PAGE EIGHT Perfect Mate Sought In Players' Comedy An ambitious mother and her reluctant husband conduct a man-hunt through the English "social season" for the per fect mate for their reluctant daughter in the Players' pro duction of William Douglas Home's comedy, "The Reluctant Debutante" to open Nov. 21 at Center Stage. The play will run Fridays and Saturdays when the University is in session and will close on Jan. 10. "The Reluctant Debutante" de pends more upon seasoning than substance. It is concerned mainly with a mother, Sheila Broadbent, who wants to unload her daugh ter, Jane, upon some faultless youilg man as soon as possible. It seems there is no huntress like a mother when it comes to stalking marriageable game as she prowls through the London telephone book in guest of a tro phy she can bestow upon Jane. Jane's reaction is a normal and natural one. Like most girls. she has a firm idea whom she wants, mother or no moth er. The father, Jimmy Broadbent, takes all this manhunting with patient good humor and makes it sound almost like a compliment; English: DOG'S JACKET AUDRE VARGOSKO, GEORGE WASHINGTON U. English: THE WHITE HOUSE JAMES PERRY, MARIETTA English: SHARP•TOOTHED HOUSE CAT Thtnklish. FANGORA English! MUSICAL•INSTRUMENT MAKER 1 W44th:H ARPEWEri RONALD ARALONG. Pirr. .A. T Oh, By JEANETTE SAXE when he makes the remark that mothers with eligible daughters are "a. lot of refined white-slave traffickers." - Although the play is set ir. modern London. its theme and basic premise are universal. Its content will be meaningful to young people and adults, bache lors and unattached females, and, of course, parents. The production will be directed by Robert Reifsneider, associate professor of thealre arts. •Early Penn State students were advised to bring with them a carpet, mirror, washbowl, pitch er, pail, broom, lamp and oil can. *Penn State students get their weather forecasts f rio m flags flown atop the Mineral Industries buildings on campus. ish: ROVERdoAT Thinksh.,P RESIDEIVCE v'i!( RODNEY COLE. KANSAS STATE COLL THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Banner Contest Open to Men Only The banner contest for Sat urday's game with Holy Cross', will be limited to men only. This ruling has been made to eliminate conflict between the banner contest and the display competition for women's resi dence halls sponsored by the Wo men's Student Government Asso ciation, Jean Kissick, Mortar Board president, said. The winner of the banner contest will be awarded a tro phy donated by Mortar Board, women's, and Parmi Nous, men's, senior hat societies, sponsors of the contest. :1111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E, = -1 = CLUB NEWMAN 1 =1 ....., _ 1,.... ..1 fetauring = THE IVY ROCKS this Friday Evening = Lady of , Victory Church Hall . .- Tickets at HUB or Door -..: Dancing Admission 1.00 Refreshments• = 9-12 STAG or DRAG Served I= = 74111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 r. English: MUSICAL COMEDY ABOUT A LUCKY SMOKER Think!lab translation: Kudos to the new bit Smoklahoma I Plot: boy meets cigarette, boy likes cigarette. Lucky Strike was convincing as the ciga rette, displaying honest good taste from beginning to end. The end? We'll tell you this much: it's glowing. English: LIGHT-FINGERED FRESHMAN • • • , Thi)lidisht PII..IriPEKBRADIIAI.e -, RICHARD PUTNAM. N. CAROLINA STATE SPEAK THINKLISH! MAKE $25 Jvst put two words together to form a new one. Thinklish is so easy you'll think of dozens of new words in seconds! We'll pay $25 each for the hundreds of Thinklish words judged best—and we'll feature many in our college ads. Send your Thinklish words (with English translations) to Lucky Strike, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. Enclose your name, address, college or university and class. Get the genuine article Get the honest taste of a LUCKY STRIKE &duct of r ite dmetitern. c'e \ ;l4eco-evrae ' ys * Am.. it our middle nams Any group of men may enter the contest. Those wishing to par ticipate can leave the name of the.r group at the Hetzel Union desk by noon, Friday. Any num ber of persons can work on the banner but only six men will be permitted to carry it In Friday night's parade before the pep rally. Banners can be of any size and shape. Entrants should bring their own cars to join the motorcade which will leave the HUB parking lot at 7:20 p.m. on Fri day. The par ad. will end at 8 p.m. in front of Old-Main. AI this time, the banners will be paraded before the judges. The winner will be announced at the pep rally. Judges for the •:~mmUa ~ s CIGARETTES WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 1958 contest will be 0. Edward Pol• lock, assistant to the dean of men. B. Mae Shuns, assistant to the dean of women, and All• University President Jay Feld stein. Banners will be judged for de sign and originality. The ; cos tumes of those carrying them will [also be considered. General chair men for for the contest are Susan Whittington, senior in arts and letters from Bangkok, Thailand, for Mortar Board, and Thomas Hancock, senior in mechanical engineering from Johnstown for Parmi Nous. •Rules for freshmen at Penn State were first tagged "customs" in a 1904 student handbook. •Penn State was first called Farmer's High School because its founders thought "college" con noted a place where boys con tracted idle habits. CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BR IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES CASH-17 words or loos CHARGE-12 words or love $.50 ono Insertion $.75 two fnaertions $l.OO dim Insertions Additional words-3 for 1.05 for Garb day of Insertion FOR SALE MOTORCYCLE Harley-Davidson 1267 good condition. Call Dave Ellis AD 7-786$ after 6 p m. MUST SELL 1957 Volkswagen. Thrifty, comfortable, reliable. low mileage, ex. cellent condition. Price is right $1476 cash. Call AD 7-3128 noon hour or eve nings after 8. ROLLEIFLEX CAMERA with 1.3.6 coated testae lens and case. $65.00. Call Ken at AD 84082. CIDER. Truck will be at Werher's Freezer Fresh Sat. evening. sun. afternoon ■nd evening. Bring jugs. FOR RENT FOR RENT two-bedroc,:n modern trailer. Will rent to four students. Days View Trailer Acres. AD 8-3471 or FL - 9-2890. 1;:::0=1:1:3 REWARD OFFERED for return of Sven. Aer Notebook, light tan, hard cover. Call eat, 205 or call at 205 Willard. LOST—BROWN Key Case. If found pleas• return to 204 Sackett Building. SEVERAL BOY'S pictures in box. Plaid lighter initialed A.D. in Nittany Dell Saturday 11:00 a.m. ext. 696. Reward. LOST—LAST WEEK Penn State ring 1964, initials PPS, wpm stone, Sigma Pi on crest. AD 8-0395. Rewind. '59 STATE Class Ring: Alpha Chi Sigma on stone. Initials CWVD inside. Reward. Call Carl AI) 7-7881. K&E SLIDE RULE Wed., Nov. 5, green case. Call Bob AD 8.1919. BROWN FRAMED glasses In pink e". lost Wednesday Esstween Willard and Atherton. Call Joyce ext. 20. WANTED RIDE TO Chicago or Milwaukee over Thanksgiving. Call AD 8-2083. PUBLIC BOWLERS—Any night 742 p.m. except Ttmsday and Wednesday It is :30 to 12 p.m. walk in or reserve. Bela* at Downtown Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh St. AD 8-0148. COEDS, SECRETARIES to try the Olympia typewriter. Rent an Olympia=apPly up to 3 months' rental toward down payment. Nittany Office Equipment, 231 S. Allen St. Phone Al) 8-6126. ATENTION SCRAMS I All interested in supporting "Bird-Legs" call Gail. Ather. ton 364. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college men in our department working part time averaged 375 per week. Due to condition• in our department this year, R e expect even higher gains. Pleasant, short hour arrangements allow plenty of time for studying. CRT furnished, expenses paid. Call Ed Lough AD 7.4758 Mon. - Fri. be. tween 6-10 RJR. Salary $35 per week. ==l MISCELLANEOUS ALL DOOR Pares from Alpha Delta Pi's "Grecian Grotto" must be claimed be fore Nov. 21. Call the ADPi suite, ext. 1502. BE'S COMING Nov. 23, Hee Hall. Don't mina it! LET'S HELP Larry Sharp this weekend. WINNER OF date with Tom Eclwards— Mitzie Simms. OBE TO cancellation The Mark Five Quintet is atilt available for Mil Ball weekend. Ton recommendations available, satisfaction guaranteed. Box 561 i, State College_ GOOD MEALS, membership applications are now being accepted for spring '59. Several openings now. For information— AD 7-2593, College Co-op. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing. tap. toe or acrobatic lemons. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD 84078. DR JAMES W MAUERY—Chiropractor— Weis Store Building Phone AD 7-3900. IF YOUR typewriter to vying you -trouble our' years of experience are at your command. Just• dial AD 7.2462 or bring machine to 683 W College Ave. STORAGE STUDENT trunks end_ Per. *one! affects: pick-up and delivery eery. Sbeetnekee Bros. Phone AD 8.41751.
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