PAGE EIGHT Yanks Win Championship (Continued from page one) !the Yanks' 21-game winner until The, Adcock sliced a pinch single home run by about two feet. The to left with two gone in the ninth. (hive bounced off a padding high, Mickey Mantle gathered in Mickey Mantle the right field barrier. Red Shoendienst's fly to. center Elston Howard fouled off for the final out, the short reign one pitch and looked at a ball of the Biaves had ended. before he bounced a single over The Yankees, who usually take second base. Berra hustled home , victory in stride, gath e r e d with the big winning run. l around Turley as he walked off Andy Carey. hitless in 11 trips , ithe mound, pounding his back, yin-hed a single off Eddie Ma- pumping his hand and yelling thews' glove into shoit left be - !congratulations, The man who tw e Bill Skowron hammered ai was yelling the most was Casey 2-2 pitch far and away over the'Stengel whose seventh World fence in the left center field for, 1. Sedes victory ties him with Joe a 415-foot 3-run homer. McCai thy among the managers of Burdette bowed his head, pawed, , all time. at the (hit resignedly, and finally It was the greatest comeback closed out the inning by striking, in baseball since the 1925 Pitts out T ony Kubek• i burgh Pirates, after losing three .CI andall's homer with two out, out of four to Washington, in the sixth was the only hit off, closed with a rush to take three uIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIt 1 Back to the Good Old Days ... WHEN THE ONLY WAY INTO STATE COLLEGE WAS ON THE OLD BELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD LINES On Sunday, October 12, you can take the same route that was followed in the good old days. You'll enjoy the fall scenery in Bald Eagle Valley and on Horse Shoe Curve. The train leaves the Post House in State College at 1:15 p.m. and returns of 8 o'clock. ~ Adults: $4.50 The Ferguson Township Lions Club = Tickets available for the FLAMING FOLIAGE EXCURSION = at:— = = :71-111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111F = Graham's -- HUB Desk Poorman's Sports Center, Bellefonte THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE - BUT TODAY L&M GIVES YOU• MITI & MYBRS TOBACCO CO. Children: $2.00 (under 12) Sponsored by of Pme Grove Mills THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA straight by beating Walter Johnson on•a rain-soaked after noon. No other club ever had overcome such a handicap in a best-of-seven series until the 1958 Yankees. 'These Yankees were given up ren Spahn's shutout put the for dead, counted out beyond re- i Yankees down 3-1, and left call after they lost the first two: them needing three straight. games in Milwaukee. Turley, knocked out in the first Fans were saring this might inning of the second game when PINK NET Sawn, half pries, sin 12 let feet fur JlllllO7 Prom. N' t. 553. NEW WHITE formal ballerina length rice I 1-13 star $3O «iII aell for 115 Call Al) b• 6873 after 5. GIRL'S JUNIOR suit, site 7, wm n ttt tee : half mice. out and silk, brown and cz earn teed, latest stile. Call AD h-0740 after 5 M pm. 1958 M Olt FOS Minor 1000; 8000 good cotolitton Call Li,i ext. 1042 from 12-1 Mon. Thor a., fli. MeALLISTER MEAL foi sale. Call tlob Al) i , -1 124 after 7 p rp. cffiEß dl he at WerneCh Freezer e.h Sat. eaening, Sun. afternoon and e‘ en mg. BE no jug". 12.-GUAGE double-barrel chntgun, Food condition-418 Call Joe AD 8-0074 or Fro ;it 319 West Fairmount. IIOY COAT. 50q camel's hair, one sear old, sue 12 or 11: T 25 or bc:lt offer. Eat. 591, ask for Jane. 1101 , SE FRAMER: 41 ft.; 2 bedrooms fun bath-22760. Call Walter Cot.le at AD 7.7G11 ext. 306, 8 to 6 p.m. WOCdSdale f'nak. ANTIFREE'LE, TIRES, batteries & acces saner, Big Discount. Call Steve AD 8- 8192 or 13111 AD 7-3412. 19!() PONTJAC sports cruiser—slSO. Phone HO 64,1GL WHY WORK meals? Rent double room ith Late mark dot n of A 76: Boat(' al.° offered. Close to eartmov Call Peter AD S-9590. MUST SACRIFICE! One-half double room near campus. Asailable unrnedtately. Call AD 8-1583 ask for Walt. HALF OF double room for rent imme diately 134 South Frazier Street. AI) 7-2130 Call after fi 00. Excellent location. TW 0-BEDROOM modern trailer. Will "rent to four students. Da)e View Ti aller Amr. Call AD 8-3471 or FL 9-2390. Puff by puff DON'T SETTLE FOR ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER! Change to UM and get 'em both. Such an improved filter and more taste! Better taste than in any other cigarette. Yes, today's UM combines these two essentials of modern smoking enjoyment—less tars and more taste—in one great cigarette. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FOR RENT 34 ,z, ye:, & - 40 l i V, 4 0 'Q ''r ... V i e* a • i (.7.1 rf, u'> have been the worst Yankee club ever to win an American League (pennant. Larsen's shutout in the third game eliminated any chance of a Milwaukee sweep but War- FOR RENT 1141. F OF double room near campus. Call Walt AD 8-1.583 TRAILER SPACES locally located. large )arils, 10 mtnutea from campus. Low tent. Call AD 7.3594 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT two-bedroom modern trailer. Will rent to font. students. D.A3e View Trailer Acres. AD 8-1471 or F L 9-2990. ROOM I'OR Rent: half of double above Campania Shoe Repan, 31.3 East College. Call Al) t'-ql2. NEW CONSTRUCTION—one bedroom on to) ni,hed anal town ts. Located 12.6 East rah mount. Cell John Baker AD S•OI1J. LOST: ONE LOVE letter. mime d:au:l3 to Torn Lloyd --- Ell. , o ' The Di Ind Circle", Play ei ~ Con tot Stilize HIGH SCHOOL class ring. initialed ILM. red stone 1% ith eagle over atone. Contact Tan Maw AD 7-26;i8. Renard. PICKETT SLIDE rule near o.3mond name John 1312.411 Inside. Call John at AD 7-7563 Re,aai(l. ZIPPER .T ACK 1.,T, red Wool' ich—in 121 Spat ILs on Monday afternoon. Finder call e\t 3466 ark for Bob Hoffman 1111=1=1:1 FOUND HITCHHIKERS. last Saturday to 13P.P.C1 Spi ing, I !lase your camera. Phone AD 7-7552 after 5.30. WANTED EXPERIENCED SECRETARY dein ei tmont; of I epcn ts, stencik, or thesis, Fast, tesponsible ser. ice. AD 8-013 after p m. 20 MEN aNerage $2.40 hr. rienmz and Saturday ti.urk : car. Appll. Willard, Room 202, Thut , day 7.20 p.m TWO MEN for dance combo: 9,4 S and piano preferred. Call AD 7-3`i67. Ask for Ron. GEORGE SELY.I•.RS bring fo,ails to 133 S. Frar.ier today. WANTED—CAR to be rented for , A. ee k - end of Ott. 24-254(3. Betty ext. S.itt. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1958 the Braves scored seven big runs, came to the rescue in the fifth game with a five-hit shutout. In Wednesday's sixth game. Turley had to come from the bullpen to bail out Ryne Duren when the fast-ball pitcher fal• tered in the 10th inning. It was the Yanks' 18th victory in 24 series and their seventh in nine with Stengel at the helm. WANTED APARTMENT WANTED: Rem, aril 14500) for info' mat ion leading to renting a furnished apartment to a married couple. Occupancy any time in December. AD 7-41.73 RIDE TO Chambeishlng on Fridays. Lease Fridays 5 p.m. return Sunday. Phone Scott, AD 7-4373. STUDENT TO share furnished apai tment with two seniors across from Corner Room. Living room. kitchen included. Stop at Rinaldo's Barber Shop Thurs. or Fri. Ask for Joe. MISCELLANEOUS OUTING CLUB—hitfiery elect di e-ItnNe pm. Sat. Nliiet behind Ormond. OUTING CLUB—Feld and Stream lull, shoot—Beaver Darn ; at the,. aim). We su PnlY ammunition, blue tars:cis and equipment. Bound out the big w eek_ end with an outing. Mect behind Osmond pm. Sunday. OUTING CLUB—inA climbe a Lea%e 10 am. Sun behind o , mond for Dorn Hun. OUTING CU. 11—eahin and trml caol•ont, liemer Dan.. Meet Sunday 2 p.m. hind Oginond. C B WHO'S MITZIE" Just puli up sour ticket for Entei to inmcnt U.S A. ton iiiht at. Schwab auditorium. You'll , re rxin. YOU LIKE toile' skating? Newman Club skating party—fun foi all. Tonight 7 p rn.--cars behind OFTnonti. TO WHOM it may concern: 'lime Mee. sage, Will Time]." B G. 'ENTERTAINMENT. Local talent to en- tertain at departmental stag pasty, 90 to 50 attending. Folk Finger, lotil.eibliop quartet, magician? Applicants cFll AD 7-7582 after 5:;0. HITCHHIKERS—Last Sattnitay, to Water -Springs 1 have Sour carnela. Ca)] AD 7-7582 after 5:30. IF YOUR typewritcr is gicing you trouble our years of expelienco ale at your command. Jost dial AD 7-24P2 or bring machine to 1333 W. College Me. STORAGE STUDENT trunks and per- sonai affects; pick-up and delivery Pen , Ice. Shoemaker Bros. Phone AD 8.67151.
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