PAGE TWELVE Les Elgart Surprised At Split-Ticket Custom Les Elgart was a "little surprised" last night at the IFC Ball when he saw an almost complete change of faces after the first intermission. "The two shifts at Penn State is a custom all its own," said Elgart. He was referring to the practice of two couples splitting a ticket, the one couple, going to the lust pact of the ball,lof the same band members. Two and the other to the second ha1V1954 graduates of the University's. Elgart said that he had not seen;rnusic department are now play it used at other college dances he,ing with his brother Larry. They has played. are Skip Ryder, who plays the rm, and Dic, Les Elgart and his Band played ; t plays t pet he trombone. Brady who! Duke University two nights ago; and will play the University ofi While at Penn State, Brady Pittsburgh tonight. "We usually,Played mostly Dixieland with a have a slower schedule during l group called the "Sadistic Six" Lent," commented Elgart. "butibut is now progressive. Ryder we pick up afterwards, and we'll;has always been progressive and soon be playing the southerMhad a combo of his own when he schools." was here. Ryder also arranged Elgart and his band have re-isome of the music which the Phi cently cut a record which is soonAlu Alpha (music honorary) dance to be released by Columbia Rec- band still uses. The dance was decorated in oils under the title ''On Tour."i blue and white with an imitation same sixteen men and vocalist "Fins record was made with the'gold lyre at the far end of Rec , ,reation Hall. The ceiling was blue we have tonight while actually with white broad banners draped playing at different schools across the country," Elgart saktitmard the center of the floor. ,Dra wings of Greek-like statues Elgart played at the IFC Ball here two Nears ago with many .. . - • . - - • ' '''' • • .. , . ... . • ~. . . - ... . - • • .. .. ..... . .... - . . - . - . . .. . .. • . . , . . , . _. ... , _ .. , .. . . ...... .., . - •. ... - • . .. ' • . . . ..... , -... ' .. • I', r . . . , -..- i • . .. - .. C I G'A R E T T E S Get the genuine Get the of a LUCKY STRIKE 0 A. t. cok By SUSIE EBERLY were placed on the sides of the dance floor on the blue drapery. English: SCANDAL MAGAZINE Thinklish translation: This mag azine is put out by a bunch of troublishers. Their other monthly offerings: a horror series (feari odical), pin-up pictures (leeriodi cal) and a fortune tellers' gazette (seeriodical). Naturally, none car ries ads mentioning the honest taste of fine tobacco. Who'd want Lucky Strike mixing with that crowd? As for the scandal sheet, it's a smeariodical which deserves nothing but snublicity. MAKE $25 Start talking our language—we've got hundreds of checks just itching to go! We're paying $25 each for the Thinklish words judged best! Thinklish is easy: it's a new word from two words—like those on this page. Send yours to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt, Vernon, N.Y. Enclose name, address, college and class. , English: NEARSIGHTED BASKETBALL TEAM article honest taste THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Future Leaders To Register For Course Students wishing to participate in the Spring semester leader ship training course may register at the Hetzel Union desk until 5 p.m. Tuesday. Anyone is eligible to attend but enrollment will be limted to 120. according to .1 am es Ettelson, chairman of the program. The first session is scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday in 214 Boucke and will last approximately one hour. According to Ettelson th e course has been changed from last semester to stress leadership qualities rather than activities.] He said the main areas to be covered are qualities essential to] a good leader, committee organ ization, parliamentary procedure and the psychology of leadership. Members of the faculty and ad - ,ministration who are experienced 'in these fields will conduct the classes. Ettelson said the present program, sponsored by All-Uni versity Cabinet, was planned to ;give the student a "new slant on 'leadership." A diploma will be presented toy students who attend regularly. I Thinkfish: SQUINTET RERENrCE Walk, WESTBROOR JR COIL h Product of ciZinutivali J eu r — is our middle name I. :team-Go "ci e Xteo- • Leeman, Speidel Express-- (Continued from page one) different. "We're lucky to get this far," he said, "and we're going out against Murderer's Row to morrow. But we're going to do our best." "We won five out of eight matches today." Speidel said, "but I'm 3 t 111 not pleased -some of the boys lost." One of the big surprises of the tournament was the absence of Rutger's Chuck Crosby, defend ing 167-pound EIWA champion. He could not return to defend his title because of leg injuries . .. a crowd of about 500 turned out for the afternoon session and about 2000 more came out in the evening session. Four thousand to five thousand are expected for tomorrow's action, including three busloads of "die-hard" Lehigh fanatics. Les Austin of Syracuse and Greg Ruth of Lehigh had the toughest matches of the seeded entries. Austin beat Pitt's Sherm Moyer in the quarter-final round. 