D,V . :' : Coeds Flee Cross Hall Fire Damages Room —Collection Photo lop EloA) Thompson ALPHA FIREMEN carry eqtiipment from scene of fire that dam aged a r,.-.n of Cro.ss itaii to the extent of 3100 Saturday afternoon. The Ire darriagr_kd a ww,teoasket, typewriter, bedd:ng, a suitcase, a chau and ,everal bock of floor ti:e Student Marriages Increase to 700,000 :\larriages among college students in the United States are on the upsurge. In the last fifteen years, the number of married students has risen from a bare handful to some 70.000. According to the findings of Elizabeth Pope in a recent Good Housekeeping at tide. "Why Do They Marry?" one out of e‘”ry student; Is mar: led Of the approximately 16,00 students at the University, 1300, of eight per cent, are mar- I led This percentage is higher than that at Ivy League institutions. but considerably less than the one quarter of the enrollment sometimes reached at Western, Southern and Big Ten Univer sities. Miss Popo said. on; for th,_s sudden up sur.te tit colteu.e weddings, accord irg to Mu; Pope, include: •Attendance of G I's on cam !pis who broke the ice and made mimed students more common. • Di:.appearance of the stigma attached to a woman working. •Avalhbillty of jobs for stu d-rt (Firing this educational boom •Seekiug of domestic happi tie, and -i_curity which have re placed adventure and epic aecom pli,ihment• ai supreme goals. •Rapicliv changing attitudes of paient; in favor of these ma:- ridge: •Eaily dating practices which caw:4-, young people to marry you n.r.,,er Contraiy to the common belief. most of these college marriages Ztre not financed by the parents, Mils Pope wrote, Only in cases where both husband and wife are attending school. is such aid re ceived In most instances the hus band attends classes and works part-time while his wife works in a university office for approx- Be comfortably beau in evening shoes from the . .. Al lel ROOM. is fashion . . . and fashion costs no more By BARBARA YUNK 'mately $l5O per month. Some of 'these wives schedule a few class es, but the ultimate aim of most `,of them Is "Ph T," or "Putting i Hubby Through, she said. 1 The price of not waiting un ' til after graduation for mar t riage is poverty, Miss Pope said. Most couples at state universi t ties must manage on $2OO a month. From this sum must come an estimated 5.100 for tui tion and• books. How do they accomplish this? By spending only $1.50 a day for meals, mak ing old clothes last and buying nothing that is not absclutely i necessary. According to Dr. Donald Ford, :director of the Division of Coun lk:eling here, these marriages do 'work. He feels that the students fare mature and that the mar !nage; are promising because 'poverty unites, rather than sepa lratei, these couples. CDFR To Meet in MI 1 Child Development and Family :Relations 18 will meet at 7 tonight (in 120 Mineral Industries because lot' a conflict in rooms with the ;Liberal Arts 5 exam. For Expert Tailoring See C. W. HARDY, Tailor 222 W. Beaver Avenue THE DAt,LY COLLEC., , AN STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Alpia firemen. were called to Cross Residence Hall Saturday when a waste-basket ,fire in a second floor room broke 012* while the r:Xorr. was unrx-cupted. 0t..0 E. Mueller. director of hous:n=. said :he 12,:aze cal lied an, est:ma p !ed SY) to SP)O damage., There were no tr.:ar,es. The blaze was reponed at 4:4i p.n... and the fire c- , Jrnpany re-: sponded with six pieces of eou:Th i :s e: When they arrived, the fire, was virt_ually under control. due. to the efforts of an unidentified male student who was watting for' h:s date when the fire broke out. He rail :nto the building and he!ped fight the fames. Mueller said the cause of the I , blaze is unknown, but he said there was no evidence of faulty t electrical wiring. He said that someone probably dropped something into the waste has ket. causing the fire. Muelle , td the _dueller said the fire destroyed' a typewriter, chair, bedding, a piece of luggage and a few blocks of floor tile. Smoice damage was limited to the room and the im-' mediate hallway, he said. The alarm was one of three reported to the Alphas in a 45- ' minute period. At 3 . 47 p.m. they responded to a grass fire near the Centre Hills Country Club golf course. It was extinguished when they arrived. As the firemen were returning to the station, a second alarm' sounded and they continued through Woodycrest, west of the borough, where they extinguished a forest fire threatening Weiser's- Garage on Route 322. They then proceeded to the fire at Cross Hail. Penn Slate Players' ip Ingeina at Azths"—a . tuccess" Pollack, Daily Collegian FRIDAY & SATURDAY 8 P.M. Center Stage Tickets' at HUB By JIM MORAN Take the sky road for TOGETHERNESS! 33 1 / 3 % DISCOUNT ON GROUP TRAVEL! 10 or more traveling together Save 1 / 2 Have 5 full days of funl 8 FLIGHTS DAILY NEW YORK • WASHINGTON PITTSBURGH DETROIT For reservations see your travel agent or call AIiIMie r AELMS CO GE-3-V.t. nAv Collegian Meetings Tonight • • • Ell • Credit Staff 7 p.m. 215 Willard • • • • • Local Ad Staff 6:45 p.m. 9 Carnegie • • • • • Important information about summer paper. TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 *CATHAUM LAST TIMES TODAY Walt Disney's SHAGGY DOG BEGINS 12:45 WEDNESDAY - fritio AWN ,1 10 , - MOROE low CURNS JAG( BiIWI:4IDFR LEMM~ld pßzoxya• - ' SOME ri biT ir HOP *NITTANY Now - Doors Open 6:45 Tennessee Williams' "BABY DOLL" Carroll Baker - Eli Wallack • . TAE:. NOW "GIG I" STARTS ' WEDNESDAY ~ A gay, gorgeous, :,-., - • glorious Love story - • .-.: 1 -, Ofir4 KERB 4,..8RA111 . ---, 1 t 4 .' - ~-.! .• titIakiy,CIEVALIER ' f -' 4 , '1 . \ V ' ::. ..m..:COUNT Your `l l,, ! t = ... i OA NSA HEIMORE '' • ' .1 s e - ."4, 4 4 7 1 .4' 4— •(' t1,..,.i,.. Ll.sll, Feature 1:37, 3 1i •3 5:33, 7:31, 9:29 , IN•01111111 00000000000000 0111•11 WMAJ Sits Os Morainic Show Morning Devotions News Headlines Mambas Show News Swap Shop CU:islea, Interlude Mamie at Noon _ County News Wham's Goias Os _ Mamie Stew News and Spurts Contarl ___ _ Lanai News LFlTiind Show lanes News LP's Sni s ilt7n7r Tames News and Market, Sports Boothia LP's and SW, Tama _ ninon Linda Jr. LP'. sad Show Tuned Public &rules ?TIMM New. iiistim Fro/trams Now/ sad goods thaw Grorrohorw Now. Grumboar Sowthl 10:1111 11:241 11:13 :OS
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