PAGE EIGHT The World at a Glance By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pope's Coronation Set for Tuesday VATICAN CITY Pope John XXIII yesterday designated next Tuesday as his coronation day and called upon the world's leaders to channel man's genius into paths of peace. The new spn itual sovereign of th e Homan Catholic Church quickly demonstrated his inten tion of being a vigorous leader. In the first full days of his reign the 76-year-old pontiff took a series of decisions indicating his reign will be a dynamic one. His decision to broadcast a peace appeal immediately came as a stn prise to many Romans. Then he decided that his cm 0- na lion, the most colm fu I of all Roman Catholic ceremonies, will be held Nov 4. This will be exactly a week after his election U.S. Will 'Retaliate' In Nuclear Tests WASHINGTON 01— If the So viet Union sets off more nuclear weapons explosions after suspen sion talks start Frida', the United States wilt be ready in short order for mole tests of its own. AEC doesn't believe in conduct ing tests just for the sake of con ducting tests and it would not undertake to match the Russians PRINTING Letterpress • Offset Commercial Printing 352 E. College AD 8.6794 OEM ESSEN shot for shot, John A. McCone said yesterday. But if Moscow ignores Presi dent Eisenhower's proposal for a year's suspension while negotia tions are tried, it wouldn't be long before the commission would be ready to go ahead with tests to improve .S. atomic capabilities. "Stopping tests now w ould probably delay or prevent devel opment of small, clean weapons," the AEC chairman added. 12 Men Entombed In Mine Disaster SPRINGHILL, N S. The faint cry came from men trapped 2. 1 . miles inside a wrecked coal mine —"There are 12 of us here. Come and get us." Mine rescue workers inched last night through 60 feet of de bris trying to reach the 12 found entombed alive after all hope for them had been abandoned. Miner Gorley Kempt, in a group of 12 among 174 miners trapped since last Thursday night, whis pered the dramatic words through a 6-inch broken air line to the rescue crews. DEUTSCHER VEREIH -KOMMT -SEHT -HOERT -SINGT (VIER IMPERATIVE) Donnerstag, 30 October, 7::30 UHR HOME EC LIVING CENTER ~. Z;c , .. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Red Chinese Guns Quiet !Pasternak Turns Down TAIPEI (W)—Communist coast-'Nobel Literature Prize al guns went silent at nightfall STOCKHOLM, Sweden (IP) Wednesday after shelling Quemoy 'Russian author Boris Pasternak lightly yesterday. iturned down the $41,420 Nobel The Defense Ministry called,Literature Prize yesterday. the shelling inconsequential, and; The writer who dared criticize the crisis in the Formosa Strait life under Communist rule has appeared to be abating. been under almost ceaseless So- 11:1=== ADS MUST BE IN BY 11:00 A.N. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES CASH-17 words or lens CHARGE-13 words or less LSO one Insertion 3.75 two Insertions $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-3 for I.os for each day of Insertion LARGE WALE-IN refrigerator mith fren er , ea.tly dir.santled. Ideal for fraternit). Call AD 8-0413 or AD 8-OB'3. 1939 LASALLE, floor s hift trananifssion: also 11010 LaSalle sideshift Logan Hill Call Al) 7-4105 e%enings 6 till 7. 1951 MERCURY 2•door red»n equipped with automatic I ultimo i.loon, radio and heater This ear to in excellent condition th: oughouL Priced at $275 or best offer. Phone AD 7-2265. 196.1 MERCURY convertible. clean. A-1 condition, radio, heater, other extras. Call Dun Myers at AD 7-2044 after 5:15 p.m. WOMAN'S RACOON Coat. excellent con dition. Size 12. Call John ext. 2684 5-6 p.m. REGULATION SIZE pool and billiard table. needs some repair. Will sell cheap Call AD 8-0113 ni Al) 8-0883, 'MEN'S ENGLISH Bicycle, three speeds. Must sell due to graduation. Call AD 8-8258. 1954 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition See it today. Call AD 8.6352. PENN STATE Jacket, blue flannel tu ith flannel lining. Size 0-40. Excellent con dition. 17.50. Call AD 7-2020, a9k for Ed. CIDER. Truck will be at Werner's Freezer Fresh Sat. evening, Sun. afternoon and evening. Bring jugs. 1;;=Il FOR RENT DOUBLE ROOM, price $l2 per week Hotel mattresses on each bed. See room ltetats_n 5 and 7 p m. at. 23 E. Foster Axe. COLLE FOR SALE ,F 3 -4 • „ >, lAN CLAS FOR RENT FOR RENT two-bedroom modern trailer. Will rent to four students. Days View Trailer Acren. AD 8.3471 or FL 9.2890. BROWN LEATHER puree at Lambda Chi nite. Call Joan ext. 609 TAN AND Gold vehet belt Friday niisht at the Junior Prom Will the finder please call ext 127. GRAY TWEED coat with pair of Ottawa in pocket outside no Vs illard Monday after noon. Reward $25. Call E. H. Freund AD 7-20,8. BROWN TRENCHCOAT ■t Phi Kappa Psi Sunday, glasscu, in poeket. Return to HUB desk or Henry Opperman at Phi Kappa Sigma LOST S black Call Hooks, property Pioctor & Gamble. Finder please call AD 13-9410. Reward '59 CLASS RING, hub. CWVI) Alpha Chi Sigma on atone. Reward. Call Carl AI) 7-7SBI. RAINCOAT WITH glasses in pocket at Theta Kappa Phi Jam Session Sunday. Finder contact Duck Palone ext. 279. PEN WITH initials RS F. near Penn State Photo Shop. Finder please call Rafael AD 8-1694. FOUND FOUND: TRENCH Coat in Eng B Friday e%ening. Call Walt AD 7-4219 between 6 & 7. WANTED WANTED: STUDENT with car to drive me home from Bryan Given Lectures, Kathleen. ATTRACTIVE FEMALE subject wanted for outdoor photographs Must have clothes which blend with fall hues. Phone ext. t 589. NO BLUEBOOKS Nov. 10.16 when B G iR here. WANTED TYPING— term papers, thesis etc. Quick, expert wolk. Call AD 3-0998 THE MAN FROM ALLIED HAS FACTS YOU NEED Thinking hard about what's ahead after graduation? You probably have some idea about industries, companies, jobs .. futures, But you need facts. Check that date below—the Allied inter viewer will be here soon, ready to do some straight talking about your future. It's worth a half-hour to look into a company that has a dozen research laboratories, over 100 plants, and a nation-wide network of sates offices. It's worth learning about the room to grow at a company that makes more than 3,000 products .. chemicals, plastics, fibers, and new ones every year. What kinds of lobs? Which locations? Which products? What sort of ftiture?, For the facts you need, 'SIGN UP NOW FOR AN INTERVIEW ALLIED CHEMICAL; 61• BROADWAY NEW YORK 6, N.Y. ~~~~~~; THURSDAY. OCTOBER 30, 1958 ' viet press attack since the prize was announced Saturday, "Because of the meaning attrib uted to this award in the society I live in I ought to say no thanks to the undeserved prize awarded me," he cabled. FOR GOOD RESULTS USE COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS J,MI.IiI,IIJLMJJJAIUd,U,M.I44add,IiII,IiIiLIJALJJAiaMIaLIi IFIEDS i.UQUILLIIIIUIaiiiMINM.IiIiiIiiiiILIA4UIW.LIJa WANTED RIDE OR information of tide from center of city Phila. to State Friday anytime after 6:00 p to. AD 8-1064. RIDE TO St. Louis Thanksgiving, Will share &hints and/or expenses. Seth Lampe AD 7-2228. WANTED: RIDE. TO Chiesao or liihrau. kee for Thankagning sacation. Call AD 8-2088. COLLEGE MEN—Last year college melt in our department working part time averaged $75 per week. Due to condttiona in our department this year, ne expect even higher gains. Pleasant, short hour arrangements allow plenty of time for studying. Car furnished, expenses paid. Call Ed Lough AD 7-4758 Mon. - Fri. be. tween 6-10 p m. Salary $35 per week. RIDE WANTED to Hon ars). Penna. every Sunday. Lease State College at 84 a ns. Cell ext. 219. Sylvia. MISCELLANEOUS IN A Meryl by a canyon excavating for a mine thtelt a miner totty-riner but not hits daughter Clementine. She had put on her number nines and gone to hear Bryan Green. DANCING BY the Debbonaire Friday night The Palmline Cafe in Bellefonte 10 p.m. to 1 a m. GET THE Philadelphia Inquirer eery day in .our morning mail. Call Daxe Fine man AD 8-8441 ext 643 or L. no Ward AD 8.5061 ext. 611 THINKING OF going to Bermuda? Fel. lows call Fritz Tenor AD 74468. Girls call Bobbie Matitsow ext. 146 SM. ENROLL NOW for ballroom (lancing. tan/ toe or acrobatic lessons. Park Forest Village School of Dance. AD S-1078. DR JAMES W. MAUERY—Chiropractor—i Weis Store Building. Phone AD 7-3900. IF YOUR typewriter is giving you trouble our years of experience are at sour command. Jiist dial AD 7-2492 or bring machine to 633 W College Are. STORAGE STUDENT trunks and per. venal affects: pick-up and delivery eery. lee. Shoemaker Bros. Phone AD 8-67111. llie - d F lernical
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