PAGE EIGHT 60 Selected For Honors In May Day Sixty senior women have ae cepted invitations from the Wo men's Student Government Asso ciation to participate in Honor Arch and Evergreen Chain in this year's May Day processional. The 20 senior women in Honor Arch were chosen for scholarship and outstanding service to the University. They are Suzanne Ai ken, Grace Antes, Beau Barnes, Marion Beatty, Mary Conrad, Donna Cramer, Janet Davidson, Joyce Fullerton, Maureen Funk, Gail Gilman, LynnßuthGlassburn, Mary Mertz Harrison, Sally Haw kins, Carol Lynne Jones, Virginia Mench, Anne Nitrauer Myrna Paynter, Sondra Peters, Marilyn Roberts and Nancy Siftar. Those 40 senior women chosen for Evergreen Chain, formerly Hemlock Chain, are also chosen for service to the University. They are Robert Armstrong, Joanne Be &Mc, Barbara Bollinger, Carol Braun, Rita Brown, Jane Carson, Rita Cofsky, Helen Cummings, Patricia Early, Phoebe Felk, Ann Francis, Judy Goodrich, Sandra Gncky. Leonore Hamilton, Eliza beth flamed Jean Hartley, Mary Lou Hurley, Rosemary Keating, Sally Jean Kilmer, Joan Kreider, Molly Lockwood, Ann Lutz, Mimi Lyon, Joan MacKenzie, Joanna Mason, Elizabeth Marvin, Ann McKnight, Patricia Miernicki, Pa tricia Moran, Mary Moore Neel, Joyce Pfeiffer, Mary Ann Raup, 13.irbara Rittenhouse, Phyllis Rub enstein, Mary Ette Shuey, Leslie Shultz, Linda Solita. Mary Ellen Sterbutzel, Lynn Stollmeyer, Car ol Turner, The May Day procession will he held at 3:30 p.m. May 10 in front of Old Main. Cryder Awarded Medal Paul Cryder, junior in business administration from State College, has been presented the Pi Gamma Mu, social science honor society. medal for having the highest scholastic average in the social sciences. , -: • • , •:•:-.-:‘, , ...,::..,5,,..,,- - .......".---.--. --•-• gupr s a,ww i sioN‘ ' • ‘.....: ‘. :. . ~ , ......,. ~. .: - : , :. , • • .. • , , . . . „ . ~ ifiODUCTIONSTERSEI47B.• > ,tr,"::6-11, , ... , .. . . . , • , . .... • .. -,:•.:-......: , —.., , ~....:....,., ~,.. '..-:•-• ..,....'2,.. - . -,...' . ..5 , ..-....-2.',..., .'...,....,;.. ~..-„--,:-..,......,„ ,:•:,, 4...!'"'k: :;e's's : „ : .4- - - ... From the novel 2 Students Discuss Fraternities on TV The University fraternity sys tem was discussed during a 10- minute program televised by WFBG-TV, Altoona, from 9:50 to 10 a.m. Monday morning. Dean of Men Frank J. Simes played host to the program • and discussed the values of fratern.ity life and its purposes on campus with Edward Hintz, Interfrater nity Council president, and Rich ard Christian, IFC secretary-treas urer. The program featured the work done by the ' fraternities during the recent Greek Week festivities, and especially the work of Work Projects Day, SENIORS AND GRADUATE STUDENTS IN ENGINEERING The Douglas Aircraft Company INVITES YOU TO ON-CAMPUS INTERVIEWS April 30, May I, 1958 Find out about the interesting positions, assistance in furthering your education and outstanding promo tion opportunities with the world's largest manufac turer of aircraft and missiles. Get facts on living conditions, research facilities and opportunities to advance professionally at the various Douglas locations. Reserve your career decision until you have talked with the Douglas representative. It may be the most important interview of your life. SEE YOUR DIRECTOR OF PLACEMENT FOR YOUR INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT WHO WILL FREE OUR COUNTRY FROM THE TERRIBLE .) DRAGON ? / \--------- 5:....;,,, re:e , t . ' - '‘; GADZOOIeS,M2ORO- A CRIISH-P/Wir THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Civil Eng Society To Hold Banquet The Penn State chapter of the American Society of Civil Engi neers will hold its annual banquet at 6:30 tonight at the Nittany Lion Inn. Tickets cost $2.75 and can be purchased from an ASCE mem ber or officer. Samuel P. Bayard, associate professor of English composition, is the scheduled speaker. His topic will be "Ancient Folklore and Customs." Hillel to Elect Officers Elections for the Hillel Founda tion executive committee and gov erning board for the 1958-1959 academic year will be held May 5 to 7. WINSTON 1 11 TASTES GOOD •11 • + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE MG TD 1963 ; 4,000 miles on overhauled engine. New black paint, all extras. Sharp AD 7-2602, Kent Pinkerton. 