PAGE EIGHT Work Progresses On New Buildings Increased humming and grinding of construction ma chiffery under the hot spring sky means some campus build-, ings are nearing completion and others are taking form, . Two agricultural buildings are expected to be finished this summer. A mushroom house on the east ern end of campus for research in the commercial field has been completed and inspected. Site work is expected to be pushed to an oily conclusion. Under the General State Au thority program, the turkey breeding houses are about 75 per cent complete and the meat lab oratory and swine facilities are about 50 percent complete. This work is expected to be finished by July 1. Meanwhile other buildings are beginning to take form. Concrete is being moved by a crane high over the site of the Hammond Engineering Building on West College Avenue as foun dations continued to be poured for floors and pillars. Work on the building has been centered around the first floor slab on the main and north wings during past months. Brick work is proceeding on the south side and interior por tionq of the Petroleum Refining! Laboratory building located south', of the Forestry Building. This! project is scheduled for comple-; non by April 1960. During the past month all structural steel and concrete was' completed on the addition to thel Home EcOnomics Building. Mas-i onry stone is proceeding on the! southwest side, and the third! floor colums and roof deck are, completed The third and last floor deck' of the Militaiy Science Building has been poured with concrete and brick work is proceeding on the laboratory section. This pro ject, located north of the Nittany Dormitories, is scheduled for com pletion a year from now. Workchops-- (Continued from page one) University expansion problems in cluding parking, traffic regula tions, closure of Pollock Road,' bicycle regulations, construction, dormitory living units and the "impersonality" of a large school. The Academic Affairs and Cur ricula Revisions workshop will , discuss academic honesty, honors courses, reference libraries in new dormitories, a common freshman y ear program, scholarship and culture—artist and lecture series— programs. The Functions and Responsi bilities of the New SGA work shop will discuss the new stu dent government body—the legislative, judicial and execu tive branches—and its imple mentation during the coming year. The Student Conduct workshop will attempt to formalize a stu dent code and a set of disciplin ary penalty definitions, will dis cuss disciplinary actions for both men and women students, its ef fects upon the townspeople and the implementation of the student courts. The Motivation of School Spirit workshop will discuss ways to in ci ease school spirit, form a pep club, develop spun, in individual dormitory units, increase partici pation in alumni fund drives. and membership, support senior class gift projects and develop ways to raise money for senior class gifts and charity drives. 6 Students Initiated a O AD 7-4702. C lL h l i lvl N . I, A m il f b o o r a Ti r la d ti, f , o s information call tmt i ne I t ie l h • at n T es h eta a t i Into Radio Society .AVAILABLE FOR summer and fall, un- I usual and attractive quarters for file , s , tudentigr wtu . One and a half blocks front Six students were initiated in-, cantons to Theta chapter of Rho Tau Sig -write ''.e bath r and phoi t i o e r . , Reasonable cooking.nal ernen n rent. t 2 3 1 - ma, national radio and television:s. Frazier Street. Phone AD 7.2965. honormy society, at its annuaftwo STORY furnished apartment for Initiation Banquet last week, , thiee. Asatiable June 2nd for summer ^l9; al per month. Call AD 84409 The new initiates include Eliza-i'"= APARTMENT-130ALSBURG; furnished, beth Braithwaite, James Brown,; Sara Dietriek, William Mather lll,,tra'ner(?,Vu.mbliaythr,oostnsellaartrfelooyar'rXriLa'atflaVe- William Pohts and Donald ThOttlp-iunincaiattiv. AD 8.0068. SOrl. ' kPART:MENT FOR rent. Available June I. Stop in at Metzcert Apt. 26 or call An Following the banquet at thel Hotel State College, James H FOUR ROOM furnished apartment, close Coogan, Director of Public Infor:{ mann, spoke on the use of radiol ki ! t o er ea j mus ,n .A . ‘aVable for summer only. - d Call Bentley ext. 264. and television to familiarize— 11100thIS FOlt all summer sessions. Parking public with the University. • available, Summer rates 243 S. Pugb. By JIM WHALEN Davids Receives Fulbright Grant Norman Davids, professor of engineering mechanics, has been awarded a Fulbright grant for the next academic year. He plans to continue his work at the Tech mon, Nrael Institute of Technol ogy, Haifa, Israel. His research involves the stress wave propagation in materials and penetration mechanics. He has been working on a project on scabbing and stress waves since 1955, supported by U.S. Army Office of Ordnance Research. Davit's also is conducting re search on mechanics of penetra tion of materials under a grant from the National Space Adminis tration Agency. A native of New York City, Davids received his bachelor of science degree from the City Col lege of New York and his master of science and doctor of philoso phy degrees from New York Uni versity. He has served on the University .faculty since 1947. He plans to leave for Haifa in September, accompanied by his wife and three children. + CLASSIFIEDS + H.D. LIGHTWEIGHT motorcycle. Call AD H•HO62. 1956 2F-FOOT Sportsman Trailer, one bed room $l6OO or 'oest offer. Visit 60 hilltop Trailer Park. evenings. AIR ROTC grathiateuniforms for sale. Gabardine blue: gabardine suntan; shirt combinations. Approximate size 42 long. AD 8•8G39 RED COAT. 13, $10; nave carnet, small. $lO, navy boots $3.00; wool scarves $l.OO eoch. aqua raincoat. 13, 00.00. Ext. 1177 28 FOOT TRAILER, 12 ft. aide bedroom— askine $ll5O. No. 52 Woodadale Park. Call AD 7-3528 after 5 p.m. SALE '47 BUICK romertible, power win doni, ton: recently over-hauled. Can be .ietn nt Theta Xi. Call Ed AD 7-2161. GET ENGAGED now, don't wad; I have the ring•. cheap. Call Ted AD 7-4232. CONVERTIBLE FOR Whinnies and sum. mer fun? Sweet little '52 Chevy only $4OO. Call ext. 2891. 1955 PONTIAC 1-door fully equipped, 50,300 miles. Will sacrifice. Taylor, Hoovei's Trailer Park, 1763 North Atherton. 1957 110UFE Trailer, 2 bedroom, 36 ft., 0\ eellent condition, never beck moved. Reesonable Call Al) 8.8748 after six. 195 S Nit;A —white. fi,ooo miles, wire wheels Can be seen at 1231 S. Allen St. CIIALLENCEII Customized 42'. Can be ce n any evening. All 7-71 . 67 after ti p 41 FOOT TWO bedroom Great Lakes 2955 troller, excellent condition, reasonably priced. It. Bond, Hoover's Trailer Court, Hr. 3:!2. CVs COMPLETELY reconditioned, var ious sizes. 819—589. Television Service Center at State College TN.. 232 South Allen NEED TROPHIES? You name it—l have it Plain or engraved. Big discounts Quick service. Phone AD 7.7681 after 11!.00 Troutman's Trophy-Novelty Shop. ROOMS pre and main summer sessions. Alpha Kappa Lambda. AD S-6789. 194 E. Foster A%enue. ONE 'DOUBLE room for two students. Itemei and South Allen. Will be avail able for entire summer. Room is Olean, repainted. and reasonable. Call AD 8-1b75. SUBLET SMALL house just for summer month, Call AD 8-1114 after six. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA FOR SALE FOR RENT Biggest Boost Brings Bonus It cart be done! Suzanne Wyttenbach received the President Sparks Medal for achieving a 4.00 Fall semester average—she received a 2.43 aver age the previous semester. The President Sparks Medal•is i awarded ."to the student, selected from those making the highest semester average, who has made the greatest 'improvement over the preceding semester." Miss Wyttenbach is enrolled in the College of Education and plans to teach in elementary school. During the fall semester she spent 8 weeks student teaching. Williams Presides At Officials' Clinic C. 0. Williams, assistant to the president for special serv ices, presided over the luncheon and a clinic at the annual meet ;mg of the American Association lof Collegiate Registrars and Ad 'mission Officers in Pittsburgh last week. Other administration officials attending the meeting we r e Robert G. Bernreuter, dean of admissions and re gi s t ra r; T. Sherman Stanford and Ruth I. Kapp. assistant deans of admis- 1 sions; Robert M. Koser, Jr., Helen V. Kline and Warren R. Haffner, assistants to the registrar; an d Martin L. Ziegler, assistant direc tor of the Division of Counseling. Cornell Prof to Speak at 8 Robin M. Williams of Cornell will speak on "Attitudes and Values in the College Student's Sub-Culture" at 8 tonight In 121 Sparks. FOR RENT EFFICIENCY APARTMENT. unfurnished: fold•aeap bed: I',j blocks from campus. A‘ailable June 16. AD 8.1243 after 5. THREE PEOPLE to sub-lease a comfortable and clean Metzger Bldg. apartment for the summer months. Three rooms and bath. Leasees aill sub-let at reduced rent. Call AD 8-0786. DOUBLE ROOM for rent beginning fall semester. Call AD 7-4346. ROOMS FOR men all summer sessions. Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver. Rates: double 34—55—55.50. Make reservations now. APARTMENT FOR 5 boys summer or fall 200 W. College Ave. AD 7-2707. COLD MAN'S uateh, Hampten. Call AD 8-6786. ask for Dean. LOST 2 BOOKS in Waring Hall May 6 Gass Dinandes and Engineering Me chanies. Please return to Allan Naugle 119 South ilatnard Street. AD 7-2692. PLYMOUTH RAINCOAT on third floor Rourke Yhtirsday. I have an Alligator. Call Brad Da% is AD 7-4332. LOST ONE man's billfold. Color: tan. No money inside; important coatis inside. If found call AD 7-2971. Reward. WANTED RIDE TO Cornell Friday noon for four Cuarantee $4O. Call Jane ext. 690. RIDE FROM New England to campus In time for summer session June Bth. Please phone Lorna Ridley AD 8-0347 or leave meaaage Rm. 312 M.I. URGENTLY NEED ride to Cornell May 15 at 12:30. Call B.J. eat. 1626 J. RIDER-DRIVER to Sacramento. California leave Pittsburgh June 1 or 2. Call "Miet: Markow AD 7-7111. GRAD STUDENT to stack up on thesis supplies get everything you'll need in our one atop store. Royal. Olympia,Olivettl type riter rentals. 50% rag content thesis paper. Multilith supplies, cotton and silk typewriter ribbons for all makes, models. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. AD 84125. KITCHEN HELP wanted Theta Kappa Phi. Call caterer AD 8-6311. HOME, WORK wanted. Addressing and mailing. Also do alterations. Call AD 8-1:198. CAR TO be driven by two responsible young ladies to Los Angeles, California in June. Phone AD 8-1054 after 5. MISCELLANEOUS P.S.O.C. CA BIN and Trail division meet ing, 209 AN illard, Thursday evening at 7 :00. If yen are interested in planning new activities for next year please be there. GIFTS ALL AGES all occasions Sky-Top Gift Shop. North on 322. STORE YOUTt trunks, bikes, books, etc. Special summer storage to students. Pick up and delivery service. Call AD 8-6751. TENNIS FANS—Expert racket stringing and repairs by Hassinger. Nine grades of nylon and gut Prompt service. Guaran teed satisfaction. I....niversity Tennis Serv ice, 514 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2315. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe, .or acrobatic lessons. Park Portal Village School of Dance. ♦D 11-10711. Traffic Survey-- (Continued from page two) in the survey. Past surveys on parking conditions were used, plus data from the Campus Pa trol. The survey was conducted with the aid of the Physical Plant and Planning Commission to see how expansion would influence the study. The results and recommenda tions of the survey are now in the hands of the president's office and the University's long-range plan ning commissions. The Daily Collegian in four ar ticles will publish the results of this report. •SCHULTZ IS A MANY SPLENDORED THING Beppo Schultz, boulevardier, raconteur, connoisseur, sportsman, bon vivant, hail fellow 'well met—in short, typical American college man—smokes today's new Marlboros. "Why do you smoke today's new Marlboros, hey?" a friend recently asked Beppo Schultz. "I smoke today's new Marlboros," replied Beppo, looking up from his 2.9 litre L-head Hotchkiss drive double overhead cam shaft British sports car, "because they are new." "New?" said the friend. "What do you mean—new?" "I mean the flavor's great, the filter's improved, the cigarette is designed for today's easier, breezier living," said Beppo. "Like this 2.9 litre L-head Hotchkiss drive double overhead camshaft British sports car?" asked the friend. "Exactly," said Beppo. - "She's a beauty," said the friend, looking admiringly - at the car. "How long have you had her?" "It's a male," said Beppo. "Sorry," said the friend. "How long have you had him?". "About a year," said Beppo. "Have you done a le,t, of work on him?" asked the friend. "Oh, have I not!" cried Beppo. "I have replaced the pushrods with a Roots type supercharger. I have replaced the torque with a synchromesh. I have replaced the tachometer with a double side draft carburetor." "Gracious !" exclaimed the friend. "I have replaced the hood with a bonnet," said Beppo. "Land o' Goshen!" exclaimed the friend. "And I have put gloves in the glove compartment," said Beppo. "My, you have been the busy one," said the friend. "You must be exhausted." "Maybe a trifle," said Beppo, with a brave little smile. "Know what I do when I'm tired?" said the friend. "Light a Marlboro?" ventured Beppo. "Oh, pshaw, you guessed!" said the friend, pouting. "But it was easy," said Beppo, chuckling kindlity. "When the eyelids droop and the musculature sags and the psyche is de. pleted, what is more natural than to perk up with today's new Marlboro?" "A great new smoke with better 'makin's' and a great new filter!" proclaimed the friend, his young eyes glistening. "Changed to keep pace with today's changing world!" de clared Beppo, whirling his arms in concentric circles. "A ciga rette for a sunnier age, an age of greater leisure and more beck oning horizon:4l" Now, tired but happy, Beppo and his friend lit Marlboros and smoked for a time in deep, silent contentment. At length the friend spoke. "He certainly is a beauty," he said. "You mean my 2.9 litre L-head Hotchkiss drive double over head camshaft British sports car?" asked Beppo. "Yes," said the friend. "How fast will he go?" "Well, I don't rightly know," said Beppo. "I can't find the starter." .© 1909 Max nulmo If you're sticking with the good old non-filter cigarette, you can't do better than Philip Norris—a mild, rich, tasty smoke, made by the people who make AftwiWoe. WEDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1959 Wa Iker Says-- (Continued from page one) of the site, construction of the physical plant and major repairs. Walker said the operational expenses will be met with Uni versity funds on the basis of a policy that applies to all off campus units. He also said an attempt will be made to "regularize" the composition, basic responsibilities and authorities of the advisory boards. The channels of commun ication will also undergo change in order to allow each unit to make a maximum contribution to the growth and development of the campus- system. eiesqu24ll, Author of "Rally Round the Flag, Boys! "and, "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.") * * *
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