TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 1 from here to Even Began Sticking cows in tt These ,the pranks of oi The students that ago may have worked, prank or so every once Sedate professors—as s es they could possibly 1 this wilderness—often W| Into their classrooms to i couple pigs romping a: the place. Open stairwells in Old were a prime target for sics experi ments.” S t u - dents used to get up on the fifth floor and drop “totes” of water down on unsuspect ing s t u dents below. When caught in the act, the cul prits told au thorities they THOMP I OJi were expen- THOHJ r UN meriting with the law of grav ity. Early risers—earlier than us ual, that is. for everyone was up at the crack of dawn—won dered what country they were in when they looked at the flag pole atop Old Main.' Every thing from red flannels to huge class banners found their way to the top. And speaking of ihe top, some enterprising lads walked a cow up to the belfry, six stories above ihe ground. We might add that administration officials had quite a time get ting the thing back down to the ground. Beef probably ÜBA IS REFUNDING MONEY ON BOOKS Today Through Friday, February 20 9 a.m. Until 4:30 p.m. HUB Cardroom ..Li, '• . : iV •= ■ infinity Pranks in 1859 j — by bob thompson —— ip belfry, pouring water in the bell, j r predecessors, raising merry HelL first arrived on campus a century , but they never lost the yen for a : in a while, sdate >e in alked ind a round hasn’t been so high since. The legendary mule, “Coalie," was often the target for prank sters. He ended up on the roof more than once. He wasn't the only mule that made the trip to the upper floors, but he was probably the only one in cap tivity with green stripes paint ed all over him. Students evidently got tired of hearing the bell atop Old Main ring each morning, so a few of the boys got together and inverted the huge bell, filling it with water. Halloween brought even more pranks to light. People living in the thriving town of Farm ers High School had to batten down everything capable ofbe ing carried off. They would awake to find sidewalks, pig siys, chicken coops and fences missing. Townspeople didn't have far to go to find their missing property. The stuff us ually could be found on the roof of Old Main. Actually, officials of the town didn’t complain too much. This was a good way of clean ing up the town. You can’t really blame the students for the pranks. After all, the College outlawed card playing and drinking. Besides that, the coed-to-man ratio was a little out of proportion. The first coed wasn’t admitted until 1871-. And it was a long cold ride to Bellefonte. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Gazette Bellea LtUraa, *1 :S0 p.m., Simmona lounge. Christian Fellowship, 12:30 p.m., 2tB HUB. Engineering Student Council. Larry Sharp Commutes, 6:45 pm.. 218 HUB. Freshman Regulations Board, 12:30 p.m., 212 HUB. Intercollegiate Conference on Government, S p.m., 20S HUB. Judicial, 6:15 p.m., ZIT HUB. Nea BayriSchcn Schuhplattlera, T p.m., 2 White. N'ewa and Viewa ataff, 1:15 p.m., 11l Home Ec. Kittftny Grotto, 7 p.m., 121 Mineral In dustries. Philosophy Club, 7pm, 212 HUB. I*» Mo Epsilon, 7 *.30 p m., 124 Sparks. ! Remember AT STATE OR HOME 4 "*“* “*»«» AD 8^2441 We are glad that we have been able to serve you and W& Deliver your families. : Hamburgers i Cheeseburgers Congratulations Penn Staters on this your centennial ! Grind«* anniversary on the University campus. j Soda j Large and Small PIZZAS Steak Sandwiches j Cheese-Steaks _ ... tsaaa, A. 1 . eamnuxa . Meatball Sandwichet F. W. WOOLWORTH'S , ; Joe s Pizza Shop I I 131 N. Atherton Street :? $ TODAY A Complete Book Store The modern book store is composed of many departments, each designed to give its customers the best possible service covering anything that is printed on paper. THE PENNSYLVANIA BOOK SHOP is unique in that the services offered its customers mate it an outstanding center in the hoot world. A few of our services are listed: TRANSLATIONS A complete translation service in to English of any foreign technical article, or paper—lf none is avail able, our translation department will have one made at a reason able cost. IMPORTS Books are ordered daily from all parts of the world. Our import service is excellent and all re quests are accurately handled. '•S"Hf5"5"5* SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES This department handles any type of order, such as THE JOURNAL OF THE PHYSICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN, the Russian, USPEKHI KHIMII, BRITISH PLASTIC, or the German, NATURWISSENSCHAF TEN. *****•»• CHILDREN’S BOOKS This department has recently been enlarged to give our customers the ■ opportunity to select quality Rems as their needs arise. The Pennsylvania Book Shop 129'West Beaver Avenue, ADam# 7-2927—the smart secretary makes a memo of the number, *■*. ~J r (.-? t i ft' • ■ - Slavic Club. “Stone Flower** (Russian film), pm. and 9:15 p.m.,. HUB aAsentMy hail. Social Recreation Committee. 5 p.m., 213 HUB. Spanish Club. 7 p.m., Simmons Lounge. Wesley Foundation; Communion, 5:15 pm.; Choir Rehearsal. 6:45 p.m. Young Republican* Club, 1 :S0 p.m.,’ 409 Willard. Camp Interviews Students 'should sign up in advance in U 2 Old Main for interviews. Ciadle Beach Camp, N.Y. (Men and Wom- en) ; Feb. 24. Camp Cejwin, N.Y. (Men and Women, Jun- iuta and above); Feb. 26. Camp Menatoma, Me. (Men); Feb., 27, 23. Camp Wise, PaineaviUo, Ohio (Men and Women I : March 5. B. Camp Quinibeck, Vt. (Women) ; March 19 Congratulations from H. W. BURNS TELEVISION AO 7-73962 RD 1 STATE COLLIGI 1 Miles West on Rt. 545 TECHNICAL BOOKS A complete service is offered on all technical books, not only from the usual publishers hut all tech nical societies and industrial firms. This department is organ ized to cope with any possible request. -J-t-fr-H-S' OUT-OF-PRINT BOOKS We make every possible attempt to acquire any book that has ever been printed. Our advertisements cover all-American and European markets. •5-•;->•(• d-d- OUR BOOK STOCK Every eflort is made to maintain as excellent a stock as possible on all the new books: fiction, non fiction, technical, including all the new quality paper-backs. RENTAL LIBRARY All the new fiction and mysteries are made available for rental to our customers at a few cents a day. State College, Pa. * PAGE THIRT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers