PAGE EIGHT 'Annie' a Winner-- (Combined from page one) Dance"—the dancing was won derful. There was a thin line between the dancing as it was and as it could have been—it's called pre cision. The dancers had life and the choreography had imagina tion but the dancing didn't "have 1t,,, Director Pauloski wisely packed a lot of power into "There's No Biz Like Show Biz" and "They Say It's Wonderful," the two numbers at. the end of the show It gave the production a final (harm that (livened most of the lingering disappointments from mach weak numhez as "The Girl That I Marry," "They Say It's Wonderful" (the earlier rendi tion), and "I Cot Lost in Hisi Arms." Nina Baker is a talented actress and wa‘i a fine Dolly Tate, the fi iction between the show's two love affairs Mike Beattie had a good sen 4 e of timing in the com edy role of Charlie Davenport, Buffalo Bill's wisecracking puh lieitv man and seer All-University President Jay Feldstein wasn't out of his ele ment at all. He was a stately, excellent Buffalo Bill. He can even sing. Elitz Glove NVIAS a wonderful Boards Give 135 Penalties To Coeds Freshman Regulations Board and the Women's Student Govern ment Association Judicial Board of Review issued 129 blackmarks, four I removals, one lenient weekend campus and one strict weekend campus and a day cam pus at hearings Tuesday. Thirty-three blackmarks were awarded for lateness of one to four minutes, 34 for extreme noise, :30 for not having room ready for cleaning, 19 for failure to sign in or out, seven for sign ing in or out incorrectly, three for not having linen ready for changing and two for disorderly rooms. Freshman Regulations Board reversed a decision made last week to give a girl who was 12 minutes late a lenient weekend campus, changing the penalty to a blackmark. The hostess request ed the board to reconsider the ease, as she felt the circumstances of the case merited special treat ment. The girl had been looking for a lost wallet containing $l5 atter the Jussi Bjoerling concert, March I. An accumulation of four black marks cost one woman student a I a.m. removal this weekend. A lenient weekend campus was iMarded for a 20-minute lateness. A freshman who took two 1 a.m. permissions this weekend will re ceive a strict weekend campus, in cluding an extra day. British Prof To Give Talk The seventh speaker in the Dis tinguished Lecturer Series in Philosophy will be Stephen Toul nun, of the University of Leeds (England). who will present a public lecture on "Matter, Life and Spirits" at 8 pm. tonight in 121 Sparks. He will address the philosophy staff and other interested persons at 10 a.m. to-. crrow in 217 Wil lard on "How Concepts Develop." Toulmin holds a chair in phil osophy at Leeds. Educated at Cambridge, where he studied mathematics. physics, and phil osophy, he has held positions at Kings College, Oxford and the University of Melbourne (Aus tralia). He is the author of "Reason in Ethics," "Philosophy of Science" and "The Uses of Argument," He' also produced the film "Earth and Sky." Sitting Bull, It must be difficult to maintain oneself above the level of corn in such a part, hut Grove was able to cope with the task. The settings and costuming for "Annie" were superb. Designer Richard Frantz showed imagina tion and ambition never seen in a Thespian show before. Thespians seemed to spare no expense in procuring costumes— and it was worth it. "Annie" is a real good show, one well worth seeing. It is this reviewer's opinion that it's not too late to whip some of the dance and production numbers into shape to have one of the best Thespian shows. Pan hel- - (Continued from, page one) dean of women's staff. Miss Muskat said sorority rep resentatives would meet before the scheduled Monday meet ing with Bernreuter to formu late a concrete plan of their ow nto present to him. No def- I inite date has been set for this meeting. The letter of protest sent to Walker came about as the result of a meeting Tuesday evening of sorority housing chairmen and representatives of the housing department in which sororities wei e told the 40 spaces they have now around their suites will be cut to 25. The plan also provides for the elimination of sorority an-' nexes in Simmons and McEl wain Halls and gives sorority members an d independent women equal priority for the rooms in the annex corridors. Under the plan, sorority wom en have no assurance that all members will be living in the sor ority suite or in the residence hall housing the sorority. In ad dition the plan provides that sor orities in the South Halls will have to split one floor between two sororities and fill in other members wherever they can find rooms. + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE SECOND-HAND SET of registered • Mac- Gregor golf elutri. Four woods and nine irons. Call AD 84374 betv.een 6-8 p.m. NEED TROPHIES? You name it—l have it. Plain or (mermen. We discounts Quick service. Phone AD 7-7681 after 6 Sam Troutman's Tiophy-Novelty Shop. TRAILER. FOR SALE. One bedroom, Youngstown kitchen. good condition. Call AD 8.0774 after 6. GREEKS: BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES for IFC Weekend. Individual portrait or houseparty pictures. Anytime, any house during this Friday and Saturday. Write PSCPS, Pox 437 State College for appoint ment. Free l'hoto Service. 