_ • . Session Sunday-2 to 5 he fabulous "Rocketts" 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 T BE A COLD FISH! THETA XI'S NOXIOUS PARTY Sigma Chi Open all night timuniinimunininimminitliiiiiiiiiiitinuoinflutivilimiu COME TO THE FRENCH LATIN °HARTER at: Delta Sigma Phi Welcome Freshmen inutuoititilimiiiiiiiminintimillimiiiiiiniiiiiiituumniininui I can't lie .. . of course I'll be at the Phi Kappa Psi "Personalities from the Past" costume party Beaver House Presents Calypso Holiday Music by The Four Dukes Closed 'til 11 2nd Semester Freshmen Welcome Come as a Nebbish Music by The Satellites Open at 11 Alpha Sigma Phi Presents "CLUB TOP HAT" Music by the FOUR NOTES Open at 12:00 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Mystery, Suspense, and Excitement • at • Open 11:00 /11110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111 7 , Alpha kappa Lambda \ s , invites you to a WESTERN PARTY Whoop it up to the music of the PAUL COHEN QUARTET Open TRIANGLE'S FRENCH UNDERGROUND 0 Sigma Alpha Epsilon ttij Eno Conservative Party Music by the T. W. Quintet Open Kappa Della Rho presents its Rose Formal Pledge Dance with the George Sotter Quartet Open 11 Open at 10:30 Presents its featuring The Brothers Closed till 11 71....., , , 'l l. * , 4 0 . F.• 't", •,,, ec 1 E V, • \* .. ; ..':.i.4 •V ''''.. :,.. 'lsy... - - .--„-:.•=sl,', Phi Kappa Tau Presents WARF RAT PARTY Open Sunday: Combined Jam Session with Theta Xi Time marches backward . . . at Theta Chi's Viking Party SATURDAY. MARCH 14, 1959 Open 11 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilintmiliniiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimithiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiil Pi Lambda Phi -MG ' ... ;.....4 . -, .. --'•-::.,'-.:. ..- i:-.. wiles wv <-01 „ , • ~,-::, if . '.' : - .t.:r.; - - -- — , \-:.,• , .. Western Round-up ~. -....._ Closed 'til 11:00 Chapter House, 125 South Pugh Street utiiiiiiiimmilinitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillitionmillininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiililiiniiiiilliniiiiimulliiiiiiiin it ts. lllllo .. . . Western Party Open •, 401 * 4- 11s51' A gala evening at CHI PHI Open at 11:00 Hop to Alpha Chi Sigs Hobo \.;,- 1 Hop „..i,„.,.:,-... ~.,,, .•.. kg e , s _ 4____ ,•.-. featuring The Four Kings - - Open 11 Pi Kappa Phi invites you to attend Formal Rose Ball Music by Jerry Kehler invites you to the Music by 4 Jacks Sigma Tau Gamma Welcomes you KAPPA EPSILON Presents the ORCHID DANCE featuring The Ivy Rocks formal closed til 11 11111111111111111111M1111111111111111111(1111111111111 ANNUAL DINNER Everybody's going to Phi Sigma Delta's "LA BOHEMIA" Music by the Mark V Quintet Like: Wow!! Like: li's a gaser Like: A Beat Nik Pal Like: Pi Kappa A OP] k i r • r • , . 0 --) • „ • • . • • ye 4, vs-, Open at 11:00 Phi Kc I 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CASTRO'S Music by Howard Bir 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i111111111011111111 Annual Dock Pa Music by Wardell Stuart and the Crazy Cats!! Open at 11 sf,e'3" 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 DANCE 'SATURDAY. MA "BOHEMIA " 7 ' Wag MI r (ar ALPHA SIGM That's " The "Xmas 1
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