PAGE SIX Keydets Rely on Speed, Spirit Fullback Horner is Big Threat By SANDY PADWE Sports Editor A quick glance at V.M.l’s football schedule brings plenty of smiles but Penn State back field coach Frank Patrick warns that the Keydets are no laughing matter. Patrick should know He scout ed VM I last Saturday night whin they bombed Marshall Col lege, 46-0. "V Ml. is a typical miM'’ ,v school team, Patnek said, “that means thev are in very good phy sical condition'’ "Thev're also very well coached and run from the same type of offense we do Against Marshall thev showed a straight-t and wm erd-t "They have very fast backs and their overall sneed is good,” Pat rick continued. Patrick was most impressed with V.M.l’s fullback Sam Horner. The 6-1, IQO pounder led the Southern Confer* nee in rushinP and was the fifth best ground gainer in the country last year. He also finished fifth in punting He didn't play much against Maishall because of a leg iniurv. hut he's expected to be ready te go at full sneed Saturday. "Hoin'>r is unciuestionably the player who could huit us the most,” Patnek said. “He’s reallv good Ho lias excellent speed and is a powerful runner ” (Horner has been c'Ocked at 9 7 for the 100- yarc! dash) Homer isn't (he only man the Linm will have to watch, though V M t. coach John McKenna says the Kevdets have three quarter backs who can really throw the football. Phillies Pitcher Offered Bribe PHILADELPHIA iTP)—A night dub owner was accused yesterday of offering money to ?> Philadel phia Phillies pitcher to throw a baseball game against Cincinnati. Umberto Robinson testified that be was offered $l.-100 to throw the second game of Tuesday night’s doubleheader against the Reds. The Phillies won both games, with the 29-vear-old Robinson giv ing one of his best performances of (lie season Judge J. Sydney Hoffman of municipal court held Harold Friedman, -42. of Philadelphia, in $15,000 bail on a charge of at tempted bribery of an athletic contest. Eailter. Friedman had been held in $15,000 bail on charges in volving prostitution, assignation and ninninc a vice ring at the Moongiow Cafe. He is a member of a corporation which owns the miritown cafe. Frideman was whisked from the hearing—at which an 18-year old girl testified—to the one be fore Judge Hoffman. There Robinson, in broken Eng lish, testified that Friedman, an acquaintance, first approached him Monday night and told the young pitcher he wanted to bet some money on the game the fol lowing night. for the starting job but Jimmv O’Dell, last year’s starter also is a possibility. Dyer completed three of five passes last weekend and Mitchell Repairs Car Radios Television Phonographs Radios television p) service Jr a center State College TV 232 S. Allen St. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA it ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Two of the signalcallers are lettormen and the other is one of V.M I’s top sophomore prospects. Howie Dyer, a junior or sopho more Bobby Mitchell are in line hit two for three. O’Dell didn’t connect in two attempts. Their reeievers—Tom Daniel, Dick Evans, Tom Kurkoski, and Dick Weede are all lettermen. Patrick said V.M.l’s line is about the same size as Penn State’s with good speed and plenty of agress- Tveness. Two of the top Keydet linemen didn’t earn letters last year but improved so much during spring practice that they are being re lied upon to strengthen the for ward wall. Leo Shuba, a 197 pounder from Washington, Pa. is slated for duty !at guard while Jon Quinn will be at one of the tackle slots. Teaming with Shuba are guards Bill Haeberlein, Howard Moss and Bill Powell. Chuck Martin and Mike Ondos will be around to help out Quinn. Center is one of V.M.l’s strong- $ Quiet Study Environment $ Fine Food Meal Tickets Still Available. Your choice of: 7 days 3 meals a day 7 days —2 meals a day 5 days 3 meals a day 5 days 2 meals a day ,est positions with letterman Lee Badgett holding down the im portant middle slot. His coaches call him a grade A football player because of his quick thinking, speed, and aggres siveness. At halfback, V. M. I has its top three letterwinners back from a team which finished 6-2-2 in 1958 Stinson Jones will be at one post and either Ken Scott or John Traynham will be at the other. Scott, a senior from Pittsburgh, is a speedster who performed on the Keydet track team. Traynham averaged 4 2 yards per carry last year and is rated as one of the best backs ever to hit V.M.I. As Penn State coach Rip Engle sees it, tomorrow’s game will bej a real “tough one,” He and Pat- : rick agree that it is the most im-] portant tilt for the Keydets this j year. I "They have tremendous esprit de corps down there,” Patrick said, “and they’ll really be going for broke against us.” ■Sf'**-. \<. • Lodging 207 EAST PARK AVENUE - Call AD 3-1330 - ■fr ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ v*.IxVlV-'. it it it ★ ★ ★ Gridiron Notes Tackle Charley Janereite took j Poilsiown, Pa. ... Of the 53 part in the Lion workout yes- | members on the V.M.I. squad, terday and will be in the line- j 11 hail from Pennsylvania . . . up Saturday , . . Sam Stella- j 19 of them are majoring in leila who injured an ankle in j Civil Engineering . . . V.M.I. practice two weeks ago will see j coach John McKenna has a six action only as a place kicker j year coaching record of 28-28-4 against V.M.I. this weekend ... V.M.l.'s chief trainer Herb . . . V.M.I. had an undefeated : Paichin is going to his 30lh season in 1957 ... The Keydets ; season this fall as head of the were 6-2-2 last year . . . V.M.I. ; bandage brigade . . . Speaking is located at Lexington. Virginia i of the bandage department, . . . The letters stand for Vir- ; Penn State's head trainer Chuck gima Military Institute ... Key- ; Medlar estimates that it lakes det fullback Sam Horner is a 1 close to three miles of tape a graduate of the Hill School in (Continued on pnge eight) FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1959 ★ ★ * Jon Quinn ★ *
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