1947 OLDSMOBILE eigh cylinder. good condition, thre new tires, many other new parts. Reasonably priced. Call AD 7-7514. COCKER SPANIEL puppy; black, female, AKC registereds3o. A perfect gift for someone special. Call AD R-8148 evenings. HI-FI CONSOLE. custom built. mahogany. AM and FM plus four speaketa. ext. 4249. CONVERTIBLE, '49 Pontiac 8, R&H, Hyd.—s26o. Write Jobn O'Connor, Cen tre Hell It D. 1930 MODEL A Ford Pick-up. Good run ning condition and inspected. Call Frank Peiffer ext. 287 Mittany 27. LONDON FOG jacket, size 40, brand new, coat $l5, selling for $l2 ; need cash. Bob King ext. 3380. CALL ABRAMSON'S auto wrecking AD 8-6237 Fine used cars and trucks for salvage and resale. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT-2 rooms plus kitchen, bath; excellent location. Avail able June 1 to Sept. 10. CAA AD 1-0284. TWO ROOM apartment, all utilities fur nished, one block from campus. AD 7.2172 after 5 p.m. FOUR ROOM unfurnished apartment, College Ave. opposite Hub. Present fur nishings for sale. Call AD 8-0335. REDUCED RATES ($350 to $5OO double) for all summer sessions at Marilyn Hnll, 317 E. Beaver Avenue, State College, Penna. Reaervations being taken now. Dial AD 8.6773. FURNISHED APARTMENT from June to September. four rooms and bath— sCo.oo per month. Call ELgin 5-3448. ROOMS FOR all summer sessions, close to campus. 24.3 S. Pugh St. MAKE YOUR boarding and rooming remer- vations for next year at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Denver Avenue. Agriculture, Chem istry, Engineering and other students who are interested in maintaining study hours preferred. Call AD 8-6773 for additional information. THREE-MAN FURNISHED apartment: 3 rooms and bath available June through August. Contact Metzger Bldg.. Apt 35 or call AD 13-o'lB6. LOST 1997 ALTOONA High School ring in 210 Sackett last Monday. Reward for re turn. Call ext. 2029. WOMAN'S TRENCHCOAT in White Hall on Monday. Cali AD 7.4485 evenings. WILL PERSON who mistakenly took charcoal jacket heloning to F.C.E. Satur day between 10 and 11 outside 312 Sparks please return it to the rack. PICKED UP five students on Route 322 and drove to Altoona. Who has my roommate's .iacket with a film in it. Schirmacher ext. 287. LIKE A WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1958 LOST MAN'S GOLD Hillock writawatch. L3O 1956 on back. Call Larry AD 74468. NAVY BLUE blazer with PSU emblem on pocket. Please return, mgently needed. Call Sandy ext. 43. LOST IN Boucke—blue denim jacket. glasses in pocket. Please at least return glasses. Turn in at HUB desk. PENN STATE jacket in front of Sle Doucke. Contact Mike at AD 8-9000. Reward. RAINCOAT TAKEN from outside Nadi Mechanics room in White Hall on Tues day April 21. Call 1464 J, Verma. STRIPED JACKET lost in front of 213 Boucke. Call Steve Milner ext. 2131. CLOTHES BAG lost on College Ate. near Corner Room contains man's sport clothes. Call EL 5-9225. DEITZGEN SLIDE gule In HUB April 28 at noon. If found cell Bruce AD 7-2266. Reward. WANTED IF PERSON who had Doeling 29 for sale still has and H ants to gall call Frank ext. 3392. UNFURNISHED THREE or four room apartment starting August 1 for couple. Call Paul AD 7-7118 between 7.9 p.m. UNIVERSITY EMPLOYE desires typing to do at home. Prompt. seenrate work at reasonable rates: Phone EL 64608 after 6:00 pm. or anytime weekends. IdARRIED COUPLE to manage rimming club during summer sessions in ex change for furnished room And cooking privileges. Write PO Box 142 for ad ditional information. COUPLE DESIRE furnished apartment, thre.• rooms plus bath. Starting mid. June. Call John AI) 7-7241 after six. MISCELLANEOUS WAN TMORE mileage out of your food dollar. See IFC-P.A. We lime to be honest—we'll atilt be here when the cam plaints come m. DADDY WHERE are you? Signed: Etey, Petey, and Metey. DUE TO booking error. drummer in free for combo work Spring 'Weekend. Phone Dick ext. 3249. HAVE FUN Spring Week. Remember The Candy Cane for extra good candy, nuta, party snacks and gifts. The Candy Cane, 128 West College Avenue. DON SMALTZ still accepting bookings for spring semester. Call AD E-001S. WHAT IS Wyatt Earp's secret? See the 'Alpha Xi Delta• Delta Sigma Phi booth April 29. IT'S HASSINCER for raeket stringinS the No-Awl way. Latest factory equip. ment. prompt service. guaranteed work. Langer life to string and racket. University Tennis Service. 814 Beaver Ave. after 6 p.m. LOCAL REPAIR Service on all makes of typewriters. We will call for and deliver rour typewriter. Nittany Office Equipment. AD R 4121
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