PAGE EIGHT $200,000 Available In Scholarships BY RONA NATHANSON First of a Series On Scholarships Approximately $200,000 is available in student scholar ships each year! But how many students are aware of this fact and know how to take advantage of it? This article and those which will appear in subsequent issues of The Daily Collegian on this subject will inform the student on the matters of obtaining a scholarship how they ale award ed, which ones are available and what the qualifications are. Scholarships are awarded pri-, vainly on the bases of need and ability. Character and extracur ricular activities also may play! an important part in the choice, of a recipient Each scholarship may have other qualifications in addition to those mentioned above. There are those reserved to in coming freshmen. Some state the specific class in which the winner must be enrolled, some request competition in colle giate sports and a few are re served for foreign students. Students who are interested in any of these general scholarships should apply before Nov. 1 if they wish to be considered for that academic year. Winners ale announced early in January and are reimbursed for the fall se mester. Scholarship committees from each of the eight colleges award the scholarships reserved for a student in a specific curricu lum or college. The committees begin reviewing applications on March 1. These awards are made for the following aca demic year. Application forms may be ob tained from the office of the co ordinator of scholarships, now in 205 C Old Main. A single appli cation will insure consideration for every scholarship for which the student is qualified. Cagers Crush-- (Continued front page six) with three games remaining. They end the home season Friday night against Carnegie Tech and then wind up with away games at 'itt (Saturday) and Bucknell Math 7. THE SU3ISIARY LEHIGH PENN STATE F(; F P FIL4 F P Eckert 1 0 2 Hancock 5 2 12 Mashie 6 7 19 DuMars 10 1 21 landenbaum 0 0 0 (Vender 5 2 12 Benedict 2 3 7 Sweetland 3 0 6 Pair: 0 0 U Edwards 3 a 10 Allinger 0 0 0 Musser 2 2 6 Brenan 0 0 0 Wilson 1 1 3 K. Weaver 0 0 0 Freedman 1 6 7 Cullltan 2 1 6 Dibert 0 5 5 Hobrota 1 0 2 Ramey 1 2 4 Zalank° 2 9 13 Naylor 1 0 2 Holman 1 2 4 ........._ . 15 22 52 Towlx 32 24 /11 Fraternities-- (Continued from page one) "This Is the worst time of the year for the survey to be taken," 0. Edward Po assistant to the dean of men, said. There were many January graduates, and with the deferred rushing program many of the fraternities neglected to rush upperclass men and concentrated on freshmen, he said. • The — second in the series of articles on the fraternity system will discuss the reasons for the large number of vacancies in membership and housing. The views of Pollock and Edward Hintz. Interfraternity Counc i I president, will be presented. Library Expansion— (Continued from pane one) These are then distributed throughout the state. Also, plans attempting to in troduce machine methods of stor ing and finding information are being developed. McComb said the University library may intro duce this system in coming years. He added that he felt that a sys tem like this - could not sufficient ly replace the use of a good old book to obtain information. Collegian Classifieds FOR SALE F1!