PAGE EIGHT Festival to Kick Off ,Junior Panhei Initiates Plan UN Weekend Events For Ist Party The United Nations Festival, kick-off event of the United Nations Weekend celebration, will be held tonight from 9 to 12 midnight in the Hetzel Union ballroom. The festival is the first of a series of events designed to create more interest in international affairs on the part of students, faculty and residents of ;the area. The festival, planned as a part of the national observance of World Refugee Year, is composed of the following events: •International displays show ing the cultural achievements of six geographical legions of the world. Students to File Exam Conflicts Students may file final examin ation conflicts from Monday until November 8 in the Scheduling Office, 2 Willard Any student who has two ex ams scheduled at the same hour, or has three or more on the same day may file for a conflict. The "same day" is defined by the scheduling office as the period between 8 a m. and 9 p m Seniors who plan to graduate in January should file conflicts if they have any exams later than 7 pm. January 25, 1960 Students can find the exam schedule in the fall semester time table. They ai e advised to check the supplement to the schedule before filing conflicts. The conflict schedule will be published in December. Over 300 Register For Leadership Course Over 300 students were at Wednesday night's orientation meeting of the Leadership Train in Course, according to James telson, mu se chairman. lietlisti at ton for the course will continue not untit 5 p rn, today. Students may sign up for the course at the Iletzel Union desk. • Will the persons who helped me try to get my car off the railroad tracks Saturday night, Oct. 17, near Milesburg, please contact Stu Baily. For investigative purposes. + CLASS CASII-17 words or leas CHARGE-11 words or less $.50 one Insertion $ 75 trso,lnsertlone 11,00 three Insertions Additional words-3 for 1.25 for each day of Insertion ADS MUM BE IN BY 11.00 A. 21 TllB PRECEDING DAY FOR SALE l I1)1. I( AP 1. ro./..i 114 01 Sat. 4, I`lllllll 4 , ..1141 Sall aft , 1111.0111, t%4 niug•. hung j.. 1 ., ! )(I.4Meepplp lttv.hee lan be until fet lb l'te,tecp-pppl, bled, leittla ht lit Mild. , gt its Call AD 1-002 I la b i i. p 1-1)111) v.OOll ,orlditton, e' t lient !mho, snei itdue , .l Call Sit tos,t, I,N 1" - //1 l'l MOl' :-door udnn, Indio 1. /0 , 1 $121) On Call Hon Al) 7-7683 NI. IV DOIT At rIIIN 010,k it 1,40, ben, to) - II 0 , . 05 111111 $1? 1 ) 0. COI All 7-1647 In 7 A. 10 0 010, k 1 4- 4 S VY Immt 2-o(mr hardtop, 11 , t and %%hit's, ilite, Rik fully 4 - 41kiipped Call AD 7-2.51(1 uftet 7 p tn. ONl' It Tit het told one game ttectt rt , t. lion :-tatc-Illin.n. game t all Jet ty Al) 1-1.1%7 heater, 1411. , Qrge rn ip h If, 15,000 Call AD Rfl4.t. I, 00 p m. FOR RENT ON floor trip!.' rOOlll 11111 i 0111 •erond (leo, double. one block front ei11111 , 1,, tit \t to l'o.t (Mite nt 114 Eatst Ate Moot AT) ":-4147. •:\ 11 'lhll. on %our thesis or telrn paper ot a Nil% 1111tonlIllk le ealculatoi or IBM elearic t > pen•riter Law W''kl at( The place of cour , e NrtUtny Office Equipment. 231 S. Allen St I'io tu,tonter pat lsing at rear of Flute ONE BEDROOM, fail sue kitchen atm e and ref t !gel ator, Apt. 22 Vaughn-Nit tarty Apt , Y.B 6a alley Aye $a5..3.1 pen wenth. Available Nov. Ist. COMPLETELY FURNISHED April tment set up for 4 bos. ]'hone AD I-721S elo•e to campus. DFSIRABLE ROOMS. centrally located near eampui: slngle or double. Parking. Call All 74906 or EL 6-4302. By BILL MAUSTELLER •Technical assistance display showing the works and assistance of the United Nations. •Refugee display of works of art depicting World Refugee year. Carmella LaSpada, general chairman of the United Nations Weekend Committee, said that the largest display of the festi val would be the Technical As sistance display depicting the "U N. at Work." The chairman of this display is Edwin Uric, and the faculty advisor is Frank An thony, assistant professor of agri culture education. Chairman of the ai t commit tee in charge of the refugee dis play is Nancy Blackman. The festival, which has as its co-chairmen Barbara Strauss and Robert Umstead, was planned with the support of the U.S. Com mittee for Refugees and the U S. Committee of the United Nations FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone AD 8-2415 IFIEDS + MT N ITT INY- - The mountain to elimb this Simla) , ! Guy end (lAN—hung yom fi ll•nits —pun the fun. Sign up xt the HMS ilekl. ! I; ET .U.ll'l'F:U qua kei at Lenunon'ti dote-nn Barb, r shop, 729 South Ather ton I route ,322 I No nit ter% no ticket", open 9 ain to 9 p m daily Tillms --- m ULTILITH (NG and Tyimig ,Inplulnat- Cot I•ale. Phone AD 8-0774. GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA, ll:awnal set vtr; am arty, rm Rea all v. ontr n interested pled4r mg to a Tea Sunday 2-4 p in. in MeEk% 11111¢e ATTENTION: ANY Yudansha On cam- puv ph 44 , t. cdll AD 7-::196, (Alit Si YOU TOO can ride a Lambretta. In fart, M e need saleswomen. If inteiested call Al) 5-0021 after 6.1)11, lie cool I CA LL US for foot-long Malawi and AD S-8381, 9 pan. till 12 p in. Min 11 E REPAIR and have cords, heads, and supplies for all makes electric shavers See our hne rebuilt shavers 53.00—58.00 Guaranteed Electric Supply Co.. 216 S Allen St. Phone AD 7-2062. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing tap, toe or acrobatic les , onq. Profes• gional School of Dance AD 8-1078. STUDENT DESIRES gaiaVe renUd nem South Nulls or dm. ntown area. Call Meth UN 5-7110 after 5 SMALL GARAGE fm sports tar near Fan mount and Garner. Call Jerry AD 84152. KIM: IN M S Inowmient sentimental ',able. }lets/mi. Call Dob AD 8-0151. Ic&E SLIDE 111.11,E between Nittany and White Dail; lietultnizton and Crone beigel enttitiNtil on COON(' Miner UN 5.5102. WILL PERSON uho accidently took rain coat and from Rathskeller Sat night please return same to Sheller. litri"S SILVER ID Bracelet with engrav ing "Michael Feinberg." Call Dena Roth stein UN 54010. II HET ft PM sorority pin. gold airow with A. G. Palmer on back. Call UN 6-5C27. CRI OMEGA Pin, "Mimi liella". Call Jeff Baldnau AD 1/-2118. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA MISCELLANEOUS Ilvnty Cuthenno at WANTED The Junior Pan-Hellenic Coun cil, little sister to the senior wom en's greek council, will hold its fir't unified pledge function at 7 p m. on Nov. 12. Thirteen of the 21 sororities that !tithed this semester were repre sented at the council's first meet ing, held last night. The project, a casual Thursday evening party, is being planned to give all of this semesters pledges the opportunity to get to know each other. It represents the first attempt by the council in three semesters of existence, to bring all of the new pledge classes together. Also suggested for organization by the council was a pledge work shop program. The purpose of such a program would be to discuss the himilar problems of each pledge class, philanthropic func tions of sororities, and organiza tional procedure. THESIS i MULTILITHING EAST _ ECONOMICAL MMERCIAL PRINTING E. COLLEGE . •. . • . 5... ,•.,..•.... ....„•...„ , . , 4 . ..r. N ~. ..,2„).,...) _..,.,,•„„...,,..,... .5...:..,0 0.......:.... ~. ......,......,.,..... T.G.I.F. Combo • TODAY 4 to 6 P.M. and 9 P. M. to 12:30 A. M. STOP IN, and see our new "3 levels of atmosphere." TOMORROW NIGHT our first two levels will be open. ENJOY music played on our - hi-fi. Kam KROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1. Straw hat for I. French head yacht near? covers 7 Jack and his 2 Kind of band non-dieting wife 8. Make 13. All harmonious 14 Come down for 4. Old school_ a Kool? b. Bird of the sea 15. That which Is 6. Flat tire's retained reincarnation 16. To gouda , (a 7. They're for Kool) in Italy your protection 17. Bemused turd S. A little extra 18 Indians who 9. This is edgy sound weird 20. Place-kick tool 21 Start a tangerine 23. Small ensign 24 Ring, not for engagement purposes 25. Curl the lip at (2 words) 27. What too much water does 28, M otorey, le appendage 30. It'e Holy In Worcester 33. What Kools do all day long 87. Heroine's boy friend, Leander's girl friend Baltimore 88. Fill up with eats 34. Opposite of 89. Eggy prefix harder 41. Kind of Sack 85 Take it at the 42 This has tee Menthol Magic 36. Equivocal 44. Making like foliage a monkey 40. Sadie Hawkins' 46. Miss Fitz real daddy 47. Song, or a part 43. It armhas a long 48. Inebriate 45. It's easy and 49. French pops edible J.AeZiOe_okiM.(l, - 1 :e. OF K* . ',:!* :-L Finance Officers Meet in Workshop Some 200 state and local finance officers arrived yesterday for the University's 24th annual Pennsyl vania Finance Officers Workshop. The 3-day workshop began with a dinner meeting at the Nit tany Lion Inn. John H. Fergu son, director of the Institute of Public Administration served as chairman. Today's program will feature group meetings on the state's fis cal dilema. ah , nia. If you're about to receive your B.S. or M.S. engil neering degree, Caterpillar Tractor Co. is interested' AD 8-6794 in you Caterpillar is the World's leading manufacturer of 'Diesel Engines —Tractors —Earthmoving Eq- • Our products are everywhere . . . doing t; of the world . . . getting big jobs done in bi At Caterpillar you'll be doing important a: fying work in RESEARCH AND DEVELO] DESIGN SALES SERVICE and ma, fields. What's more, you'll be able to grow and steadily along with us. Start thinking about Caterpillar now. Yol merit Office has more information about us. 10. Got all your marbles? 11. When your_. 1.119 you, Imitch to Koole 12. Hardens 19. Kind of collegiate 22. Plaster of Parts 24. Sounds of happy cats 26. Start to rise 27. British fly-boys 29. Chemical Engi neer (abbr.) 80. Talented egetables— Arti_ 81. What some guys grow beards to do 82 Bird from iAiheh your throat -Wits vou its time fora change, you need • a real change... YOU NEED THE A date to remember . . . SUBJECT: DATE: Caterpillar November Interviews -- for 3, Engineers -- 1959 CATERPILLAR TRACTOR' CO. Peoria, Illinois MILD MENTHOL KING-SIZE 07tere tteS 3930, brown as Williamson Totem Corp. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1959 1113frISINN 73DM No., 6 ' 4 4.0 • "'" , 46 gr.
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