PAGE TWELVE THE HUMAN TORSO, a model body which may be disassembled for clze.srootr. instruction, di ew attention from students and teacheis alike at the school equipment display in the HUB. Mineral Museum Includes Unusual (Continued from page one) in tntens)tv are flathed upon than Cai ..ed perfume jars also cre ate interest in an unusual disd play Small, ornamental jars thati have been carved from minerals! not generally used for decorad tion are shown, along with a sped omen of that material. The jars! were hand-fashioned and carved with machine-powered tools out of such minerals as Tiger's Eye, Ain:l/(mile, Malachite, and Agate.! Shrunken heads are the sub ject of another eye-catching exhibit. The case contains a male and female head as well as information on how and why a head is shrunk. Another phase of the exhibi tion concerns prehistoric times. Path: of this display feature such objects as reproductions of dit feient animals of this period, ele phant tusks and teeth, pieces of petrified wood. fossils, and re production of skulls. Real skulls' are also shown, along with ex-' planatory information, maps, and: charts. Mineral display rooms feature various phases and features of ores, and display heavier, more distinctive ores on pedestals. Paintings pertaining to ore in and around Pennsylvania are also dis played, and a modern wood sculpture, "Miners," by Heri Bert Bartscht, r; another outstanding work of art Sharing almost equal space with minerals are the precious SWIM Roller Skate Pool Opens 1 p.m. Daily r e s SKATING . . . Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Evenings also Sunday Afternoons • A Free Picnic Tables HECIA PARK 15 !mire East of State College Rt. SI Rink Available for Private Parties Phone Zion -- FUlton 3.2318 SUMMER COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Display Replicas and semi-precious gems. A few real ones are shown, but syn thetics predominate the collec tion. Picture stories on famous diamonds, such as the Cu!linen and the Xohinoor may be found, along with reproductions of the original gems and their cuttings. Other exhibits include rocks that bend, those that show grav ity and magnet,sm, ores with changing bands of color, a case on "native elements," and one on stalactites. Minerals and gems are obtained primarily from mineral dealers through a purchase program, ex plained David E. Snell, director of displays, although a few come' from private owners. A program to revamp certain areas of display with be put into action soon, and the third floor will be finished at that time. your official NN STATE CLASS RING .canner and TVititer "Thousands proudly wear this ring" rt-..„...,,,,-,.,, "MAMA MIA, -% " e :. ,e - ._...... WHAT MANICOTTI I n w, 4. , Or perhaps you don't know what manicotti is, huh? Well, it's a delicious chicken filling baked in home-made egg noodles and is so good you'll wish you had more. Besides manicotti, the COFFEE SPOT presents tender veal cutlet parmesan, tasty lasagne, and spaghetti and meatballs made with imported Italian spaghetti noodles. So the next time you want fine Italian cuisine ... try the , coffee spot 221 E. BEAVER AVE. GAZETTE TODAY School Administrators Confer ence, 2 . 30 p m., Schwab Audi torium. Summer Sessions Orchestra Con cert, 8:30 p.m., Schwab TOMORROW Art Education Graduate Confer ence, 2:30 p m., HUB Assembly Hall. Speaker, Dr. Vtktor Low enfeld. Hillel Foundation, Sabbath serv ices, 7:30 p.m., 224 Locust Lane SATURDAY Art Education Graduate C 1 u b Conference, 9 30 a.m., HUB As sembly Hall Square Dance, 9 p.m , HUB ball room. Music by Nittany Moun taineers SUNDAY Chapel services, 9 am , Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chap e 1. Speaker, Dr. G. Wayne Glick, Franklin & Marshall College. UCA Graduate Group, 4 p.m., ptc- nic at Greenwood Furnace Summer Sessions Band Concert, 5 p.m., Pattee Library steps. In case of rain, Schwab Auditor ium UCA Undergraduate Fellowship, 7 p.m , Eisenhower Chapel Philadelphia Brass Quintet, con cert, 8:30 p.m., back of HUB. In case of rain, Schwab Audi torium. r . r•-', = ';' :. l i//a c i • ' 1 A & it'll" L , , E That's right fellows we are Rtill having our sale on SUMMER MERCHAN DISE. We have reduced our low-low prices to a new low for State College. All our merchandise is top quality and name brand clothing. A HABERDASHERY k3i cte 3, ,u. s tn the Center of Pennsylvania' 229 S. Allen SI. L. G. BALFOUR CO. In the ATHLETIC STORE MONDAY Duplicate bridge, 7 p.m., HUB caldroom Student Sing, 8 p.m., Schwab Auditorium International Fireside, 