mgs r m Limits May Be Lifted On Political Spending Cabinet to Vote! On Amendment CasEpta parties may be* .ji-i* t* iptr.rt as macfc. mseey *s tfeejr arisfc ia fee eecsia# rpwafc sfect&sa, i£ All'Ur.iranif/ C*b*-> aet a rec3ms»essdetse«s|' to ifca: effect. ■ Ati-LViivertity Elecsisn* Conn-* sauee voted ia.« Riga t» recum-i asewf t* Cabinet feai Unut* Sar; earr.patiisa expenditures be lifted.' The K*3gsi3«ji«i -was paused «n airxoet ssatusteus vote. { Camssitle* eseasintrs ielt that Mi: ton Eisenhower, past ': &* expense Sssitt forced pwtia* ; .president of she Oniversity, is a to taasi for *l7l Jo avoid to- f "*=“vkKs winner of the award,: portiay purchase* So fa# com- j; - winners include Harold E. mitt**. They «sfa*r double | Bernard Baruch, Charles biffed items or efw weal oust j xering. Charles E. Wilson, of tows to bcry them. i ston Bancke, Conrad Hilton, i The purchasing Smits. accord- 1 Eddie Hidcenhacker and teg to the present ejection code,. t Hoover. ! are *l3O for fall e&Ktfaes and «<» Horatio Alger Awards; fa the spring, if cabinet votes to mittee of the American approve the recscinwndaCwHS the] and Colleges Association] code wui be smusended to abohahi non-profit corporation de-j the iaiiit*. | d to foster the “American The committee- also decided to- ition of opportunities and re recotnmesid that voting be de-- for ability and hard work. men Jama® Penman. Fred Meyer, Brfwt Gfai and Berdfe i S‘ *■* semester tax the firstdose fa; Janas &»ves at the IFCPA Food Fair yesterday. i dent <rf WeirtoS* SfaeiCo ; told . ,AA a ij. i r Jr . 2ooAttend Food Fairtfe *£ rather than m tons* ' IP/TiA V V a. j [Truck lines. Inc.; Alfred C. Ful . . irio fl OV IrCrA Y «* original “Fuller Brush ■?*— ammt da hoped 1 H?IU W / ** V.r 1 SAGf liUnT; Alfred L. HammelL presi t”** rowagr peroesfag* wta ; By TOM EGGLEB ■.fraternities purchase throats .tfceident of the Railway Express' zacr****. ;■ Appraacssaiely 2J30 people sam-i IFCPA program. Two fraternities;A gency. Ihc.; Russell J. Hug, nres-! Elecrioc; dates were tentaiirreiyi.pled everything from spagfsettirwere to vote on joining IFCPAjident of General Baking Com*; set toe April 15, IS and IT, AMto cake mixes at a food fair heldas participating members at tfeempany. i the_HtT3 flccspfadjby the lafarfrateraity. Council] house meetings last night f Walter L Jacobs, president of! The fair, which was held in the'&e Hertz Corporation: Franklin! *s* has teeny Mapel room and-the cafeteria oM. Lunding. chairman of the board f o ***?, Jack pf®.-|us the planning stage since; last?tjjg. -Home Economics BmbSing, of Jewel Tea Company* James P CwS**£»& *** «* first of its kind. {Mitchell, US. Secretary of tabor:| there wariErf. he room favoring! “I consider the fair a success* Mrs, Ruth Arnold, IFCPA man-jparies F. Moyes, president d)f fa fae HOB. and Tot looking fomarl /fe* was hleosed withCharte F. Noyes Co lne.; John f -r._, 4 * _rt.