page two Soviet Debt Obstacle In WASHINGTON i'.T'j President Eisenhower gave steel fflflP |SSU6 union and company leadets a talking-to yesterday, and then! WASHINGTON f/Pl Soviet they agreed to get back to bargaining today toward settle-| Prernier Ni kita Khrushchev was 1 mont of the 79-day-old strike. jtold at Camp David that if thej Industry and union negotiators said they had a construe- USS.R. is reasonable about pay-j * itive talk yesterday. They will *ts multimillion-dollai'j 'convene in Pittsburgh under an' cnc *-b.;ase debt it may pave thej I apparent Oct. 8 deadline set bv wa T f° r easing U.S. trade rcstric-' Eisenhower for progress toward'lions against the Soviet Union j L T, dl " g rn t ]'L dlS f Ut , e w , hich hac s' Undersecretary of State I ldleci 500.000 steelworkets, and r,,,,, , , rvn . n several hundred thousand others' DoU9las Dillon gave yesterday, in related industries. i as 9ist of last weekend's If there is no progress, it i between President Eisen seemed likely Eisenhower > hower and Khrushchev on would move to stop the strike ' trade, a priority item for the for 80 days anyway, by invoking t p rem i er emergency provisions of the , _ i Taft-Harlley law. | But Dillon did not foresee any Before leaving for a Western speed >'- sizable step-up in trade vacation, Eisenhower threw hislbetween the two cold war ad pergonal weight behind -an effort] vers; ries. He noted many ob- 1 to break the steel deadlock which;stactes remain including a lack deepened last Friday when thejof Soviet goods that Americans' United Steelworkers of America want. I tuoke off talks in New York. The! tu. «=♦-«» 1 union said at the time the talks j ond-ranking o?fidal did express \ " cr J; f-ettmg now heie. , hope that negotiations over fhe : The President- who has called , Soviet World War II lend-lease the steel situation intolerable. ! debt will get under way in a met separately with union and | month or two. The United industry leaders at he While ; States is asking SBOO million; ff° use> ■ the Soviet Union offered only He was reported to have avoid- { $3OO million, ed discussing the specific issues, Dillon said the Eisenhower ad but to have used-firm language ministration mav ask Congress if : in urging both sides to resume;there is a lend-lease settlement,! bargaining. ito remove some legal restrcitions! such as those against Soviet furs' and to extend credit and more favorable tariff treatment to the 1 U.S.S.R. . S Steel Leaders OK New Strike Talks Va Town Hit; j Tornado Kills 6: CHARLOTTESVILLE. Va. L7V- A tornado spanned by tropical stoim Ciaete lipped through the community of Ivy just west of leue lust night and took at least six lives Police said an undetermined numbei of people abo weie in-' jured m the tornado, second of two which hit the community; Wednesday, and that them might' be more dead 1 All the six known victims were behoved to have been inside two bouses which collapsed under the assault of the tornado on the farm; of W E. I.indsav. They wore dead' on nnival at University Hospital., Re.cners swarmed to the moun tainous countivsidc area five tulles from here but were ham pered by high water from toirren tial rains which blocked portions of U S 250 West 34 Perish Airplane Blast Probed WACO, Texas (/P) Federal they could rule out a bomb as Investigators combed through' cau * e .\ ~ , .. ~ ° f | up said the disintegration could fragments of a sleek new air- have accuned by explosive loss liner yesterday seeking the' of pl ' easllle in dlc caljin cause of a mystery explosion Denver Snow in 3rd Day 113,000 feet in the air which ' DENVER, Colo. (/P) Snow IrilloH *l4 rpisnns TiioqdTe' slftcd down in Denver and sur hillcct Jd petsons i utsdaj |roimding areas yesterday for thc night. jthird day in a row as the city rvt n cr t • I‘ddl reeled from the worst snow- The Bramff Airways plane vir- istorm in 03 V eais this early in the tually disintegrated, turning the, fall sky tieiy red and raining bodies and debris on isolated brush conn- | try 68 miles southeast of here, i "It sounded like a bulldozer 1 coming down out of the sky," 1 said R. E. White, on whose farm ' a part of the debris fell. I “It was like the Horror movie* 1 where you are caught and you see j a flash of light and the monster 1 : comes up and grabs you,” said Joe Blalock. 