THURSDAY. AUGUST 6, Art, Fo Include One hundred al painting, American Alumni College to The College is a The summer college as origi nally planned to accom odate 40 persons, but the rolls were finally closed at 100. A course in the appreciation of modern painting, which will be- taught by Dr. Kenneth R. )3eittel, associate professor of art education, will cover paint ings of all schools of modern art, such as cubism, abstrac tionism, expressionism and sur realism. Dr. Cyril F. Hager, director of the Center for Continuing Liberal Education, will teach a course in American foreign policy. Those taking the course will discuss continuing problems which have confronted American policy mak. ers. A course in the ways of man kind, which will be taught by Dr. Robert W. Iverson, assistant director for the social sciences of the Center for Continuing Liberal Education, will examine the var iety of ways man has dealt with the basic problems of his society Dr. Ralph W. Condee, assis tent director for the humani ties, will teach an introductory course in humanities. Partici pants will study a variety of art forms. Another Alumni College ha's been planned for Oct. 29, 30 end' 31. Vance Packard, author of "The Hidden Persuaders" and, "The Status Seekers" and an 1 alumnus of the University, will' be the keynote speaker. - "It is our hope." said Dr. Ben Euwema, dean of the College of the Liberal Arts, "to gain a new; clearer insight into the patterns of life that combine to make up our American culture." "The advertisers and public re lations experts, the politicians and our own indifference and mental sloth have so encrusted life with artificial and superficial debris that it requires a genuine intellectual effort to inquire critically and honestly into the meaning of our civilization." KEELER'S The place to shop for ``Textbooks You will find books for all your courses in our downstairs self-service Artist Sup - plies . . . Serve yourself on our first floor. s'Outline and Review materials for all your courses. A complete selection, including Schaums, College, and Littlefield-Adams Outline Series. For Languages Courses .. . Disc-Ed LP records for French, Spanish, and German The 206 East College Avenue . . . opposite the East Campus Gate Serving Penn State Since 1926 Open Monday Evening TO MOO P.M. 'eign Policy, Humanities, in 2nd Alumni College mni and their husbands and wives will study appreciation of modernl 9 reign policy, ways of mankind or the humanities at the second, held Sunday through Saturday. i repeat of a 3-day session held in April, which attracted 50 persons. Petition Seeks A petition was presented to Centre County Court Monday to seek approval for an amendment to the University charter which would fix the elected member ship of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees at a minimum of seven and maximum of eleven members. Approval of the petition will take months, perhaps, according to a University spokesman. If such approval of the proposed amendment is given, it will then Vogue &evenly Salon is happy to announce that two operators are attending the Penna. Hairdressers Conference being held on campus. Mr. Corner Syprett, nationally-known Hollywood hair stylist is instructing a class in the latest fashions in hair styles. ALL YOUR POST-SESSION NEEDS Fast, Convenient Self-Selection Service department, bath new and used. ourses. Also .. . . College Stationery, Souvenirs and Greeting Cards by Oz and Gibson A‘" 44:0;N:fl''S7:';g7aa'Z'Si.`cTrEZ SUMMER COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA , ness at Harvard University duty ) harter Change .ing the 1959-60 academic year. 1 1 Fouraker has been' granted a, be sent to the State Council of leave of absence from September Education in Harrisburg for study ,1 to August 31, 1960. and recommendation. ' A member of the University According to the spokesman, ill faculty since 1951, he previOusly the state council is in favor of taught at the University of Wyo the amendment would then re - :ming. He received his bachelor's vert to the Centre Coti n t v and master's degrees from Texas Court for a final decision. A. & M. and his doctor of phil- Members of the Executive Corn-;ocophy degree from the Univer mittee are chosen by ballot al ;say of Colorado. the annual meeting of the Boardl -7-- - -- -- - - _----- ---. ----7 of Trustees which is held each January. Members serve for one year or until their successors are chosen. KEELER'S... The University Bookstore Ford Foundation Honors Fouraker Dr. Lawrence E.' Fouraker, l professor of economics and assist ant dean in charge of research for the College of Business Ad ministration, has been awarded' a Ford Foundation fellowship. • He is one of 40 professors who, have been invited to study at' the Institute of Basic Mathe-' matics for Application to Bust- Final Clearance of . . . SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS $1.33 $1.77 $2.33 Earth is the third plan order of distance from the Catherman's BARBER SHOP basement of Hotel State College Daily 8-5:30 Sat. 8-12 1 Repairs Carßadios Television Phonographs Radios television service center at State College T 232 S. Allen St. SUITS We screened our suit stock and decided to SELL OUT! Brand new, grade "A"' quality • slight pressing irregularity, perfect fabric 91.00 : - Ilk f'''''• ' ... i - 1 : , .., c, •-, • tr, i3,- i . .., <O.. • ....:.....5....*. f ~ f . n ~ i`~.9
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