* “ rU-harw —l. tne turnout last evening, after tfce;H- Salter, president of Salter Food *#« Dext J*ir got off to a stow start yester-]Service Management: Harry S. oi S rS SSi 3 dmmistra-! & g^ E tS' e v er fa 2 w* or using the IBM machine in OhtUfcn major and member of TBefa* Statef ii>:4 « A FijKjf/afc* TTrtf'cvr it- «rcsi»M«XL am aI oa>t£pTQiitifi? frs- was sfiKjwrs by asQ-^9?oderu president or,to© First Nfl* (Conned on page eighteen) W Bank of Dallas, Texas. voting i?rfiiffrisjtt.e«t f she said. [turnout has exceeded our expec- 1 ■■'■"■" , , ■ ■■■■■■—■ - .. ■ station. It has succeeded in giving * I fraternity members, caterers and rcooks a better idea of what we are liquor Safe* Were Banned The sale of liquor within taratteyfeg to do," , miUs of University was pro-f IFCPA* a non-profit orgamza hibihtd fey act of fee state fegb-J** oo fraternities* vm started lattge on March 17, 1859. Un September 1957. At present Ti aooooaoooaooooooooooooool l #<>*¥ I | | ® o'; o POTTED PLAHTS g 1 § 7// /„ ’ =7/ gi o vVooartny i flowers ® 117 £. Beaver State College Sj ooooooooooo^oooooooooooo 1 | Congratulation* Pena State University For Styling at Its Best LYNN'S BEAUTY and SIEHeiZIHG SALON 419 W. College An. BEST WISHES for PENN STATE'S FUTURE McLANAHAN 134 S. ALIEN Repairs • Xar Radios Television Phonographs Radio* felevisioa sernce cealer State College TV 232 S/A&ft $L and remember— W€ GAILY COtiEGEAN STATE COOEGS. FBOBiaVAMIA </% Modern Guest Rooms Route 53 Mansion House Motel RD 3, Bellefonte, Pa. John I. Bottorf Ella M. Bottorf owners ELM93I AD 8-KOS Congratulations from WEAVER'S Sporting Goods |Prexy Gets Nomination r Award Presafest Erie. A- Walker la one 1 AcoesieaaL'tKSTcesaxneß and educators tascama ted for the llth Horatio Alger Award by the American Schools Copegss Association. j stader.t FeaoEen here are! fee 2000 leaders on 400 j csmp&ses who -will parti- ;| Is the election of one of ssfeees for the award. These) its wiU choose eight of the \ to he further considered: award. j Used Guns town Mowers Fishing Eejui pment 3!SV-z W. Beaver Aye. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1959 Club to Hear Bowman Professor Thomas D. Bowman* will speak at 7M tonight to the Belles Lettres Club. His topic mH be, “Who Wrote Shakespeare?" The meeting is open ot all inter ested. Refreshments will be serv ed ' . FnL 1:30, 3;30. S:3O, 7:J«,-9:S» STARTS FRIDAY "I WANT TO UVE" ★CATHAUM NOW-1:42. 3:39. 5:38, 7:33. 9:30 James Slewart-Kim Novak "Bell Book & Candle" BEGINS WEDNESDAY” Gary Cooper Maria Schell-Karl Malden "The Hanging Tree" ★NITTANY NOW—Doors Open 6:45 "Bitter Rice" WEDNESDAY fc THDRS. Julie Harris-Lawrence Harvey "I Am a Camera" WMAJ gic* o« ■ i *2 ■■ Mtniin* Ska* ■ •**• ' . in' Manilas Doatlsna .*»*{. i i • N«w« BtUttmm •‘ll Marais* Shaw U«M * Nawa »*«•*.— : . —~ 8w»» Ska* i'Ji :——— • in., n Ctaaaiaal htnlnli *<« Maaia at Men »!»• ;—;——Catatt Nava }*s*J • ——— Wkafa Gala* Ow 1:H »«*i M<t B*«U Hl» „ Cm tart —— LK silt 3hl* TnM * ! ** ,Lfa *«• Shaw ‘Tam ■ •**{ ' ~ M»wo_a»< Marktta • si* —. ■ Bf«rii Baerial - J'JJ ■-.u. roiiHi,. I4* ». ani ■ Skew Tania ' Jsf* i .I. - Fatten Ltvia It, JsJJ ■.. in... IJP’i iml Shan Tan<* i ii» ...., , vr. FaMla Sanrlra Pntm v •«H - i 'Ran*. . •'•** ——...— ..i. i i iront tmnam • -.^W...-Mawa. Baarta — Gntnha: Maw* aa* Sparta
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