oir Leonides Endorses Indie °Open House' Minor infractions would re- , sulk in the loss of party privi leges. More serious offenses could result in suspension or , expulsion of the offending mem- ; ber by the Dean of Men's of fice. A committee to work with the Association of Independent Men to study the proposed merger plans was appointed by the presi dent, Carol Frank. The members include Arlene Evangelista. Anne Farley, Roberta Hill, Linda Hill, and Dorothy Tynan. The TIM-Leonides bluebook file will be open from 2 to 4.30 Sunday afternoon and from 7 to 9 Thursday evening. The TIM. Council may set up further hours.'Applications Available Bluebooks are arranged alpha-! betically and a list of those con-Tor Eng Arch Council tamed in the file will be made' Applications for seats on the available. ;Engineering-Architecture Student Five independent units will 'Council will be available in 204 be participating in Mardi Gras, Sackett until Friday. Friday night. Coeds in McKee All seats for freshman and will present a western motif ;sophomores; junior seats in Agri featuring roulette. dice and I cultural Engineering, Aeronauti dancing girls: South Halls will 'cal Engineering and Civil Engi have a Ring Toss: Grange, a ineering; and senior seats in fortune-telling booth; Simmons, Mechanical Engineering, Aero a shooting gallery in "Big nautical Engineering and Civil Shots": and Atherton inde- Engineering are open for election pendents will feature a Voodoo Booth. .1 A committee to study a plan of awarding "Active Independents" was appointed. Those designated "Active Indies" will be permitted to wear tie ~p ecial honor guard to the Leonides pin. 'The council also apmoved the schedule for Indic Week The week began Sunday with a hike to Mount Nittam. About 35 stu dents went on the hike, accoi d mg to Philip Haines. Miss Frank appointed Rowena Rotcap as chairman for the House mothei's Tea in December. Cycle Parking Areas Opened Small parking areas for motor cycles and motor scooters are now open. Dr. Elwood F. Olver, direc tor of the Department of Security, has announced. Only owners of such vehicles who have parking permits will be allowed to use the following areas: Area 23—northwest corner I Area 78—east and west sides Hamilton court area Mineral Scienpe courtyard Between Mineral Science and Mineral Industries Repairs 1 Car Radios ! Television Phonographs 1 Radios television . . service i _ i t center et State College TV 232 S. Allen St. By PAT DYER 1500 Witness UN Weekend An estimated 1500 people wit nessed the University's United Nations Weekend Celebration, making it a "very nice succes , ," Carmella LaSpada, general chair man for the UN Weekend Com mittee, said last night. Miss LaSpada said the musical show "Getting to Know You" was the high point of the celebration. She added that the students seemed very impressed with the "outstanding displays" of the UN Festival The University was the first of the colleges and universities in the United States to participate in such a program. WMAJ Morning Show With GLENN SHEFFER 6:36. I'l A .M. Monday thru Saturday on WMAJ -- 1450 RAY McKINLEY leading the famous GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA Nov. 6 9-1 o'clock Semi-Formal I I 111 $5 per Couple featuring II LENNY NAMBRO • Rec Hall JUNIOR PROM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1959 Two Tie In Vote For Floorieader Mary Ann Ganter and David Kiser tied in the vote for minority party floor leader on the Student Government Association Assem bly The tie-vote in the election held yesterday by University Party Assembly members was caused because one member was not present, according to Howard By er,,, former floor leader. Byers. who resigned last week, said that another election would be held before the Assembly meeting Thursday. Freshman Board OK's New Constitution, Laws The Freshman Advisory Board, of the class of 1962, approved a new constitution with by-laws at a meeting held last night. Fail Geishenow, chairman of th e constitutional committee pointed out that the new consti tution would be used by the ad visory board of the dass of '63. One of the provisions of the by laws makes it necesssary for a student of second semester stand ing and above to have a 2 2 All- University average to sit on the board and a 2.4 average to be on the executive board. '-'-'.' • - dif'4',''.. - -• -...T;:: ::;_. TE• . —HELD 0VER— •,......,.. . .... ~,. ... ,:..,. ~..... "- ..:'''-'-.• ''' -,.. ••,• • 0 . ••• ,• gas% .:.. ,w : :: -.•. .TA.,::_ .• , 1-'''K.....:',/:;',: TONY RANDALL INcEIAZTs COLC O E R THELMA MITER 1.. KICK ADAMS• MARCEL DMA JULIA MEADS 1 ,14 AWN PROOKTIOR • A UMYLASAL MTERMATIONAL RELEASE Feat.: 1:30, 3:31, 5:32, 7:33, 9:34 CATHAUM LAST TIMES TODAY Glenn Ford—Debbie Reynolds "H Started With a Kiss" BEGINS WEDNESDAY JERRY WALD'S 6 o N ,,, mA s c opE axon b DE LUXE - - -- ^ soukto DINNINSSI NITTANY TODAY—Doors Open 6:45 Hear the Kingston Trio 'Legend of Tom Dooley' BEGINS WEDNESDAY A CHILLING THRILLER! "ORDERS TO KILL" EDDIE ALBERT James Robertson Justice r IPI- ING s. y
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