PAGE TEN Lion Baseballers Meet Temple in Crucial Game By SANDY PADWE Ulcer pills in one pocket, tranquilzers in the other and a container of milk under his arm, Penn State baseball coach Joe Bedenk and his Lions left for an all-important trip tt Philadelphia and a meeting with Temple's Owls. The Owls are Middle Atlantic Conference chain , winner. .en, 1 .. 1 ' d“-- pions, and ) have clinched a berth in the * * * I team broke the 1M record on go, Ted Steinman of ZBT put I on a drive to come within inch- CAA Distnet IT playoffs as a r . ' ' - "reiv ng, Beaver Field. Their time wasi es of catching Booker at the , , „ exult of winning the title. 'i , -! ‘-'• - -1 I 1:35.7. tape. Last year's 440 winner, IX' But Penn State is stillbattling ..,*3 , ,' The ten points awarded for this! Frank Lombardo of Tau Kappa for one of the two "at large" :',-.!: ' :win gave DU a gi and total of! Epsilon, finished third. berths, and aw in today is iust -: 5 0 :!ii points, the most ever record-I. Steinman won the 100-yard dash about a necessity since the Lions ',''';': ,ed by any fraternity in the three, in the time of 10.5. Bill White fin r.plit t.eith put Wednesday at Bea- ':.! ,day IM track and field event, ished second for Alpha Sigma Phi I,r 1 Field ; according to "Dutch" Skyes, As- and DU picked up 10 points here The Lions stand at 13-3 for ' ' Isistant Intramural Dnector. ,as Kline finished third and Amato the season with one game left, I Zeta Beta Tau came in second,fourth. and Pitt is at 12-3 with a game !with 23 points and Omega Psi Plu., Fred Twilla racked up his sec left Saturday with Juniata Col- , was third with 20. 'ond and third wins out of a pos lege. - • i Benny Amato gave DU an Bible five in the independent com- The Lions ,in hope for a Juin- -• ! early lead in the relay coming petition as he won both the 100 bla win to smash Pitt's playoff , :,, - - 1 from last place with 50 yards to , and 440. hopes, hut it is unlikely that the ' j go. His fellow spiker, Sa c k Bob Lugo couldn't quite catch weak_hitling Indkins can pull off - Cholla, held the lead until Tau Twilla in the 100, finishing just the upset - , • I Kappa Epsilon's- Chuck Gaston a stride behind. Twilla's time was I passed him at the 440 yard 10.7. So a Lain V. in today 1 , , a must, and Temple will be doing eves Y.- I mark. This is where Sam Sob- , Twilla jumped out to a 10- thing in its power to knock the ' I czak took over for DU. yard lead at the beginning of . Lion; out of contention. They al- I lie waltzed pact TKE's man and! the 440 and held it the whole 4i .51 4 most did it last yl3 ear vhen they ,opened up a big lead for anchor way, winning in 52.4. Frank upset the Lion , . at Beaver Field, 'man, Bob Kline Peikert finished second and Bob 5-2 1 Kline had no trouble finishing, Dockstader was third. - , 'first, but realizing a record was, ' The Inebriates' relay team of But the Nittanies went on to ' in the making, went all out to'Bill Sheva, Sam Bitsko, Dick win their last few games and gain the finish line to break the rec-'F 101 1). and Ray Rakowski closed i playoff berth. , Tom Durbin , ord set by Kappa Alpha Psi in meet by winning the 880- ... will he p itch? "We have to win today to stay!l9s4. Beta Theta Pi rallied to take!TelaY by 30 yards in 1:36 in contention Bedenk said. But 'before wotiying about anything 'second - 'second as TKE finished close be-' he also said that it Pitt did beat hind in third. Janata, and the Lions lost Pitti dse. ' Omega Psi Phi's Bill