PAGE EIGHT Gibson Receives Zaharias Trophy as Top Woman Star NEW YORK (k 3) Tennis champion Althea Gibson yes terday was formally awarded the Babe Didrikson Zaharias Trophy as the 1957 "woman athlete of the year." "This is the greatest honor of my life," the 30-year-old Harlem girl said as she took the giant silver bowl and a smaller replica from the donor, George Zaharias. The larger trophy, almost as laige as the Davis Cup, is for Althea's possession until it is awarded to someone else. The smaller version is hers for keeps. The trophy is awarded an nually on the basis of the Asso ciated Press poll. The fabulous Babe, one of the world's all lime great athletes, won the honor six times before her death from cancer in Septem ber, 1956. "The Babe asked me to set up a trophy for the outstanding wo man athlete," Zaharias, bull shouldered onetime wrestler, said. "I think she would have been very proud of Althea and also Pat McCormick, who won last year." "What makes this such an outstanding honor is that it doesn't represent one sport but all sports," Miss Gibson said. "I hope I may be able to win • \ /` . • . '... *. - ...: ......... - '.. .... -. :, .. • \ - : .... , ' .• ~, . . . ... . . . . . .. , . . . . . .. . . . . -.. - • . .. .-., . .. • • . . .. _ .. ... . . . ... .. , ... ••• .. . '• .. . ... '...•' ,'-, .. . . .• • • .. . .-. ...., . . . . . .. . . • . ' .. .. '• ~-..- . .. . .. ... „ _ .. ~ . . . -• . • .. . . . , . ~........ . '-. .., • , -- • - - ~ . . . - ... ...... .„ '' • ..., ~• . ': ,• ' • 7; :: •-• . • • • . ' ' .• . . • . ,-_ ... . - • • • . • . . •,. , . .. • - . • . . ~. .... ._, „ . ~.. , , .. .. , . . ~. , . ' r. - • • ' • •• .. ~ ', • •.'' . •. '. Pr- WHAT HAPPENS WHE A BANK OFFICIAL IS DEPRIVED OF His LUCKIES (SEE PARAGRAPH AT RIGHT) CIGARETYES LIGHT UP A *j. r. "9 if again although I'm afraid my new career may interfere somewhat." Althea's other career is singing. A stuuent of voice for many months, she will make her tele vision debut on the Ed Sullivan show next Sunday night. Netmen-- (Continued front page seven) continued its torrid pace. Trust and Questa dropped their first set to the Middies' duo of Dick Hanson and Johnson, 2-6. The Lions regained their form to win ,in second set, 6-4, but faltered lin the third tilt, 3-6. In the second doubles tussle, lJim Adkins and Stamp Howard ,won in straight sets, 6-2, 6-1, lover Flick and Bibleheimer. 1 In the final set of the day, 1 Royer and Jacobs gave mo mentary hope of at least one win, when they won the second set, 6-4, after losing 3.6 to Navy's Charles Baker and Harry Bike. But the powerful i Middies regained their form, winning the final set of the day, 6-1. 1 The Lions will have a day off lbefore they invade traditional rival Pitt at Pittsburgh Friday. !The Lions now have a 4-6 slate. BANK ROBBERS often try to get rich through no vault of their own. So often, in fact, that bank officials rarely get rattled by ordinary hold-ups. But sometimes the gangsters go too far. Sometimes (Curses!) they lift the officials' Luckies! That dastardly act is bound to cause real Banker Rancor! Why? Simple. Every Lucky (You can bank on this!) tastes like a million bucks. Every Lucky is made of fine tobacco . naturally light, good-tasting tobacco, toasted to taste even better. But don't accept our account—check it yourself. Get Luckies right now! TIME'S RUN NING OUT! Better get your Sticklers in fastl (You haven't lived if you haven't Stickled!) Sticklers are sim ple riddles with two-word rhyming answers. Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do drawings.) Send stacks of 'em with your name, ad dress, college ,and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mt. Vernon, N. Y. li:ght SMOKE-LIGHT UP A LUCKY! THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ADS MUST BE IN BY II:40 L. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES—I 7 words or less* $4.00 Ono insertion $0.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Three insertions Additional words 3 for .05 for each do, of Insertion ==l MG TD 1963 black ; red bucket seats. chrome isire wheels, complete Mark II engine. Perfect. Harry Jones AD 7.7121. MO FORD V-8 overdrive, etc. Must sacrifice. partner ship dissolvinic--$125 cash. Call AD 8-0835. 29-FOOT 1964 VINDALE Trailer. birch: interior 20x8; awning included. Call AD 8-1216. TUXEDO—double breasted, size 37. ex. nandable to 38. Also white dinner jacket, size 37, $l5, AD 8-1198. 31.-FOOT TRAILER: one bedroom. porch, awning, T.V. Hatton Trailer Park, No. 50 Call AD 8-8176 after 6 p.m. GIRL'S BLAZER. Eton Britisher, navy trimmed in white. size lu: excellent condition-41795 value for 510. Est. 14513. REFRIGERATOR, KELVINATOR. SO ft. wide. Available May 29, excellent con dition—SWlM Call evenings AD 1953 ANDERSON 36-foot one bedroom .trailer, exceptionally fine conelition, many extras. Call AD 7.26.91. NITTANY LION Statuettes, exact replicas of Lion Shrine. 81 2 " lone, 4V . high— Will mail anywhere. Also Penn State chairs: Armchair $27.50; Thainback ( - mnim) style ‘16.00. 'Shipped espzeis collect from maker. Sold exelm,Nely by Penn State Alumni Aasoc, 104 Old Main. POLISHED ALUMINUM valve coves and' ratite plate for your Che% roiet in line 6. E4O new. am selling for 120. Call Grorge AD 8-04$8. AIR FORCE ROTC gradustes—s4htly used uniforms for someone 6'6". T. Class A blue. Class A suntan and Class B summer. Phone AD 7-7246. EVELYN JYLKKA, U OE MASS HOMY SCHAEFER, SCO(Ch S u 'okh RUTGERS rz hOdud 2, vzixo_et r a 7 veruceviS our middle name COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE radio. heater. WHAT IS A DISAGREEMENT BETWEEN INSECTS? Gnat Spat WHATIS A PLAID SAMPLE? FOR SALE MOTOR DIKE. Call Larry. AD 7-2737 LANDOLA DELUXE Trailer, floureacent lighting, outside awnings, excellent, con• dition—s2Boo. Call AD 8.0185. 1051 'DODGE. excellent condition-5150 Call AD 7-2114 between 6 and 8 p.m. WEATERS FM Pickup with diamond atilus. $56. Metzner -Starlight turntable— s4s. Used vett, little, will sell both base for 195. Call Wilson Ralston ext. 3070. 1953 DODGE Coronet 4-door-9275. See Dave at 419 W. College Ave. APARTMENT-SIZE ELECTRIC range, 4- burner; apartment-size refugerator, 7 cubic foot. Call AD 8-9656. NASHUA TRAILER, 1955, 35-fect, good condition. Call AD 8-6007 after 5:15 p.m. CALL ABRAMSON'S auto wrecking AD 8-6252. Fine used ears and trucks for salvage and resale. .111.111.11. FOR RENT TWO ROOMS. private bath, suitable fur 2 or 3 student'. Available summer and fall sessions. Phone Al) 8-8206. FURNISHED 2-bedroom apartment. Pre fer male students. Available June 15 to Sept. Call AD 5-6552. -._ -- ROOMS FOR 'summer sessions at low summer rates.. Call AD 8-81.55. 24-FOOT, 2 bedroom trailer. Available June 4. Fne minutes from campus. AD S-4191 or 40 Hilltop Trailer Park. UNILTRWISEIED APARTMENT, third flour, $45 per month. 121 N. Patterson St- Available in June. Call AD 8-9634. APARTMENT TO let for summer—Metz ger Bldg. Call AD 8-001 S. APARTNIENT FOR rent. One-half block from campus. Two rooms. bath. kitchen fectlitiee. A , ailable June 1. Call AD 8-OSIO. AE'ARTILENT—two rooms, unfurnished prate itth. first floor. 228 S. Allen Call AD S-to±:fii after rise. WHAT 15 A SPANISH 50TTLE? Basque Flask JOE JORDAN. WASHBURN U WHAT IS A SARCASTIC NEWLYWED? Snide Bride WAN RAPSON. GEORGE WASHINGTON U WHAT IS A PHONY SHELLFISH? V V 4t41. JANETTE WITKOWSKI. Shorn Clam WASHINGTON STATE COLL. THURSDAY. MAY 22. 1958 I ~ / ~~ FOR RENT ROOMS FOR summer school. Fi Lambda Phi, Fa S. Pugh Street. Coutaet Bill or Dave AD 8-9185. $4.00 a week—all summer. TWO-MAN ROOM for ',summer or next fall. No. 41 Metzgers Building. Inquire after 7 Dan. METZGER BLDG. modern, furnished, completely redecorated apartment for 2. June only. Call between G and 7 AD 8-1141. SINGLE ROOM first floor beside bath, near campus. Available summer, entire year. Male graduates preferred. AD 7-26C5. TWO-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, first floor, utilities included. Suitable for two male graduate students. AD i-2C66. SUMMER RENTAL—comfortable bachelor apartment for 3 to 5 men. Built-in furniture, knotty pine finish. Private bath, Phone, electric refrigerator. Reasonable rent. 230 S. Frazier Street. AD 7-2065. 2-MAN Apartment for summer only, foe. niched room and bath $4O per month. Call Tony or Jack AD 13-0396. CALL NOW to see AD 8-0743. Three. room ftirnished apartment. 118 East College Ave., opposite Old Main. Large closets, large bathroom with shower and tub, all-electric kitchen. Recently painted. Rent S9O per month. Ideal for young married couple. Available Tune. ROOMS FOR all summer sessions close to campus. 213 S. Pugh St. TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment. Modern kitchen. tile bath. living room with stone fireplace, new modern furni ture. Available June 7. Call AD 7-7338 between 1 and 9 p.m. ROOMS FOR all summer aesaiona, dot* to campus. 243 S. Pugh St. ROOM AND Board at Alpha Zeta frater. nity. Inter-sessions and main summer cessions. Board on fire-day week basis. For information call Mrs. Alice Branded' AD 7-701. LOST SHOWN SPIRAL Notebook for Ay Rio Chem 417. Need for grade. Finder please call Os at AD 7.2369. LEFT IN dining hall West Halls—raineii;i MonJAY. Rev,ard. Please return. ,Ext. :1171, John. ALLIGATOR RAINCOAT In .o , mond near Room 112. If found please call ext. 324 R. Any help in finding will be appreciated. 5-INCH PLASTIC KeCE slide rule lost irt 223 MI. Finder please call Geuige at AD 8-0488. ARMY ROTC cap between McKee Hall and supply depot. If found call Neal ext. STN. WILL PERSON who took treneheos.t out. side 320 Roueke on Mon., May 19 be. tvveen 10 and 11, please return? on label. Call Warren, ext. 3222. TAN JACKET lost in Rnoni 1 Sparks Thum 15. Call Neil at AD 7-26151. JACKET LEFT in person's car Alho gate me ride from Port Matilda to Philips- Ing Sat. afternoon. Cal) Ron AD 7-2728. BROWN-RIMMED GLASSES. No ease— Friday. May 9, Ree Dall-West Hall area. Call Barb ext. 221. LIGHT BLUE Penn State 'notebook. Need for finals. Please call ext. 290. LOST AT Whipple% Sunday—red-Meek Zenith portable radio. Reward. Call Fred ext. 291. KEYS SOMEWHERE on campus last week. Plastic tab on chain m ith photo studio advertisement. Reward. Call Bob Thompson AD 1.4939. FOUND SET OF car key's, east side of Library. License F 52-961. Cat! AD 7-9110. WANTED BOY'S BIKE to rent for summer or It renionable may buy. Call Vie AD 7.211€8. RIDE TO Verona, Pa., with Ina - wave, on or about Memorial Day. Will pay $l5. Call George eat. 2978. RIDERS WANTED from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia" or vicinity any weekend this mummer. Call Nancy ext. 15284. YOUR OLD Car or truck regardless of age or condition for sal% age. Phone EL 5-6872. RIDERS FOR Boulder and Denver, Colo 'ado June 8, Call Bob Curry AD 7-2637. RIDERS TO Denver, Colorado. atone Paris or points between. Leaving June 7 or June 8. Bob Shiarella AD 84144. - - - RIDER(S) - TO Peoria, ' ill. or vicinity. Leave May 29 late afternoon, returning before ' graduation. Call Pete Fiabburn AD 7-1326. • PART-TIME secretary fot 'University de partment (10 hours a week for Inter, main and post•session. Good typist. Write Philosophy department. YOUNG MAN or woman to accompany faculty member to Washington. D.C. for summer as governess of 2 children aged 5 and 7%. Room, board; ClOO.OO and possible bonus. Trips with children to Museums, parks, zoo and beaches. faculty reference requested. Call AD 7-4144 after nouns, evenings or Sunday. FART TIME and temporary summer Robs available by the Hundreds at Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Send $l.OO for corn. plete Hat and instructions for applying. Spotlite Job List. Room 36, Haddington Bldg., Norfolk. Va. TEACHER, WIFE and child with to aub. let 3.4 room unit in Eaatview Terrace for July and Ault. Reference available. G. L. Kramer, 18 Perine St., Dam!! N.Y. MISCELLANEOUS UPPERCLASS WOMEN hare . you given your Gym Suits to Cwens? STORAGE STUDENT trunks and personal affects. Pick-up and delivery service. Shoemaker Bros. Phone AD 8-6751. irs HASSINGER for racket stringins the No-Awl way Latest factory equip. went, prompt service. guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. University Tennis Service. 514 Beaver Ave. aftea 5 p.m. LOCAL REPAIR Service oft an wakes a trt:Wwritere: WI will call for and &dim
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