PAGE SIXTEEN University's Growth Advanced In President Hetzel's Term During the 21-year tenure - 5 of office of former Ralph t)orn Hetz e 1, after |||i|is|jr whom the Hetzel Union ing was named, the University ;f| grew as much as it had in the" previous 70 years. *' i"* llet/el, who took office Dec. 15, lS2fi. was primarily responsible for the growth of tlie physical plant, wlnih in 1927 was valued at 700,000. At his death m 1947 the build ings and giminds were valued at $26",42,7,000. More than 30 of the 55 major buildings on campus went up during this period In 1928, Old Mtiin, tho focal point hf ltillcjjo activities thiough ihe years, was completely con demned foi dassioom use, though it still housed the administrative Offices. Under Het/tTs administration, the rebuilt Old Main rose on the site of the former building in 1930. In the next few years after 1932, construction included Fran cph Athei ton ilall, a dornutoiy for women, and Mary Beaver White Reel eat ion Hall for women The need for these buildings a-j rose when the number of women: students increased to a total ofi 1000. A second large-scale construc tion program took place from 1937 to 1939 after the General State Authority approved the expen diture of about $5 million fo> buildings and improvements. Because of the nationwide de pression of the 1930'5, enrollment fn that decade declined sharply. It picked up when the Woiks Pro gress Administration and the Na tional Youth Administration help ed students to support themselves. Despite the business slump, the College was able to inaugurate several new programs, including Butlers Jewelry DIAMONDS • WATCHES © Watch and | Jewelry Repairing j? 11l E. Beaver Ave. BEST WISHES PENN STATE I'Jfte hop Corner McAllister & Beaver Open daily 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m Sat., 9:00-5:00 Congrafulafions to Penn State University Aurand's Beauty Shop Above the "A" Store AD 7-2042 Congratulations to Penn State University Brockerhoff Hotel Bellefonte -n -t.A RALPH D. HETZEL Honored by HUB Ihe Extension Division and the Institute of Local Government, es tablished in 1936 to provide facil ities for training students for gov ernmental service and to do re search in local government. ! Another innovation was the El len H. Richards Institute, estab lished in 1941 for the study of [certain aspects of the improve [nient of standards of living. ( After the United States entered ilhe war in 1941, the College con i tributed to the war effort by a (dopting an accelerated program | OFFSET CENTRE, INC. OFFSET CENTRE INC., professional lithographers and skilled offset printers welcome ihe one hun dredth freshman class to the Pennsylvania State University and invites you to take advantage of the outstanding service provided by our competent j staff. i Call Boatsburg HO 6-6296 Happy 100th Students! fr/mr .nary /ac4‘ 230 W. COLLEGE AVE. AD 7-7685 IHE DAILY CULiCGIAN. SIAIE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ( \\hieh put it on a 365-days-a-yoai [schedule. , During the war years the Arm ed Services inaugurated on-cam pus training programs for men. At the same time, women were b<v ing trained for engineering jobs in industry. Special top-secret research was earned on by members of the science faculties. After the war there was a large; increase in the student popula-j tion, bringing the total to 11,000. To meet this problem surplus Ar my buildings were set up to serve! as emergency classrooms, andj trailers, dormitories and a cafe teiia were obtained from the fed-; era! government. Twenty-two off-campus centers 'enrolled freshman to alleviate the! ! burden of the main campusj [These students were permitted to 'transfer here at the start of theirj | sophomore year. I Hetzel, whom the student body! had honored with the title; “Proxy,” died Oct. 3, 1947. Behind him was a heritage in which the enrollment had quad rupled, the faculty had more than doubled, the physical plant had in creased in volume more than nine times, and the expenditures for instruction and research had sim ilarly multiplied. During his term Prexv himself !had conferred 23,753 degrees. “Farm School, Pennsylvania” was the first post office address of the large and growing Pennsyl-j vania Stale University. Credit Offered For TV Course The University will cooperate versify, is co-ordinator locally for again this semester with the Na- toe course and those desiring to tional Broadcasting Co. in offer- enroll for credit may do so ing credit for the course “Atomic through M. T. Bunnell, in charge and Nuclear Physics,” taught on of registration and records for the daily Continental Classroom General Extension. itelevision program. | The second semester of Conti nental Classroom opened Wednes-i day and classes are taught from! 630 am. to 7 am., Monday' .through Friday. For those inter-1 jested, viewing rooms in Boucke' Building are open each morning [at that time. Dr. Vernon W. Myers, associate professor of physics at the Uni- :±tiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiimiiimmiimiiuimiiiifiiiiiimiuiimiimmi!j» || Dinners Served Nightly ... | J Tanglewood Acres \ | Steaks Spaghetti Lobster | If Shrimp Pizza Sandwiches I \B H j! Selected Beverages | I For Reservations Call i | Elgin 5-4584 | | DANCING HO MINORS | j| Jacksonville Rd. -- 41/i Miles From Bellefonte | i?inimiiiimimmmimimnmiiminmnimiimmmnmmniiiiiinuiimmifi Don’s Atlantic 624 E. College Ave. LUBRICATIONS SIMONIZES "EXCELLENT SERVICE" Just a few cents... JUST SEE WHAT YOU GET • Your name printed on every check free • Attractive, colorful checkbook cover • Checks printed on distinctive safety paper • Any amount opens your account • Keep any amount In your account • No charge for deposits ALL FOR ONLY A FEW CENTS A CHECK THAT'S WHY IT'S GREAT TO HAVE A TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1959 Duiing the Fall Semester, seven students were enrolled for credit. Center— j (Continued from page fifteen) student may secure a written ex- Icuse only if he has been in the ! hospital. If an instructor requires Iconfumation of dispensary treat ment, he may secure this by call ling the dispensary. If you’re economy-minded, you’ll he delighted with the low cost of a ThriftiCheck Personal Checking Ac count. ThriftiChecks cost only a few cents each. >WITH 7foijft&€l6scA ACCOUNT Available in this area only at TRUST £9. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
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