8 p.m., Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel Mateer Playhouse at Standing Stone, "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof," 8:30 p.m., (Monday through Saturday) TUESDAY Chess Club, 7 p.m., HUB card- room Claremont String Quartet. con cert, 8.30 p.m.. HUB ballroom WEDNESDAY Pi Lambda Theta, 5:30 p m, Pres byterian Church, initiation, Banquet, 6'30 p.m., Hotel State College Student Recital, 7:30 p.m., Sch- wab Auditorium Outdoor Movie, 9 p.m., back of HUB, "Battle Hymn" starring Rock Hudson, Dan Duryea, Anna Kashfi. A double eagle was a twenty dollar gold piece. Distemper is commonly con sidered a form of influenza. Repairs Car Radios Television ' Phonographs Radios television service - center - at State College TV 232 S. Allen St. + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE HOUSE—FURNISHED five rooms, deep freeze and complete laundry with auto matic washer. EMpire 4-1381. 1966 n 5. MOBILE Rome, excellent con- dition, completely set up with large lawn; 2 mile, from campus. Very reason able. Available Immediately. Call AD 8- 012. MOVING TO California. Like new bed room suite, living room suite, 11 cu. ft. C. 1•;. refrigerator. Call AD 8-6301 after 1 p.m. THE TASTIEST PIZZA in town. Joe's Pizza Shop. 131 N. Atherton St. FOR RENT LARGE, UNFURNISHED three room apartment and bath, also furnished efficiency. Cantle]. Parking. Suitable for graduate couple. Call AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4850. SINGLE BEDROOM in 4-room male apart ment. Two blocks from campus. Kitchen, television, $6 per week . . Immediate occu pancy. Phone Ex. 513 between 6:304;30 tonisht or contact Len at 206 W, Beaver A. e. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate ac commodations with private bath or run ning water. For you and your friends. Central residential section. Colonial Hotel. 123 W. Nittany, State College, AD 7-4850. AD 7-7792. FILMS IN BY 10 a. m. OUT BY 5 p. m. • Get zippy, same day service on your bla c k and white I Qttl _ • films . . . enjoy the fun of seeing your k t ,,, , ! I c h to finished pictures the same day you take j il o ,' FAST • •• I them. Always be assured ' " COLOR of pr o fessional quality photofinishing at the FILM SERVICE LAB; you'll get crisp, sharp too . . . negatives and prints back from the FILM LAB, because photo. graphy is our business, not a side line. Take pictures, not chances . . . The Wbfw tmA Lab. 106 W. beaver Avenue THURSDAY. JULY 23, 1959 Remodeled Store To Open Today Murphy's new and remodeled variety store at 127-133 S. Allen St. will stage its grand opening today. The new store will include 22,051 square feet of sales area on a main and downstairs floor level. The G. C. Murphy Company, currently operates 322 Murphy stores and 90 Morgan & Lindsey, Inc. stores, in 21 states and the District of Columbia. A FOR COMFORTABLE ROOMS IttllteColonial tsl23 WNITTANYAVESTATE COLLEGE,PA, All with RunninWato or Private Bath - Parking Hungry • For Good Italian Spaghetti or Ravioli? WE HAVE THEM. Also . Hamburgers Cheeseburgers Hotdogs Grinders Steak Sandwiches Cheese-Steaks Meatball Sandwiches Pizzaburgers Joe's Pizzo Shoppe 131 N. Atherton St. AD 8-2441 "We can't make ail the pizza, so we only make the best." ==l FOR RENT EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. Post-ses sion. S. Pugh. 1 or 2 persona. Reduced rate. Al) 8-0.966. WANTED MALE CLERK—permanent position for one who can develop and grow with the job. Full time. Salary open. Apply lit person to The Pennsylvania Book Shop. MALE CLERK—mature; graduate stu- dent a possibility long on horse sense: typing helpful. 'Must work at least 30 hours a week. some nights. Salary open. Apply in person to the Pennsylvania Book Shop. TEACHERS—vacancies located in Colo• rado, California, Dakotas, Washington, Montana, Arizona and Wyoming. Writ() Columbine Teachers' Agency, 1320 Pearl, Boulder, Colorado. MISCELLANEOUS TYPING. reasonable, prompt. Phone AI) 7-7055. , GRAD STUDENTS—stock up on thesis supplies. Get everything you'll need in our one-stop store. Royal, Olympic, Olivetti typewriter rentals. 80% rag content thesis paper. Multilith supplies. Cotton and silk typewriter ribbons for all makes, models. NITTANY OFFICE EQUIPMENT. 231 S. Allen St. AD 8-4126. ENROLL NOW for Ballroom Dancing, Tap, Toe or Acrobatic lessons. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 8.1078. . Anscochrome____24 hours Ekta chrome 24 hours Kodschrome__4 or 5 days Kodacolor___4 or 5 days STATE COLLEGE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers