PAGE EIGHT 'Miss PSU' Preliminaries To Begin Preliminary judging for Miss bert K. Kistler, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Penn State will be held from r Flynn, William Kahn and Jack 6•30 to 10 p.m. tonight in the' Harper. Alumni Office in 104 Old Main.i The interview schedule is as Thirty-one groups have en-;follows: tered contestants and each groupl Annette Agner, Chi Omega and will receive one Spring Week !Alpha Sigma Phi, 6:40; Elaine point. Five finalrts will be chosen:Badey, Beta Sigma Omicron and tonight, and the final judging will!Triang,le. 6:45; Marilyn Cole, Phi take place at 7 p.m. on May 1 inlEpsdon Pi and Upper Class hide- Recreation Hall.lpendent Women, 6:50; Ellen Don . _ The sponsors of Miss Penn State, will receive 15 Spring Week' points, and the four runners-up will receive 8 points. Contestants will be judged poise, speech, carriage, personal-i ity, attractiveness and grooming.l Dress will be informal with heels.l Judges are Peter J. Nastase, Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Porter, Mr.! and Mrs. Richard C. Fedon, Ro-1 CHESTER FIEL othing satisfies like the BIG CLEAN TASTE OF ovan, Kappa Kappa Gamma and Sigma Nu, 6:55; Bonnie Doolittle, Delta Gamma and Phi Kappa Sigma, 7:00; Patricia Evans, Sig ma Alpha Mu and Phi Kappa, 7:05; Roshelle Frishman, Sigma Delta Tau and Pi Kappa Phi, 7:10; Valerie Gneiser, Pl,i Kappa Tau ;and Lambda Chi Alpha, 7:15; Syl !via Guyer, Zeta Tau Alpha and Tau Kappa Epsilon, 7:20; Suzanne THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Hansen, Phi Gamma Delta, 7:25; Bonnie Jones, Alpha Xi Delta and Delta Sigma Phi, 7:30;* Sybil Kersh, Kappa Alpha Theta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 7:35; Doro thy Lentz, Alpha Zeta, 7:40; Theo dora Losanno, Phi Mu and Alpha Gamma Rho, 7:45; Susan Mam blen, Alpha Epsilon Phi and Phi Sigma Delta, 7:50; Paula Miller, Beta Sigma Rho and Atherton, 7:55; Kay Noonan, Theta Phi Al pha and Theta Kappa Phi, 8:10; GRADUATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION IS SPONSORING A Free Graduate Semi-Formal DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 18 9 to 12 Music by The Melody Men HETZEL UNION BUILDING --- Free Refreshments --- , • ti Zl. ~:: ' ' • MEE TOP-TOBACCO REGULAR KING MEN OF AMERICA: MISSILE ENGINEER Missile blasting off And climbing hlgbi Jet trail blazing bright Against the skyl Where they fire missiles. You'll find a man Stops to take big pleasure 'When and where he can ... `). CHESTERFIELD Live.action shot—White Sands "roving Grounds, New Mexico Virginia Ottinger, Alpha Omicron Pi and Chi Phi, 8:15; Janet Ours, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Mac A llister, 8:20; Patricia Peterson, Al pha Chi Rho, 8:25; Lois Piercy, Alpha Kappa Lambda, 8:30; Ce cily Quayle, Pyrose and Beaver I House, 8:35; Barbara Ray, Kappa Delta and Alpha Chi Sigma, 8:40; Linda Riggle, Alpha Phi and The ta Delta Chi, 8:45; Penelope Ro bey, Delta Delta Delta and Phi Delta Theta, 8:50; Beverly Rogers, Alpha Gamma Delta and Delta Upsilon, 8:55; Jacqueline Sando, Gamma Phi Beta and Theta Chi, 9:00; Kathryn Stauffer, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Theta Xi, 9:05; • )11 'l4 • "vou. • 4:sa • •i {tea TES I t~ h * WT.411 11,114 c, 0 CA TUESDAY, APRIL 15. 1958 Ruth Steinberg, Phi Sigma Sigma and Zeta Beta Tau, 9:10; Inger Trost, Pi Beta Phi and Sigma Chi, 9:15; Joanne Wrigley, Delta Zeta, 9:20. 111 MUI E . I ' I II IS N G CLASSIFIED ADS MOST BE IN BY 11:00 cni. THE PRECEDING DAY RATES—I 7 words or less: 00.50 One Insertion $0.75 Two Insertions $l.OO Three insertion, Additional words I for .05 for each day of insertion FOR SALE BLOND MAHOGANY table Hi-Ft art, practically new. Phone Steve ext. 3382. Best offer over $B5. VIKING PORTABLE tape recoider. year old. light use, condition excellent. re sponle perfect. Best offer over 3100. AD 8-8123. '53 CHEVROLET 2-door; e•cellent con. dition. Call Jack Kendall AD 7-4444. GOLF CLUBS—three woods. five hone, bag and cart. Excellent condition—EGO. Phone AD 7-7140, 217 W. Perk AA e. •.or Soo vro V • FOR RENT TWO GIRLS to share apartment starting June lat.—walking distance to campus, Gall AD 7-7989 after 6 p.m. FIRST FLOOR apai tment available in June; block and one-half from main gate. Rrange and refrigerator furnished. One person or married eouple with no children preferred. Call AD 8.8826 DOUBLE ROOM for two male etudenta. S. Atherton St. near Electric Diner. 85.01) each per neek. Phone AD 74212. - ------- --- ONE-HALF LARGE double room near cam pus at 519 VI. College Ave. $6.00 per week. Phone AD 7-7212. FURNISHED—Metzger efficiency apart. ment for rent; doge to cammis bath. room, kitchenette, Cell Dirk AD '7-7095. ROOM FOR one male student. Availabro now—pleasant. 340 E. Prospect, phone AD 7.7852, PUNCHING BAG. black. left In I;ekeTr . Rec Hall on Friday night. Reward. Call Paul ext. 2866. FROTH CIRCULATION meeting will be held today at 6:16 p.m. Candidates must attend. MAN'S WATCH with leather strap lost Wednesday between Shortlidge Reed and Atherton. Inscription on back. Ext. 115. FOUND FOUND: WRIST watch April 12 on earn. pua. Owner may claim by identifying. Call AD 7.4661 after five. • ...... •••• 4111 W ANTED FROTH CIRCULATION meetingwill ha held today at 6:16 p.m. in the HUB auditorium. Candidates must attend. RIDER TO share drhimr. 7-8 reeks return tour to West Coast from end of seiner.. ter. Party of 3. Call French AD 7-29/55 after 6 p.m. YOUR OLD ear of tauck regardlesa of Hue or condition for salvage. Phone Al) 8-G622. STUDENTS WORK 2 or more evening; of your choke. Earn 'up to 81.50 per hour setting pins: steady part time guaranteed business and straight pay. Inquire Dux Club, 128 S. Pugh St., State College. ONE OF America's leading collegiate men's apparel manufacturers reunites "on. campus" agents. Prefer students entering sophomore or junior sear, fall semester. 1958. Excellent financial remunerati'e opportunity. Earnings in keeping with sour winningness to work. Write Box 291, Camp 11111, Penna., giving brief resume of sour collegiate activities. WANTED TO rent woman's bicycle for remninder of semester. Call Barb ext. 1455 J. DELIVERY MAN-8 p.m. to 11 p.m. six nights a week. See Mr. Dashbach, Nit tany Dell, 400 E College Ave. MISCELLANEOUS FROTH CIRCULATION meeting A 4 MTh; held today at 6:16 p.m. in the HUB Auditorium. Candidates must attend. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIED Ad meetinv -6 :30 p in.. Wednesday. April 16. 1955, Collegian office. All thoa' who do not attend are to be dropped from the staff. No excuses will be tolm Med. PINT SIZE pie pitchin' panty waists plus problem plagued panel. ULTRA SMART chemise? Casual Ber mudas? Dave them expertly tailored from materials of your choice for con siderably less than. store prices. Call AD 8-8256. H, Tarring, R. Puckett, J. Billingsley, D. Tillack, A. Boughton send their greet. infra to the Tekes at R.P.I. Troy, New York. FOR REPORT and thesis typing phone AD 8-0238. HAVE YOUR head examined. Does your girl complain of whisker burns? See our expert shaver doctor for repair—all makes. Need new shaver? Trade-ins ac. cepted. Specials OM. See new fieminkten Rolloelectric. Electric Supply, 216 S. Allen. AD 7-2062. EXPERIENCED TYPIST desires typing of term papers. reports, etc. Fast, rea sonable service. Dial AD 8-6943 after 5. IT'S HASSINGER for — racket stringing the No-Awl way. Latest factory equip ment, prompt service, guaranteed work. Longer life to string and racket. University Tennis Service, 614 Beaver Ave. after 6 p.m. LOCAL REPAIR Service on at) maker of breathers. We will call for and deliver Four typewriter. Nitta°, Office Equipment. AD S4I2L
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