Colkjsian Photo by (hnrle* Jacques FECREATION HALL LOOKS a bit different to the new fieshmen today. The last time they taw it was at the president’s convocation and m a much more serious vein. Registration begins at 8 a m. today arid will end for all but the staff at 5 p.m. Fnday. Late ngistrants will pay a fee of $lO. 18 Fraternities to Entertain Transfers in Open House Eighteen fiatermties will have open houses for tiansfer students lioin 8 to 9:45 pm. tomorrow. Transfer students, both men and women, will be assigned to a fiaternity by their student coun-. sellor. About fifty students will' The open houses will give be invited to each house where transfers an opportunity to be tliey will be entertained bv come acquainted with the fra membris of the fraternity and teimty and sorority system, soionly women Transfer men mav sign up at the The fiatermties which aie pai- fiaternity house they visit if they ticipatmg are: Acacia, Alpha Kap-j are interested in lushing, pa Lambda, Delta Sigma Phi, A special transfer transfer dance Delta Theta Sigma. Delta Upsi- ill be held at 8-30 pm. Fnday lon, Kappa Delta Rho, Kappa m Waring Lounge. FOR RENT 2 furnished trailers suitable for couples or students; located in 900 block. West College, and in Penn SJaie Trailer Park. Phone AD 7-2607. STATIONERY Penn State Seal Stationery By White and Wyckoff $l.OO Nittany Lion STATIONERY White or Blue $1.25 TYPETTE TINTS Pastels or White 110 sheets -- 50 envelopes Special $1.89 While & Wycoff DECORATED NOTES 59c Budget Box Stationery 60 Sheets - 40 Envelopes $l.OO Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha. Phi Delta Theta. Phi Epsilon Pi. Phi Gamma Delta. Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi. Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Chi, Triangle and Zela Beta Tau. Jl&blte/i • S ATHeHTON. 7 STATt COIIfGS. . ’ L.( f , ,0>« rc.m -k RiSItVATIONS viorf-H' • V. lo.t&n ■ • , iuNMYs-« ?uv/ /l , Welcome to University Park, State College, and GRIGGS PHARMACY he friendly, convenient drug store How Many of These Did You Forget to Pack? •Alarm Clock • Facial Tissue •Tooth Paste *Wash Cloth •Plastic Tumbler *Fl«sh Bulbs •Shower Cao ‘Bathing Cap Shower cap *shoe Polish •Shampoo *Bath Powder •Cologne •Deodorants •Combs •Shaving Cream •Playing Cards *Soap Dish •Eastman Film *Hair Brush Russell Stover CANDY in State College only at Griggs Pharmacy $1.40 pound $2.70 two pound Come in, Fresh get acquainted; Register for drawing for Electric Razors— GRIGGS PHARMACY Prescription Specialists 120 E. College Ave. -- Opposite Old Main m«. vr lll., fcwucumr., OT/nl C V.VJLT.CV3C. rcrvrto t L VMlMtft CHECK THIS LIST OF SCHOOL NEEDS NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! 'Merchants To Offer Scholarships Six State College business Dims, students will pick up a pink, and individuals have establishedl and a white ca rd at the station, seven scholarships that will aid! where they register for each 1 students eniolled in the College; , . .. of Business Administration. comse This i- the only ‘ , r, , , thev have of being enrolled in The Fust National Bank has C ourse provided a grant of $250 to assist ... V . . , one or more students in the junior . J 1 3,? *hev nr icnirir ve-ir for a)1 scheduled couises thev ! T . . . ' ‘ c , will proceed to stations wheie' Bookstore has provid- they will be photographed for, eo S2OO to establish a scholaislup, matriculation eeid pictures, regis honoting the late William Bryan and make donations for' Kcelei. the scnlor c i aS!) gift. Several points The late Max Kalin has been, have also been set up where honoied with the establishment .registration officials will cheek of a scholarship by his son, S. Wil-all cards and take them for pro liam Kalin, of State College. The cessing through the IBM ma- Sl5O award will be made to a chines, senior majoring in marketing. , Green, Ellis and Anderson has Cvnnnelnn provided a $l5O