—Collegian Photo by John Ileauge OOMPH, SAYS Richard Bartolazzi, Theta Chi, as he bench presses 220-pounds in the He Man contest held last night in Recreation Hall. A committee will be appointed to study the possibility of in stalling the parking meters The meters would be available only to students who do not have campus parking permits. Darran proposed that the \let Official meters have a 30-minute limit and that the proceeds from them be used to develop addi , To Visit Here , tional student parking facili ties. I A representative of the Veterans Seve r a 1 Assembly memberscautioned against immediately be- I Administration will visit the earn- Rain moved the finals of the Sprimi Week Olympics—the pus from 10 a in. to 3:15 pm. to- ginning negotiations with town t, • day. ,officials concerning inspection of He-Man and Queen of Hearts contests—indoors last night. , The representative will be in 6 rooming houses. The He-Man events were held in Recreation Hall, the Old Main to assist veterans and, Ross Lehman, faculty adviser ;their dependents in applying for to Assembly, advised that Assem- Queen of Hearts finals in the Stock Judging Pavilion. 'any benefits currently being a d_,blymen begin their investigation Individual winners of both contests, as well as the team ministered by the Veterans Ad-ion campus by finding out what ;ministration. These visits are now,action has been taken by the Of champions for the Olympics, will, be announced at the Awards: divided by his body weight to day of each month. !these lines. Night Ceremony at 7 tonight in; er- The produce a percentage. p i Benefits now being adminis-[ Darran asked in his original ; Recreation Hall. Aeted by the administration in-, proposal that a committee be son who lifted the greatest per- ! Even the dreary weather could wins "elude: disability compensation for established to contact the State not stop the 15 He-Man finalists centage of his body weight 'service-incurred disease or injury.' College fire marshal and wor k .__ _ from giving some fine perform-I the event. ances. _ I Results of the Queen of Hearts ---------''''. _ _. _ Spring Week Olympics Rain 'Causes Finals To Move Indoors Names of the individual win ners of the three men's events— the 200-yard run, the bench press weight lift and the hop, skip and jump were withheld until to night's presentation. In the hop, skip and jump event each finalist was given three tries for distance. Best fry of the night was 35'1 1 / 2 ". The best time for the 200-yard sprint was 24.7 seconds. In the weight lifting event. each participant was given three lifts. His lift with the heaviest weight from a position on his back was his recorded score. Heaviest lift of the night was 220 pounds. However, in order not to penalize the lighter men the ac tual weight lifted will not de termine the winner. The heav iest lift of each finalist will be Be The Belle of The Ball r with the TINY-TAPER 808 styled by Vogue Ready. Salon 4021. College AD 7-2286 finals were not available. Uncle, the new system of scor ing, a first place in one contest does not assure a team score. The new scoring rules urovide for teamwork between the men and' women. For example, a second place in the He-Man and a third in the Queen of Hearts might win over a first and a ninth. In this way both members of the team must do well in order to benefit the team. In the contest for the individual champion points will be given to entrants who qualified them selves. Those finalists qualified by their partners will receive no , credit for the preliminaries. The total score of the prelimi naries ,and the finals will decide , the individual champion. COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA iPhysEd Senior ,Will Receive !Smith Trophy The Paul Smith trophy will be presented Sunday to the outctand iing senior male student in phys- I ical education at the annual field ,day. j The trophy is awarded by the ;Physical Education Student Coun-i ell on .the basis of scholarship, service, and character. All grad- Aiattng seniors with a 2 0 All kiniversity average are eligible' for the award. Applications must l be retuined to Recieation Hall by noon tomorrow. Field day, an annual event sponsored by the Physical Edu cation Student Council, is open !to all undergraduate, graduate, 'and faculty members of the Col lege of Physical Education The program will start at 2 p m Sunday at the civil engineering cabin in Stone Valley. Compe tition in various athletic events will be held between the students and faculty. Tickets for the event may be; purchased from any member of. the Physical Education Student Council for 25 cents. Transportation will be provided at 1:30 p.m Sunday in front of Recreation Hall. Y, ,isk, METZGER'S, with Central Pennsylvania's finest selection of sporting goods, 111-115 S. Allen METZGER'S Assembly Adopts 2 Campus Bills Campus party took quick action in trying to keep its cam paign promises last night when it introduced two bills which were adopted by the SGA Assembly. . The Assembly adopted bills for possible installation of 15 to 20 parking meters in the Hetzel_Umon parking lots, and to establish a committee cancel a-, ing inspection of town housing, Walter Dar r a n (Campus-Jr ) introduced both bills. _ Office hours of the new SGA officers are: Leonard Julius, SGA presi dent, 1-3 p.m. Monday, Wed. nesday and Friday; Larry Byers. vice president, 11.12 noon. Mon day, 1041 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday, and 2 : 3 p.m. Friday: Nancy C 1 a r k, secretary-freac. urer, 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, and 1-3 p.m. Thursday. If so, you'll catch bigger fish with stream tested fishing gear and the finest fly and spinning tods and reels at METZGIR 'S. Hooks, sinkers, and FISHING LICENSES (you'll need one) are all for sale at our new store at 105 S. Pugh St. (formerly Waltz Sporting Goods) open 'til 9 next Monday and Tuesday But if fishing's not your forte, we have a 24 hour tennis racket restringing service or you can rent a bike at our College Avenue store for 50c per hour to pedal off that excess winter poundage now has three stores to serve Penn State Remember, You Can Get It At By DENNY MALICK "GOIN' FISHIN'?" 105 S. Pugh PAGE THREE through him in setting up some sort of inspection policy. Howard Bwirs (University-Sr) urgcd the Assembly not to rush into negoliationc with town offi cials before some committee k had been done. He said this may cause sonic friction in the deli cate town-campus ielations. The Assembly then agreed to , et up the committee hut that it should consult with campus otfi mills in addition to those down town. Juniors Can Buy Emblems at BX Junior Class emblem , : are now en sale at the Book Exchange for 70 cents each. They can also be bought from members of the ad visory hoard. The emblems are blue and %011ie and display a modernistic view of Old Main with the words "Pennsylvania State Univeisity" and "Class of 1960" Thew emblems were ordered in March as a pro)ect of the Jun- Clasc Advisory Board. for Expert Tailoring See C. W. HARDY, Tailor 222 W. Beaver Avenue 354 E. College
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