15' PALACE Ranch Horne Trailer, 1965 model, excellent condition. AD 8.0448 betm,een 5-7 p.m. U.S. AFROTC graduates Class A summer and winter uniforms, also summer Class B. Size 42. Call after 5 .00 AD 8.1825. DRIVE HOME for Easter! 1949 Hudson six, excellent tires, new battery and muffler, just inspeeted-21.00. Matching trailer if desired. 230 Hartswiek. AD Et 5047. ARMY OFFICF.R'S blue uniform. artillery stripes, 40L, cap size 7 , 4. Call AD 8-1617 m eninga. 3-SPEED CONSOLE phonograph. Will take beat offer. Contact Theta Phi Al• ohs, sorority ext. 935. TVs—COMPLETELY reconditioned. var ious sizes. s49—sB9. Television Service Center at State College T.V., 232 South Allen. FOR RENT APARTMENT two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children or pets. linguine 11'3 South Atherton Street. DOUBLE ROOM, good beds end furnish ing. AD 7-2207. TWO BEDROOM Trailer; 46 . x10': washer and dryer. 1255 North Allen. MODERN FOUR-ROOM Apartment for rent in Centre Hall. Ilas own oil heat ing, plant. 860 per month. Write or phone It M. Saaaaman, 401 E. Walnut St.. Lewis town. Phone 8-4433. DOUTILE AND half double room, central location, nice furnishings. Free parking Call AD 7.2291 or AD 74906. LOST RAINCOAT SWITCHED at Phi Mu Delta Friday night. I have >ours {brand name Loftin). N'ame's on collar. Ron ext. 3325. LADY'S CREAM-COLORED Wallet, March 9, I. icinity of Woolworth's. Call AD 7- 30:10 Nancy °Rata. Reward. 1956 (SOLDschool ring. red stone B.B.initials Call Bob AD 8-4240. HOOK OF Cartoons entitled "Statues." Cost of book w ill be paid to finder. Call eat. 2214. WILL THE person who accidentally took my raincoat at the Skellar tact Weitnes ay please return. I have yours. AD 8-9510. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Matmen Seek 14th EIWA Team Title— (Continued from page one) fair. He should get the top-seeded berth at 147. Minor's only loss this season was to Lehigh's .147- pound tINVA champ Dick San toro who is reportedly entering the 137-pound class this time. All of the other Lion entrants with the exception of Turner could get a seeded position—and most of them probably will. But the seedings won't be an nounced until late this morning. Speidel is a member of the corn mittee this year along with Char lie Ridenour, a former 3-time BI WA champ from Penn State who now coaches at Pennsylvania. The other members of the committee include Percy Sadler of Lehigh, president of EIWA, George L. Shiebler, a represen tative of the Eastern Collegiate Athletic Conference: Ralph An derton, coach at Brown; and Leroy Alitz, coach at Army. The Lions, who lead the league in team championships, will be seeking their 14th title. Their last victory was in 1957 at Recreation Hall. That yea r, individual championships were won by ,Johnny Johnston, John Pepe and Dave Adams. Johnston also grabbed a title ast year—his th i r d—and also Approved Fraternities All fraternities are approved for the entertainment of wo men guests tonight except Al ph Phi Alpha. All fraternities are approved for the entertainment of wo men guests tomorrow night ex cept Pi Lambda Phi. - Fr at ernities approved for import housing for the week end are Alpha Chi Rho, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha Sigma Phi. Alpha Zeta, Beta Theta Pi, CM Phi, Delia Tau Delta, Kappa Delta Rho, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Mu Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Pi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Chi, theta Kappa Phi, Theta Xi and Triangle. RAINCOAT LOST at Phi Sigma Delta Sat. night. Call Marc Katcen ext. 2945. MISSING--PENN STATE Jacket with gloves, from HUB Sunday, March 8. Please contact Jack, AD 8-9058. BLACK FULL-LENGTH cloth coat; Hetz ler label Saturday night, Theta Cht or Phi Sigma Kappa. Have yours. Ext. TM. RAINCOAT LOST outside of 212 Ronds. If found call EX 8-9191 and ask for nu% e. 1059 COLD graduation ring with black stone and initial K on side. Call John ext 3549. ANYONE INTERESTED In pitching for local softball team, Call AD 7.7486. PASSENGERS TO Miami, Florida and v loin ity. Leaving Tuesday noon. Call Ken Young AD 8.9035 after 6. ROOMMATE TO share 8-room apartment following Easter vacation. Call AD 8-0886. ANYONE WISHING to rent or sell a used tape recorder call ext. 3280 after 10 p.m., ask for Art. BROTHERS: DON'T forget to take a color or black-white portrait with your lovely girl for WC-Panhellenic Bell. Fri day 8.10:30 p.m. Waring Hall lobby PSCPS Free Photo Set.% lee. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men in our department averaged ;715. per week. Due to conditions in our department this year. we expect even higher gains. Pleasant short hour arrangements allow Plenty of time for studying. Car fur nished, expenses paid. Call Clare Ross AD 7-4402 Mon. - Fri. after 11 p.m. Salary $46 per week. ATTENTION Boarders must have their letters of applications in the appropriate mail boxes by Sunday, March lb. DON'T BE a stupid cupid be a straight shooter—Archery instructions tonierrow at 1:30 at the Stock Pavilion. Co-sponsored by P.S.O.C. and the Nittany Lion Archers. CIRCA: ON SALE Monday and Tuesday. TO FRANK A. who called Sunday night 10:30 p.m. Call again. PSOC presents EASTER SKI TRIP. All persons interested be sure to attend "Organization Meeting" Tuesday 7:30 p.m., 208 Willard. STOP TYPING with that worn•out ribbon Select your new ribbon now from our large .tuck—black, red-black in cotton and silk. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. TENNIS FANS—Expert racket stringing and repairs by Messinger. Nine grades of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaran teed satisfaction. University Tennis Serv ice, 514 E. Deaver Ave. 'Phone AD 7-2316. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing. tap toe, or acrobatic lemons. Park Forte Village School of Daum AD 14075. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ALL interested Junior walked off with the John A. Flet-i However, Cornell broke this cher Memorial Award, given to l streak last year, beating out Le the senior who accumulates the,high, 64-59. The Lions finished most points in tourney competi-,fourth with 35 points and Pitt tion during his college career. (was fifth with 27. Syracuse was Overall, the Lions have won 73,third with 45. individual titles, including at As usual, the tournament will least one a year since 1949. Ibe divided into four sessions Pitt h ad last year, State and i with the preliminary round ached- Pitt had held a wristlock hold uled to start at 2 p.m. today and on the team championship. The ithe quarterfinals - for 8 tonight. Lions had copped the title in j The semi-finals will open at 1951, 1952, 1953 and 1957 and 12 p.m. tomorrow with the finals Pitt had grabbed it from 1951 'and consolation matches slated through 1956. for 8 p.m. HUSBANDS, ANYONE? It has been alleged that coeds go to college for the sole purpose of finding husbands. This is, of course, an infamous canard, and I give fair warning that, small and spongy as I am, anybody who says such a dastardly thing when I am around had better be prepared for a sound thrashing! Girls go to college for precisely the same reasons as men do: to broaden their horizons, to lengthen their vistas, to drink at the fount of wisdom. But if, by pure chance, while a girl is engaged in theSe meritorious pursuits, a likely looking husband should pop into view, why, what's wrong with that? Eh? What's wrong with that? The question now arises, what should a girl look for in a husband? - A great deal has been written on this subject. Some say character is most important, some say background, some say appearance, some say education. All are wrong. The most important thing—bar none—in a husband is health. Though he be handsome as Apollo and rich as Croesus, what good is he if he just lies around all day accumulating bedsores? The very first thing to do upon meeting a man is to make sure he is sound of wind and limb. Before he has a chance to sweet-talk you, slap a thermometer in his mouth, roll back his eyelids, yank out his tongue, rap his patella, palpate his thorax, ask him to straighten out a horseshoe with his teeth. If he fails these simple tests, phone for an ambulance and go on to the next prospect. If, however, he turns out to be physically fit, proceed to the second most important requirement in a husband. I refer to a sense of humor. A man who can't take a joke is a man to be avoided. There are several simple tests to find out whether your prospect can take a joke or not. You can, for example, slash his tires. Or burn his "Mad" comics. Or steal his switchblade. Or turn loose his pet raccoon. Or shave his head. After each . of these good-natured pranks, laugh gaily and shout "April Fool!" If he replies, "But this is February nine teenth," or something equally churlish, cross him off your list and give thanks you found out in time. But if he laughs silverly and calls you "Little minx!" put hilA to the next test. Find out whether he is kindly. The quickest way to ascertain his kindliness is, of course, to look at the cigarette he smokes. Is it mild? Is it clement? Is it humane? Does it minister tenderly to the psyche? Does it coddle the synapses? Is it a good companion? Is it genial? Is it bright and friendly and full of dulcet pleasure from cockcrow till the heart of darkness? Is it, in short, Philip Morris? If Philip Morris it be, then clasp the man to your bosom with hoops of steel, for you may be sure that he is kindly as a sum mer breeze, kindly as a mother's kiss, kindly to his very marrow, And now, having found a man who ;s kindly and healthy and blessed with a sense of humor, the only thing that remains is to make sure he Nall always earn a handsome living. That, fortu nately, is easy. Just enroll him in engineering. © 1959. Mu 0h.)..„ For fitter smokers the Philip Morris Company makes Mart bore, the cigarette with better "makin's." New improved filter and good rich flavor. Soft pack or flip-top box. A lot to likel . FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 1959 ' , ..ft.:(l; i t'-tH.. 3faxghtiman. he Author of "Rally Round the Flag. Boyd "and, "Barefoot Boy with Cheek.") I:=M3
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