WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 30. 1959 Chordettes to Sing For UN Weekend |"V q . I • Twelve students have been Women's Student Government Ucince, Of!Ode 'selected as dancers in “It's in the 1 Association Freshman Senators ' 'Book" the Thespian fall piodur-'are available ln i o l McElwam Offered in HUB Oc" 15-17 m SChWab Audltonum and in the dean of women’s of- The Chordettes, sponsored by the World University Serv- Those students interested 11^ crcstld ice, will perform here on Oct. 18 as a part of the celebration of .lessons, can now sign up for themiS " z * n ’ R ?i fhT United Nations Weekend. , at the Hetzel Union desk. Paul" Krow, *Lanny’ Dey, Dennis The performance is scheduled for 2 p.m. in Recreation g J e h n re f n in Hall, according to Bruce Adams and Floyd Greer, co-chairmen. Oct. 2, 9 and 16 from 6:30 to theatre arts from Baldwin, Long .of the event. Tickets, which willjjL 3 . 0 £?VI??™"®."nl b w^ n ,‘.. lsland ’- h ? let)g - apher ' \# 81 avadable Saylor, professor of busmess'Cinema Guild to Show 'r as the Music Room, the j s f| F j| m Comedy / IShop and the Hetzel Union desk < v ? n and ieon des inclepencienf "Tight Little Island.” a British • jFunds raised in the contest willl * . ' ... . • . film coniedv, will-be shown at C. Ifl lf| IrtMlke given as gifts to refugee stu-'. Oancing lessons will begin Oct. 3.30 tonight in the State College ■»» ■ WWII vl »!dents in Europe. and > nc lude classes for begin- j un j 01 . High School Auditorium. . k I ! The Chordettes, voted the lead- are on sale at Griggs K|Af|Vf in g female recording group in 'ball room from 630 to 7-30 p m n iarmacy and f, 1 . the , (l d0 f-. l ' The ware nears *«■•„£** Construction of the Stone;cording of "Mr. Sandman” which Wednesdays. m P ' m ' on . tle Association. Valley Recreation Area pro- SOl< stars ' Inter mediate classes will be:- ject dam will begin as soonj «nd re^rdi„ f the HUB^nroom. 30 as the area has been checked j quartet 10 years aqo as a snare- The danclllg lessons will cost $2 for possible ground leaks, ac-l sffmaS cording to Lawrence E. Perez,; God ,' re y's Y Talent Scouts and assistant dean of the College of, stayed with his "family" for „ : ’ h L Engineering and Architecture. ; four years. . Perez, coordinator of the pro-' since having Godfrey, thev ject, said the filling of possible, have appeared on shows with leaks in the limestone around the ,PeiTy Como, Ed Sullivan, Eddie area had been under way for: Flsher - Vaughn Monroe, Jack, some time. He said it would be Paar - Robert Q. Lewis and Dickj impossible to determine just Clark. More recent hits among, when the operation would be theu ' harmony and barbershop! completed recoids include “Lollipop” and! * “Zorro ” ! The project, being sponsored T :_' r .-i,,,.) I and paid for by the Alumni Asso ciation and friends of the Uni- ! ihi?va S thi h ml?nrtw versity. began during the fall of; £ } f a £ cTrol Bushman is tte A * j baritone of the group and sings As of January 1 of this year, the harmony part below the almost $60,000 has been received* melody. Nancy Overton sings for the proiect. Robert E. Beam, jhe bass part, with Lynn Evens 1 director of the Alumni Fund,; singing the melody, said very little has been received: The regular program of WUS since that time. He said Presi- answers long-term and emergency cent Erie A. W alker had re- programs. It supplies text books. no additional funds for school supplies, printing equip the project. ment, health clinics and housing Final plans for the dam, to be accomodations. In time of crisis, located 14 miles from campus,! WUS is a relief agency which sup ■were approved by the state Water;plies food, blankets, medicine and and Power Resources Board in .shelter. May. The area will be used as a! Funds raised by WUS cam recreation site for students, fac-1 paians will aid students in ulty, staff and alumni. 1 (Continued on page eight) KGDL KROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Trojan school 4. What she applies when it's gone far enough 9. Past tense of meet 32. Crew-typo letter? 13. Dame who gets around 14. Eggs 18. No literary type, he 17. Underworld god of Egypt 19. They're thicker than aquaria 20. Talks (lady 21. It follows Bee 22. Half the Army 23. Belts below the belt 25. Famed fiddler 28. Abbreviated absence 23. Not many SO. Such eaters forget more than tbeir manners S 3. Specialized cereal 84. A Noel is n backward girl 85. Electric wrigglers &6> Wire measures 88. They're given by 16 Across 40. There are two for it on Broadway 42. Edible dolls 45. It's human to 46. Keols have Menthol __ 48. Everyone's first girl c~9. Has been 60. Hole 61. Beneficent bill payer DOWN 1. With a sub, they’re out of town 2. Fly talk 8. Those who appreciate Menthol Magic 4. Coeds who’ve made it 6. Sad French streets 6. Short morning 7. What to change to when your throat tells you 8. Gaelic part of herself 9. With Kools, all day long you’re - 10. Live backward; it's no good 11. Russian news agency 16. Canal, Germany 18. Russian John 23. This season 24. Bit of a blow to the band 26. You need a || change: Kools! 27. Possesses 31. Lee fctats 32. A kind of sausage 83. With no springs, for flowers or clams Song for the birds God of Ingrid’s ancestors Thrown by cubists Keep in stitches Period of time Zsa Zsa’s sister 4. But (Latin) 7. West OU NEE KGDL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA fy Ha 01va»,2fown*WUllemaonTob«croC«rp> » Lessons In FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS r w' ssv *i | Combo Tonight f | 9 P.M. to 12:30 A.M. f While listening to the "cool sounds," enjoy your favorite sandwich $ in our friendly almos k phere. : jy \ \\ \ No. 3 Qigarettel l <** '' “V~» ■**•» V4 *«b -*.»■*** Thespians Pick Dancers WSGA Senate Forms (For Homecoming Show ' Applications for positions as Nina at seven weeks, our nominee for Homecoming Queen ;• f «* The answer is NO, NO, NO, NO The emphatic NO is directed to you generous people who give of your time to solicit funds for the Cancer drive, Heart disease, Red Cross etc. There will be no contribution this year from us not that we wanted it that way, mind you. However, our plans have been changed by the Boro in the form of enforced contributions slyly disguised in the name of Parking Violations. To some degree we can sympathize with the Boro planners. After all someone has to pay the salaries of the men recently hired to ticket parking violaters. To show their appreciation for their newly created jobs, these diligent dispensers of the orange tag ply Iheir , trade until 10 pm No man hath greater love for his boro than these, the uniformed men of the ticket brigade. Would the authorities that be, enlighten us. Just what is it that you are trying to prove? It's apparent each year that many likely candidates for Homecoming Queen miss the boat. The extremely short notice of "Picture due Oct 6" disqualifies many girls. Unless the deadline is pushed b3ck one week, we can hardly promise (though we'll fry) portrait delivery in time to any candidate . . . unless of course we already have her negative in our files. To the several girls who've asked if we'll be available to cover this December. . . the answer is yes. Make your reservation now. As you can see by her baby blue eyes, casual coiffure and great personality, Nina is a sure-fire candidate. There will be some unusual party pictures in our window tomorrow . . , we think a very small studio on east college avenue PAGE THREE fcBMSNV IGDM. bill e©le m a n
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