9-7, but in the process almost blew away a '7-2 lead . . . Ruth, top-seeded at 157 pounds, barely got by Brown's Lou Winner in the quarter-finals, .winning, 6-5, on time advantage. Four seeded entries lost out in today's matches and Penn State was involved in three of English: CONVERSATION ENDER Thinklish: STOPLC LARRY GINGER, EASTERN ILLINOIS I) English: ENLARGED PICTURE Thinkfith: BLOATOGRAI4I ALDACC HOWARD. PACIFIC U English: BIKINI BATHING SUIT ,Thinktish: PINWORM N- cA.P.OUNA STATE II. •YRON GODCSII. English: POLICE PUBLICITY * kt 410 EPA Mihkrish; COPAGANDA • 4 WALTER FRET. 111. TRINITY COLLIN!. s * SATURDAY, MARCH 14. 1959 the seeding upsets. Harry Pol lak of Syracuse knocked off third-seeded Alex Skirpan of Pitt at 157. Penn State's Gray stopped Penn's Al Donzanti at 167, Army's Art Bair whipped Penn State's fourth - seeded Hank Barone at 177, and John ston Oberly stopped F&M's Chuck Pfrommer, third-seeded at heavyweight. It was the first time in three years that Pfrom mer failed to make the semi finals. Re finished fourth the past two years. There were about 25 Penn State fans on hand at today's bouts including Athletic Director Ernest B. McCoy, C. 0. Williams, retired Dean of Admissions, and Robert G. Bernreuter, special as sistant to the president for stu dent affairs. There were 19 falls and one default in the preliminary round but in the quarter finals only three falls were recorded and two defaults. -by LOU PRATO CLASSIFIED FOR SALE THREE HEN'S suite, size 38 long. Two intermediate weights end one summer weight One Loden cost bland new. Cell AO 44443. SECOND-HAND SET of leglatereil Mac- Gregor golf clubs. Four 'woo& end nine irons Call AD 8-0374 between 6-8 p.m. NEED TROPHIES? You name ha‘a it. Plain or engrmeil. Big tliacounts. Quick gervice. Phone AD 7-7691 after 8. Sam Troutman's Taophr-Novelty Shop. TRAILER FOR SALE. One bedroom. Youngstown kitchen, good condition. Call AD R-0774 after 6. ,i3' PALACE Ranch Home Trailer, 1965 mmlel, excellent condition. AD 5.0448 hem een 5.7 p.m. LT S. AFROTC graduates Clam' A almoner and a inter uniforms, also summer Clam Size 42. Call after 6.00 AD 8-1E25. DRIVE HOME for Easter! 1949 Hudson NTT, excellent Urea, new battery and muffler, just inspected—sloo. Matching trailer if desired. 230 Hartswick. AD 8. Sfi TVs—COMPLETELY reconditioned, tar. ions Biz es. s49—sB9. Television Service Center at State College T.V.. 232 S.,outit Allen. ==l FOR RENT SINGLE ROOM for rent. $7.68 a rraati. Call AD 8-6013. APARTMENT two furnished rooms tow light housekeeping. No children or Pettis Inquire 113 South Atherton Street. DOUBLE ROOM, good rods and furnish. ings. AD 7.2207. MODERN FOUR-ROOM Apartment for rent in Centre Hall. Has own oil heat. ing plant. 360 per month. Write or phone R. M. Saasaman, 401 E. Walnut St., *Lewis.. town. Phone 8-4433. LOST SLIDE RULE K&E Tuesday between HUH and Willard. Cannot afford reward not to mention new rule. Dennis Hillen AD 7-1183. TRENCH COAT. Theta Chi on Saturday night. Cosmetics in rocket. Ext. 352. 1956 GOLD N.E. school ring. red atone. initials. R.B. Call Bob AD 1-4240. LADY'S CREAM-COLORED Wallet, March 9, vicinity of Woolworth's. Call AD 7. 4090 Nancy Ogara. Reward. WILL THE person who accidentally took my raincoat at the Skellar last Wednes day please return. I have yours. AD 84510, RAINCOAT LOST at Phi Sigma Delta, Sat. night. Call Mato Natzen ext. 2948. RAINCOAT LOST outside of 212 Itoucke. If found call EX 8-9191 and tusk for Dave. f J WANTED --- TWO PEOPLE traveling west to the Mississippi Easter. Call Lampe. AD 7. 2228 oak ridiculously low pricce to fly. ALTER. Call AD 7.3398 or apply Delta Upsilon fraternity, NYONE INTERESTED in pitching for local softball team. Call Al) 7-706. PASSENGERS TO Miami, Florida II n a vicinity. Leaving Tuesday noon. Call Ken Young AD 8-9035 after 6. ROOMMATE TO share It.roorn apartment following Easter vacation. Call AD &OHS. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men M our department averaged BTh. per week. Due-to conditions in our department this year, we expect even higher gains. Pleasant short hour arrangements allow plenty of time far studying. Car fur.. nished. expenses paid. Call Clare Rose AD 7-4402 Mon.. Fri after 11 p.m. Solar/ 515 per week. ==l MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITER REPAIR in our specialty.. (live um your machine we'll give you fact expert repair and servicing. All nods done in our Stsl.te College repair shop. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 South Allen Street. Phone AD 84.125. CIRCA: ON SALE Monday and Tuesday, PSOC presents EASTER SKI TRIP. All persons interested be sure to attend "Organization Meeting" Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 203 Willard. TENNIS FANS—Expert racket stunting and repairs by Hassinger. Nine prudes of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaran. teed satisisetion. University Tennis Serv ice, 014 E. Beaver Ave. Phone AD 7-2316. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap t toe. or acrobatic lesson& Park Forms Village School of Dance. AD WWI&
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