WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1959 PhvsEd to Hold jcochran Resigns Post jcfotft/ng Prof Chosen j- * i ... As Reactor Director To Advise Committee rresnman iVtIXSr I Dr. Robert G. Cochran has re-i Dr. Joseph F. Krawiec, assis- The Student Council of the Col- signed as director of the Nuclear|tant professor of clothing and tex lege of Physical Education wili;Reactor and associate professorjtile research, participated in a sponsor a student get-together for of nuclear engineering, and has'panel discussion at the 61st nn n .... . . fl '®S men at ,:45 tonight been named head of the depart-'nual convention of the American President tl’ic A. Walker told some 4500 new students 111 U 1 , ment of nuclear engineering atiHospital Association 111 New, N Y. Monday that vigor and enthusiasm are prerequisites for a l tunity'to mee't‘LWftalkT-nhTe Texas A - and M - CollegG - College !thJi C !Se to economk-al’and “ stimulating and rewarding college career. [students who represent the eon-| Station. Texas. licicnt laundry operation's were Sneakinu to freshmen and transfer shidenis Walker said- n , eotin 8 ]) nk between them and In his new post, he v. ill assist discussed by Dr. Krawiec during cspeaKing to uesnmen ana tiansiei saiaents, walker said. the c ollege faculty. .in the design and construction of the panel discussion "To achieve much, you must give much.” He also stressed' The Physical Education Coun- a reactor. At , he conc i lls j on 0 f t h e annual ' .personal initiative in adjusting to G . d ' s ™ ade U P two represents-' Dr, Cochran came to Penn meeting, Dr. Krawiec was ap j the new college life. ,' lves eac h class; the presi- State 111 1954 from the Oak Ridge'pomted advisor to the Committee 6.lRaa ' Robert G. Bernreuter, dean o fi dc . Lskomdes, women s physi- National Laboratory. He is a grad-: on Laundry Management ot the WI" 1 admissions and registrar, wel- education honorary. society; uate of Indiana University where Amenean Hospital Association. ■ ■ In I corned the students and introduced 1 * ie president of Fhi Epsilon Kap- he received his bachelor of arts; Krawiec has served on this Used BOOKS them t 0 Dean of Men Frank J. P a - mens physical education hon-,and master of science degrees in commlUte a adl „ mom W3CU Simes, Dean of Women Dorothy J. ° rar >’ 4 s ° cle 4 ty: the presidents ofmhysics. His doctor of philosophy ™ ™ as a !‘, comultan lor I I x*l T J Lipp, and the deans of the col- the st . udent ma J or f, lub and the degree in physics was conferred -f™ t I Inti I i I >ACnf*fVf lpppc (recreation society; the editor of by Penn State. ~ nc past l-i jeais. Wlim I UC3UW V A . discobolus, the college newslet- , ' Approximately 925 books were, de „ t , tp ok“J fir5 G to The ! ter; and two faculty adviSors - * co lected by the Used new students and urged them 1 Agency yesterday morning in the! to c3rry the responsibility now first day of operation this semes- placed l upon He ou y lUned The ÜBA will continue to ac-i cept books until Tueiday. Books! ® d n^e^ wdl go on sale 9 a.m. Friday. The- £ S££& dmmgThe fiTweelf ofSexj STenlf? m'c t o U s de a t tS no r mor ke th t a°n S Io- he oP Walker warmly welcomed the the book’s cost. Ten cents is felt fhe'claT hT ed to the student’s ' ® .A, bv ihe aeenev io cover handling He discussed the challenge need costV agenty 10 toVer nandnng| fid for students at pre sent to givei Lists of all books no longer i]£? m t l, ncenti 1 ve ta learn and edu 7 being used will be posted outside; GatG ‘& e lY e i-eh I'lfJ?! 1 the caidroom along with the i a fi I ”?, ving at high speed scien books required for courses. Money AA ! i Ca y ’ socla hF> and economi cs! eet books' SePt 25 Valker spoke of the difficult ad- Lines waiting to get into the :Justment ahead for the freshmen cardroom may almost run into the' m lea ™>" g to , “ cce P.t fdult rc linesof freshmen waiting to buy|SPonsibility while at the same their dinks and namecards from! 11 ™ havl lT increased freedom m the Book Exchange All fresh- 'choosing friends, attending social men must have their dinks bv lotions, and arranging daily Friday night in order to be ad-, rou a £ d ha cA S *» 4 „ mitted to Dink Debut. That Penn State is not a About 2700 dinks have been! “ u " try C T lub , was /tressed by sold so far. This is about 70.% of adce . r ‘ , or . dGr ia ain the new freshman class. maturity and judgment expect ed from a college education, one must dig in and work hard , seven days a week, he said. He ! staled that this is ihe only way to become literate in your pro fession, in your fellow man, in yourself and in God. Prexy Gives For College Ec Prof Serves on Panel Dr. Arthur H. Waynick, profes sor and head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, served i ns moderator to a panel meeting ot the American Society of En gineering Education Institute of Radio Engineers in Washington, D C., Monday. THE PENN STATE OPEN TODAY 9 A.M. UNTIL 9 P.M. Get * NOW ACCEPTING USED BOOKS-ALL THIS WEEK " STARTING TO SELL USED BOOKS ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Advice Career More than 45 million of the 51 million U S. households will re ceive a newspaper today. Book Exchange • CARRYING K and E SUPPLIES FOR ENGINEERS AND ART SUPPLIES • A COMPLETE LINE OF SPIRAL AND 3-RING NOTEBOOKS Ready! Get Set! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA • ALL CLASSROOM NEEDS AT STUDENT PRICES OPEN TODAY 9 AM. -LOCATED IN HUB CARDROOM— Several makes of cars intro-! duced gasoline gauges on their; instrument panels in 1922. Last' year, gasoline advertisers invest ed over $2B million in daily news paper advertising. ALICE and DON’S s' \ y ■ i Hair cutting and styling \' , , | French coloring V % Customized permanent \ Y*® waves t V '°P cra lor -h°P * Appointment only Members of the State and National Hairdressers Cosmetologists’ Association Open Tuesday and Thursday Evening Until 9 ~A(tce jbon Hairdressers 225 W. Beaver Ave. State College, Pa. FOR RENT Pleasant Front Double Room' Inquire at 512 W. Foster Ave. TO THE UNTIL 9 P.M. No college man should be without a dur able, plastic TENT FOR TWO! Perfect tor football games, etc. Whenever storm clouds gather, you and your date huddle inside this rain proof, snow-proof cover ing. (It's opaque, except for a narrow, clear plastic windo v). Keep your girl friend warm, snug and dry. She'll love it. Only $2 98 postpaid, packed in handy "bundling bag". Order Now! Satisfaction guaranteed J Trenabie, Inc. [ I P 0. Box 7C9, Bound Brook, N. J, I • Send TENT FOR TWO to: J i Name J Address > City State. 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