17. who watched the disaster while parked with a girl, friend One Federal Avialion Agency i spokesman, who refused lo be ; quoted by name, told newsmen 1 ✓ Sir ,• »**•<***«“'' DOG TIRED? Let us give you a lift to a re laxing evening of fun at NITTANY PUTT-PAR Miniature Grit Course Route 322 3 mi. N. of State College Call AD 8-8662 for free trans portation. 5 persons required. Sisters— The opening meeting of GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA will be held tonight at 6:15 p.m. in the HUB assembly room. Please THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Money Isn't Everything . . . But, it's sure way ahead of whatever is in second placel It's a necessary evil we all must put up with, or have, in order to fulfill our status de- The easiest way to latch onto the green stuff that leads to achieved status, or maintains survival, is to place a Work Wanted Classified in the "Market Place of Centre Coun ty," the Centre Daily Times Classified Section You can secure baby-sitting jobs, pari time jobs, or adver tise your combo to net you that extra spending money! Act today and have that needed cash tomorrow! To Place Your Classified Today Dial ADams 7-4964 Jlabit&i s:aT£_couige ■■ ' . Uy. ■■QHH t DAY* . .HEHRVAnONS / STO M 1 ' _6&J J •• A&‘•■0012 •' ; SUNDAY* |2 TO M'JA THE HOUSE THAT JAZZ BUILT With an insight into the desires of every Penn State stu dent, THE JAZZ CLUB has built a WORKSHOP. For those who are practically married to the jazz idiom and for those who want to round out their musical .education, we have imported for the first in the series the fine tenor sax of Billy Root, ex Kenton, Gillespie tenor man. Billy and his quintet will be holding forth at the Coffee Spot Banquet House (the old La Galleria) this Saturday evening from 8 to 12:30. For the price of the movies you can hear top musicians for 4!4 hours. You don't have to be an independent to spend this Satur day evening with us in an atmospher full of sounds and more sounds. We humbly suggest that you might enjoy getting away from the "house," the books, and the age-old parties. Whether you be independent or dependent, Adtr. $l.OO SATURDAY, OCT. 3 Biggest Radar Planned FO rgood results By Defense Department iuse collegian classifieds WASHINGTON (ZP) —The De-I fense Department announced j plans yesterday to build the' world’s bigest know radar, an 1 aluminum mesh disc antenna' three times the size of a fotball! field. j 1 The huge electronic research, ,and measuring machine will be: l [erected in Puerto Rico Its prime! [mission will be the closing of a bigi !gap in efforts to perfect a sure; [defense against ballistic missiles. The spherical bowl-shaped an- ! tenna of the radar will measure! 1000 feet in diameter. This is 400 j feet wider than the radio tele-! scope antenna being built by the! Navy at Sugar Grove, W. Va. The largest operating radar or radio 1 antenna is the 250-foot-diameteri one near Manchester, England. - I SGA ASSEMBLY Open Meeting 7:30 TONIGHT Thurs., Oct. 1 HUB Auditorium r± j I j ■jjiiM*™ f NOW “THE RABBIT TBAP” FRIDAY—SATURDAY _ BING _ O£BBIE ROBERT I CftOSBY-REYNQtfiS-WAGNEftf |. J Cinbv»aScOP6 COLOR by DC LUXCI I HICH-nOam STEfEOmONiC SOUND 1 Feat.! 1:15, 3:20, 5:31, 7:39, 9:42 male or female stag or drag we will welcome your company. Coffee Spof Banquet House 22J E. Beaver Avenue THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1959 ★NITTMY NOW—DOORS OPEN 6:45 Cary Grant Audrey Hepburn "LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON" Friday—DOOßS OPEN 6 P.M. TONY CURTIS SIDNEY POITIER “DEFIANT ONES” JazzXlub Members 75c 8 p,m. ■ 12:30 a.m.
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