PAGE EIGHT FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIED FOR SALE ONK •"'Mi'll innehiru*. walnut « hLiiiH, niHt< hmtr stih)l all kttnrtini'llia, imuiy f-iiJH. in perfect tondiluut, like m*w ' ('nil Ml <-X*. ’.*• _ IV,H R1CI! A KDSON Mobil** Home 47'xlQ' front kit* hut, 2b Kni. w»t*i mth»n»Mi«* h<at, I luumx **tnl hath. Ilbj Hilltop TmtWu I’m k aftu !> | NAVAL lIH U’KK'S mtifoim, 40 One now tr*»iiß*Hl wonted, one oxed blue Cull All h-HT.S I'W'imiK- ONK I*A 11( iik'lM bln* k It «ii«n Ski llootH, al/<» itM. Modern Mvling, cteelletit ie ronditimiiiiK 422 <"»'> AD ''•OT.’.l. t ItKK W M.L-SI/iK Mill-color World New*. mat limit orlv Job mapj*. linen to you. Tint Huhicnhe T/MK, 2K week* only tl.'J*. Write I*l I'enn Mat** Magazine Agency, Rnx 147. Slat** < olb*«H \*)l4 MERCERY M*u»teie\ haidlop. xtiiml- U«d nlnft, tmlio, hfMtei. whitewall*, yellow bottom, green top (.'all AD K-lnbl 1»»M) CHI- V KOI.KT haul top i-ou o tilde, radio and heater Heat offer take*. AD 7 HIM - * K»eh FOR RENT TWO ROOM t-ffii if'nr j k(ih i tmt n t pnrtiui- Inrlv suited fm two malt ‘Undents Call AD DOCRI.h ROOM wnh oi without bcmtd rinse to < .in pun next to pinking lot 211 S I'tiiih St ROOM i OR r« ht hhn\«* ( antpHnis Shite Ke pH.r, ,o*i m*s fiom Nthoiton Hall. Cell AD S-M72 DOL’HKK loom at '1 «*wei»»l pm king spm’es at Ihi W lb aver Me. Call AD 7-22 c 7 or \D 7-2 MI. _ HALF Ol double r.-mi awnlable for spnilK xerurMei. M 2 W College A\e Bulking facilities AD 7-2ub!). SINLLK ROOM for tent Call AD 7-2510 or stop in nt Ml S Pugh EXTRA I AR(»K double mom in modern home with kitchen pnwlege*. within wrulkmjf ilntance ‘.IS W. Prospect A\e. FCRNISIIKD ROOMS: Two single*. two double* two with cooking, three for four student* with cooking, shower, two foi thief* Mudent* with cooking. Mr* Edwin Mooie, 221> W, Beaver Ave, State College. Pa. ROOM MJR one or two Undent*. Hoso to campus. 210 8. Vugh. $25.00 month. Thone AD 7-3115*2. BLACK CORSTMANN wool coat at Alpha M Delta Sundav afternoon. Please call Sue Riii Knit ext 75, I HAVE uhm giHV topcoat. Pit use return mine Switch occulted Snckell. Friday 10-1! ChII ext 2152. Ask fot J fi. BROWN MC(IRK(!OR Jacket. fourth fbair Hmicke I hase yovm Call AD Viilfi Stew Railv. DROWN WALLET n«r Schwab. N«d papeia. Call Al K.rlick AD BROWN WALLET on Aif Hill two weeks a*o. Return money anil papeia to ¥ Lent* AD H.U448 Kewanl GREEN SHAKM-KU Snorkel Pen. minus oajv—bnt duumf finals. Sentimental ▼ aim*. Kewar<l (‘all Nancy ext, 601. SLEEPING lIAd. kahki. between E Bea ver ami Simmon*, .inn 27th Call Lee L., AD 7-I2SI. FOUND (Told WATCH. vicinity of HUH. before exaniit ('all Hob Kllenhemei AD 7-2H26. WANTED KITCHEN HELP wanted at Pi Kappa Phi. Call AT) 7-4917 ask for Mrs. Hubb. STUDENTS—KAHN np to sl.nll per hour woikimc two oi thiee evenings of your choice xellimc bowling pins. Downtown Dux Club, South Pugh RIDE TO Fort Lamleulale for four ulrla mei Faster wwation F.\t »»7l . Wi'l# m Julie. WANIKD KN(iINKKIUN(« student to share apnitnicnl ■with two -Undents. J'tO ruonthh. Imjmie 2.2*1 S. \thetUm Apt. 1. Washim; ami rooking fli ivilegen. MAI.F, KOOMMATE to shaie apartment one block fiom i-anijnn $25 per month Tall AH T.tnr.y WALK KTI'DKNT t» share Metzger apart ment with d other nun. Call AD 8-1829. MISCELLANEOUS It'K CAPADKS tup to Heixlmv, leave K :00 pm fiom Hl'H Satuidny, Teh. -1. Late pn ini&<i<im will he granted Tickets $2.20. fl.Ul, |‘t k r , ('ai fare $1 50. Venn State Olit'PK < lull* 2-H U**r Hnll TUI I* TO Heishi'v to toe Ire Capartes Sat. hob 21 Tall \D T-ifill foi infor mation. Sinn tip in the HUB hv next Fri. FN(I ALFl)National fashion firm looking foi college eiiKiigcd couples. Photographs of rHfitcil couples will lie published in top-istrd fashion magazine Those chosen will recent- icmpUte outfits. Please semi —bv Febnmiv IS. 1959—clear, individual snapshots iwhich cannot hv returned) with norm* ami addiess to The Wyman Company. 