SATURDAY, JUNE 6. 1959 r "77 .7""Ter 4.1 1 ...k,::4 . 5.4414 "-t:i: . " , z , 0y,,,,,,„: ~01.014,t :,...4.,e,,,,,..„,....,..,..,,v ~_0,44..,,,..44. ..„...,.:;,.,,,,:i, 1 ,t? , K . ',. ... , ~ :4i, • ' .._.. ~.,e,....~. _,..__.~ Ron Riese Lion Pitchet Hoover, Lead Lion District 2 (Continued from page one) 11 years and their fifth in a row. But it was by far the most surprising. Nob o d y—even Bedenk—had given the Lions a chance at a District berth—let• alone a cham pionship—back in March. After all, the Lions had lost six key! regulars from the 1958 team—in cluding Cal Emery, the junior hurling ace who was the Most Valuable Play'.r at the NCAA tournament two years ago. But an outstanding crop of rookies—aid the stabilizing per formances of the few "old pros" that - were left—has made Bedenk and all Penn State fans a happy bunch, Two of those experienced hands shortstop Bob Hoover and pitcher Ron Riese were the men chiefly responsible for the Lions' playoff victories, al though it would be a real in justice to give any two men all the credit. But Hoover was undoubtedly the Lions' clutch man—igniting a rally, delivering a hit at a key point, or halting an oppo nents rally with a brilliant, fielding play. It was his two-out run-scoring single in the third that put the Lions back into the game with Ithaca after the visitors had jumped off to a 1-0 lead earlier in the frame. He had three hits all told yesterday, driving in two runs. Against Temple the day be fore, it was the Philadelphia senior's bases-clearing double with the sacks full and the Lions trailing 1-0 that proved to be the clutch hit of the game. That sent the Nittanies into a led which they never relin- ITHACA PENN STATE AB R H AB R H Noun 3 0 1 Landis,3b 4 1 0 c-Graham 1 0 1 Durbinjt 3 1 1 Borow,2li 5 1 1 Fegley.2b 3 1 1 Cialolo,lf 4 1 2 Hoovet,ss 6 1 3 Materile,lb 4 0 1 DeLong.ll 5 1 2 Chabot4s 4 0 2 Caldwell 4 4 1 s 0 Hoyt,ef 4 0 0 Aclarns.c 4 0 4 Cain,3b 3 0 0 Beighey,lb 1 0 0 Mee,a 3 0 0 Benton,lb $ 0 1 Curry,p 1 1 0 Riesem 1 1 0 a-inteecola 1 0 0 Slomk'skim 0 0 0 Chttrchill,p 1 0 0 b-Lebedz . 1 0 0 Tetala 38 310 Totals 32 712 a—Struck out for Curry in 4th b—Grounded out for Churchill in 9th c—Singled for Noun in 9th 001 000 020-S 10 3 Fenn Saute 00i 130 02x--7 12 0 RBl—lioruw, Materile, Chabot. Fegley, Hoover, .2, Belong, Adams, Riese. E Noun. Born*. Mee. 2B—Adams. SB—Hoov er. Say—Feeley. DP—Hoover to Fegley to Beighey; Chabot o tflorow to Materile. 2. LOB—Penn State 11, Ithaca 7. BB—, Blew! I, Curry 1, Slornkowski 2, Churchill 4. SO—Riese 7, Curry 2, Slomkowski 1, Churchill 2. HO—Riese, 10 for 3 runs in 3: Curry. 4 for 1 in 3; Slornkowaki, 5 for 4 In 1-lx“ Churchill, 8 for 2 in 3 1 / 4 . HBP— Riese (Noun), Churchill (Riese), Slain. kowski 'iFegley). - W—Rieae - (44), L Blomkowskt (5-2). U—Toff. , Tyson. lien. rood. - - PENN STATE pinch-hitter Bill Benton, is walked in bases-loaded fourth inning to put the Nittany Lions ahead 2-1, in game against Ithaca yesterday. Riese, Kikla, DeLong quished. Riese was equally effective. The pint-sized senior was the bul wark of the Lion pitching staff' during the two-game - set. He pitched the full nine innings yes terday, scattering 10 hits, fanning seven and walking only one. That's not bad for a guy who pitched 2% innings Of runless ball in saving the Temple victory Thursday for the Lions sopho more ace, Ed Kikla. There were other playoff he- Hoover 2nd Base Choice On District 2 All-Star Team Captain Bob Hoover, a three year veteran for Coach Joe Bedenk's baseball team, was honored last week as the first team second baseman for the NCAA District Two All-Star team. Sophomore pitcher Ed Kikla was named to the second team. Hoover has been Bedenk's regular shortstop for the past two campaigns and was Be denk's starting second sacker as a sophomore on the Lions' second-place NCAA squad in 1957. Bedenk explained t h e choice of Hoover at second in stead of his regular shortstop post with this comment: "In that Hoover played second base two years ago, plus the fact that there were a whole lot of good shortstops this year, AIN=IMEEMMIIIIMMOMIIIMIIik To The Class of '59 BEFORE YOU LEAVE CAMPUS TODAY 4 Join the Penn .State Alumni Association This is your last opportunity to take advantage of the SpecialtSenior Membership $2.00 COME TO THE ALUMNI OFFICE 104 OLD MAIN OPEN UNTIL 4 P.M. TODAY THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Sweep roes, too. Catcher John Adaml four-for-four plate effort yester day and the batting and fielding of sophomore right fielder Zekel DeLong helped, too. And give credit to the Lions' sophomore mound ace, Kikla. He wasn't as effective as usual in his stint against Temple, but he still pitched a good game. And now it's on to Omaha for the District Two cinderella team. Maybe Bedenk will be laughing at the whole nation, before long. the committee decided to place him at second.' George Schoepper of Pitt was the District Committee's shortstop choice. During the regular season, Hoover hit at a .343 clip, with 23 hits and 19 RBIs, including two home runs. One of his homers was a 400-foot job ov er the football stands in right centerfield that was acclaimed by Bedenk as the "longest" he'd ever seen at Beaver Field. Kikla, although only a soph orr•.ore, was the Lions' ace hurl er this year, with a 7-0 mark. One of his victories was a two hit, 16-strikeout win over West Virginia, 3-0. The All-Star team is picked on the basis of performance during the regular season and not of the playoff games. ECM At National Churn ionshi s 9 Lions Seek Track Titles Nine Penn State trackmen, including four IC4-A winners, will be seeking national championships next weekend at the NCAA track and field tournament at Lincoln, Neb. Coach Chick Werner's proteges, fresh from an unbeaten dual season and an overwhelming team victory in the IC4-As, will prep for the nationals this afternoon when they compete in the Midwest Open AAU meet at Fort Wayne, Ind. Following the NCAA outing, the Nittanies will jump over to Boulder, Col., for the National AAU champion ships, June 19-20. Werner's crew is headed by Nittany captain Ed Moran, cur rently the hottest home-bred miler in the country. Moran swept both the mile and the 880 in the IC4-As and is considered the prime favorite in the NCAA mile run. His 4:02.1 against Mich igan State earlier this year was the best time ever recorded in a collegiate dual meet. Dick Engelbrink, Bob Szeyller and Bob Brown are the Nittanies' other IC4-A-winning en tri e s. Engelbrink won the two-mile, Szeyller, the 220-yard low hur dles, and Brown copped the 100- yard dash. The rest of Werner's national aspirants include Chuck King in the 880, Dick Hambright in the 440, Fred Kerr in the two-mile, Jim Schwab in the javelin and John Tulle: in the weight events. Moran, Engelbrink, and Schwab set individual Penn State records during the past dual season and Brown tied another. Moran bested Chuck King's 880-mark set against Michigan State early in the year when he CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS 'DAN of u; JUNE, 1959 The TAVERN •••••••••••••••••••••••••e•••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • ALL GOOD WISHES • • • TO • e • • GRADUATING SENIORS • • - • • ••FROM THEIR MANY FRIENDS • e • I • to • ate or er • •• • • • STATE COLLEGE, PA. • • • • • • where quality food has been served for many years • • at popular prices • ••• M. C. MATEER '22 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CONGRATULATIONS to the CLASS OF '59 from BILL'S 238 WEST COLLEGE DINNER SERVED 12 P.M. to 8 P.M. PAGE THREE ran a 1:49.0 against Manhattan Knlg's standard was 1:49.8. Engelbrink broke Olympian Horace Ashenfelter's 9:03.2 mark in the two-mile run with a time of 8:58.9 in the Michigan State encounter. Schwab snap ped the 21-year-old mark of Nick Vukmanic when he threw the javelin 223.11'i against Manhattan. Brown joined five other Nit tanies in the 100-yard dash record category with a :09.6 clocking in the Ohio State opener. And just for the record, one other mark was broken this year —the mile relay. George Metzger, Dave Davies, Moran and Dick Hambright set that mark when they ran a 3:13.3 against Man hattan. Kansas is the team favorite in the national event, with three Jayhawkers rated "sure" win ners—Ernie Shelby (broad jump), Charlie Tidwell (hurdles) and Bill Alley (javelin). Besides Penn State, the other threats to the team title include Arizona Stale, Oklahoma, Ok lahoma State, San Jose State, California, Oregon, Texas and Michigan State. Southern California, a team which owns an 80-plus unbeaten dual meet streak, is the defend ing champion. However, the Tro jans are barred from competition this year—and next—because of an illegal recruiting penalty lev ied by the NCAA.
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