Booker wouldn't automatically he in Bedenk wasn't sure who would , He explained that when the start today's game, but was ; ° p • time comes to make the choices, leaning toward sophomore Tom h Durbin. Durbin is 2-1 this sea everythingson, but was knocked around II es Beat the selection committee takes ' into consideration, ' his Syracuse in last outing. including opposition. b y ona r Cubs tSp Before that, though, he looked And when it comes to this cate-! good against Ohio State and gory, Pitt lust can't match the! • Georgetown. Lions. The Panthers have beaten! such teams as Indiana State! Besides pitching, Durbin also! Losing Streak Teachers, Wayne State and Clar-'pla.)s the outfield for the Lions, CHICAGO CHICAGO UP)—The Philadel ion as well as Syracuse, West Vir-,and is leading the team in hittinglphia Phillies snapped an eight ginia and others. with a .300 average. game losing sneak yesterday in liov,•ever, when the ~election committee looks at Penn State's schedule—Ohm State, Navy, Col gate and Penn-- the Lions could get the edge according to Bedenk, But the Blue and White 1% ill have to get past the Owls today MAJOR LEAGUES 111 nit ktmlt I:tied Pi v..% NATION Pd. LEACI E \‘'. 1.. Pt t 21 11 WA, Pt le, 7,13 20 14 S~6 0 lv r. 211 IS 17 .1%14 ih ISZ 41;5 14 .0 .412 12 21 361 MIIIAIIIII,II Fan Frfitil 1,1) Chie!Wit )1 , 11 /'l cineintiat a-10. 1 rinlaile a-- Nal mall? 1. ittna A NI E lilt 1,E1A(111.1 IV. 1.. ele le net __ 21 11 Chicago _ _ 22 td Baltimore "0 15 hails/ye City _ 15 17 Washington 17 20 _ _ _ 14 1.1 Minot 11 II) Ncw Yin k 12 V. PROD kIILF PIT( Ill' RS Asneriran League Pi It tut al Cleveland N k Bell Chiefitzt) nt Knnkit. ('ll) IN)—Shaw I.rwl 14..41 N. w l'm k nt Baltimore IN)—Turlt s . (3-4) \% Wilhelm i5-ft Washpietoti at Boston (Nl—Pasepal 13-31 ‘a Dclacl. 14.11 National League Ildnanl,ee at. Philadelphia tNI - Bor t)t (It' 4 \ !WWI t. 2-21 Fan rth4lei , Co ai 1 ce. ;padre IN ) A ntonelii 15-? i tt. DI Wide 1:1-41 tit. Louis nt Chicago-- Bin% lock (2-1) %(' hlohhia I t:-3 1 Cincinnati at Pttt<bui gh (N)—Fut his (4-4) t.. fow 13-11 Take a Pizza Break During Finals Try Crispy Crusted Pizza Plus A Delicious Line of Sandwiches AD 8-2441 We Deliver Joe's Pizza Shoppe 131 N. Atherton St. If a iighihander goes for Tem ple today Bedenk won't change his, lineup, but if a lefty goes these x% ill be a switch. However, he ex pects the Owls to throw their ace ighthander, Don Flynn. Flynn has a 5-1 record this year, but was blasted out in the fourth inning against Moravian Wednes day. If he pitches, the Lion lineup will have Bill Benton at first, Larry Fegley at second, Bob Hoov er on short and Dick Landis on third. The outfield—if Durbin pitch ' es—will see Ron Rinker or Ed Kikla in leftfield. Doug Cald• well in center and Zeke De- Long in right. Either Harry !leans or John Adams will catch. If a lefty goes for Temple, then Bedenk will probably put Larry Beighey on first, Mike Hader at third, and Dick Landis in left field. BATTING ab h hat ah h ha Dot hsil .... 12 16 .500 __ 14 4 231 DeLovg _ 62 23 3 711111etghey _ 145 7 .200 Iltaner 65 23 . 1 5311 - inter 26 5 Pt 2 __ 611 2U . 1 1711,anilis ___ 51 10 ,ISO Reims _ _ 46 11 .2 4 9iftinker _ 20 .4 150 0111 m ell _ 42 12 .215'1Ciklu ____ 20 1 n 0 Adam , : _ 18 5 ..177 1 1.uft 1 0 .000 lie»t.ol __ 25 6 240' PITCHING w w 1 0:11(nton _____ I 1 3 l'Arner ______ 0 0 2 1 , 1. t eramtin 11 0 JACKHARPMI.CUVhItEFGEJ kCIiIIARPERGUYKRESCEJACKHARIERGUYKRESGE I :1 • vs k f orßlac the Young Executive :.) ..... c 7: r: - .4: 7: 73 • f M • , g ; n ' 'i0 . .. : 14 ; .