scholarship for a CApUilalUlr senior majoring m finance, the! (Continued from page five) student to be chosen at the close struction is now' under w'ay on a of his junior year. roof f or the ice skating rink. Steel Another $l5O scholarship was established by Charles Petnick of Charles Shop for women. It will be awarded to a senior woman in the College on the basis of schol arship. The Albert F. Williams Agency < has provided two scholarships.' each worth $lOO, for a senior and a junior majoring in insurance. '< We Can Take Care of Your Travel Needs • Airline Ticketing • Vacation Planning • Steamship Ticketing *llOl6l Reservations • Foreign Car Purchases • Travel Information SOME OF OUR SPECIALTIES • College Weeks in Bermuda*European Tours, some • College Weeks in San Juan with Study Credit | AD 8-0528 | 23 .Meizger Bldg., State College, Pa. Registration-- (Contmued from mge one) ; gun the registration process, , may seek help from the repre- ; sentaiive of the dean of their , college who will be sealed at a long table in the center of the , main floor. arches, 75 feet high, will form the covering. The area, however, will be open at both ends. The campus walks are also un dergoing a change. New walks are being constiucted over old dirt paths and many walks are being resurfaced and widened in preparation for another year ‘of heavy pcdcstnan traffic Headquarters for Fine Toiletries • Harriet Hubbard Ayer •Du Barry • Sportsman • Lentheric • Max Factor • Old Spice • Revlon • Ar-Ex WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1959 Artist Series- (Continued from page six) chesira. Schwab. Dates remain open for two jazz groups and for the Phoenix Thea ter. Students may obtain tickets to the Artist’s Senes upon presen tation of their matriculation cards at the Hetzel Union desk. i Among the artists featured last year weie such outstanding per formers as the Canadian Players, E. E. Cummings, the Ballet Es pagnol, Jussi Bjoerlmg, the Phil adelphia Orchestra, Michael Tree, Elizabeth Schwartzkopf. the Con cordia Choir, and the Danish Na tional Orchestra. Dial Directions Procedure for operating the new dial telephone' system in the residence halls is as fol lows: Between residence halls dial 5 and then the correct four digits, as 5-2531. From downtown to residence halls dial the exchange UN 5, ihen the correct four digits, as UN 5-2531. These calls may be made at any hour of the day or night. Calls from residence halls to downlown can be made only from pay phones. For information, dial UN 5-2501. Now that you're on your own... You'll need a complete and authori tative dictionary to help you m your ollege work. There are 10 reason* or insisting on Webster’s New ollegiate Dictionary, the Mcrriam v'ebstcr. 1. Only Merriam-Webster is based on the unabridged Webster’s New International Dictionary, Second Edition. 2. Only Merriam-Webster meets the detailed requirements of col lege students. 3. Only Merriam-Webster gives the technical Latin names for plants, animals. 4. Only Merriam-Webster is based on complete records of the way English is spoken and written. 6. Only Merriam-Webster is kept up to date by a large staff of specialists, 6. Only Merriam-Webster presents definitions in the historical order, essential to understanding com- plete meaning. 7. Only Merriam-Webster givesyou extensive cross-referencing. 8. Only Merriam-Webster, with separate biographical and geo graphical sections, keeps entries as accurate and complete as they should be. 9. Only Merriam-Webster meets the one-hand test; easy to use and carry. 10. Only Merriam-Webster is based on continuing word research. Get Webster's New Collegiate Dic tionary the Merriam-Webster today! $5 plain, $6 indexed. Advt, copyright by G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield 2, Massachusetts. INSIST ON MERRIAM WEBSTER AND BISCOVH TH* DifffRJNCI
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