Penn State Travel Suite 23, Metzger Bldg. AD 8.0528 SMART SHOP 123 S. Allen St. Meet Mr. Spudnut NI S. Pugh St. Town & Country 110 W. College Ave. Vogue Beauty Salon 402 E. Collf :le Ave. Woolworth's S. Allen St. Ye Olde Hamburger Shoppe 128 E. College Ave Howard Smith Barber Shop 210 S. Allen St. Nittany Cleaners Call HO 6.6252 Nittany News Open until 10 p.m enn State Book Exchange esy of these State College Merchants The All-American Rathskeller Autoport Restaurant & Motel 108 S. Pugh St. Rte. 322, South Bostonian Ltd. 106 S. Allen St. Mr. Charles' Ladies' Apparel 124 S. Allen St. 366 E. College Ave. Alice & Don's Hqirdressers 225 W. Beaver Ave. Gallerir Weekend Jazz Sessions 223 'E. Beaver Ave. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA elcome lumni OMECOMING '59 The Candy Cane 128 W. College Ave. CLEARFIELD'S 124 E. College Ave. NUR'S MEN'S SHOP 114 E. College Ave. DUFFY'S Boalsburg MUSIC ROOlk st. A, A IW E. College Ave. across from Atherton Do 3141? A ' ''' ..I. - ^ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, Balfurd's Cleaners 307 W. Beaver Ave. The CAVE 138 S. Pugh St. Danks & Co. Corner of Beaver & S. Allen St. THE HAT SHOP Corner of McAllister & E. Beavei McLanahan's Drug Store, Inc. 134-136 S. Allen St. JACK HARPER'S Custom Shop For Men 114 W. College Ave. • KEELER'S, The University Book Store 206 E.' College Ave. Do Victor's Beauty Salon 22.0 A. S. Allen St. BEAT BOSTON U!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers