PAGE TWO U.S. Will Evacuate Families From Cuba WASHINGTON (/P> —The’ U.S. Navy has been ordered to evacuate 55 American women and children from an area held by rebels in northeast Cuba. The State Department, in announcing this last night, said the evacuation will be carried out as soon as possible. The women and children are dependents of about 25 Ameri cans who work at the U.S. govern ment-owned Nicaro Nickel plant in the north coastal area of Ori ente Piovince. A State Department spokes man said they will be evacuated by ship "with the knowledge and consent of the Cuban gov ernment." Cuban rebels moved into the vicinity of the plant within the past few days after Cuban gov ernment tioops pulled out of the legion. The evacuation decision came about six hours after the State Department denounced as an out lage the kidnaping of two Ameri cans and seven Cubans in the area. The Americans were freed by the rebels Thursday. State De partment authorities said they are determined to prevent fu ture such kidnapings by rebel forces. The department press officer, Lincoln White, said ships carry ing out the evacuation operation might come from the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo on the south ern end of Cuba. STUDENT FILMS PRESENTS "KELLY AND ME" in Technicolor VAN JOHNSON PIPER LAURIE SAT., OCT. 25 7:30 & 9:30 SUN., OCT. 26 6:30 HUB ASSEMBLY ROOM Tickets on Sale Piece: Rec Hall Price: $5.00 per couple Dress: Semi-Formal Rickover Promoted To Vice Admiral WASHINGTON (A*)—Rear Adm. Hyman Rickover, the controver sial developer of the nuclear powered submarine, was promot ed to vice admiral by President Eisenhower yesterday. The appointment is to be effec tive while Rickover serves as head of the naval reactors branch of the Atomic Energy Commis sion. The promotion is subject to Senate approval after Congress returns. The 58-year-old admiral has been something of a bone of con tention between the White House and Democrats on Capitol Hill. PLAYERS George Bernard Shaw's "Too True To Be Good" Tonight and Tomorrow Schwab 8:00 p.m. Last 2 Performances “Pretend” and At Time: 9-1 Theme: Cinderella Ball "Best Dance o THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA TONIGHT JUNIOR PROM at HUB Desk 8 - 5 the Dance Balloon Failure Puzzling To Missile Experts CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. UP) —Disappointed missile scientists were at a loss yesterday to ex plain what happened to the Ar my’s latest space venture—an at tempt to blast a Beacon balloon satellite into orbit. “The thing did not work prop erly and we don’t know just yet what caused the trouble.” said Dr. Jack Froehlich, one of the chief scientists in the project. Froelich, who heads the satel lite program for the California Institute of Technology's .Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said no conclusions could be made until data available on the flight had been analyzed. Froehlich said the balloon rock et’s course was tracked for seven or eight minutes. The Army lost contact with its huge five-stage missile at an altitude of about 150 miles. The third failure in six Army satellite attempts climaxed a dis mal-month at the Cape during which four ballistic weapons ex ploded and two satellites —Van- guard and Beacon —were unsuc cessful. is the night De Gaulle Requests Come to France for PARIS (IP) Premier Charles de Gaulle, in a bid to end the exhausting Algerian war, yesterday appealed to tho rebels to come to France for cease fire negotiations. He gave his personal guarantee of safe conduct to the representa tives of the Algerian National Liberation Front. Da Gaulle issued his dramat ic end-of-lhe hostilities invita tion at his first press confer ence since becoming premier of a tired, embittered and divided France last June. Besides calling for face-to-face talks with the rebels, the general asked them to lay down their arms under a flag of truce. Pref acing this with a soldier’s praise for his adversaries, he said that i those who gave themselves up; would be treated honorably. Parking Lot a River j KIDDERMINISTER, Eng land UP) —Geoffrey Waines said he thought he was heading into a tavern parking lot when he drove his car into the River Severn. He was fined 50 pounds—sl4o—yes terday for drunken driving. ★ CATHAUM Now - 2:03. 3:55, 5:47, 7:39. 9:35 Rex Harrison - Kay Kendall ’ -.'M G-M : PRESENTS' •' THE RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE V -:VVt : MiSci:gL-3.n3. METiio'cblfttt’’-' V •••••••••••••••••••••a** * HTTAMY TODAY - DOORS OPEN 6:45 SAT. - Continuous From 1:15 WAR.. .HOT anil RAW! JACK EDDIE WJBEgpiLflj •«•••••••••Of•••••••••• Longer! for the the Year" FRIDAY. OCTOBER 24, 1958 Rebels Talks :w\7*ss Feat. 1:42, 3:40, 5:38, 7:38, 9:34 WMAJ :32 - - Morning Show :3A Morning Herotiona :I5 News Headline* :1S Clauleal interlude Mnsle at Noon Whit'a Going On :35 Huale Shew Newa and Sports :05 , LP'a and Shaw Tana :JS New* LP’s And Show Tones Newa and Markets :15 _. Sparta Special :30 LP’a and Bhow Tune* :0a Fulton Lewis Jr, LP’i and Show Tanes its Public Serrlca Program :0# Newa The World Today Sport*—Bill Steyn :J5 Capital Aaalgniaent :05 Music of the Master* :0» New# :Q5 Sparta :lt Newa and Sports Groovoloa? lews and Sports 1:05 81 Sign On Morning Show Swap Shop Count? News Contact Local News Groorologr
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