278 Post Sticot, San Francisco 8. Calif. SjTI’DF.NT WIVKS—to register for eve mntt cU-sis in ciafta, monev manage ment. sewing. family legal problems, cook ing. child tare Call AD 8-SUI ext 591 or AD x-SV'l IF YOF want Rood grades vou should lend Tim.*. Fife. Sports Illustrated, News wi«-k, Uead-is' Digest moil >our cards »n*w You can change your address or atop subscription doting summer SPKCIAL LOW rates for students: Time $1.50, Newsweek $1 fit) for one semester. Wad check to PS Magazine \gency, PO Box 487 State College. Quick service. IK YOUK typewriter is giving you trouble, our wins of experience are at your command. Just dial AD 7-21 or bring machine to 63d \V College Ave. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe, or aerobatic lessons Park Forest Diplomas— (Continued from page one) pensation for being the official photographer. Leonard Julius, Greek Week chairman, reported on the pro gress of the week's planned activi ties. He said that a trophy will be awarded to the outstanding pledge as well as a trophy for the highest pledge class average. Another innovation will be thei awarding of an overall trophy to the group scoring the highest number of points combined in all the events. The possibility of se curing a layout about Greek Week, April 5 to 11, in the Parade Sunday supplement was also an nounced Sherm Fogg Issues First Call All persons interested in try ing out for the varsity tennis team should see Coach Sherm Fogg in 114 Rec Hall. rJo/jlfcr 720 S. Atherton State College Open 5-9 p.m. daily, Sunday 12*8 p.m. : : ' Closed Monday • ttcM-rvatidm - tall AD 8-0082 MAKE *25 THNKLiSH Will help drive. Get the genuine article Get the honest taste of a LUCKY STRIKE $ A. T Cfc THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA We’re paying $25 each for the hundreds of Think- Send yours to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mount lish words judged best! Thinklish is easy: it’s new Vernon, New York. Enclose your name, address, words from two words—like those on this page. college or university, and class. English: MALE SHELLFISH boyster ' 01 BORDE. V OF N CAROLINA Thinklish translation: This fellow knows more about polls than a telephone lineman. When someone starts, “Hail, hail, the gang’s all here!”—he counts noses to make sure. If he canvassed women, he’d be a galculator. If he totted up crimes of violence, he’d be a stabulator. Actually, he checks on the popularity of Luckies, and that makes him a lauditor! His latest survey makes this heartwarming point: Students who want the honest taste of fine tobacco are unanimously for Lucky Strike! Moran Finishes 4th— (Continued jrorn page seven) than any he has ever run. Former Penn Stater Horace Ashenfelter’s Boston Games rec-; ord for the two mile run fell in the last race of the evening. Air j Force Lieutenant Bill Dellinger! maneuvered the distance in 8.49.9,i six-tenths of a second faster than! Ashenfelter's 1954 mark. McLANAHANS START TALKING OUR LANGUAGE! WATERFOWL FORMATION Think!isk,- SWANVOY HOGER JENNINGS. U. OF CAL. sh: MAIM WHO CONDUCTS ULARITY SURVEYS ,lijh: WOOING TECHNIOUB HEARTISTRY IRUCI MITIHK. C»SI IN.TITUTI OF !«»■ JVcduct of drrwiizan, >Jct Local Ad Staff Meeting TONIGHT 6:30 p.m. 9 Carnegie Promotions will be made Faculty Advisor will speak VALENTINE Cards Candy English: TALKING INSECT rMufcfefc MurrefcPtv English: MIDNIGHT SNACKER Thmkfuh: REFRIGERAIDER A Harriet doylk Maryland do&uu» is our middle noma TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1 • Hallmark •Nor cross •Whitman •Fanny Farmer puimhhmht. «»»«»« Esasftafcii CIGARETTES
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