•F! 1957 RCA Victor— $76. Call Lenny Sehock at Phi Sigma Delta. CONSUL. SEWING machine, excellent con dition • mota-bed; Labe carriaue; picture NIIIIIOW lamp. Call AD li-107b bet seen 1 and 5 only. OLYMPIA PORTABLE typewriter rom pletP with eaxe, condition excellent Will 41lCrif ICE. for M. Call Ken Williams AD X.ddla AIR FORCE R 0 T.C. Graduates—officer summer mato' nil, Class A and Class B. Size Itift Call Al) 7-1698. NEW TYPEWRITER Under nod Golden Touch Portable—M.oo. Original price $134.50. Cull AD R-£1:126. ATTENTION PHILATELISTS! Stamp col lection ai whole or Individual sets. Call All 7 -stns 1057 RENAULT Dauphine, automat;; eluteh, white sale-walls, 8000 ;mks. ALVA. Cull AD S-6(144 between 4 and p VA—COMPLETELY reconditioned. var ious e VA'S. s49—sB9 Tele%tsion Service Center at State College TN.. 232 South Allen. FOR RENT NEW TWO-ROOM apartment, private bath, private entrance, pinking factlatie. Call AD 7-12n4 after 2:30 p in .....,4.5: ....1...,:..2„...„..7, 4 ka 1... ,,..;•,3 ': .. "A. 1 , .• q • 7 .14*, ~ • ~,48 , • ,rT•5",,,„,„ , .. ... . -,..: • „ ~..,4 f:,:;1. , „"V,.;',':...., 5 • •,,,:„,.3; 'AI ••.,•,..- .........k., ,,, ,* - •, 4...', , .....;.:., , , , p,,,y :`,.'>•''''" "••••' , 5;i: ,, ,--Ai` . s, 't, z.."'" • k il : , 4A,... k ...... • " ) .: , f... , -.•... • • ,, A ~ „,-..., 7'...' 0 :.V„ "..., '4 • ;,. 1"; , • .../ ...1. • 3 a,4',...V5.,t ' - "..„< k . '1,4,44 ,. .vaa ~..4 • ~,,,,V, l • • V •':"7-A A e • ".•W' 'k;••;:i r ';,:j! )43- tKkg: 0.1.".• - .."`' 3 '; 471 ' . "'" ~ , 1t`•:,....1 4j .,,v • , 4,.5-* 4, i,..: • 4 t • ,- 0.4 .9 -..;.'-) r THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA HALF OT' double room vc ith or without bard next, to narking lot. 243 South Pugh St MODERN FOUR-ROOM Apartment for rent in Centre Hall. Has own oil heat ing plant. $l,O per month. Write or phone It Al Sassaman, 401 E. Walnut St., Levaa tow n. Phone 8-4433. LARGE COMFORTABLE double room, 2 blocks from earoPus ; twin beds. Avail able now—V2o apiece per month. Al.) 7-4114. DOUBLE AND half double room, central location, nice furnishings. Free packing. Call Al) 7-2294 or AD 7-7906. PLEASANT UNIVERSITY approved dou ble room for gentlemen wishing quiet, at 612 WVit, Foster A%e. Call AD 7-2598. LOST WILL TRADE rain coats. Mine has my name Kahle. Swttehtd at Phi Kappa Sigma Feb. 14. Call' ext 2843. RAINCOAT AND grey tweed overcoat at They i Saturday night. If found call AD 7-21151. LARGE CIRCULAR St. Christopher's ineilut Re(' Ball wrestling room Feb. 20. Inacrintion : Cuy, with lose, Donna. Call Catone ext. 290. TURQUOISE PARKER PEN on Monday between Sparks and Temp. Return to HUB desk or cull ext. 1420 J. LAUNDRY BAG an t ietnity of Weis Mar. ket last Friday. Finder please call AD 8-9126 after 10 p.m. WRIST WATCH with leather strap ha,ing picture of cateipillar on it. Call Don ext. 410 HEMMI SLIDE Rule In the %icinlty of Whitnini e Lab. Finder call AD 8-IC7B. IBM invites the 1959 Graduate with Bachelor's or Master's Degree to discuss career opportunities Contact your college placement office for an appointment for campus interviews Sales Liberal Arts • Business • Accounting • Engineering • Mathematics Applied Science Physics • Mathematics • Engineering; Product Development Physics • Mechankal • Electrical • Engineering Physics • Mathematics Monufecturing Industrial • Electrical • Mechanical • Mathematics • Physics ome facts about IBM M's phenomenal growth. offers unlimited professional opportunities to ighly qualified graduates. Company policies lay a firm groundwork _ for stimulating and rewardhw careers in the areas listed above. At IBM. you will find respect for the individual: .. small-team operations ... early recognition of merit ... good financial reward ... outstanding company-paid benefits : : . and many educational and training program& IBM's laboratories and manufacturing facilities are located in Endicott, Kingston, Owego, - Poughkeepsie, Yorktown, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt.; San Jose; Calif.; Lexington, Ky.; and Rochester, Minn. Sales and service offices are located in 188 principal cities' throughout the United States" . , If you cannot attend the interview's; write or call the manager of the nearest IBM office:- NW Corp 206 Mein Street Johnstown, Po. FOR RENT Career opportunities Research Physics • Mechanical • Engineering Physics • Mathematics DATA PROCESSING • ELECTRIC TYPEWRITERS • MILITARY PRODUCTS SPECIAL ENGINEERING PRODUCTS • SUPPLIES • TIME EQUIPMENT CLASS RING (OUP) and, a birthstone rini; with blue stone in HUD Friday Reward. Call IMM. POST SLIDE RULE Friday afternoon on College betneen Pugh and the Pone]. Station Call Jim AD 7-7096 GREY SUBURBAN Coat in RUB Friday morning. Have your coat. Call Bill Adasr EM 4-E312. Need car keys. SWITCHED GREY carcoat in HUD dining' room 10 a m Friday. You hate mine. HO 6-6983, Martin Gettig. ZFLAN R kINCOAT at Theta Delta Chi Feb. 15. Name Mitchell on inside collar. Pair of grey leather In pocket. if found please call AD 8-9118. Illtt=1;1 NOTICE MODERATELY PRICED meals at the Dome Economics Cafeteria. Located at the southernd of the ground floor in Home Econonnc-i Building, Cafeteria Berl, ice Tues day through Friday 11.60 a.m. to 12 :30 p.m. Table service Tuesday through Thuis day s:'io p.m. to ti pm. Students in the Department of Hotel and In.titution Administration plan, prepare and Bev, e the food. IF.== WANTED KITCHEN HELP. Apply at Sigma Pi. See cook EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing of reports. term papers. etc. Fast, reason able service Phone AD R-6943 after 5:00. STJDENT TO ahare apartment with one Arch. and two Ilus.Ad. studentA ; living room. kitchen, dining room, bedroom and bath. 114 A Pine St. AD 8-1973. WANTED A used Spanish guitar. Maxi mum price $lO. Call AD 7-4329 after 7 p tn. MARCH 4, 5 & 6 If your degree major Is In: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1959 WANTED MARRIED AC Student (no children) M mishit in farm management—grass land (aiming and beef cattle—on nearby farm. Deluxe living accommodations on premises. For full information write P.O. Box 142, State College, Penna. MISCELLANEOUS TYPEWRITER REPAIR is our !specialty. Give us your machine--well give you fast expest repair and servicing. All work done in our State College repair shop. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 South Allen Street. Phone AD 6-6125. FOLK SONG Club 7 pm. tonight, 111 Home Ec. Everyone welcome.. SPECIAL! ALL THE spaghetti you can tat for MOO at Tangle,ocni Acres. Joek,m% ilia Rd. Dining and dancing nightiv. HOME EC Club members—Purchase Ban• quet tickets and nominate yourself foe office this week in the H.Ec. Lobby. TYPEWRITER REPAIR_ is our specialty. Give US your machine—we'll give you fast, expert repair and servicing. All work ilone in our State College repair shop. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 South Allen Street. Phone AD 8-6125. IF YOUR t3Dewriter is giving you trouble, our years of experience are at your command. Just dial AD 7-2492 or brittle machine to 633 W. College Ave. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing% tap. toe, or acrobatic lessons. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 84078. MODERATELY PRICED meals at the Home Economics cafes located at the southend of ground floor of Home Ea building. Cafeteria set% ice Tuesday through Friday 11:60 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Table service Tuesday through Thursday 5:30 p.m.-6:30 PM. Students In the department of Hotel and Institution Administration plan, pre pare and ferl, e the food.
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