• ' , Nli ' 1 .:1 0 1 1 tll :-. ', •- ' ' . k . '' ' ''S` 1 e* c > 0 7: PI M t• .x. :o •,. > . • ..,' i.• • - ,• . , 41 tr. Xi X CI Simplicity is epitomized in our Black Shell Cordovan c. K xi loafer. Made expressly for us by Bostonian for you, NI ;, the young executive. tri 7 n tl .---0 ... 3. >, -) 0 C pr.. z Boston i an Ltd. z .... et 74 c .......„ PENN ST& x •ei w .1 :-, Jack Harper Guy Kresge ..e. w, ..,:i Around the corner from the Jack Harper Custom Shop : I I M M 'n J ACKHA RPERGUYKEESGEJACKHARPERGIAKRESGEJACKHARPERGUIKRESGE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Delta Upsilon Wins 880-Relay To Take First in IM Track By RON SMITH Delta Upsilon won the intra mural track championship last night when its 880-yard relay a 3-0 conquest of the Chicago Cubs Three sacrifice flies drove in all the Phillies runs. Ruben Gomez limited the Cubs to four hits to earn his first vic tory of the season. The shutout was the Cubs' second of the sea son Cincinnati's Joe Nuxhall whitewashed them Just a week ago for a 2-0 triumph. The Philiies pushed over two runs in the eighth to tag Bob Anderson with his third loss among five decisions. Rookie Johnny Buzhardt was pitching when the Phillies scored their third run in the ninth The shutout was the Phillies' first whitewash win of the year, and Gomez retired the last 13 Cubs he faced. Only one• Cub Leached third base, Moose Moryn turning the tide when he and Dale Long hit successive singles in the second. Trackmen— (Continued from page nine) jump and Gross and Ramey in the broad jump. The Lion javelin triumvirate of Jim Schwab, Musser and Nyce Nv 1 I meet their toughest competi tion of the year in the Jaspers' Don AlcGorty, who has hurled the spear over 220'. The all-important mile relay lineup will not be announced un til post time for the event. tied Don Ashenfelter's mark set in 1951 in the 440-yard run as he covered the distance in 51.4. Booker took a huge lead at the 220-mark and looked like a sure Thr with 75 yards to Stock Up and Save At This Spectacular Store-Wide Sale 45.00 value . . . NOW 34.88 55.00 value ... NOW 38.88 65.00 value ... NOW 49.88 Entire Stock of TROUSERS 7.95 values .. . now 5.88 9.95 values ... now 7.88 12.95 values ... now 9.88 16.95 values ... now 12.88 ONE GROUP SPORT COATS "" NOW ..19.88 TIES ' ere L5O NOW $l.lB or 2 f or $2 SKY-WAY LUGGAGE 50% off 'Dress Shirts 4.00 Values Now 2 for 5.00 5.00 Values Now vro 6 00 ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED Eur's iii: tits Stop , , Across from Old Main FRIDAY. MAY 22, 1959 SUMMARIES Inn-yard 4lngh ifrb.ternityl— "I—Steinman li Ziff t. 10 6; 2—White I ASP) ; 3—Kline 'DU) • 4--Amato (1)U): s—White (Omega Psi Phi). 1110-yard dash (independent) —la, •10 7 : 2—Lugo 3—Jackaoa 4--Ste%tllB; SW -yard thigh, fraternity— I—Rooker ()pm, h 1.4: 2-Steinman i Ziff , haldo ThEl ; 4—Landon; L—Neff (Phi Fait. 440-yard tla.h indenentlentl— —Trt, illa. 52 4 • 2—Nike' t , 3—Dockatader ; 4—Doyle; Green ie. sdo-yard relay (ft a ternity 1— I—(DUI, •t 5 i, DTI'): 3 iTK E : 4—(Phi , Pstt : S—IPK I 880.1 and relay I intleprntlentl-I—lnch. I Hate,: 2 --Fighting Fifth; 3—Stars. laN . 4 a4td 4Sad MOOS I O f 5 1 4 :t1 "I°ll . 4041 PAS SUITS ONE GROUP TROUSERS All Sizes -- Were 13.95 NOW 2.88 SPORT SHIRTS Values to 5.95 NOW 2 f or 5.00 Light Weight Washable Jackets Values to 6.00 Now 2.00 ti3NISNV 1C1D54
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